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Posts posted by Pudgy

  1. Yeah …. i lived through almost all of that, and remember it. 

    However, if there was a “UNIVERSAL WAR FOR THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE UNIVERSE” …. which hasn’t happened yet, we would have seen some sparks …. or at the very least a 24 foot long golden arrow stuck deep into  a burning Abrams or Russian  T-1 Tank.

    ….. not so much as a surprised mouse, pissing on cotton.

  2. As I mentioned before, the fact that many here find the subject interesting… is what I find interesting … not the subject itself. 

    I am more interested in things like the physics at the event horizon of a massive black hole.

    I have figured out what”dark matter” is in the same way Einstein ran thought experiments that gave him correct conclusions in 1905 he had to wait until 1919 to prove.




  3. Despite my initial resolve not to be interested in Babylonian Astronomy, clay tablets, and conflicting dates circa 500bce to 600 bce, I find myself fascinated that You Guys find it of sufficient interest to pour over it in such detail. Perhaps there is something here that I am missing.

    A rough analogy, I suppose would be like Quantum Physics, which I find fascinating, but unknowable, and can only be guessed at by trying to visualize what an esoteric equation is really representing in reality. Also far beyond my ability to comprehend, but at least I can see a practical use for quantum studies. 

    Nowadays you need a good understanding of Quantum  Physics to understand Astronomy, or solid state electronics, or even how light behaves. This has PRACTICAL applications, such as Smart Phones, GPS, FTL communications, etc. We use this each and every day in contemporary society.

    The people back in Babylonian times have been dead for 2600 and more years, and what they wrote in clay mud with sticks is not relevant anymore.

    I can see enjoying knowing, so there is that, but if the subtext of all of this research is to be able to prove that the Great Tribulation, and Armageddon, and God’s Kingdom established has already occurred … it’s a complete waste of time.

    You can stand in the street and look around and see those things have not yet happened.

    You know, Jonah was super ticked off that he did all that work, hardship and danger, and God changed his mind about Nineveh.

    At least he didn’t try to convince people they had been destroyed invisibly.


  4. 24 minutes ago, xero said:

    @JW InsiderI tried the web version 1st, but that lacked the ability to go back to BCE dates. All the other things (besides my continued dyslexia w/regard to dates BCE - as a developer, I would have fixed that so people didn't have to play with numbers).

    What I'm still trying for is what view will show me the on-the-ground view and how to translate "the rule of fist?"=cubit to what I'm looking at.

    If you have a Smart Phone “Sky Guide” App will do that.

    The super cool thing is that for the current time and location the real sky is always directly BEHIND the phone, and what’s on the screen.





  5. I have no idea what that means, but it sure sounds profound!

    F.Y.I., the ancient city of Babylon was located at approximately 32.5°N latitude. Some U.S. cities near that latitude include Phoenix, Arizona; San Diego, California; and Atlanta, Georgia.

    Cities at the same latitude globally will generally see a similar apparent solar ecliptic, but there might be slight variations due to factors like local geography and atmospheric conditions.





    The yellow line is the solar ecliptic.

  6. ChatGBT:

    “The ancient Babylonians measured the angular separation of celestial bodies using a unit called "finger widths" or "fists." The Moon was considered to be about 12 finger widths wide, while an outstretched fist with the arm pointed at the sky was roughly equivalent to about 10 finger widths. So, the Moon was approximately 1.2 times wider than an outstretched fist in Babylonian astronomical measurement.”  This assumes you have a skinny hand and are not Pudgy. If you are Pudgy, you will not believe these numbers until you go outside and test it.

    Results may vary for hoofs and paws.


     When measuring angular separation in the sky, it's typically done on a scale where the horizon is 0°, directly overhead (the zenith) is 90°, and the opposite horizon is 180°. So, if the moon's width is about half a degree, it's like saying it spans about 1/360th of the horizon's circumference when viewed from the observer's location.

    THAT I can measure with my Topcon 20 second Theodolite to see if it is true. The Memorial is Sunday, March 24, this year, and the Moon will be full.

    Perhaps there will be a clear sky about 10pm.



  7.  and so (cues the organist) … that ends another thrilling episode of “The Vicar of Warwick”. where the Vicar and ex-Bethelite Quasimodo whack-a-mole each other back and forth with great blows, none seeming to have any effect.

    At all.

    Tune in to the NEXT episode of season 15, when Quasimodo, loosing patience, finally pulls the lever, consigning the Vicar to the bowels of Twitter, now known as “X”.

    (organ music stops as organist stands up and joins in thunderous applause …).

    fade to black.

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