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John Houston

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Everything posted by John Houston

  1. In all my reading of scripture about these ones sealed for life with Chirst, they have been chosen and sealed; all in heaven. We seem to be trying to figure the number of those dead with those still alive. Not going to happen. Not part of this number until you have died, thus being sealed as anointed part of what John wrote about. None of the guessing? Right? There will be only 144000, we know that as fact, our math as we try to count will be flawed. If we change our outlook, and remember that number is only correct, from a heavenly standpoint, not an earthly one. If Demas had not found the world so appealing, wouldn't he be apart of that number, or those who turned into the wolves among us?, as Paul warned? But these ones are not, as those thousand baptized at Pentecost who faded away, correct? The number is final when Jesus collects whoever is faithful when he calls them, however many it is. For now the number may be growing for Jehovah may in fact still be chasing ones of that class. What makes people think Jehovah picked the first come first served? He is going to give the gift of immortality, this to be shared with his Son, would not others who would be alive centuries later be worthy of this gift? Would not Jehovah know this? From the time of his Son death and this promise, until the time Jesus comes for those who will fulfill the final number, during that time frame, Jehovah will have chosen 144000 worthy ones to serve as kings and priests, not the first numbers of martrys to fill the count. Just reading scripture, reasons as did Paul. Common sense! Agape!
  2. HollyW, the answer is no! During Christ 'presence' which began when after sitting at his Father right hand for a time, he then was given the kingly authority. He first removed all of satanic influence from heaven. Such the war in heaven. Then those who were to be in heaven with him, the apostle's, his mother, those firstfriuts. And then any of the 144,000 dying faithful, would be trans formed in a twinkling of an eye not remaining in the grave. That is the understanding from scripture. Before the outbreak of the great tribulation, the remaining ones of the heavenly class will be called up to heaven, to take part in the removal of wickedness from the earth, being sealed with their brothers; kings and priests with Jesus Christ! Having destroyed governments and wicked off the earth, Satan and his demons are abyssed for the 1000 yrs., while Jesus reigns. During this time survivors are healed from sin and imperfection, the earth from the devastating effects of mankind before. Those who succumbed to death and are in Jehovah's memory will hear Jesus' voice as he calls them forth from the common Grave, back to perfect life under much better conditions. Learning from the "opened scrolls" all the earth will be united in the knowledge of Jehovah , as John seen in vision eating from the tree of life, so to speak. Gaining access to the status that Adam and Eve had before our Heavenly Father , before Satan is loosed one last time.
  3. I am laughing at your reasoning. What is being read into what I said? If what Paul said about "all things", would that mean the things, the same as the former things upon earth which will be done away with? Wow, how can a sensible person miss this? When Jesus hand back the Kingdom reins, would not it be finish, would not AT THAT MOMENT death be swallowed up? Before Adam rebelled, wasn't death just an idea? The same is true in what Paul is saying. Until Satan is released, until we are retested as perfect humans, under the same conditions as Adam and Eve then we will prove ourselves, then we will set aside those for destruction with Satan. You are twisted in your thinking your reasoning with scripture. That is your right. Ones like you feed off of debate from ones like me, but even Jesus walked away. So am I.
  4. Shiwii, yet verse 28, of Paul's word state that when Jesus finished his reign, he will subject himself back to his Father, as he was in the beginning as it was before Adam sinned. That is what his reign will right. Jehovah will again be all things to everyone, we will all be united again in perfection. Standing as Adam was. Without satanic influence or sin. Then when he is release all mankind will have the opportunity as did Adam and Eve as perfect humans to make that choice to either stand with Jehovah or again side with Satan. And as scripture says some will fall again to sin. But none will have someone else to blame. And all will be destroyed along with Satan and his demons. Evil being destroyed forever! The meek possessing the earth. During those 1000 yrs. mankind fallen in death will be able to be healed; also the earth. Having heaven rid of satanic influence with Satan thrown from heaven, earth will be cleansed also. Sin and imperfection will be removed from earth. As the Lord's Prayer state, God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven. The dead in Jehovah's memory from Abel until the last one died, will be raised to life, under conditions they have never seen! Physically restored to perfection during Christ reign, taking advantage of the blood of his sacrifice. Fulfilling Isaiah words about him being Eternal Father, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Wonderful Counselor. Jesus will wear all these caps during his reign. As after that time he will take his position he held at the beginning, as the Word of God, subjecting himself under his Father as he was before. Jehovah being One to all, just as Paul wrote. Your beliefs are not based on scripture, all scripture, you have cherry-picked what you want to believe. You have that right. Paul reasoned with ones when he spoke, your statements make no sense. After the 1000 yrs., then the rest of the dead are brought back to life? When then is Satan released? When are we tested finally? When is Satan destroyed? Jehovah is not a God of disorder, right? So there will be order as the Bible reads throughout. He has not changed, correct? My parents will enjoy the 1000 yrs reign, hopefully with me, for I am trying my best to survive through the tribulation. And when the time comes a joyous time this earth will have. And after Satan and those who followed after him are destroyed, this again will be a joyous time. For we will have shown Jehovah God we want to be ruled by him. And what he wanted to show us, before sin happened we will be blown away. The things we will learn. Keep reading your Bible. Agape!
  5. Shiwiii, how do you understand Paul's words at 1 Corinthians 15:23-28? There Paul spoke of those being brought back during "his presence". When he hands over the kingdom back to Jehovah at the end of the 1000 yrs, then all would be perfect, death will be swallowed up. All will have been raised from the grave. So how is it the way you reason does not jibe with what Paul is saying here in scripture? We all know that during Christ reign HIS VOICE, will call those from the grave, not his Father's correct? That is what John wrote at John 5:28,29. Jehovah gave his Son, this authority during this time with his corulers, to right things and after things in heaven and on earth is perfect as it was in the beginning, Jesus hands it back to Jehovah all in perfect condition. Humans perfect, the earth globally perfect, heaven perfect. Now Satan is loosed one final time on us on earth. That is what scripture teaches. That is what you read from scripture, correct? The Bible is united in thought on this matter.
  6. I will. Miriam danced. If the beat is there my feet and body will find it as those who sung it did, as I will praise Jehovah, also.
  7. Yes, song 151 is a no show. Will have to wait. We have 152, 153 and 154 truthfully. But they still are beautiful songs.
  8. Thank you for all 3 days. For those unable to attend this is very helpful. When they will stream into the very homes, this is now our only venue. Again thanks!
  9. With all the reading it came down to simple logic from Jehovah God's own mouth. At Genesis 9:4 when speaking to Noah, he gave the right of his about life, for only he could change our condition having created us and all lifeforms on earth. The blood of any creature was to be held sacred, and Jehovah demanded an accounting for any misuse of the blood of animal and his brother. It is not man's right to give blood, which was to be poured out to the ground, if taken from an animal for food; and if shed of a fellow human replaced by their own. So there would never come a time in the flow of history where your blood would be used to be poured in my veins to save mine or any other human life. That is what is forgotten in any argument about this topic, for it is mostly about the human organization that states they way we should live, the standards we should aspire to; many who have rejected just as Adam and Eve did from the very beginning. Thw 'law' of the blood, return to the One who created life. In reading verses 5,6 we find the principles of what Jehovah thought about our life giving blood. There is no change of mind in him. Only in the humans who want to forgo this 'law' and do things their way! Will it save lives? Yes! But when Jehovah demands that life as he said there in Genesis on what side of his 'law' will that life be? Your body full of some else's blood, blood the scripture states has to rendered for an accounting to Jehovah? Who will demand that life(the blood) , back. Yes, that is why I do not ascribe to transfusions. It is not their right as per what Jehovah says as to who created life and what should be done with the blood. Demand an accounting from every living creature, his exact words!
  10. You make me look stuff up, I'm getting too old for,this!!
  11. The cited WT, is about war, the article is about shaving, Joseph doing so in Egypt, not about beards. There is no article in the study WT of that year, about beards, help me, I'm as dense as mud on the bottom of the Ohio river. So I could have overlooked your enlighten research, that is why I am asking these questions!
  12. Librarian, from what material comes the quotes about the beard? Nit from any wt, I could find, help me out please.
  13. I am going to,reply as did Jesus to Pilate, you are saying those things.
  14. Yet he was still considered a true prophet, correct?
  15. Moses got his message wrong, remember? That was why he did not go into the promised land! Moses acted on his own, not following Jehovah's instructions. He did not lie, but they were his own actions.
  16. Thanks for the Golden Age ABC, the letters M, N page are missing, the picture with prose are not there, but other than that it is much helpful. Again thanks!
  17. Somebody videos this meeting, right? Will they share it with the rest of us, please? Would like to hear the theme, not sound bites. If possible. Thanks!
  18. Ankle, a 21 yr old, he doesn't sleep. What pioneer has that much time in full time service getting his monthly allotment of hours, studies, rvs, personal study, study for the meetings, meditation on all that studying not to mention reading the publications and most of all the Bible daily. That was not his conversation at all. Yes, we are not alike, but there are somethings we should share. Having raised 2, 21 yr olds, what I just read does not sit right. Some data is misconceived or he is an alien being from another world! Stay thirsty my friend! Agape!
  19. Ann, is that anger I read in your answer? We must follow, not go ahead with how we feel. Too many examples in scripture on the outcome of those who did. Can we speak? Does this include, hugs and kisses? Casual conversation? Plans for dinner? a child that has been disfellowedshipped,,knows the stigma of what they've done and if repentant want to return to family and friends, and want to do it Jehovah's way, not what they feel,is how it should be done. Can we speak to them? Yes, for as you point out, we empathize with ones, but we do no more than that. Can't act like they are invisible, but they also know what is going on. If their heart is in the right place, as the example given above,,they will return and this exercise of questions will be moot, correct?
  20. If the speaker is of the anointed, he like any speaker would be given the emblems while on stage. If he is to take them he would not have to come down off stage to partake, that is much drama. And doing so on stage only offends those of weak conscience. Why I say this? Why are we here? As those of the 'other sheep' it should be seen as a privilege to be part of this, at all. What if it was for the anointed only, ceremony also. Then we would be in the dark about it all, right? But Jehovah's love does not work out his purpose like that. His justice on sending his Son for us, allows his love to share the restoration of his creation purpose for mankind and the furthering of his interrupted purpose which we will privy to after the 1000 yrs are ended. So either in his seat, or on the stage, they partake without doubt, knowing they have been invited. Their spirit along with 'token' of Jehovah's spirit, know they are sons of the kingdom,,adopted as kingly heirs!
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