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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Yes, we have.... and a video too, with 147, 148, 149, and 150 - I will talk with our Admin.
  2. L’amour ne disparaît jamais (1 Cor. 13:8). L’amour authentique « ne s’irrite pas » facilement et « ne tient pas compte du mal subi » (1 Cor. 13:5). Si nous gardions rancune, nous déplairions à Dieu et ce serait comme laisser couver en nous un feu qui risquerait de s’embraser et de nous brûler, nous et d’autres (Lév. 19:18). L’amour nous pousse à nous réjouir avec la vérité, mais il nous retient de nous « réjouir de l’injustice », même quand un individu qui nous déteste est maltraité ou victime d’une injustice (Prov. 24:17, 18). Si une personne nous offense puis nous demande pardon, l’amour nous pousse à lui pardonner. L’amour « croit tout » ce que dit la Bible et nous rend reconnaissants envers Dieu pour la nourriture spirituelle qu’il nous donne. L’amour « espère [en] tout » ce qui est consigné dans la Bible. Nous espérons aussi que les situations éprouvantes trouvent la meilleure issue possible et nous prions dans ce sens. L’amour « endure tout », que ce soient des péchés commis contre nous, la persécution ou d’autres épreuves. Enfin, « l’amour ne disparaît jamais » : les humains obéissants le manifesteront éternellement (1 Cor. 13:4-7). w14 15/6 2:14, 17, 18.
  3. Love never fails.—1 Cor. 13:8. Genuine love is not easily provoked and “does not keep account of the injury.” (1 Cor. 13:5) Were we to hold a grudge, we would not be pleasing God and would, in effect, be tending a smoldering fire that could flare up, harming us and others. (Lev. 19:18) Love makes us rejoice with the truth, but it will not allow us to “rejoice over unrighteousness,” even if a person who hates us is mistreated or suffers some injustice. (Prov. 24:17, 18) If someone offends us but asks for forgiveness, love moves us to forgive him. Love “believes all things” in God’s Word and makes us grateful for the spiritual food we receive. Love “hopes all things” recorded in the Bible. We also pray and hope for the best outcome in trying circumstances. Love “endures all things,” whether these are sins committed against us, persecution, or other trials. Moreover, “love never fails.” It will be displayed by obedient humans throughout all eternity.—1 Cor. 13:4-7. w14 6/15 2:14, 17, 18
  4. Die Liebe versagt nie (1. Kor. 13:8) Echte Liebe lässt sich nicht schnell aufreizen und „rechnet das Böse nicht an“ (1. Kor. 13:5). Jemand, der Groll hegt, missfällt Gott und lässt ein Feuer weiter schwelen, das jederzeit wieder auflodern und ihm und anderen schaden kann (3. Mo. 19:18). Wer liebt, freut sich mit der Wahrheit und „nicht über Ungerechtigkeit“, selbst dann nicht, wenn jemand, der ihn hasst, schlecht behandelt wird oder unter Ungerechtigkeit zu leiden hat (Spr. 24:17, 18). Hat uns jemand gekränkt und bittet uns um Verzeihung, so vergeben wir ihm aus Liebe. Die Liebe „glaubt alles“, was in Gottes Wort steht. Sie lässt uns für die geistige Speise dankbar sein. Liebe „hofft alles“, was in der Bibel verheißen wird. In schwierigen Situationen beten und hoffen wir, dass alles gut ausgeht. Liebe „erduldet alles“, seien es Sünden gegen uns, Verfolgung oder andere Probleme. Und schließlich: „Die Liebe versagt nie.“ Menschen, die Gott gehorchen, werden ewig leben und sich immer liebevoll verhalten (1. Kor. 13:4-7). w14 15. 6. 2:14, 17, 18
  5. O amor nunca falha. — 1 Cor. 13:8. O amor genuíno não fica encolerizado e “não leva em conta o dano”. (1 Cor. 13:5) Além de não agradar a Deus, o ressentimento acumulado pode nos fazer perder a cabeça, prejudicando a nós mesmos e a outros. (Lev. 19:18) O amor nos faz ficar felizes com a verdade, e não permite que nos ‘alegremos com a injustiça’, mesmo que alguém que nos odeia seja maltratado ou sofra alguma injustiça. (Pro. 24:17, 18) Quando alguém nos ofende e pede perdão, o amor nos motiva a perdoar. O amor ‘acredita em todas as coisas’ que estão na Palavra de Deus e nos faz ser gratos pelo alimento espiritual que recebemos. O amor ‘espera por todas as coisas’ registradas na Bíblia. Também oramos com a certeza de que situações desafiadoras se resolverão da melhor maneira. O amor “persevera em todas as coisas”, mesmo que sejam pecados cometidos contra nós, perseguição ou outras provas. Além disso, o “amor nunca falha”, pois os humanos obedientes o demonstrarão por toda a eternidade. — 1 Cor. 13:4-7. w14 15/6 2:14, 17, 18
  6. Jehovah Cared for His Servants in the Past ! Jehovah Cared for His Servants in the Past.... Servants of God know that Jehovah rewards his faithful ones by supplying their needs and by giving them strength to cope with difficult conditions. Such confidence in God’s ability to provide is, in fact, an essential part of their faith. The apostle Paul wrote: “He that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.”—Hebrews 11:6. Jehovah has always cared for his faithful servants. During a three-and-a-half-year drought, Jehovah provided food for the prophet Elijah. Initially, God commanded ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat. (1 Kings 17:2-6) Later, Jehovah miraculously sustained the flour and oil supply of a widow who provided food for Elijah. (1 Kings 17:8-16) During the same famine, despite intense religious persecution brought upon them by wicked Queen Jezebel, Jehovah also saw to it that his prophets were provided with bread and water.—1 Kings 18:13. Later, when the king of Babylon laid siege to brother Jerusalem, people had to “eat bread by weight and in anxious care.” (Ezekiel 4:16) The situation became so desperate that some women ate the flesh of their own children. (Lamentations 2:20) Yet, even though the prophet Jeremiah was in custody because of his preaching, Jehovah saw to it that “there was a giving of a round loaf of bread to [Jeremiah] daily from the street of the bakers, until all the bread was exhausted from the city.”—Jeremiah 37:21. Did Jehovah forget Jeremiah when the supply of bread became exhausted? Apparently not, for when the city fell to the Babylonians, Jeremiah was given ‘a food allowance and a present and let go.’—Jeremiah 40:5, 6; see also Psalm 37:25. —
  7. I saw before some days in a video, that an elephant was *in love* with one of the cars... hahaha that was so funny ;-) Never seen before such of curious ideas by elephants ! A weird guy... Lol
  8. I just saw in our TV News some minutes about the Grammy Awards... Taylor Swift has won her 2. Grammy and Justin Bieber his first ! Also the great Newcomer *Adele*. But my Fav. are other singers ;-)
  9. I am trying to please all people in all things, not seeking my own advantage, but that of the many, so that they may be saved.—1 Cor. 10:33. When we call at someone’s home, we should always show respect for the individual to whom we speak. If we find someone who is receptive, we should give a good witness but we should not overstay our welcome. The householder may have set this time aside to do something else that he views as important. If he says he is busy, we can state that we will be brief—and we should keep our promise. (Matt. 5:37) When ending a conversation, we do well to ask the person when it would be convenient for him to see us again. Some publishers have found it effective to say: “I would enjoy visiting you again. Would it be best if I were to call or send a text message before I stop by?” When we adapt to the schedule of those in the territory, we are following the example of Paul, as noted in today’s text. w14 5/15 2:13
  10. Ich bin allen Menschen in allen Dingen zu Gefallen, indem ich nicht meinen eigenen Vorteil suche, sondern den der vielen, damit sie gerettet werden (1. Kor. 10:33) Wie können wir Rücksicht nehmen, wenn wir bei jemand zu Hause vorsprechen? Ist er gesprächsbereit, sollten wir ihm ein gutes Zeugnis geben, aber nicht zu lange bleiben. Vielleicht hat er noch etwas Wichtiges zu tun. Erwähnt der Wohnungsinhaber, er sei beschäftigt, könnten wir sagen, wir würden uns kurzfassen, und sollten es auch tun (Mat. 5:37). Am Ende eines Gesprächs ist es angebracht, zu fragen, wann die Unterhaltung fortgesetzt werden kann. Einige Verkündiger sagen dann: „Ich würde Sie gern wieder besuchen. Wäre es besser, Sie vorher anzurufen oder eine SMS zu schicken?“ Richten wir unseren Terminplan nach den Menschen im Gebiet aus, folgen wir dem Beispiel des Paulus, der die oben zitierten Worte schrieb. w14 15. 5. 2:13
  11. Enjoying  to  post  for  all  here ;o)

    Look  around  my  friends...  we've  so  nice  and  interesting  reports,  stories, pics, Daily Texts  &  more ! Its  a  wonderful  and  versatile  JW.website ;-)

  12. Je plais à tous en toutes choses, ne cherchant pas mon propre avantage, mais celui du grand nombre, afin qu’ils soient sauvés (1 Cor. 10:33). Lorsque, de maison en maison, nous parlons à une personne, nous devons nous montrer respectueux. Si l’interlocuteur est réceptif à notre message, nous devons lui exposer correctement la bonne nouvelle sans toutefois abuser de son hospitalité. Il avait peut-être prévu de consacrer ce temps à une autre activité importante à ses yeux. S’il nous dit qu’il est occupé, nous pouvons lui dire que nous serons brefs et tenir parole (Mat. 5:37). À la fin de la conversation, il est bien de lui demander quel est le meilleur moment pour le revoir. Certains proclamateurs trouvent efficace de dire : « Je serais heureux de vous revoir. Préférez-vous que je vous appelle ou que je vous envoie un texto avant de passer ? » Quand nous nous adaptons à l’emploi du temps des gens du territoire, nous suivons l’exemple de Paul décrit dans le texte de ce jour. w14 15/5 2:13.
  13. Eu estou agradando a todos em todas as coisas, não buscando a minha própria vantagem, mas a dos muitos, a fim de que sejam salvos. — 1 Cor. 10:33. Quando visitamos as casas das pessoas sempre devemos mostrar respeito por elas. Se encontramos uma pessoa interessada, devemos dar um bom testemunho, mas não estender demais a conversa. O morador talvez tenha reservado aquele tempo para fazer algo que para ele é importante. Se ele falar que está ocupado, podemos dizer que seremos breves — e devemos cumprir nossa palavra. (Mat. 5:37) No fim da conversa, faríamos bem em perguntar quando seria mais conveniente voltarmos. Alguns publicadores viram que dá resultado dizer: “Eu gostaria de voltar outro dia para continuarmos a conversa. Você acha que seria bom eu telefonar ou mandar uma mensagem de texto antes?” Quando nos ajustamos à programação das pessoas em nosso território, estamos seguindo o exemplo de Paulo, como mecionado no texto de hoje. w14 15/5 2:13
  14. Amazing True Story of a Mother...... Mom's love is great ❤ When Carolyn Isbister put her 20oz baby on her chest for a cuddle, she thought that it would be the only chance she would ever have to hold her. Doctors had told the parents that baby Rachel only had only minutes to live because her heart was beating once every ten seconds and she was not breathing. Isbister remembers: I didn’t want her to die being cold. So I lifted her out of her blanket and put her against my skin to warm her up. Her feet were so cold. It was the only cuddle I was going to have with her, so I wanted to remember the moment.” Then something remarkable happened. ;o) The warmth of her mother’s skin kick started Rachael’s heart into beating properly, which allowed her to take little breaths of her own. We couldn’t believe it – and neither could the doctors. She let out a tiny cry. The doctors came in and said there was still no hope – but I wasn’t letting go of her. We had her blessed by the hospital chaplain, and waited for her to slip away. But she still hung on. And then amazingly the pink color began to return to her cheeks. She literally was turning from gray to pink before our eyes, and she began to warm up too. The sad part is that when the baby was born, doctors took one look at her and said ‘no’. They didn’t even try to help her with her breathing as they said it would just prolong her dying. Everyone just gave up on her,” her mom remembered. At 24 weeks a womb infection had led to her premature labor and birth and Isbister (who also has two children Samuel, 10, and Kirsten, 8 ) said, “We were terrified we were going to lose her. I had suffered three miscarriages before, so we didn’t think there was much hope.” When Rachael was born she was grey and lifeless. Ian Laing, a consultant neonatologist at the hospital, said: “All the signs were that the little one was not going to make it and we took the decision to let mum have a cuddle as it was all we could do. Two hours later the wee thing was crying. This is indeed a miracle baby and I have seen nothing like it in my 27 years of practice. I have not the slightest doubt that mother’s love saved her daughter.” Rachael was moved onto a ventilator where she continued to make steady progress and was tube and syringe fed her mother’s pumped breastmilk. Isbister said, “The doctors said, that she had proved she was a fighter and that she now deserved some intensive care as there was some hope. She had done it all on her own – without any medical intervention or drugs. She had clung on to life – and it was all because of that cuddle. It had warmed up her body and regulated her heart and breathing enough for her to start fighting. At 5 weeks she was taken off the ventilator and began breastfeeding on her own. At four months Rachel went home with her parents, weighing 8lbs – the same as any other healthy newborn. Because Rachel had suffered from a lack of oxygen doctors said there was a high risk of damage to her brain. But a scan showed no evidence of any problems and today Rachel is on par with her peers. Rachel’s mom tells us, “She is doing so well. When we brought her home, the doctors told us that she was a remarkable little girl. And most of all, she just loves her cuddles. She will sleep for hours, just curled into my chest. It was that first cuddle which saved her life – and I’m just so glad I trusted my instinct and picked her up when I did. Otherwise she wouldn’t be here today.” ❤
  15. Jesus was really a perfect teacher ! I would like having a similar 'teacher' too, yes... ;-)
  16. I've prob. the same problem.... every day its more times away :-( maybe, only by some cover pages... admin. said, he don't know what to do ? A bad situation ! grrrrrrr. Try ask him once more...
  17. The Israelites became terrified.—Ex. 14:10. Was this predicament unexpected? Not at all. Jehovah had foretold: “[Pharaoh] will chase after them, and I will glorify myself by means of Pharaoh and all his army.” (Ex. 14:4) Nevertheless, the Israelites saw only what appeared to their physical eyes—the impassable Red Sea in front of them, Pharaoh’s swift war chariots behind them, and an 80-year-old shepherd to lead them! They felt trapped. Yet, Moses did not waver. Why not? Because his eyes of faith saw something far more powerful than a sea or an army. He could “see the salvation of Jehovah,” and he knew that Jehovah would fight for the Israelites. (Ex. 14:13, 14) Moses’ faith inspired God’s people. “By faith they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land,” the Bible says, “but when the Egyptians attempted it, they were swallowed up.” (Heb. 11:29) Thereafter, “the people began to fear Jehovah and to put faith in Jehovah and in his servant Moses.”—Ex. 14:31. w14 4/15 2:15, 16
  18. Les fils d’Israël eurent très peur (Ex. 14:10). Cette situation était-elle prévisible ? Absolument. Jéhovah avait dit : « [Pharaon] les poursuivra et je me glorifierai par le moyen de Pharaon et de toutes ses forces militaires » (Ex. 14:4). Mais les Israélites ne regardaient qu’avec leurs yeux physiques. Et que voyaient-ils ? Devant, l’infranchissable mer Rouge, derrière, les chars rapides de Pharaon et, pour les guider, un berger octogénaire ! Ils se sentaient piégés. Pourtant, Moïse n’a pas flanché. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’avec les yeux de la foi, il voyait quelque chose de beaucoup plus puissant qu’une mer ou qu’une armée. Il « voy[ait] le salut de Jéhovah » et savait que Jéhovah combattrait pour son peuple (Ex. 14:13, 14). Sa foi a stimulé celle des autres Israélites. « Par la foi, ils ont traversé la mer Rouge comme on marche sur une terre ferme, dit la Bible, mais, en s’y risquant, les Égyptiens ont été engloutis » (Héb. 11:29). Par la suite, « le peuple se mit à craindre Jéhovah et à avoir foi en Jéhovah et en Moïse son serviteur » (Ex. 14:31). w14 15/4 2:15, 16.
  19. Die Söhne Israels gerieten in große Furcht (2. Mo. 14:10) Kamen die Ägypter überraschend? Keinesfalls! Schließlich hatte Jehova ihren Angriff auf die Israeliten vorausgesagt: „[Pharao] wird ihnen gewiss nachjagen, und ich werde mich durch Pharao und alle seine Streitkräfte verherrlichen“ (2. Mo. 14:4). Allerdings nahmen die Israeliten nur das wahr, was sie sahen: vor ihnen das unüberwindliche Rote Meer, hinter ihnen Pharaos schnelle Streitwagen und einen 80-jährigen Schafhirten als Führer. Sie glaubten sich in der Falle. Doch Moses ließ sich nicht erschüttern. Mit den Augen des Glaubens sah er etwas weit Mächtigeres als das Meer und ein Heer. Er sah „die Rettung Jehovas“ und wusste, Jehova würde für die Israeliten kämpfen (2. Mo. 14:13, 14). Gottes Volk ließ sich von Moses’ Glauben anspornen. „Durch Glauben gingen sie durchs Rote Meer wie über trockenes Land; als aber die Ägypter denselben Versuch machten, wurden sie verschlungen“ (Heb. 11:29). Daraufhin begann das Volk, „Jehova zu fürchten und an Jehova und an Moses, seinen Knecht, zu glauben“ (2. Mo. 14:31). w14 15. 4. 2:15, 16
  20. Os filhos de Israel ficaram muito amedrontados. — Êxo. 14:10. Será que essa dificuldade era inesperada? De forma alguma. Jeová havia predito: “Faraó certamente irá no encalço deles, e eu obterei glória para mim por meio de Faraó e todas as suas forças militares.” (Êxo. 14:4) No entanto, os israelitas viram apenas o que era visível aos seus olhos: o intransponível mar Vermelho diante de si, os velozes carros de guerra de Faraó vindo atrás e um pastor de 80 anos de idade os conduzindo. Eles se sentiram encurralados. Mas Moisés não vacilou. Por que não? Porque seus olhos de fé viram algo mais poderoso do que um mar ou um exército. Ele podia ‘ver a salvação da parte de Jeová’ e sabia que Jeová lutaria pelos israelitas. (Êxo. 14:13, 14) A fé de Moisés motivou o povo de Deus. “Pela fé passaram através do mar Vermelho como em terra seca”, diz a Bíblia, “mas, quando os egípcios se aventuraram nele, foram tragados”. (Heb. 11:29) Depois disso, “o povo começou a temer a Jeová e a ter fé em Jeová e em Moisés, seu servo”. — Êxo. 14:31. w14 15/4 2:15, 16
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