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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. All baptized Witnesses are ordained ministers and share in the preaching and teaching work. - https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/no-paid-clergy/ In question about "representatives", as i am aware, "representatives" are those elders who are appointed by GB for some special service and/or task. Service as CO, for example. The task can be temporary, so the role of the "representative" in such case is only for a certain thing and for a certain time. It would be interesting and useful to understand similarities and differences of these two concepts. I found this in short searching on internet. http://www.hisholychurch.org/ministries/church/documents/ordained.pdf 1) Ordination by God is an unseen act of a calling, and acceptance of that calling. 2) Here in Acts 6:3, the appointment to administer this office took place after an ‘election’ by the people of men to carry out the daily ministration. Perhaps you know what he meant with this. And perhaps TTH knows too. Maybe you will find time to explain. As for me, WTJWorg is Organization and Institution (institution/noun - an organization founded for a religious, educational, professional, or social purpose, ...... according to google search) I don't know what difference @TrueTomHarley have in mind. Perhaps he see "JWs" as people inside this particular Organization/Institution as some sort of "free people" which form a fraternity, and are somehow "outside" of Administration that, de facto, run the Church. But, answering on baptismal questions and that strict performed act, made by candidate, before witnesses, are in fact verbal contract with Organization, and supposedly with God. Why i said supposedly? Because of the content of baptismal questions. And because of how baptism is performed. Second baptismal question is pure administrative format. A format that automatically classifies a candidate, member, or follower into one of many religions. There is no Bible support for such question. The act of immersion is not accompanied by the words of Jesus: "Then Jesus came to them and said: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, ... Here exists interesting, or better to say, worrisome inconsistency and discrepancy over who is who in the Organization. Over doctrinal idea. Over internal and public identification who are JW people and how they functioning/operate. WTJWorg Publications explain that JWs do not have clerical and lay classes. And that is obviously not true. Because of claims made by WTJWorg Representatives before Public and before Courts. Next thing is this. Because WTJWorg claims how elders are not clergy ("we have no paid clergy" GB said,..... but you have unpaid clergy i would say this way),.... to continue: If in WTJWorg Clergy not exists, than there is no need to have, to call for "priest-penitent" ("elder-congregant") privilege at all. If somebody in congregation come and tell to elder something, than elder is also in obligation to be in silence about it, to anyone inside and outside congregation. Or not? Perhaps he would be in obligation to report crime to secular authorities only, but not to other elders too. That idea of this sort of "clergy privilege" is very strained in WTJWorg. Sitting on two chairs.
  2. Wrong. WTJWorg is a Company. The Charter is their constitution , written and signed by hands of human, President and/or other Administrative members.
  3. Confusing idea. You want "separation" of church and state aka separation between ARC and WTYWorg and now suggesting me I have to to apply same measure for secular and religious entity. What point of bro J? About what is ARC ignorant? ..... after whole ARC process and Study case 29? Before beginning in 2015 ARC wasn't aware how WTJWorg Australia , as Institution, handling with CSA inside Institution aka Church. Now, they are no longer in ignorance, and not many of us are ignorant anymore.
  4. I also don't recall any Bible verse. It can be that Jesus, despite his "rebellious attitude" about Jew's customs and interpretations of "Moses's Law" (washing hands, working on Sabbath and similar) in many cases, he also didn't want to provoke spiritual leaders too much, also. If that was the case, perhaps he didn't publicly spoke God's name for same reason as all other Jews of his time. Just idea.
  5. Brother Jackson is not entitled to ask nothing from ARC or from Australia government. Brother Jackson, if want change in Australia inner politic, have to vote for such change or to participate and involve himself, in democratic way, how to change legislative and laws and other social climate in society for better solutions about problem. He is not in position to demand or to suggest. He can only express his opinion. .....but as i am aware of mentality in WTJWorg GB and other Administrative staff, the practice in WTJWorg is that they expect from a government to make a decision or suggestion, and then GB says: we will accept it / we will not accept it. In such scenario GB is not interested for, what you called, "full control" from secular authorities. Is my statement "false or true" depends of fact in which corner you sitting and who you want to defend. But my "statement" is observation and publication of fact: WTJWorg deleted their first decision and make new statement how they will join The Redress ... now, because of (money, charity status and imagine, because of Romans 13) Do we have to believe how GB+Helpers+Lawyers forget about existence of Romans 13 in their first decision? :))
  6. I think about existence of some sort of relativity in this relationship and about understanding about wording "separation". Romans 13 demand that individuals and by that church too, be in obedience to secular government. When you must obey somebody than you are not fully, or at all, neutral and separated from somebody. We have the newest example how WTJWorg refuse to join "The Scheme", redress, but after some time WTJWorg explained their change in stance with Romans 13. This is sort of proof how true "neutrality" or true "separation" not existing and it is not possible to exist because of Romans 13.
  7. For sure, you bring good questions. But you still want that few thousands years old rules and methods of Jews be in power today. That is why, enough hard situations for victims and wrongdoer and all beetwen, WTJWorg applicatiions of verses makes more difficult. Because they (GB and elders) navigate between sin and crime, and by that beetwen spiritual and literal punsihment, and beetwen religious and secular reality.
  8. Again, the verses: (Matthew 18:15-17) 15 “Moreover, if your brother commits a sin, go and reveal his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take along with you one or two more, so that on the testimony of two or three witnesses every matter may be established. 17 If he does not listen to them, speak to the congregation. If he does not listen even to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector WTJWorg teaches that there are two kinds of sin: Big and small (Minor and gross). Elders do not want to deal with small sins, but say that the members need to solve them among themselves. Every great sin (serious wrongdoing) should be immediately reported to the elders (and therefore it is an assembly, elders=congregation). Which is why you need to solve a small problem with your brother on your own, if you might still report it to the elders and the congregation. Secondly, what is the use of Jesus' advice if you must not try to solve a big (gross) sin on your own with your brother, but must immediately report it to the elders? Read this please, and you will see how Shepherd book interpret one situation in connection to Mat 18 and not giving support to your WOW: The congregation would not consider forming a judicial committee unless the offended Christian had taken steps one and two of Matthew 18:15, 16 and had initiated step three as described in Matthew 18:17.—lvs pp. 253-254. 25. If asked, elders could participate in step two, but they do not represent the body of elders. If the matter proceeds to step three, any elders who were witnesses in step two could serve only as witnesses in step three. They would not be used to serve on the judicial committee. - Shepherd 2019 Even your publication speaking contrary to general opinion (general interpretation) about meaning of verses in Matt 18.
  9. When Bible said how "whole world is under the power of devil", that is not proof how whole world is automatically evil, but only that ruler of this World is devil. But because JW beliefs how Jesus is King from 1914, that would mean how Jesus is Ruler and how this World is under power of Jesus, too. Or not? That is question for WTJWorg Bible Scholars. But back to first issue. Humanity is not more or less evil because of JW interpretations. Would we say how Eve and Adam became evil because of devil question about fruit? Did the evil influence of the devil come through the question? Or through some bad mental energy? Or by spoken words? Or by visualization with snake? People are in capacity to doing bad things, but people are ready to help too. Also today, centuries after Adam and Eve perfection. So, whole world is mixed with good and evil things no matter of devil. Even in JW Spiritual Paradise we see good and evil "fruits".
  10. This is very serious. Just speculation, but what if each of 4 letters represents one word? Similar to expresion: And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am
  11. I see what you mean. What I mean, Jews should know how to pronounce old Jews names, without vowels, written in the Bible. That would be start, at least for hear how name JHVH have to sound, on Jew language of course :)) Perhaps from that point, interested people, or linguists can be able to show direction how not to pronounce this the holiest Name IF wrong pronunciation can bring shame or defilement of that Name.
  12. We today know how to pronounce Jesus name ..... because what? Jews today speaking Jesus name as Yeshua? If they know what missing letters-vowels to put in Jesus name, so they can tell us how to pronounce JHVH? Or?
  13. @Anna do you remember my mistake with - worth noting or worth nothing. One single letter making meaning completely opposite. Is that can be the case also with how to pronounce JHVH? Some people say it can be. If that is possible than it is very good to follow what we know for sure, to address God with, My Dear Friend, My Dear Best Friend., because JW people are motivated to be friends with God according to WTJWorg. But, what Jesus practiced was to say, Father and/or God ... as in his Last and Final Words: Eli, Eli, lama sabahtami . Very significant. Not Father ... Not Jehovah,..... but... My God. His Final Testimony was not speaking aloud name Jehovah or however Jew spelled JHVH. With his last breath He used common title - God.
  14. With this information we can conclude how it is not only "family violence" problem as some here want to present CSA in WTJWorg. This numbers proves "institutional violence" too.
  15. Yes, private handling with private lawyers can bring other results. I see that you speaking about "genuine victims". So "fake victims" will enter ARC program to get some money that will not be received in private lawsuit? And do you think how Redress Commission collects cases without checking? Do you want us to believe that JW lawyers who representing WTJWorg are more honest than those lawyers who representing opposite side? :)) Sounds fair to me. Problem is if you have a very old car, so insurance declares total damage for what is not total damage at all. The reason is that the price of a vehicle of that year on the market is lower than the price of a turn signal and a headlight, so to speak. ;))
  16. This is super. Jesus said; "In your own Law ..." Very specific choice of words - YOUR OWN. He didn't say My Father Law, or My Teaching, but YOUR OWN LAW. Jesus beat them with their own weapons aka Their Own Law. Nothing about what you want to sell us here. Stick to Context Brother Cesar! :))) Appendix Fact one) Jesus know how in some situation can be false and true witness/es Fact two) Jesus is witness about himself. Jesus is First Witness Fact three) Father is invisible and is in The Heaven. Father is Second Witness Fact four) How would/will old Jew Judicial Committee summon Father for a hearing? Fact five) Jesus put them in impossible position referring, invoking them to their own law.
  17. Slow down please. EVERY Commission can be biased. Even JW elders Judicial Committee (Commission). They are all only human, as people would say (justifies) when something goes wrong. :)) Who should be put to death by whom in ARC ???? Read again verse 16. This "two or more" who should be "taken along" are not witnesses of wrongdoing but witnesses of (victim) who going to his/her bro/sis for conversation about alleged sin he/she made to her/him. Again, they are witnesses of "second approach" because "first approach" failed. JW elders, and you, have error interpretations and application. What if accused is "younger man" ??? Or individual (male, female, child) without "title"??? This is super. Jesus said; "In your own Law ..." Very specific choice of words - YOUR OWN. He didn't say My Father Law, or My Teaching, but YOUR OWN LAW. Jesus beat them with their own weapons aka Their Own Law. Nothing about what you want to sell us here. Stick to Context Brother Cesar! :)))
  18. The organisation says it will sign up because of new rules introduced by the federal government, which mean it would lose its charity status - and subsequent tax exemptions - for continuing to hold out. "Now that the law requires charities to join the scheme, Jehovah's Witnesses will comply," it said in a statement to AAP on Wednesday. "Jehovah's Witnesses believe that it is their responsibility before God to respect and co-operate with the authorities." - https://7news.com.au/politics/jehovahs-witnesses-to-join-redress-scheme-c-2278906.amp?fbclid=IwAR1LpqH2VhAS6zdSCrRi_PIE4G_TGS3HbLMl4Thai6GrUEAiqMWchS3-bgA The organisation says it will sign up because of new rules introduced by the federal government, which mean it would lose its charity status - and subsequent tax exemptions - for continuing to hold out. "Now that the law requires charities to join the scheme, Jehovah's Witnesses will comply," it said in a statement to AAP on Wednesday. "Jehovah's Witnesses believe that it is their responsibility before God to respect and co-operate with the authorities." - https://au.news.yahoo.com/jehovahs-witnesses-join-redress-scheme-061052602.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJ9pgYa7pNtBc_oEWG53LZETBGtFA4Fadn2IXb5actDJqmXVSObESwZZAoG8-IMh2QzGj3mJAELSBLT_Sf3D2euPAVmJQA9O2D_HT9p8XM1NY-rCd-MwnXj9DpiQ1DxsCCYH24OhIuAgSBRxHtFwN8YsmTnQnkVCxhn9xtzEsCsD WTJWorg have same choice as every JW in the world, to obey or disobey secular authorities. If something what secular government ask them to do, according to their beliefs they are not obligated to obey if God say opposite. In this case "God told" them before few months NOT to join the scheme. And WTJWorg refused to join. Now, they reexamine Roman 13 and decide how "God say, join". How is possible that all those wise men in WTJWorg did not know what these verses instructed them to do from first minute? They showed to the World again, It is all about Money! They CHOSE money instead principle; Let your Yes be Yes, and your No be No. ..............For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. Mat 5 37
  19. Do you think so? I would submit that the entire letter is strange, It can be. From first sentence to the last. But, keeping in mind that these are JW members, then it stops being weird because the ideas came from someone within the System. It can only be strange that people on the outside don’t understand the JW System :)). As I said, it is good for members of society (of different ideologies) to connect, at least through children. Because an individual often needs the help of the wider community to be able to live. Sometimes the whole community finds itself in a situation of being affected by a natural disaster and if they do not act, how much so, mutually it will be harder for them to overcome the crisis. Physical or mental. So, it is not bad for children to be involved in humanitarian matters, but with measure and with what children are and should be ... The future of a better humanity. And not under the control of the System that makes them future adults who will blindly follow GB.
  20. And you don't think children should have fun and play games ? You don't think children should be allowed to live a 'childhood' ? Of course not, because your Leaders tell you that children must be kept away from the real world. You don't want children to build up their own spiritual immune system.... Not to mentioned Sunday Ice Cream money (after KH meeting). It is good to learn children about charity and sharing with others. But, is it really proper to do that with Institutional Cartoons of Company who have real-estate riches, stocks, etc?
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