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Electric car charging stations may come to all five NYC boroughs under Queens councilman’s bill

Guest Nicole

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Guest Nicole

A Queens councilman will introduce a bill to require the city to start installing electric car charging stations in parking spaces around the five boroughs.

Democrat Costa Constantinides's legislation would mandate that the Department of Transportation launch a four-year pilot program with up to 35 curbside charging stations citywide.

"Obviously we're trying to get people out of cars first," Constantinides said. "But for those who still do purchase cars — and I drive a car myself — you want to go green ... If there's no infrastructure, there's no way to plug in, it's not going to be an option for you. You're not going to make that choice even if you want to make that choice."

Under the legislation, which will be introduced Tuesday, the city would have to install two to seven stations in each borough and list their locations online. Officials would also have to report on how much the stations were used.

Constantinides said the city has done a good job converting part of the city fleet to electric, but for private citizens driving an electric car is still tough.

"We want to make it easier. We want to make going green as simple as traditional," he said.

Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/electric-car-charging-stations-boroughs-article-1.2569607


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