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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. ... video ends with "....will help you and your team make better group decisions". In WTJWorg GB makes group decisions for all JW's in Organization. Lower levels of "groups" stays in Abilene Paradox, until individuals comes to state of "rebellion" and spiritually or literally trying to get out of "group dynamics". Conscience is involved too.
  2. ....first flash on this is: GB+Helpers invented "new light" and offer it to rank and file to see reactions ...
  3. Motu Tane is beautiful and whole video. Have some idea how to earn 39 million or even more? Of course, according to individual "conscience" :)).
  4. Congratulation! For going there and for good thoughts about all those, so called, "worldly people" who are there.
  5. emotional incontinence .... I found some of your wording, vocabulary choice here and in other places as strange. some internet explanations are: Pseudobular affect (PBA) goes by many other names—pathologic laughing and crying, emotional incontinence, emotional lability. It refers to a condition whereby patients display brief, involuntary episodes of laughing or crying, which may be emotionally congruent or incongruent and are typically provoked by seemingly trivial events. - https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/emotional-incontinence Emotional incontinence (EI) is a perturbing condition characterized by uncontrollable outbursts of exaggerated, involuntary facial expressions and pathological crying or laughter. There is increasing evidence that serotonergic neurotransmission may be damaged in EI. - https://neuro.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/jnp.10.4.453 + your last comment about "low IQ of JW faithful people", it leaves a weird impression of the JW members as a group, but also about you who feel that way about your brothers, about brothers who are "more and who are less faithful than ...(you ?, or than other JW people perhaps). Perhaps some real names and real persons and real situations about who are faithful despite low IQ can explain perception? You can use Biblical examples too.
  6. I completely agree with what was said .... ... also, I am of the opinion that “blood fractions” cannot enter the realm of conscience. Because of the "do not eat blood" itself, as a commandment, it is essentially set as a prohibition, not as a moral dilemma. "Blood transfusion" has become a dilemma (religious, doctrinal, moral dilemma, etc.), because the question arises whether receiving blood for the purpose of a medical procedure can be reduced to just "eating" something that is prohibited in Bible . “Blood fractions” are not a matter of conscience because there is currently no religious dilemma about it in the WTJWorg official position. (Same is with blood transfusion. This is not matter for conscience of JW member, but only matter of obeying WTJWorg doctrine) The question of "blood fractions" is a question of the desired choice, similar to the example of "what color of carpet" do you want, or do you not want a carpet in general, but you want ceramic tiles. The question of conscience is not just a question of whether we will be guilty of something or not. Or, will the social environment accept or reject us. It is also a question of how we will feel ourselves if we do or do not do something.
  7. I watched so called "basement" video made for Convention program JW had before few years. Are you speaking about that? .... or about urban dictionary definition that say: A male over the age of eightteen, usually with no formal education, who continues to live at home with his parent(s) and has no ambition to move out or contribute to society.
  8. I like this new look at things. In fact, the interpretation, that GB has the task of producing spiritual food in terms of interpreting the Bible, is completely wrong. GB is not an FDS that should exist as a “channel” through which “food” comes. For “Food” should not be an interpretation of what was said thousands of years ago, but simply just work, i.e. preaching what was said by Jesus. Should, what Jesus has said, be interpreted several times, because every previous interpretation has turned out to be wrong? It turns out that “food for GB” is not preaching, but making, constantly, an interpretation of what is preached (by Jesus and the apostles). You forget that the Catholic Church began preaching long before and on a global scale (before WTJWorg). Does that make it the right religion? Their mission is to further spread the teachings of Jesus. In the past, they did it in illegal ways, together with the conquerors. Today, they are building schools and hospitals for converts.
  9. Amazing! Who force you to argue with people you called "scum" in your angry mind? Form your own Forum and put any alerts you want, for reason to not misleading people. I have nothing against putting “warnings” here, which would let JW members know that WTJWorg does not support (endorse) any Forum, not even this one, (because it is not under GB control) ......... but every “well-informed” JW already knows that. :))
  10. On what basis was this (funny-weird) conclusion reached? One way to gain experience is to live by the rules of an organization. So, the rules of the group, largely, determined one's experience. JW families are forbidden to celebrate birthdays. Well, some JW's children after they leave WTJWorg speaking about such experiences and have complaint about that. And what do we say now? How (bad) experiences are the result of a fall from Mars? Perhaps to try to recall the "experiences" of the early Christians over the issue of circumcision, the unfair distribution of food to widows of other ethnic origins, competition over positions in the congregation, lording over other ... etc
  11. He USES faulty sinful men..men who make serious errors. ......there are no different people (in any sphere of life) on Earth than the ones you described. By this, He can use not only faulty sinful JW but also faulty sinful Catholic, Mormons, Adventist, politician, etc In second part of your thought, are you suggesting that everything that is wrong in the Organization is actually inseparable part of God’s Plan ? Or, that because of the constant appearance of all that is wrong in the Organization, God's plan must be changed and adjusted over and over again? Well, by that we could also say that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in Eden was a kind of sifting. However, there this tree was not only grew by accident, but was placed with the intent rather than by mere "allowing". With this thoughts, we can be closer to idea how JHVH participating in "guiding apostates sites" to "correct" WTJWorg ? :))
  12. JW TV have just enough "fine" examples of hate speech by "top" elders of Organization.
  13. Yes, and ...?? What do you have with that "disgruntled" witnesses ? They have their reasons for be such. And we will not argue their reasons, but we can about yours, if you agree. Perhaps some Betel elders have "task" to collect information about participants on this forum club and then give report to BOE. I know they doing that, because elders from Zagreb Betel (also elders in ex congregation) followed my Google+ in 2015, looking for "incriminate material". :))
  14. It’s a job for WTJWorg lawyers. No one can forbid the gathering of people on forums that deal, among other things, with JW’s beliefs. What is the difference between an Open and a Closed Club? According to GB, everything is ... both are .... "illegal". :))
  15. Maybe because he gave, mind, ability to think and free will and freedom to choose, to people......and because of Most truly I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything,+ he will give it to you in my name
  16. We can and should discover the truth about ourselves all our lives. And it is a process that exists, no matter how much we participate in it or not. The more we participate in it, through various small and big events, the different truths become recognizable. These truths to a greater or lesser extent, sometimes imperceptibly and sometimes drastically, correct or redirect our life path and choices. You put great importance on YHVH illuminating “personal truths” and "collective truths". ”You say; YHVH defines truth. It is possible so. But how did He define truth when he did not give Adam and Eve “knowledge to discern good from evil”? Can the truth be defined without knowledge? But let's leave the situation in Eden in the past, because since leaving Eden people have legally acquired ability to recognize good and evil, and in that knowledge they should continue to gain experience and knowledge at the same time. Later some written instructions on what is good and what is not good came in. But some things remained unsaid and left to man to judge and choose. Also, some things in the past were regulated by prohibition, and even unregulated, so without prohibition. Today they got a new and different “illumination.” By that, and the truth from the past, it got a new face. To the least, the former truth is not the truth of today’s man, whether it is JW or non-JW. Perhaps Polygamy? Slavery? Well, there are some past individual and collective truths about that, right? These things are not called "the truth" today. Maybe, they are called as just written past/history ? Has it always been the best? Incorrect statement. There were few true representatives even in the Bible, let alone outside the Bible.
  17. ....... isn't it published in the wrong place? :)) Try with Arts & Culture
  18. Eden phase: eating only plants Phase after the Flood: eating meat (animals), no matter which Law phase: eating only allowed types of meat (animals) Phase after Jesus: eat what you want, if you want, but watch the conscience of the other The first phase came naturally, and that is the creative act that determines the choice of food. There is no need for law or conscience to participate in food choices. The second phase supports the general freedom of food choice, which is determined only by the place where one lives and the availability of animals to be used for food. The third phase deals with the paragraphs that undo the two previous phases. The fourth stage introduces a new order and involves conscience. But several thousand years have passed and conscience is determined by social and geographical rules of conduct.
  19. When washing dishes, your 3rd plate falls to the floor and breaks. So you managed to wash the dishes until that one fell out of your hand. The question remains, why did it fall out of hand. We have all three models: he washed 2 plate, he didn’t wash all other plates, he tried. The attempt/try was partly successful and partly not. :)))
  20. "Open Club"........."Closed Club" ........"Open Conscience"........"Closed Conscience".........etc. Is it possible just to speak frankly .... what we think about this and that?
  21. That there should be no literal central place: 1) whence it is dictated how God should be worshiped 2) where "the truth is produced" 3) where to go on pilgrimage
  22. .... we can choose a carpet for our living room... ... now we could also come to the question of what color and pattern the carpet should be. what if it is tastelessly chosen? :))
  23. Good, how does your argument make any sense, then? Some arguments matter to some listeners, and some don’t. It is, of course, difficult to always explain why this happens. If we are going to judge their participation in the forum from the aspect of WTJWorg publications asking their members not to have contact with people who are “marked” by your organization, then you are right. If we look at their participation from the aspect of various Bible reports and lessons, then their participation and interaction with people who have different attitudes and opinions is not forbidden. Forum members should judge for themselves who they will talk to and what they will talk about. Take for example the conversation in Eden. There is no account from the book of Genesis in which God condemned Eve for talking to the Serpent. Nor did he condemn Adam for talking to Eve who was talking to the Serpent. He convicted them of actions that were not of a verbal nature.
  24. Theoretical considerations [ edit | edit code ] In the very history of the problem of conscience we find various theories that we can reduce to four basic types: Conscience is understood as participation in the Divine (Christian tradition, especially in Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther ) Conscience in the function of the autonomous mind ( Kant ) Conscience as a product of social-educational determination ( Locke ) Conscience is the result of moral conflict ( Freud ) Perhaps we need to learn more about these aspects for further discussion. Some idea, please.
  25. I like this. You made excellent quote. WTJWorg publications only contain the claim that there were always people who worshiped YHVH between the 1st century and the appearance of Russell. Not once did they name any "organization." So we have no indication, no evidence from WTJWrg, that God used any organized system (organization) and people who would be part of that system as believers / members.
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