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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. When I was 15 I received a blood transfusion. My congregation soft shunned me because they literaly were afraid I might have received the blood of a satan worshiper or ax murderer.
  2. This is the jw mindset.....since women can't grow beards, they are gonna stop shaving their legs and armpits.
  3. Jehovah created man to have pubic hair, oh what a controversy there should arise if a sect/cult should require it's members to shave all pubic hair, but must grow a full beard, even if genetics won't allow them to do so.
  4. Starting a discussion on how Christmas is evil and pagan, how the star was the hit man on Jesus from satan, All the crazy stuff jw's and you dogs of the jws view christmas as a demonic satanic pagan holiday. I predict this discussion going in hundreds of different directions. I just go to this while I'm on work break as I have better things to do in my personal time, when I'm not at work. Guess it's a personal satisfaction when jw's try to classify christmas celebrations as reasons why Jehovah is going to kill them. Maybe I should ask the question......why is Jehovah going to kill everyone who partakes in celebrating the birth of salvation? Or more simply, why is Jehovah going to kill everyone who doesnt celebrate the birth of the governing body? Jehovah seems to want to kill everyone, isn't there anyone to talk him out of it? Maybe the govering body?
  5. Take from it what you will. (73 pages/post later)
  6. Oy you just opened up another pandora's box, there are way too many variations of taco's in the world, now there's gonna be a pissing contest on what is a taco, which is the best taco, and does fish really belong in a taco....😜
  7. Not quite as extreme Jehovah killing all men, women and children because they want to celebrate the life of His son.
  8. So jw women should be disfellowshipped for shedding blood once a month?
  9. How about all the waste....maybe they found a way to turn it all into mcdonalds type chicken nuggets😜
  10. At this point its best to turn it into carrion luggage.
  11. Is it possible Noah knocked out some bad people and kept them penned up to feed the meat eaters on the ark:P
  12. When I went to Israel last year, all their meat is kosher and man can you tell the difference in quality and taste. Even the double big mac I got from McDonalds taste better than here in the states.
  13. This old light new light doctrines changing has become like a strobe light causing seizures, is the hs working while they are having a seizure or not?
  14. I remember those. We hosted for a while until my parents let my older disfellowshipped brother visited from Chicago for vacation. I believe they stopped them after coming out with an article chastising the rank and file for meeting in unsanctioned bible study groups. But I may be wrong.
  15. You know, the names of the days of the week and months being named after pagan gods. It reminded me of a time I heard the watchtower attempted to make their own calendar.
  16. When a box of corn flakes is made, not one single corn flake resembles another. Just like when it snows not one single snowflake resembles another. And on top of that when a dog takes a dump, it'S still the same shite, but just in a differnet thread.
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