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Space Merchant

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  1. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    Some of Pearl's ideas I have challenged before. She's no different from David Wood. The difference between her and the David types is David is relentless, the only time he showed weakness was in an in person debate in London.
    That being said, although she and or acolytes are misguided, I still have pity for them despite their falsehoods, and I say this because of the way Babylon has been moving for some time. Babylon has also claimed members of your faith, as is mine, therefore, it shows how dangerous and cunning the enemy is.
  2. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Truthers hold no creeds, as is anyone who is aware of the apostolic church. Creeds are interconnected with agendas, this is the reason why Mainstream Christianity is an issue because they attest to a Creed that never originated with the early church. Truthers are neutral, and do not favor Left or Right, but they speak out against falsehood and the hypocrisy of those associated with the paradigm, call out misleading misinformation. There are Christians who are Truthers. 
    That being said, the community is a prime target for those Agenda driven.
  3. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Tim is very informative, Luke, is somewhat like Tim but he is more so on the Truther side of things, as is has some experience. He is somewhat of a Prepper as well, but he is one of many who are skeptical of the paradigm and their actions.
    As for TYT, they are among the several that is the cause of censorship on other platforms, so much so they have went after people indirectly, myself included, as is the person who had gone missing a few days ago and was found. Even in the past, some of those they seemingly support, often attack others when confronted, such as the one I often mentioned, the Berkley Teacher. For it is stuff like this we see the paradigm as misguided ones in the political system of which they follow, the same one that does not benefit them, and at the same time, turn them against each other and go after neutrals.
    That being said, such ones are an obstacle, for they want to be on the right side of history by misleading people.
    Outside of NATO, it wouldn't be a surprise if the war's focus is on gas, for that is essentially a profitable win for which ever side takes that recourses, despite the fact the common citizen who does not want to be involved with the political of super powers get effected by this.
  4. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Mic Drop in SQL DB - Point-In-Time Restore Exercise   
    Below is a script that should be ran step by step and not all at once.  It’ll help you understand backup methodology and the importance of knowing how to recover to a point-in-time.  This is something a DBA will seldom have to do, but when the time comes, they’ll have to deliver as part of their core job responsibilities.  Nothing is more fundamental to a DBA than the ability to recover to a PIT.  
    Prerequisites: You should be a local administrator in Windows and a SQL Server sysadmin
    Purpose: The purpose of this exercise to simulate a production database's catastrophic failure
    and the steps a database administrator will need to take to bring production back on line. To simulate
    work pressure of a real production down scenario, understand these steps and syntax, and time yourself on how
    quickly you are able to recover the business transactions, and validate that they were restored.

    --Create test database
    USE MASTER CREATE DATABASE [MyTestDB] GO --Create test table
    CREATE TABLE [MyTestDB]..[MyTable] (C1 INT) GO --Create full backup of test database
    BACKUP DATABASE [MyTestDB] TO DISK = 'C:\TEMP\MyTestDB.bak' GO --Create several new records to simulate business transactions
    USE MyTestDB; INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES (1) GO 5 --Backing up transaction log to harden the business transactions to a transaction log backup file on disk
    BACKUP LOG [MyTestDB] TO DISK = 'C:\TEMP\MyTestDB_Log.trn'; --Dropping database to simulate catastrophic database failure
    USE MASTER ALTER DATABASE [MyTestDB] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; DROP DATABASE [MyTestDB]; GO --Restoring full database backup WITH NORECOVERY to simulate recovery process
    USE MASTER RESTORE DATABASE [MyTestDB] FROM DISK = 'C:\TEMP\MyTestDB.bak' WITH NORECOVERY --Restoring transaction log backup WITH RECOVERY to simulate restoring a transaction log backup to a point-in-time
    RESTORE LOG [MyTestDB] FROM DISK = 'C:\TEMP\MyTestDB_Log.trn' WITH RECOVERY GO --Validation that the 5 business transactions were restored
    SELECT * FROM [MyTestDB]..[MyTable]
  5. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Truthers hold no creeds, as is anyone who is aware of the apostolic church. Creeds are interconnected with agendas, this is the reason why Mainstream Christianity is an issue because they attest to a Creed that never originated with the early church. Truthers are neutral, and do not favor Left or Right, but they speak out against falsehood and the hypocrisy of those associated with the paradigm, call out misleading misinformation. There are Christians who are Truthers. 
    That being said, the community is a prime target for those Agenda driven.
  6. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    I am familiar with Jimmy Dore, he is the opposite to his former team on TYT who loves to slander and fan the flames of violence. But as with him, many are skeptical of any news coming out because in the sea of propaganda, the truth is really difficult to spot.
    The below is a recent video for others who are similar to Jimmy, the first video is an Independent Journalist, the second from a Truther, who occasional starts his video with a meme, but is equally serious as the one in the first.
  7. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    The origin of this club is that anything could be discussed, even in some instances, you attest to this notation, you fit this bill whereas some notations treads outside of faith itself. The only JW centric space is the closed one, unless there is another and this one is more populated because in the beginning it was essentially anything goes (Controversial Posts). It would be political should anyone, even current JWs take sides on be it for the Democrat Party or the Republican Party which is associated with the Paradigm - The Left and the Right. The situation with what is going on now can and will indirectly effect everyone, i.e. some who didn't escape are being forced to fight, while others, are unaware of what is going on and instantly taken by Propaganda.
    Your opinion, however, unverified, however, you are free to speak your peace. The truth is I am not Americanized, for if I was, I'd be for the influence of today's society and be somewhat of a Nationalist, more so, specific cultures would have overwritten the one I already follow, which is heavily Caribbean Islander based, a mistake Srecko, Dmitar and Witness attempted to challenge and failed. Time and time again some notations I proclaim against various things in today's society. I am more so an enemy to the culture of today's society, for those outside of the paradigm, even us Truthers are essentially viewed as the bad guy, and they equate us to Conspiracy Theorists.
    Other then that, today's society is the reason I am against various Agendas; having a strong disdain for misinformation that is engineered to mislead, as is, build a path for the Reset.
    The MSM cannot be trusted at all, to verify what is truth, you have to do the due diligence to find out what it is and evade misleading information. The thing is now is a lot of us are being censored (I got hit with a lot of censors as of recent), a contact of mine in Russia has not only been censored, but because of the situation, his family instantly hit the poverty line, this is the same contact who was able to get information for me concerning a Hacker website used by the FSB (of which a group of people shut down) that targets people in Russia associated with Alexei Navalny, as is JWs during the ban, the same person who I was able to get information on how easily Putin won his election, as is what I said about Russia and China concerning NATO 4 years ago.
    All that said, propaganda is everywhere now, so much so, it is even a problem for my community and those who support it, one person had to come out to apology because he was tricked by the videos from Ukraine, one in question even @JW Insider posted to give example of how easily emotional videos can get the best of people.
    But you can still be effected indirectly. To not be knowing of this puts you among the unaware, as with most people, even among JWs, for some are unaware.
    War is indeed wrong do argument on that, but to be oblivious to is also a problem to oneself; to be cautious you need to be aware. We have to know how our enemy operates also, so we do not fall victim. The Wild Beast and Babylon are very cunning, and some actions done by them, the unaware are usually the first to be taken by surprise vs those who are very cautious of every step, example, Babylon's actions in Washington in 2016, or a move by the Beast in 2017, etc.
    Better to know these things, vs to not be aware, even Biblically, we have examples.
    He's quite aware of the situation, and most likely will have his say.
    The United Kingdom is of the first group, which is associated with America whereas Russia is in the second group under the United Nations banner. One sees an Order, the other does not. Whatever they do, it effects, example, Russians are suffering because of the sanctions met to target the RU government. Boris Johnson's say and action, along with is allies, will effect you and the UK people indirectly. Evidently, you will feel it, and to be unaware, the next move will sweep you or anyone else like a sudden flash flood.
    I could have gotten some info in regards to the UK and the US, but a missing persons case took my attention, so I am doing research as of now.
    That being said, as mentioned to you before, you do not have to 100% concern yourself with such but at least be aware of the Lion in the field. If thousands of Christians could easily be duped worldwide in 2016 from that same Lion, there is no question the same case can happen now and onwards into the Reset.
    As for our Russian friends, it is tough for them, some of them now face Racism, for the actions of the Kremlin somehow Russians are deemed the enemy. My contact also suffers from this.
  8. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Never addressed any opinions in this thread, nor have a mentioned JWs and political in one notation.
    That being said, that is an interesting claim, but you should be aware that Truthers are against the paradigm, we hold no political stance because we see the paradigm as a problem to the truth.
    Moreover, as you can see in this thread alone, no one is supporting Ukraine or Russia and or specific ideologies that lean Left or Right, for if there was legitimacy in such, there would be evidence.
    That being said, truth is always a casualty in such situations, therefore it draws concern as is one needing to be vigilant.
  9. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from JW Insider in “THE END IS NEAR - ARE YOU READY?”   
    Preparation is key. However, one should not go overboard with it. As for Systematic Warfare, it'll be tricky if, for instance, you are being tracked, therefore, the semi-grey men mentality comes into play, so much so, you not only protect yourself, but those you care for, your network.
    As mentioned in the other thread, events can cause an indirect action towards many, anyone who can buy food and or resources. Therefore, one must be prepared. Us Truthers are not like our Prepper counterparts, however, we can hold our own in tough situations, even physically, adapting to not eating/drinking for long periods, if need be.
    That being said, it is 100% that many people who are unaware will be caught off guard, therefore, some among them, the fringe, will become dangerous, for there is no stopping a man who is on his last burst of wind to do what he needs to do to support his family and only then his true colors will show itself. A situation that some cannot confront, granted, not realizing the common man can turn into such a state.
  10. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Never addressed any opinions in this thread, nor have a mentioned JWs and political in one notation.
    That being said, that is an interesting claim, but you should be aware that Truthers are against the paradigm, we hold no political stance because we see the paradigm as a problem to the truth.
    Moreover, as you can see in this thread alone, no one is supporting Ukraine or Russia and or specific ideologies that lean Left or Right, for if there was legitimacy in such, there would be evidence.
    That being said, truth is always a casualty in such situations, therefore it draws concern as is one needing to be vigilant.
  11. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    No one is, but there are concerns, even guests have concerns about the situation. Unfortunately, these are facts spoken, not of one thought or opinion, I believe you are aware of this already. I am unaware of what you are attesting to concerning those months granted the facts I was referring to was directed towards a different matter.
    That being said, regarding 2016, if you are talking about what transpired in 2016, why the reaction concerning this thread? The events of Washington was an ominous one, so much so, many, even some guests here got fooled. The event in question connects to these world powers of the political paradigm, a threat to the majority.
  12. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in “THE END IS NEAR - ARE YOU READY?”   
    Preparation is key. However, one should not go overboard with it. As for Systematic Warfare, it'll be tricky if, for instance, you are being tracked, therefore, the semi-grey men mentality comes into play, so much so, you not only protect yourself, but those you care for, your network.
    As mentioned in the other thread, events can cause an indirect action towards many, anyone who can buy food and or resources. Therefore, one must be prepared. Us Truthers are not like our Prepper counterparts, however, we can hold our own in tough situations, even physically, adapting to not eating/drinking for long periods, if need be.
    That being said, it is 100% that many people who are unaware will be caught off guard, therefore, some among them, the fringe, will become dangerous, for there is no stopping a man who is on his last burst of wind to do what he needs to do to support his family and only then his true colors will show itself. A situation that some cannot confront, granted, not realizing the common man can turn into such a state.
  13. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    I do not know Wood…and yes I have great pity for these….as I said..I understand why some do this…….or get swayed to stray…but to continue  down from that fork in the road….and take so many with them..my pity runs out for these leaders…
    Again the thing is …they probably are all nice people..and it’s hard for some to detach themselves from them……and make a stand for truths…
    You know if we was walking along and seen Satan sitting at a table..he would appear as a good looking nice kind man…a man of great intelligence and he would also appear to be modest about it…some choose to sit and talk with him….some see thru him and escape his trap….but some are so intrigued with certain revelations that only a man of great spiritual powers would know..so they take another bite …and then another bite….just as Eve was deceived…so are many who listen to Pearl and the likes of her,
    Its sad as they genuinely beleive her teachings….
  14. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    He knows prior because of what he asked me for over PM. So you are quite late.
    It wasn't an opinion. You were the one who mentioned this in our debates, and the claim was indeed factual.
    Again, I say this to you a 4th time, you are free to speak your peace, but what is known will be brought up.
    Sure... But last I checked, I was not the one to violate 1 John 4:1 to defend untruths, you don't attest to anything factual let alone do the critical thinking to do the research when encouraged (twice). For you see, light shines on those who attest to what is true, a false light attest to those who deem a falsehood as true. A call back to what you've been told a long time ago.
    That being said, going forward, it would be wise to understand the difference between what is true and what is false. As is, do not end up like an unaware sheeple as most are regarding the current situation.
    Light which truth shineth
  15. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    No, but you attested to the notations, hence why I bring it up. The only reason I mentioned such.
    And this is known because you stated this in our early debates. I do not see why it is a problem if I was able to recall this.
    But in Catholicism, there is a version of Excommunication that warrants Damnation. As for the shunning command, it isn't something outlandish.
    You answered this yourself.
    I am against conspiracy and falsehoods. Everything said was indeed true.
  16. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    Newbies don't use a Lure to Bait and Switch Tactic, especially in a religious space. That, in of itself, is highly uncanny.
    And how is this relevant to the following?
    [A] Pearl Doxsey sources via a reddit user [B] Sympathy towards Same-Sex Marriage as if God would be Ok with it. [C] A Political Opinion that derives into a stance in which Conservative Americans took issue with it (mind you, this was during the time people, myself included were heading to Washington, some for the event). [D] Ignorance as to why some Bible verses are omitted vs what is actually inspired text. To be honest, I didn't plan to debate, for them, they assume me to be among the others there, not expecting a thing until they brought sources, which sparked the 15 min debate.
    That being said, the only reason mentioned as to why Conservatives went after them because of the politics. As you may know already, as stated here since years ago, America, as is some parts of the world will succumb to a division, it will become large and uncontrollable and will be a problem during a crisis. - As predicted.
    Look where we are now, and as you can see, those in the paradigm do not like each other very much.
  17. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Out of curiosity, if you have enemies who hate you, why do some pretend to be among your fold to cause trouble for unsuspecting passerbys?   
    But the problem is, they lured and bait and switched.
    It is like someone calling to you if you want to adopt a dog, and once they have you within reaching distance, they say if you want to adopt a cat instead. Should you ask for the dog, they switch up and said they never had a dog despite calling you to adopt one.
    This is something not uncommon in the debating space, however, the lure to bait and switch was an unexpected one.
    That being said, although they sought after people, they were not expecting a debate, which later landed them in the hands of Conservatives, who, like me, were on their way to Washington for the event that recently past.
    Although I hate Authoritianism, I didn't come for the rally, I had other reasons granted there were several Truthers that were there.
    Apparnrlty because I and the others being there, CNN and other MSM media didn't spare any minute to claim that everyone present were Anti-Vax.
    Anyways, the country is being gutted, there will be some instances of danger, and in situations like this, those Pearl Doxsey persons will be among the many who will come out of the woodwork to commit an exgesis.
  18. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Thinking in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    @Srecko Sostar @Dmitar Unfortunately, no one here is of the political paradigm (Left or Right let alone adopt the influence), nor show the taking of any sides. For if one is indeed political, they hold up to a view in association with the affairs', ideas of a party/group. Likewise with previous threads.
    That being said, people can be concern of a potential danger in their backyard, granted such persons vs those now locked under Marshal Law have no say to speak their peace, etc. It should be noted with this law in place those who didn't get to escape, have the option to fight or be jailed (some gave the idea that such ones may have been killed, but reports are murky). There was mentions of escapees being shot at, not wanting any involvement with the situation, but this too needs to be verified.
    Well the Wild Beast is at it again, a parallel move made with Libya is happening now.
  19. Upvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Pudgy in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    The origin of this club is that anything could be discussed, even in some instances, you attest to this notation, you fit this bill whereas some notations treads outside of faith itself. The only JW centric space is the closed one, unless there is another and this one is more populated because in the beginning it was essentially anything goes (Controversial Posts). It would be political should anyone, even current JWs take sides on be it for the Democrat Party or the Republican Party which is associated with the Paradigm - The Left and the Right. The situation with what is going on now can and will indirectly effect everyone, i.e. some who didn't escape are being forced to fight, while others, are unaware of what is going on and instantly taken by Propaganda.
    Your opinion, however, unverified, however, you are free to speak your peace. The truth is I am not Americanized, for if I was, I'd be for the influence of today's society and be somewhat of a Nationalist, more so, specific cultures would have overwritten the one I already follow, which is heavily Caribbean Islander based, a mistake Srecko, Dmitar and Witness attempted to challenge and failed. Time and time again some notations I proclaim against various things in today's society. I am more so an enemy to the culture of today's society, for those outside of the paradigm, even us Truthers are essentially viewed as the bad guy, and they equate us to Conspiracy Theorists.
    Other then that, today's society is the reason I am against various Agendas; having a strong disdain for misinformation that is engineered to mislead, as is, build a path for the Reset.
    The MSM cannot be trusted at all, to verify what is truth, you have to do the due diligence to find out what it is and evade misleading information. The thing is now is a lot of us are being censored (I got hit with a lot of censors as of recent), a contact of mine in Russia has not only been censored, but because of the situation, his family instantly hit the poverty line, this is the same contact who was able to get information for me concerning a Hacker website used by the FSB (of which a group of people shut down) that targets people in Russia associated with Alexei Navalny, as is JWs during the ban, the same person who I was able to get information on how easily Putin won his election, as is what I said about Russia and China concerning NATO 4 years ago.
    All that said, propaganda is everywhere now, so much so, it is even a problem for my community and those who support it, one person had to come out to apology because he was tricked by the videos from Ukraine, one in question even @JW Insider posted to give example of how easily emotional videos can get the best of people.
    But you can still be effected indirectly. To not be knowing of this puts you among the unaware, as with most people, even among JWs, for some are unaware.
    War is indeed wrong do argument on that, but to be oblivious to is also a problem to oneself; to be cautious you need to be aware. We have to know how our enemy operates also, so we do not fall victim. The Wild Beast and Babylon are very cunning, and some actions done by them, the unaware are usually the first to be taken by surprise vs those who are very cautious of every step, example, Babylon's actions in Washington in 2016, or a move by the Beast in 2017, etc.
    Better to know these things, vs to not be aware, even Biblically, we have examples.
    He's quite aware of the situation, and most likely will have his say.
    The United Kingdom is of the first group, which is associated with America whereas Russia is in the second group under the United Nations banner. One sees an Order, the other does not. Whatever they do, it effects, example, Russians are suffering because of the sanctions met to target the RU government. Boris Johnson's say and action, along with is allies, will effect you and the UK people indirectly. Evidently, you will feel it, and to be unaware, the next move will sweep you or anyone else like a sudden flash flood.
    I could have gotten some info in regards to the UK and the US, but a missing persons case took my attention, so I am doing research as of now.
    That being said, as mentioned to you before, you do not have to 100% concern yourself with such but at least be aware of the Lion in the field. If thousands of Christians could easily be duped worldwide in 2016 from that same Lion, there is no question the same case can happen now and onwards into the Reset.
    As for our Russian friends, it is tough for them, some of them now face Racism, for the actions of the Kremlin somehow Russians are deemed the enemy. My contact also suffers from this.
  20. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    The origin of this club is that anything could be discussed, even in some instances, you attest to this notation, you fit this bill whereas some notations treads outside of faith itself. The only JW centric space is the closed one, unless there is another and this one is more populated because in the beginning it was essentially anything goes (Controversial Posts). It would be political should anyone, even current JWs take sides on be it for the Democrat Party or the Republican Party which is associated with the Paradigm - The Left and the Right. The situation with what is going on now can and will indirectly effect everyone, i.e. some who didn't escape are being forced to fight, while others, are unaware of what is going on and instantly taken by Propaganda.
    Your opinion, however, unverified, however, you are free to speak your peace. The truth is I am not Americanized, for if I was, I'd be for the influence of today's society and be somewhat of a Nationalist, more so, specific cultures would have overwritten the one I already follow, which is heavily Caribbean Islander based, a mistake Srecko, Dmitar and Witness attempted to challenge and failed. Time and time again some notations I proclaim against various things in today's society. I am more so an enemy to the culture of today's society, for those outside of the paradigm, even us Truthers are essentially viewed as the bad guy, and they equate us to Conspiracy Theorists.
    Other then that, today's society is the reason I am against various Agendas; having a strong disdain for misinformation that is engineered to mislead, as is, build a path for the Reset.
    The MSM cannot be trusted at all, to verify what is truth, you have to do the due diligence to find out what it is and evade misleading information. The thing is now is a lot of us are being censored (I got hit with a lot of censors as of recent), a contact of mine in Russia has not only been censored, but because of the situation, his family instantly hit the poverty line, this is the same contact who was able to get information for me concerning a Hacker website used by the FSB (of which a group of people shut down) that targets people in Russia associated with Alexei Navalny, as is JWs during the ban, the same person who I was able to get information on how easily Putin won his election, as is what I said about Russia and China concerning NATO 4 years ago.
    All that said, propaganda is everywhere now, so much so, it is even a problem for my community and those who support it, one person had to come out to apology because he was tricked by the videos from Ukraine, one in question even @JW Insider posted to give example of how easily emotional videos can get the best of people.
    But you can still be effected indirectly. To not be knowing of this puts you among the unaware, as with most people, even among JWs, for some are unaware.
    War is indeed wrong do argument on that, but to be oblivious to is also a problem to oneself; to be cautious you need to be aware. We have to know how our enemy operates also, so we do not fall victim. The Wild Beast and Babylon are very cunning, and some actions done by them, the unaware are usually the first to be taken by surprise vs those who are very cautious of every step, example, Babylon's actions in Washington in 2016, or a move by the Beast in 2017, etc.
    Better to know these things, vs to not be aware, even Biblically, we have examples.
    He's quite aware of the situation, and most likely will have his say.
    The United Kingdom is of the first group, which is associated with America whereas Russia is in the second group under the United Nations banner. One sees an Order, the other does not. Whatever they do, it effects, example, Russians are suffering because of the sanctions met to target the RU government. Boris Johnson's say and action, along with is allies, will effect you and the UK people indirectly. Evidently, you will feel it, and to be unaware, the next move will sweep you or anyone else like a sudden flash flood.
    I could have gotten some info in regards to the UK and the US, but a missing persons case took my attention, so I am doing research as of now.
    That being said, as mentioned to you before, you do not have to 100% concern yourself with such but at least be aware of the Lion in the field. If thousands of Christians could easily be duped worldwide in 2016 from that same Lion, there is no question the same case can happen now and onwards into the Reset.
    As for our Russian friends, it is tough for them, some of them now face Racism, for the actions of the Kremlin somehow Russians are deemed the enemy. My contact also suffers from this.
  21. Downvote
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Dmitar in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    If you go there now, they might send you to the camp, into a confined space with a picture of PoV Daniel Andrews with his ever-staring gaze looking upon you.
    That being said, disarmament, there are many examples, like the Syrian Christians who became like fodder for ISIS.
    As for the situation with Ukraine and Russia, there is already some big players looking at the situation carefully, all this while the transfer of wealth is still ongoing.
  22. Thanks
    Space Merchant got a reaction from Arauna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    You might want to download/save that in case because there is mass censorship that is ongoing.
  23. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to Anna in What's going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦???   
    An interesting podcast interview with Nina Khrushcheva on Putin:

  24. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Just saw a Youtube episode of Jimmy Dore (below) who hits many of the same points that I (and others) have made about Ukraine. A little too defensive of Putin, and too snarky in general, but accurate on most of the points he does present. Some of the best points are about the hypocrisy of the U.S. rhetoric, a point he actually understates.
  25. Upvote
    Space Merchant reacted to JW Insider in Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?   
    Case in point:
    It's not just NATO pushing westward, which was a "line in the sand" that Putin has consistently held against. More directly, it's the Minsk accord(s), as agreed to by Ukraine, Russia, France, US, etc.
    In them, the Luhansk and Donetsk regions would be considered part of Ukraine, but would be treated as autonomous regions with their own presidents and autonomous ability to negotiate trade, etc. But right after agreeing to this, the Ukrainian military (using the plausible deniability of its rogue Nazi forces) began bombing Luhanks and Donetsk, including schools, hospitals, bridges, etc. There was no real attempt to control these "rogue" elements. After all, they are represented in parliament and other parts of the Zelensky government. Remember that many Russians are living in these regions, and it was mostly because of the antagonism against Russians that Ukraine was bombing their own regions. This bombing escalated greatly in the days just before Russia responded.
    In fact this is what's behind a curious bit of misinformation that immediately went viral, even though it really showed the opposite of what it was intended to show:
    Note the claim on this Twitter video:
    Although it's heartwrenching, it's a lie. It was actually posted by the mayor of Gorlovka Prikhodko on February 21, well before the invasion. But during one of the horrendous attacks while Ukraine was shelling the Donbas region. It was showing the evacuation of kids from Donbas as Ukrainian troops attacked. If you read Russian (I don't) you can actually tell that this is not Ukraine even from the Russian words on the bus that Ukraine would consider illegal. 
    And the journalist who began posting this video under a new, false context and promote it to the tune of tens of thousands of likes? It was one of the same Syrian "white helmet" journalist who got so much Western traction by producing fake videos of supposed poisonous gas attacks to fuel Assad hatred around the world. (Not for nothing, the USA actually still occupies a huge portion of Syria due to the civil war, directly stealing oil from large sections of Syria since that time several years ago, and continues to steal the oil from Syria even today.)
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