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Is Unfailing Love Possible? – ❤️?❤️?❤️

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Is Unfailing Love Possible?


Even when King Solomon was alive, true love was not common. Why? Solomon explained: “One upright man out of a thousand I found, but a woman among them I have not found. This alone I have found: The true God made mankind upright, but they have sought out many schemes.” (Ecclesiastes 7:26-29, Immoral foreign women who worshipped Baal were living among the Israelites. As a result, many Israelite men and women had also become immoral.* (See footnote.) But about 20 years earlier, King Solomon wrote a poem about a man and a woman who were truly in love. Whether we are married or not, the Song of Solomon can help us to understand what true love is and how we can show it.


Read Song of Solomon 8:6. Love is described as “the flame of Jah.” Why? Because Jehovah’s greatest quality is love, and he created us with the ability to imitate his love. (Genesis 1:26, 27) After Jehovah created the first man, Adam, he gave him a beautiful wife. When Adam saw Eve for the first time, he felt so happy that he just had to describe how he felt about her. Eve also felt very close to her husband. After all, Jehovah had created Eve from Adam. (Genesis 2:21-23) From the beginning, Jehovah made it possible for a man and a woman to have true and lasting love for each other.


The Song of Solomon beautifully describes the love that a man and woman can have for each other. The song is about the love between a country girl from the village of Shunem, or Shulem, and a young shepherd. This is their story: The girl was working in her brothers’ vineyards close to where King Solomon and his soldiers were camped. He noticed the girl and ordered his servants to bring her into the camp. Then he told her how beautiful she was and offered her many gifts. But the girl was in love with a shepherd and insisted that she wanted to be with him. (Song of Solomon 1:4-14) The shepherd looked for her and went into the camp. When he found her, they expressed their love for each other with beautiful words.—Song of Solomon 1:15–17.


When Solomon returned to Jerusalem, he took the young woman with him, and the shepherd followed her. (Song of Solomon 4:1-5, 8, 9) Nothing that Solomon said or did could change the girl’s love for the shepherd. (Song of Solomon 6:4-7; 7:1-10) So Solomon let the girl go back home. Finally, the Shulammite called to her dear one to come running to her “like a gazelle.”—Song of Solomon 8:14.


The Song of Solomon is a beautiful song. In fact, it has been called “the song of songs.” (Song of Solomon 1:1) But in the song, Solomon did not include the names of the characters when they were speaking. He wanted the beauty of poetry and song to stand out instead of adding many details. Even though the song does not include names, it is still possible to know which character is speaking by what he or she says.*


If you would like to be married, look for someone you can truly love. When you find that person, work together to keep your love for each other strong. As we learned from the Song of Solomon, true and lasting love is possible, for it is “the flame of Jah.”—Song of Solomon 8:6.


"A mere saffron of the coastal plain I am, a lily of the low plains."—(Song of Sol. 2:1)

“Place me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; because love is as strong as death is, insistence on exclusive devotion is as unyielding as Sheol is. Its glazings are the glazings of a fire, the flame of Jah [for it is from him]."

(Song of Sol. 8:6) 



  • Unfailing love: Love that lasts and stays strong. This love grows because it is loyal and unselfish
  • Expressions of affection: Different ways you show someone that you love him or her. For example, a husband and wife may say things that make each other feel loved. Couples express their affection in ways that show they deeply respect each other



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