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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. http://www.faz.net/aktuell/technik-motor/mark-zuckerbergs-vision-von-virtueller-realitaet-auf-mwc-14084393.html Mark Zuckerberg touts 360 video and social VR in Barcelona: Mobile World Congress 2016 Attendees watch virtual reality content in Gear VR headsets at a Samsung event in Barcelona on Feb. 21, 2016. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, speaks at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Feb. 22, 2016. The Gear VR is based on technology from Oculus, a virtual reality company Facebook acquired in 2014 for $2 billion. At the time, some questioned Facebook’s purchase of Oculus, but now the reason for it is clear. “VR is the next platform, where anyone can create and experience anything they want,” said Zuckerberg. “Pretty soon, we’re going to live in a world where everyone has the power to share and experience whole scenes as if you’re just right there in person.” Virtual reality relies on 360-degree videos that capture a scene from all angles. It requires a camera with two or more lenses and software that stitches the video or still images together. That’s what Samsung’s Gear 360 does. Earlier in the day, LG Electronics announced a similar 360-degree camera. For viewers, similar software is required to make sense of the video and play it either on a conventional screen, where viewers can move the video to look around, or on a virtual reality headset, where they move their heads to look around. Facebook added support for such video last year and Zuckerberg said there are already 20,000 360-degree videos on on Facebook. “We’ve only just started to explore what’s possible with video and VR,” he said. “It’s still really early.” To help push the technology forward, Facebook recently formed a number of engineering teams to create new social VR applications, he said. The rise of VR is very much one of modern technology. Scientists have been experimenting with VR for years, but it’s only been in the last couple of years that computing and telecommunications has gotten to the stage where it’s possible to do in good quality on reasonable hardware and networks. But more work is needed. “One day soon, all of us will have the power to broadcast live,” he said. “To do that, we’re going to have to solve a lot of really complex engineering problems.” Zuckerberg credited Samsung for helping come up with some of the hardware components required. He said engineers at Oculus and Facebook are also working on reducing network-related challenges. One recent innovation involves streaming just the part of the video being viewed rather than the entire 360-degree view. That’s helped engineers realize a 4x increase in the quality of video while reducing bandwidth consumption by three-quarters, he said. Zuckerberg said Facebook and Oculus are committed to VR “for the long term” and new VR games are among the new experiences coming this year. Mark Zuckerberg says VR is the future of Facebook. For a teenage Mark Zuckerberg, high school mathematics class meant dreams of traveling to distant worlds through virtual reality. Those ideas stayed with him as he grew Facebook into the mammoth it’s become today, and they’re now guiding him as he ponders the future of the social media platform. It will be immersive, it will be bring people closer together, and it will happen sooner than you might think, he said on Sunday in Barcelona. “I’ve been waiting for the day to come when we can deliver this experience,” he said. “Today, this is now possible. That day is here.” Zuckerberg was speaking at a Samsung event held to launch two new smartphones and where the South Korean company also unveiled a new 360-degree still and video camera called the Gear 360. The two companies started working together last year, and in November Samsung launched the $99 Gear VR headset. Users clip in a compatible Samsung Galaxy smartphone to be able to take virtual adventures. BY ORDER A NEW SAMSUNG VERY FAST - I READ, IN GERMANY THEY GET THE $ 99 GEAR VR HEADSET FOR FREE !! At Mobile World Congress today we announced the Telecom Infra Project, part of our efforts to connect the world through Internet.org. Internet.org is made up of many separate programs, including a few focused on developing new types of infrastructure to connect people in the world's most remote communities. Through ideas like solar-powered aircraft and satellites that can beam down internet through lasers, and community wi-fi hotspots, we can reach communities that are difficult or expensive to reach with traditional infrastructure. Today we’re taking the next step by partnering with telecom companies to develop new technologies that will reduce the cost of building mobile networks all over the world. Our inspiration for this initiative is the Open Compute Project, an effort launched by Facebook in 2011 where we open sourced our server, network and data centers designs to promote collaboration that has led to faster innovation and billions of dollars in efficiency savings across the industry. This new effort will follow the same principles of open technology design and collaboration, and we hope the cost savings from greater efficiency will be passed along to people by making their data plans cheaper and making it affordable for operators to extend their networks to places it hasn't traditionally been cost effective to do so. In this way, TIP will help us connect the world much faster. Facebook is working with more than 30 partners including Deutsche Telekom, Intel, Nokia and SK Telecom to develop new technologies that can help connect people faster and more efficiently, from infrastructure that can help connect the unconnected in developing countries to ways to accelerate the growth of 5G networks -- which will deliver richer forms of content like video and VR. I'm looking forward to discussing the new Telecom Infra Project as well as the other different programs of Internet.org later today at my fireside chat at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
  2. Those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines.—Heb. 12:6. We do not enjoy being counseled or disciplined. (Heb. 12:5, 11) Yet, think of what the one who is offering us counsel must consider. He needs to be aware of what we are doing that could affect our relationship with Jehovah God, he must be concerned about our feelings, and he has to be willing to devote the time and effort needed to show us from the Bible how we can adjust our course to be pleasing to God. One brother who used his phone to access pornographic Internet sites lent his phone to an elder. When the elder began using the phone, questionable sites appeared. This turned out to be a blessing for our spiritually imperiled brother. He received timely counsel, benefited from the correction given, and eventually overcame the bad tendencies. How grateful we can be to our caring heavenly Father, who sees even our hidden sins and corrects us before we go too far! w14 4/15 5:8, 9
  3. Jeová disciplina aquele a quem ama. — Heb. 12:6. Não gostamos de ser aconselhados ou disciplinados. (Heb. 12:5, 11) Mas pense no que a pessoa que está nos dando o conselho precisa levar em conta. Ela precisa perceber que estamos fazendo algo que pode afetar nossa relação com Jeová Deus e estar preocupada com nossos sentimentos. Também precisa estar disposta a dedicar o tempo e o esforço necessários para nos mostrar na Bíblia como podemos corrigir nosso proceder para agradarmos a Deus. Um irmão que costumava usar o celular para acessar sites pornográficos na internet deixou que um ancião usasse seu celular. Quando o ancião começou a usar o telefone, apareceram sites questionáveis. Isso acabou sendo uma bênção para nosso irmão que estava espiritualmente em perigo. Ele recebeu conselhos oportunos, aceitou a correção dada e com o tempo venceu aquela tendência ruim. Sem dúvida, somos muito gratos por nosso amoroso Pai celestial ver até mesmo pecados secretos e nos corrigir antes de irmos longe demais. w14 15/4 5:8, 9
  4. Celui que Jéhovah aime, il le discipline (Héb. 12:6). Il n’est pas spécialement agréable de se faire conseiller ou corriger (Héb. 12:5, 11). Mais réfléchis à ce que le conseilleur doit prendre en compte. Il doit être au courant d’actes de notre part qui pourraient nuire à notre relation avec Jéhovah Dieu. Il doit se soucier de nos sentiments. Enfin, il doit être prêt à donner de son temps et de son énergie pour nous montrer, à l’aide de la Bible, comment changer de route et plaire à Dieu. Un jour, un frère qui visitait des sites pornographiques au moyen de son téléphone portable a prêté ce téléphone à un ancien. Quand l’ancien a commencé à s’en servir, des sites douteux sont apparus. Cela s’est révélé un bienfait pour ce chrétien, qui était en danger spirituel. Il a été conseillé à temps, corrigé, en a tiré profit et a fini par vaincre son penchant. Comme nous pouvons être reconnaissants à notre Père céleste de voir nos péchés cachés et de nous corriger avant que nous n’allions trop loin ! w14 15/4 5:8, 9.
  5. Wen Jehova liebt, den züchtigt er (Heb. 12:6) Es ist nicht angenehm, ermahnt zu werden (Heb. 12:5, 11). Doch überlegen wir uns einmal, was jemand zu bedenken hat, bevor er uns ermahnt. Er muss bemerkt haben, dass wir etwas tun, was sich schlecht auf unser Verhältnis zu Jehova auswirken könnte. Er möchte uns nicht verletzen. Und er nimmt sich Zeit und macht sich die Mühe, uns in der Bibel zu zeigen, was wir ändern müssen, um Gott zu gefallen. Ein Bruder, der sich auf seinem neuen Handy pornografische Websites ansah, borgte das Gerät einmal einem Ältesten. Plötzlich erschienen auf dem Handy fragwürdige Websites. Das erwies sich für den Bruder, der sich in geistiger Gefahr befand, als Segen. Er erhielt die benötigte Ermahnung, befolgte sie und bekam seine Neigung wieder in den Griff. Wie dankbar wir doch unserem fürsorglichen Vater im Himmel sein können, der unsere verborgenen Sünden sieht und uns zurechtbringt, bevor wir zu weit gehen. w14 15. 4. 5:8, 9
  6. Another sign language video - a deaf woman working by Starbucks / south korea ;-)
  8. The Deaf community is made up of extremely diverse people. From every walk of life, in every corner of the world. Watch this powerful video, a signature statement on just how truly special and global the Deaf community is. With people from 27 different countries participating, We Are Deaf is a special message from us to you. http://deafnation.com/
  9. ZIKA VIRUS...... Genf (dpa) - Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) rechnet erst in vier bis sechs Monaten mit Klarheit über einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen Zika und einer Schädelfehlbildung bei Babys. Das Virus steht im Verdacht, nach der Infektion einer Schwangeren die sogenannte Mikrozephalie ihres Ungeborenen zu verursachen. Neugeborene, deren Mütter sich am Anfang der Schwangerschaft angesteckt haben, sind nach WHO-Auskunft besonders häufig betroffen. Daher müsse die WHO für weitere Erkenntnisse auf die Geburt dieser Kinder warten, teilte die Behörde mit. Die Verbindung zwischen Zika und dem seltenen Lähmungssyndrom Guillain-Barré könnte deutlich schneller ermittelt werden, weil Erwachsene betroffen seien. Zika ist bisher in etwa 40 Ländern nachgewiesen worden, am stärksten ist Brasilien betroffen. Um eine mögliche Infektion durch Geschlechtsverkehr auszuschließen, rät die WHO Touristen, mindestens vier Wochen lang nach ihrer Rückkehr aus betroffenen Gebieten nur geschützten Sex zu haben oder abstinent zu bleiben. Schwangere Frauen und Bewohner aus gefährdeten Gegenden sollten diese Regeln generell befolgen. Von 7. bis 9. März will die WHO ein Expertentreffen einberufen, um neue Strategien im Kampf gegen die Mücken zu finden, die das Zika-Virus übertragen. Papst Franziskus hatte künstliche Verhütungsmittel nicht mehr strikt ausgeschlossen, wenn es um eine Bedrohung wie das Zika-Virus geht. Verhütung sei "nichts absolut Böses" und sei in einigen Fällen sogar einleuchtend, sagte das katholische Kirchenoberhaupt nach Vatikanangaben auf dem Rückflug von Mexiko nach Rom. Die katholische Kirche lehnt Verhütungsmittel eigentlich ab.
  10. ZIKA VIRUS....... Genf (dpa) - Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) rechnet erst in vier bis sechs Monaten mit Klarheit über einen möglichen Zusammenhang zwischen Zika und einer Schädelfehlbildung bei Babys. Das Virus steht im Verdacht, nach der Infektion einer Schwangeren die sogenannte Mikrozephalie ihres Ungeborenen zu verursachen. Neugeborene, deren Mütter sich am Anfang der Schwangerschaft angesteckt haben, sind nach WHO-Auskunft besonders häufig betroffen. Daher müsse die WHO für weitere Erkenntnisse auf die Geburt dieser Kinder warten, teilte die Behörde mit. Die Verbindung zwischen Zika und dem seltenen Lähmungssyndrom Guillain-Barré könnte deutlich schneller ermittelt werden, weil Erwachsene betroffen seien. Zika ist bisher in etwa 40 Ländern nachgewiesen worden, am stärksten ist Brasilien betroffen. Um eine mögliche Infektion durch Geschlechtsverkehr auszuschließen, rät die WHO Touristen, mindestens vier Wochen lang nach ihrer Rückkehr aus betroffenen Gebieten nur geschützten Sex zu haben oder abstinent zu bleiben. Schwangere Frauen und Bewohner aus gefährdeten Gegenden sollten diese Regeln generell befolgen. Von 7. bis 9. März will die WHO ein Expertentreffen einberufen, um neue Strategien im Kampf gegen die Mücken zu finden, die das Zika-Virus übertragen. Papst Franziskus hatte künstliche Verhütungsmittel nicht mehr strikt ausgeschlossen, wenn es um eine Bedrohung wie das Zika-Virus geht. Verhütung sei "nichts absolut Böses" und sei in einigen Fällen sogar einleuchtend, sagte das katholische Kirchenoberhaupt nach Vatikanangaben auf dem Rückflug von Mexiko nach Rom. Die katholische Kirche lehnt Verhütungsmittel eigentlich ab.
  11. Hahahaha..... cats are animals and humans are not animals ! Aninmals are allowed, eating other things than humans. Many animals like some of humans food too, but normal they've their own food. WHAT is with cat ownership and schizophrenia - to a dog ownership and schizophrenia or other animals ? I can't believe this curious study. Scientists so often not honest with their statements ! Moreover, cats are very very clean animals !! Perhaps it gave some weird cases, but I always rethink all for myself, not believe, what everybody is saying ;o) -------- Btw.... I had a nice clever cat, long 14 years ! I missed her a long time ;-( My next animals I want in the NW ❤ ( not yet )
  12. Thank you so much Blanchie ;o) I love Sisters like you... and I have 2,3 in my cong. too. We're all different, yes, but I more like the kind of heartiness. I wish you a quickly recover ! I just finished a bronchitis and before heavy sciartica pains, haha... not so funny, but I could endure it. Yes, we need soon the NW... thats really true ! I posted a pic in the Gallery here, there we can read, for Jehovah is Armageddon already in few min. over - bec. 1000 years for him in 1 day over ! WHAT a different thinking and live to see... The same big hug all the way back to you from Germany, dear Blanchie ;o) ??☀️ PS. I also posted a nice pic with the 'golden' apples... we learned on Sunday by the WT study. And many other nice pic's I post on and offf. When you've little time, take a look, thank you.
  13. I got it from 147 - 150 ! in a video and posted it by Cantemos a Jehová....
  14. Wir mussten einfach fröhlich sein und uns freuen, denn dieser dein Bruder war tot und kam zum Leben (Luk. 15:32) Ist das Gleichnis vom verlorenen Sohn nicht ein großer Ansporn für alle, die die Wahrheit verlassen haben, unverzüglich zu Jehova zurückzukehren? Da ihr Glaube jedoch sehr gelitten hat, sind sie wahrscheinlich am Ende ihrer Kräfte. Und der Weg zurück erscheint ihnen womöglich unangenehm und schwer. Aber die Mühe lohnt sich, denn auch der Himmel freut sich über ihre Rückkehr (Luk. 15:7, 11-32). Wir wollen bestimmt nie „allzu gerecht“ werden und einen reuevollen Sünder nicht willkommen heißen. Das würde unserer Freundschaft zu Jehova nämlich nur schaden (Pred. 7:16). Wer die Versammlung verlassen hat, sollte als „verlorenes Schaf“ betrachtet werden, nicht als hoffnungsloser Fall (Ps. 119:176). Begegnen wir also jemandem, der sich entfernt hat, aber nicht ausgeschlossen ist — werden wir ihm dann nicht liebevoll praktische Hilfe anbieten, damit er zurückkehren kann? Ob nun ausgeschlossen oder nicht, werden wir nicht in jedem Fall sofort die Ältesten informieren, damit sie passende Hilfe anbieten können? Ganz bestimmt, wenn wir Jesu Gleichnis verstanden haben. w14 15. 12. 2:12, 14, 15
  15. Il fallait bien se donner du bon temps et se réjouir, parce que ton frère que voilà était mort et il a pris vie (Luc 15:32). L’exemple du fils prodigue est un puissant encouragement, pour ceux qui ont quitté la vérité, à revenir à Jéhovah sans tarder ! Peut-être sont-ils épuisés spirituellement et éprouvent-ils des difficultés et une certaine honte à revenir. Mais l’effort en vaut la peine : à leur retour, même les cieux se réjouiront ! (Luc 15:7, 11-32). Surtout, gardons-nous d’être « juste à l’excès », d’être justes au point de ne pas vouloir accueillir les pêcheurs repentants. Nous amènerions sur nous la « désolation » spirituelle (Eccl. 7:16). Autre enseignement : Considérons celui qui quitte la congrégation comme « une brebis perdue » plutôt qu’une cause perdue (Ps. 119:176). Que ferons-nous si nous rencontrons quelqu’un qui s’est éloigné de la congrégation ? S’il n’est pas excommunié, lui proposerons-nous affectueusement de l’aider à revenir ? Dans tous les cas, informerons-nous rapidement les anciens pour qu’ils lui apportent l’aide nécessaire ? C’est une façon d’appliquer avec sagesse ce que nous enseigne l’exemple de Jésus. w14 15/12 2:12, 14, 15.
  16. We just had to celebrate and rejoice, for your brother was dead but has come to life.—Luke 15:32. The illustration of the prodigal son is a strong incentive for those who have left the truth to return to Jehovah without delay! They may be spiritually exhausted, and the way back may seem to be embarrassing and difficult. But it is worth the effort—even the heavens will rejoice when they return. (Luke 15:7, 11-32) Never would we want to be so “overly righteous” that we refuse to welcome repentant sinners back. This would result only in spiritual “ruin.” (Eccl. 7:16) We can learn another lesson from this. Someone who leaves the congregation should be viewed as “a lost sheep,” not a lost cause. (Ps. 119:176) If we meet a person who has strayed from the congregation, will we offer loving and practical help to assist him to return? Will we promptly inform the elders so that they can offer appropriate help? We will if we wisely apply the lesson we learn from Jesus’ illustration. w14 12/15 2:12, 14, 15
  17. Nós simplesmente tivemos de nos regalar e alegrar, porque este teu irmão estava morto, e voltou a viver. — Luc. 15:32. Para os que abandonaram a verdade, a ilustração do filho pródigo é um belo incentivo para que voltem a Jeová sem demora. Eles talvez estejam exaustos em sentido espiritual, e o caminho de volta pode parecer embaraçoso e difícil. Mas vale a pena — afinal, até mesmo os céus se alegram quando alguém nessa situação volta. (Luc. 15:7, 11-32) Nunca devemos ser ‘justos demais’ e nos recusar a acolher de volta pecadores arrependidos. Isso só nos prejudicaria espiritualmente. (Ecl. 7:16) Podemos aprender outra lição dessa ilustração. Alguém que deixa a congregação deve ser visto como uma ovelha perdida, não como um caso perdido. (Sal. 119:176) Se você encontrar alguém que se afastou da congregação, o que acha de bondosamente lhe oferecer ajuda prática, caso ele não esteja desassociado? De qualquer forma, quer a pessoa esteja desassociada, quer não, devemos sem demora falar com os anciãos para que eles tomem as medidas necessárias para ajudá-la. Se agirmos assim, estaremos colocando em prática o que aprendemos da ilustração do filho pródigo. w14 15/12 2:12, 14, 15
  18. Myrtle Beach | A South Carolinian family made headlines today after giving birth to twins and naming them Donald and Trump. The birth of the twins occurred this morning at Grand Strand Medical Center, only hours before South Carolina’s Republican voters will show up to the polls across the state to cast ballots in the GOP’s third presidential nominating contest. “We weren’t planning on naming them after Donald Trump at first, but it is clearly a divine sign that our next president shows up in our state on the day my little sunshines are born” explained Latifa Huxley, proud mother of the two. “Donald Trump is a bright, wealthy, successful man with strong moral values that represents what America is all about. This man is a symbol of the greatness of what America once was and shall be again” she told local reporters, visibly emotional. A divine sign Both parents strongly believe the timing of the South Carolina GOP primary with the birth of their twins is no coincidence. “It is truly a blessing and a God-given sign” says Damian Huxley, father of the twins. “After all the division Obama has brought upon this country, it is a great privilege to have my children born on this auspicious day,” he explains with pride. “I don’t care if my president is black or white, all I know is that Trump is a man of his word and we believe him when he says that he will make America great again,” he adds. The time for change Although Donald Trump was not available for comments, Donald Trump’s campaign supervisor, Adam Goldberg, was enthused by the news. “I think Americans are ready for real change. Eight years of Obama in the White House has left the American dream in shambles and Americans want a president that will unite the country and make things better as they used to be. These twin babies will one day be very proud to be named after a great man and a great leader that will spare no expense to make America great again,” he told reporters when joined by phone. Recent polls show Donald Trump maintaining a wide lead in the South Carolina primary with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio in a fight for second place.
  19. A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE OF OUR SISTER *Nabd Alqalb* - JUST IN BELGIUM - IN AN ARABIAN GROUP ❤ ( I translated for you all very fast by Google...) She wrote : I would like to share this experience today: In May 1985, I have to be baptized and since about 1 year I am in Belgium in the Arab. group. The Society encourages again anyone who can to support the foreign language field. The Oriental region is one of the areas where the work is not free. Therefore, it is a special occasion the people who spend a while in Europe, to bring the good news in more detail. Today we again had a recording of a lecture from an Arabic-speaking country (see photo). And we had a guest. She came from Tunisia and was very touched by our hospitality. She has scrupulously followed the publication cited texts in the Bible. Even the Watchtower study she replied freely (at her first meeting here) And even corrected our answers has it in Arabic. We had a great mood ! It was easy, cheerful and we also laughed a lot. Our Elder did not know whom he should first take it. The turnout was so contagious. After the meeting, we all sat around them and they told us that their questions were never answered in their faith. Also in the mosque nobody came towards them. She felt isolated. Here they experienced the exact opposite. She felt like a family because everyone YOUR came because she misses her family home, which unfortunately does not seek contact with her. Also to their questions, they will gradually finally answers. Such rare "Highlights" repeatedly show that it is worthwhile to work in difficult areas. Jehovah can really grow in his time. And for those people who are really looking for God, every effort is worth, no matter to how long and how hard we work for it and also take upon ourselves ! Thanks...
  20. It does not give a rule for that. Our last Brother has to wait 3 years and 8 months..... another Brother 18 months.... The last word has the Bethel, after talking with the Elders ! So I know from Germany.
  21. Thank you, my Sister Blanchie... Your comments are very importend for me ! I'm always happy, when I can help ;o). Just home from our Meeting and it was so nice again, the Talk and the WT study too ! I mostly make alot notes by hearing the Talk, a good help for different things... Wish you a great Sunday from far away Germany ! Its raining today, but its ok.
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