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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  2. VIEL FREUDE FÜR EUCH..... ICH LERNE AUCH NOCH !! ( DGS & ASL ) ICH POSTE STEP BY STEP IMMER ANDERE VIDEOS HIER..... damit wir es nach u. nach etwas besser lernen - für den Dienst sehr hifreich ;o)
  3. If you will strictly obey my voice and keep my covenant, you will certainly become my special property out of all peoples, . . . a holy nation.—Ex. 19:5, 6. A man who kept his mind fixed on the things above was Moses. His was no ordinary education. Not only was Egypt the preeminent power at the time but Moses was living in Pharaoh’s household. Little wonder that with this advanced education, Moses became “powerful in his words and deeds.” Imagine the possibilities this would have opened up for him! Yet, Moses had his mind set on more lofty matters—on doing God’s will. Early in his life, Moses’ own mother, Jochebed, had surely taught him about the God of the Hebrews. Moses highly esteemed the knowledge of Jehovah and considered it to be of greater value than any other riches. He thereby forfeited the privileges and opportunities that would likely have come to him because he lived in Pharaoh’s household. (Heb. 11:24-27) Indeed, Moses’ spiritual education and his faith in Jehovah moved him to fix his mind on the things above.—Col. 3:2. w14 10/15 4:10, 11
  4. Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians.—Acts 7:22. A man who kept his mind fixed on the things above was Moses. His was no ordinary education. Not only was Egypt the preeminent power at the time but Moses was living in Pharaoh’s household. Little wonder that with this advanced education, Moses became “powerful in his words and deeds.” Imagine the possibilities this would have opened up for him! Yet, Moses had his mind set on more lofty matters—on doing God’s will. Early in his life, Moses’ own mother, Jochebed, had surely taught him about the God of the Hebrews. Moses highly esteemed the knowledge of Jehovah and considered it to be of greater value than any other riches. He thereby forfeited the privileges and opportunities that would likely have come to him because he lived in Pharaoh’s household. (Heb. 11:24-27) Indeed, Moses’ spiritual education and his faith in Jehovah moved him to fix his mind on the things above.—Col. 3:2. w14 10/15 4:10, 11
  5. Wenn ihr meiner Stimme genau gehorchen und meinen Bund wirklich halten werdet, dann werdet ihr bestimmt mein besonderes Eigentum aus allen anderen Völkern werden, eine heilige Nation (2. Mo. 19:5, 6) Jehova schloss am Sinai mit den Israeliten einen Bund und gab ihnen dieses bedeutungsvolle Versprechen. Schon bevor man die Hebräer zur Sklavenarbeit erniedrigt hatte, lebten sie in Ägypten in Stammesverbänden und wurden von Familienhäuptern geführt. Diese übernahmen Aufgaben als Herrscher, Richter und Priester, wie es schon Diener Jehovas vor ihnen getan hatten (1. Mo. 8:20; 18:19; Hiob 1:4, 5). Durch Moses gab Jehova den Israeliten jedoch eine Gesetzessammlung, die sie von allen anderen Nationen unterscheiden würde (5. Mo. 4:5-8; Ps. 147:19, 20). Das Gesetz sah eine unabhängige Priesterschaft vor. Für Rechtsfragen waren die „älteren Männer“ zuständig. Sie wurden aufgrund ihres Wissens und ihrer Lebensweisheit geachtet (5. Mo. 25:7, 8). Durch das Gesetz war das religiöse und gesellschaftliche Leben der neu gegründeten Nation geregelt. w14 15. 11. 4:8, 9
  6. Moses wurde in aller Weisheit der Ägypter unterwiesen (Apg. 7:22) Moses hielt seinen Sinn fest auf die Dinge droben gerichtet. Er hatte keine gewöhnliche Ausbildung erhalten. Ägypten war damals die vorherrschende Macht und Moses gehörte zur Familie Pharaos. Da verwundert es nicht, dass Moses mit dieser höheren Bildung „machtvoll in seinen Worten und Taten“ wurde. Was für Möglichkeiten sich ihm dadurch doch boten! Moses richtete seinen Sinn aber auf etwas Erhabeneres: das Tun des Willens Gottes. Moses’ Mutter Jochebed hatte ihm, als er noch klein war, bestimmt etwas über den Gott der Hebräer erzählt. Für Moses war die Erkenntnis über Jehova von größerem Wert als alle Schätze der Welt. Deswegen verzichtete er auf die Vorrechte und Chancen, die er als Mitglied der Familie Pharaos wahrscheinlich hatte (Heb. 11:24-27). Moses’ geistige Schulung und sein Glaube an Jehova bewogen ihn dazu, den Sinn auf die Dinge droben zu richten (Kol. 3:2). w14 15. 10. 4:10, 11
  7. Si vous obéissez strictement à ma voix et si vous gardez vraiment mon alliance, alors, à coup sûr, vous deviendrez mon bien particulier parmi tous les autres peuples, [...] une nation sainte (Ex. 19:5, 6). Jéhovah a fait cette promesse historique aux Israélites après avoir conclu avec eux une alliance au mont Sinaï. En Égypte, avant d’être réduits en esclavage, les Hébreux formaient une société tribale administrée par des chefs de famille, ou patriarches. Comme les serviteurs de Jéhovah ayant vécu avant eux, ces patriarches étaient chefs, juges et prêtres de leur maisonnée (Gen. 8:20 ; 18:19 ; Job 1:4, 5). Toutefois, par l’intermédiaire de Moïse, Jéhovah donnait à présent aux Israélites un code de lois qui les distinguerait de toutes les autres nations (Deut. 4:5-8 ; Ps. 147:19, 20). La Loi instituait une prêtrise à part. Quant à la justice, elle était administrée par « les anciens », des hommes respectés pour leur connaissance et leur sagesse (Deut. 25:7, 8). La Loi codifiait les activités religieuses et sociales de la nation nouvellement formée. w14 15/11 4:8, 9.
  8. Moïse [...] a été instruit dans toute la sagesse des Égyptiens (Actes 7:22). Moïse a toujours pensé aux choses d’en haut. Il n’a pas reçu une instruction ordinaire. Non seulement il vivait en Égypte, la puissance dominante de l’époque, mais il appartenait à la maisonnée de Pharaon. On comprend qu’avec cette instruction poussée, il soit devenu « puissant dans ses paroles et dans ses actions ». Imagine les possibilités que cela lui offrait ! Pourtant, il axait sa pensée sur des questions plus élevées ; sa priorité était de faire la volonté de Jéhovah. Grâce à sa vraie mère, Yokébed, Moïse a sûrement appris très jeune à connaître le Dieu des Hébreux. Pour lui, la connaissance de Jéhovah avait une immense valeur, bien plus élevée que celle de toute autre richesse. C’est pourquoi il a renoncé aux privilèges et aux possibilités que lui aurait probablement offerts son appartenance à la maisonnée de Pharaon (Héb. 11:24-27). Assurément, son instruction spirituelle et sa foi en Jéhovah l’incitaient à penser toujours aux choses d’en haut (Col. 3:2). w14 15/10 4:10, 11.
  9. I'm watching not so often Movies... but the first onces I like watching is, ( not laughing ) hahaha - the little *Kevin* Movies, also the great *Pretty woman*.... the *Blue Lagoon*... and some of the *Star wars* Movies - Of sure some more, but just not on my mind !
  10. Se obedecerdes estritamente à minha voz e deveras guardardes meu pacto, então vos haveis de tornar minha propriedade especial dentre todos os outros povos, . . . uma nação santa. — Êxo. 19:5, 6. Jeová concluiu um pacto com os israelitas no monte Sinai e lhes fez essa promessa histórica. Enquanto estavam no Egito, antes de se tornarem escravos, os hebreus eram uma sociedade tribal, administrada por chefes de família, ou patriarcas. Esses chefes de família, assim como os servos de Jeová que viveram antes deles, agiam como governantes, juízes e sacerdotes para suas famílias. (Gên. 8:20; 18:19; Jó 1:4, 5) No entanto, isso mudou quando Jeová, por meio de Moisés, deu aos israelitas um código de leis que os distinguiria de todas as outras nações. (Deut. 4:5-8; Sal. 147:19, 20) A Lei estabeleceu um sacerdócio separado, e a justiça passou a ser administrada pelos “anciãos”, que eram respeitados por seu conhecimento e sabedoria. (Deut. 25:7, 8) A Lei regulamentou as atividades religiosas e sociais daquela nação recém-formada. w14 15/11 4:8, 9
  11. Moisés foi instruído em toda a sabedoria dos egípcios. — Atos 7:22. Um homem que manteve a mente fixa nas coisas de cima foi Moisés. A sua não era uma educação qualquer. Afinal, o Egito era a nação mais poderosa da época, e Moisés fazia parte da família de Faraó. Não é de admirar que com essa educação especial Moisés tenha se tornado “poderoso nas suas palavras e ações”. Imagine as oportunidades que ele tinha diante de si! Mas sua mente estava voltada para coisas mais elevadas — fazer a vontade de Deus. Durante os primeiros anos de sua vida, Moisés com certeza foi ensinado por sua mãe, Joquebede, sobre o Deus dos hebreus. Moisés dava muito valor ao conhecimento a respeito de Jeová, encarando-o como mais valioso do que qualquer riqueza. Assim, ele abriu mão de privilégios e oportunidades que teria recebido se continuasse a fazer parte da família de Faraó. (Heb. 11:24-27) A educação espiritual de Moisés e sua fé em Jeová o motivaram a manter a mente fixa nas coisas de cima. — Col. 3:2. w14 15/10 4:10, 11
  12. Ich hab noch verschiedene ähnliche videos - gut zum Lernen ! Bald mehr.... DANKE --
  13. YEAH...... He made it.... finally Leonardo DiCaprio... so many friends said, he now has to get it ! Its nice for him !
  14. I hear the *OSCAR TV* voices from living - room while my postings, bec. here its deep night ! You can watch, but I hear the ceremony ;-) Sometimes I go watching --- Yes, thats a good question about a female "Oscar"... prob. still not our time, typically men world hahaha.... Women accept and endure, maybe. - It does give a story how the "Oscar" was born... Btw. the Oscar is not of solid gold, I saw in TV before a time ! Enjoy the ceremony.... its going until 6:15am in Germany and I will hear and watch ;o) Its a funny show and I feel near the USA !
  15. A Gnite to ALL.... ???  &  sweet dreams ???✨? 

  16. SING TO JEHOVAH - LARGE PRINT NEW SONG BOOK *2016* ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
  17. I saw that in the TV news... and the many weeks of rain will not stop ! ;-(
  18. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ I am sad... :-(( Hope, we see her in the NW and paradise, yes ❤ Thank you Sarah !
  19. Richard Branson unveils his $250,000-per-ride spaceship.... // February 22, 2016 / 3:57pm HIS GALACTIC SPACESHIP 2.... A CROWD OF SPACE TOURISM - FREAKS ! Wreckage lies near the site where a Virgin Galactic space tourism rocket, SpaceShipTwo, crashed in the desert near Mojave, Calif. // SPACESHIP 1... More than a year after a fatal accident during a test flight of a sister ship, Richard Branson unveiled his shiny new $250,000-a ticket Virgin Galactic spacecraft — the VSS Unity. “Together, we can make space accessible in a way that has only been dreamt of before now,” the Virgin billionaire said at the unveiling at the Mojave Air & Space Port in California on Friday. The silver and white craft — about the size of a private jet — is the first designed to carry passengers to space and back to Earth, and Branson already has eager takers: About 700 people have already signed up, including physicist Stephen Hawking, who named the ship. “We are entering a new space age and I hope this will help to create a new unity,” said Hawking in a recorded message. “Space exploration has already been a great unifier. We seem able to cooperate between nations in space in a way we can only envy on Earth.” “It will help bring new meaning to our place on Earth and to our responsibilities as its stewards and it will help us to recognize our place and our future in the cosmos, which is where I believe our ultimate destiny lines,” he added. The ship can carry six passengers and two pilots, and Branson has already promised Hawking a free ride once the ship is space-ready. The 74-year-old cosmologist, who has ALS and talks through a specialized system hooked up to his cheek, has been training in weightless environments to prepare for his space odyssey. “We felt strongly that we should somehow make sure that Stephen remained a permanent part of Unity’s story because so much of what he stands for resonates with what we at Virgin Galactic aspire to be,” the 65-year-old billionaire said. “So the Galactic Girl on the side of our proud Spaceship Unity now carries a banner using an image of Stephen’s eye.” Similar to the Enterprise — the ill-fated test flight that broke apart over the Mojave Desert in October 2014, killing the co-pilot and injuring the pilot. The newest spacecraft will be launched from a mothership that lights the rocket’s motor. Virgin officials said the new ship has had changes to the safety mechanism that governs it, and will undergo extensive testing on the ground before pilots fire up its rocket, but company honchos have not released a schedule yet for its first blastoff with passengers. The descent mechanism — which mimics the dynamic of a badminton shuttlecock — will remain the same. The craft’s flight plan calls for a carrier, called White Knight Two, to ferry it to an altitude of about 50,000 feet, and then release Unity, which will ignite a rocket and travel about 62 miles up, giving passengers a suborbital experience, and a taste of microgravity — floating in space — before gliding back down to Earth. ( PS. We shall see, what will bring us the future and what all happened...)
  20. Not in our lifetime and not in the next.... bec. we belong to live on the Earth ;-) Its only the nosiness of many rich men ! My thinking is very realisric and it will never have success, thats my opinion. All rich men are too poor, to pay such of big idea... its really only a dream !
  21. WOW.... Danke for your always SO detailed and exact explanations about Bible-words, themes, or special questions to that ! Its like a treasure & a big help for me. THANK YOU ;-)
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