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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. You opened interesting subject. Single book or letter, that was later collected, making each and separate context. Content of each of them speaking about specific things. Connecting historical events that each and separate book describing, can bring some wider picture about events and persons involved. Human influence was involved in collecting and choosing. If we can make general agreement how SOME books and letters from the past period of time that was created in particular part of Earth, are inspired, we have NOT proof for claim, how collecting and choosing particular books and letters are under inspiration of same holy spirit. We can believe it is. WHY and HOW? WT Society teaching for a long time is, how God stopped to inspire people with holy spirit, even own servants in 1 century. In 1 century. When people started to collect OT books? Who was "inspired" to collect Hebrew writings in a format we have it today? When people started to collect NT writings? Who was "inspired" to collect Greek writings in a format we have it today? Context of each old writings is at first, context for itself. When people started to connect OT and NT writings in one "context", did they been "inspired" for such work? If they are, than WT Society wrongly claiming how influence of holy spirit stopped in 1 century. We would "expect" how "inspiration, guiding by holy spirit" is needed for such important, vitally important task. What we know is how Pope and bishops in Catholic church done that later on Council of Nicea in A.D. 325 and the First Council of Constantinople in A.D. 381, which decided what should be included in the Bible, after few decades of debates. WT Society explaining how JHVH is guardian of his Word and how He made influence on what will be chosen as His Word. Can we conclude how Pope and bishops were "inspired" or at least "guided by spirit" when doing that? If yes, what is difference when GB claim today how they are also "guided by spirit"? When we say how we must using "Bible context" to understand Bible, is not that self limiting? Because Bible text was primarily made inside historical context of time and people lived before. Our time and people making new sort of context. For example, blood ban have today very different context than that in days when it was written about. In this issue Bible context didn't bring any explanation or future ban about medical technology and using of blood in this context. Because, primarily Bible context was - not to eat blood as a food. Blood is not a food. This is first and perhaps only Bible context. What GB done about "blood context" is visible in very strange explanations about medico-religious using of "main components of blood" and "blood fractions". It seem how they agree with my idea of not to be self limiting when we talking about "Bible context" :))). But please, how this medical, scientific understanding about blood contributing to religious part of "Bible context"?
  2. I think how something is wrong, confusing here. WT Society and GB using Bible verses how spiritual "evolution" is something what took place from 1919, when FDS and later GB start to "multiplicate knowledge". This multiplications and clarifications and changes of doctrines happening because light getting brighter (??!!). This is sort of evidence, how "spiritual improving (animal) human" going against original fall of perfection described in Bible. :)) ...The Bible presents modern man as the degenerating descendant of a perfect man.” According to WT standpoint, modern JW members not degenerating (spiritually) as descendants of Adam and Eve but all other human today does. Maybe JW's are under physical/body degeneration as all other human. But in sense of religiosity, spirituality and conscience and mental health, as i can read from your and WT context, JW members are nearest to idea of Evolution that speaking of "improving animal". :)) What is true? How WT JWorg and GB ("top-down" system) are closest to Evolution presents or to Bible presents ?
  3. When G. Jackson explained before ARC how every JW in the World has own Bible and individual power for understanding/reasoning, which allowed him/her to not listen and obey what GB released, thought in printed way, video way or e-way, because that somehow contradict to his/her understanding/conscience..... does he talking about great and/or small matters or he speaking about some other sort of valuation about things/subjects that coming from GB?? "Causing contentions". Do you have in mind only public contentions between two or more persons, or you allowing also internal contentions - inside person?!
  4. Dance is interesting, but music is intensive "attack" on hearing :))
  5. Generally said, all teachings that are not approved by God and Jesus are "dangerous" in various levels of danger. Because such teachings not bring people closer to more proper view, perspective on things (i would avoid wording as "closer to truth"), but doing contrary. Ezekiel book 3:18,19
  6. Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, a conviction of things not seen. Heb 11 1 Faith as state of our mind and heart, not need evidence. Because when you see evidence you don't need faith for what you see and about what this particular evidence serve to prove. Only "evidence" Abraham and Sarah received was spoken promise. Words they received was in form of Promise, and not in form of Testimony or Indication. If, that they then did a miracle, made from people/angels who gave Promise, for example to make bread - (of) - from stones, that would serve to Abraham and Sarah, as Indication - sign, how another miracle, future birth of son, is also possible. I that case her "faith in promise" would be supported by Evidence of bread made from stones. Definition of evidence (Entry 1 of 2) 1a: an outward sign : INDICATION b: something that furnishes proof : TESTIMONY specifically : something legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter 2: one who bears witness especially : one who voluntarily confesses a crime and testifies for the prosecution against one's accomplices
  7. Thanks for confirming my thoughts. Sarah " did not believe" (she laughed) because she hadn't clear evidence how promise is possible to come true. In other words she hadn't clear evidence to support her faith, to strengthen her faith. In fact she hadn't faith at all. And she showed lack of own faith with her laughing. In next 25 years they not showed faith in the promise. They didn't wait on JHVH! In that period Hagar came in family and give child. Only after, she was able to build her faith in God on some other level. To come back to 1914. WT society, similar to Abraham and Sarah didn't wait on JHVH too. But they entering own 1914 Promise how Kingdom will be born on Earth in that year. After they changed that same Promise, Kingdom borned Invisibly in 1914. Promise, supposedly made by JHVH and Jesus how his Kingdom will come (to be born) and change everything in 1914, was turned by JW's Mother Organization (Sarah) into involving "Agara" into "marriage, family" and thus Ismael aka false Kingdom was born in 1914. This is just fictional illustration for JW members who are sure how (based on clear evidence :)) ) their Mother Organization is JHVH' wife. Well, who is JW and WT organization, Sarah or Hagar?
  8. WT literature say in one article: The faith in God the Creator that the Bible calls for, and for which it also furnishes the basis, is a faith based on clear evidence and sound reasoning..........As the Bible uses the term “faith,” it might be said to relate to two kinds of things: First, to the certainty of things hoped for, things not seen because of their being in the future. And, secondly, to faith in the existence of spirit beings, who are not visible to the human sight because of their not having material bodies; in other words, faith in God and in his promises. ....Faith that God exists can be firmly established by contemplating the power and wisdom manifest in visible creation, including its order and harmony. ........TRUE FAITH IN GOD REQUIRES A DIVINE REVELATION.........However, let us bear in mind that mere belief that God exists is not enough. That is not the same as having a true and living faith in God himself......True faith in God involves not merely the belief that he exists but also trust and confidence in God as a person......Faith involves not only the mind but also the heart, yes, the whole man.....And let it be noted that even as faith in God means having faith in his Word, the Bible, so faith in the Bible means having faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior of humankind and the King of God’s kingdom. - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1977280 clear evidence and sound reasoning .... Abraham and Sarah didn't have clear evidence how they will have son in old age. They had Promise. And they, more or less (when Sara laughed, that was sort of sound reasoning on issue) hoped that maybe this will be or how good it will be if somehow would be. But to secure offspring, Sara gave Agara to his husband, because she believed how there is more chance that old Abraham come to be father with young woman. Yes, they showed "faith" or whatever that is, without clear evidence about possible miracle, because such miracle they not saw happened before to someone else. One sort of clear evidence and sound reasoning would be exactly this: how same thing already happened to someone else, so we can "believe" it can happen to us also. Isaac and his obeying to father i don't see as he had a faith about own resurrection. Did he already had some clear evidence how God made resurrection in similar situation? We today have no clear evidence based on reading in Bible writings to show us what Isaac knew about resurrection issue and what he thinking about. We just give our assuming. Isaac has had less, because he could only saw dying and death of people and no resurrection around. We today have faith (about Abraham, Sara and Isaac), not based on some particular clear evidence and sound reasoning. We can show own conviction how Bible writings ARE clear evidence for our faith despite fact how normal or sound reasoning clearly say: death people are still death, very old woman can't give birth to a child. With this sort of conclusions (by making own convictions) you creating trust and confidence in Bible, God, JW Organization etc.
  9. I have often seen you quote scriptures to suit yourself and with a very warped or emotional perspective. Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for,+ the evident demonstration* of realities that are not seen. - Heb 11:1 wind ... big bang that can be measured ....intelligent design These things are not, shouldn't be your FAITH in things you expecting and hoped for. Basically, faith is your inner feeling how something is, was, will be. And YOU ARE evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. YOU by your faith, hopes with private and public manifestations making them as are real. When you counting: wind, measurement instruments and design, people not need your faith as evident demonstration, because they can do it without you. When you talking about God, Miracles and future Kingdom, these are things that need, required to be VISIBLE in FAITH (we can call this part of Faith with another name - Imagination), your's and in faith of people you preaching. Heb 11 1 speaking about future, well this sort of faith is looking in the future aspects. Part of faith about past that has some material evidences of thing that took place, but also about many things you can't prove with historical tools. In that case you also need faith (imagination) about something that was not visible any more.
  10. Thanks for respond, but my comment what took place in Bulgaria, is not about eating or drinking blood. It is about blood transfusion for medical reasons. JW's representatives, your brothers elders, signed agreement with secular authorities that JW congregants will not be dfd if decide to take blood transfusion for their children or themselves. Despite this written document regarding JW's in Bulgaria, WT Society still implement mandatory rule, under treat of dfd, if JW member decide to take full blood transfusion (and 4 components) in medical emergency. I have to ask, do JW members making decisions about serving and worshiping God exclusively by own will and conscience or do they depending on administrative decisions made in WT Society? Please, have in mind that WT Society made written statement before US Court how "preaching service" (and preaching is almost main reason why WT Society and JW organization existing) is done only as free will choice of individual member, and how preaching is not under supervising of elders or congregation or WT Society. If this crucial element of JW's faith, the preaching, witnessing, is solely based on your decision and conscience how this is something what God ask of you to do, but if you don't no one have the right to punish you. As i know if JW member stop preaching he/she will not be dfd because of that. So, how WT Society come to the point that they making decisions how some rules in Organization are question of conscience and some are not? What is basis for not dfd if you stop preaching but they can dfd you if you take full blood or if you take part of blood that they decide is not allowed to take, because single part is not only part but representing full blood. We have Bible idea how blood (not blood fractions and components) representing life. On other side, we have GB idea how one component representing whole blood (and by that life). Is this sound reasonable to you? If you can comment this part i will be glad to hear what is your position about JW official statement made in 1997/98. -https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng#{"appno":["28626/95"]} PS We firmly believe that God's law of blood cannot be changed to keep pace with impermanent opinions. - https://wol.jw.org/hr/wol/d/r19/lp-c/2004448 Questions from readers How come that GB changing impermanent opinions on blood regarding fractions and components? Not need to mention previous opinions that changed few times already.
  11. As i know, Bulgarian Government and representatives for JW's made "friendly agreement" more than 20 years ago: "The applicant undertook, with regard to its stance on blood transfusions, to draft a statement, for inclusion in its statute, providing that members should have free choice in the matter for themselves and their children, without any control or sanction on the part of the association." According to this, blood issue aka full blood, is no more question or religious teaching where WT Society have monopoly over members decisions. You and I know the difference. :))
  12. Yes, two ways. You can tell a lie, half-truth, truth without some important elements ... etc. ... if that is helping God' and Jesus' and Kingdom' interests here on Earth. But when you have to tell about same things to elders you are not entitled to use "theocratic warfare". :)))
  13. Do you recommending "silence"? Silently disagree with some official teachings and stay (or go out) without warning others about dangerous of such teachings? That is against principles WT Society use itself, to warn people about some dangerous that you see it exist and can harm people. (Ezekiel book)
  14. Is she valid "witness"? ...of ALL things?? Can she explain clearly and with complete memory? How much witnesses of this sort we have, 2 or 3? After all, if they remembered ALL this relevant things as "signs of events", that is not proof how WT Society doctrinal explanations and interpretations are "the truth".
  15. It is more easier and with less repercussions if you question the Bible. But to question GB ... :))) How will ordinary "rank and file" know who "anointed" is? By watching JWorg broadcasting? :))
  16. Yesterday my wife reading this book .....and then go to week meeting ....??? I wonder why and want to comment on her reading, but i didn't.
  17. Yes, even WT Society giving picture how God will use extra advanced technology in his Judgmendal Day. They speaking about antimatter weapon and similar things that are beyond human knowledge and technology. How GB know this? Perhaps looking too much SF movies and reading "worldly" books? Is technology what made WW1 and WW2 as fulfilment of prophecy? Bible didn't made focus on technology and how human will use it. And not how technology will make possible or contribute for prophecy to come true. It is not about technology. It is about what human wish, want, feel.
  18. Do you suggest, with this quote, how people would live in more peace if technology (materialistic) progress did not happen?
  19. When someone uses a stone instead of their hands, and instead of stone he uses a bronze sword and instead of a bronze sword he uses an iron sword .... this is the advancement of technology and causes wonder in the eyes of the beholder. If Bible (and prophecies and events in the past) speaks in this manner, than all in this world are "unusual events" aka miracles from the very beginning and not only after 1914. (especially if individual see something for the first time) By the way, first murder, first rape, first slavery ...etc. were also unusual events when happened for the first time. And now these are everyday events for thousands of years already.
  20. For in Him all things were created, thing in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him. - Coll 1 Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised![a] Amen. - Romans 9 - It seems how this individual here have been always in position to be over, above all thrones and rulers and authorities. According to this he has everything.
  21. I believe how the order is always similar: First you thanks God, and Second blame the people. Almost always works this way That makes another problem. Do you by "unusual events" mean "miracles"? If yes, we both shall be disappointed. WT Society said, miracles stopped in 1 Century. "we have witnessed many unusual events" Obviously you speaking about "signs": wars, famine, crimes .... But, all what was described not belong to "unusual events". Bible said how nothing new is happening under Earth. In that context, wars, famine, earthquakes, crimes .... can't be considered as "unusual" for humankind, these are not "miracles". But everyday process in life of people and Earth. Even "preaching" is not a miracle, but repeated history.
  22. I would like to emphasize the contrast between the two things that WT separate when explaining items from Luke 12: 42 and 44. 1) give food allowance at the proper time (from 1919 to nowadays) 2) in charge of all his possessions (from some future point) If we look again how WT Society explained what is meaning of subject 1) and what of subject 2) we see this: subject 1) 1. What is the primary ingredient in the food that Jehovah provides? ... the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. 1a. What role do our publications play in providing spiritual food? Through the publications, Jehovah’s servants are given an abundant supply of spiritual things to eat and drink. - https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/w20140815/receiving-food-at-proper-time/ subject 2) These “belongings” include the growing “great crowd” ... supervision of the material facilities...oversees spiritually upbuilding programs...supervision of the all-important work of preaching...and making “disciples .... ----------------------------------- On subject 1): JW members already know how GB not writing enough material for daily production. Perhaps some or many of GB members writing nothing at all. Perhaps Helpers, or for sure, somebody else doing that work. This make question: What GB really doing in purpose, as goal, to prepare and provide "food"? Bible versions already exist and there is no special need for NWT Translation. And publications? Does people really need so much articles that are repeated (with corrections of incorrect teachings, of course) but been put on new paper and new design? Bible itself, as perfect and inspired word of God should be sufficient, if we compare with err and uninspired magazines? About subject 2): We are able to see how this work looks much more hard and intensive to accomplish. It seems how this tasks are so important and more complicated to work. Is it really how GB has not any influence on this subject 2)? Whose tasks are these now? Is there a transition takeover period?
  23. Is @Leander H. McNelly another Phantom of the Opera who are created just for down-vote? :)))
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