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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. ALL OUR *S O N G B O O K S*..... Which *songbook* did you start out using - or when you got baptized ?
  2. C’est bien, esclave bon et fidèle ! (Mat. 25:21). Dans les quatre exemples rapportés en Matthieu 24:45 à 25:46, Jésus met l’accent sur ce qui caractériserait ses véritables disciples dans les derniers jours. Dans celui de l’esclave fidèle, Jésus souligne que le petit groupe d’oints ayant la responsabilité de nourrir ses domestiques durant les derniers jours devrait être fidèle et avisé. Dans celui des vierges, il montre que tous ses disciples oints devraient être préparés et vigilants, sachant qu’il vient, mais ne sachant ni quel jour ni à quelle heure. Dans celui des talents, il montre que les oints devraient être vaillants dans leur façon d’assumer leurs responsabilités chrétiennes. Quant au dernier exemple, celui des brebis et des chèvres, il l’adresse aux humains ayant l’espérance terrestre. Il souligne qu’il leur faudrait se montrer fidèles et soutenir pleinement ses frères sur terre. w15 15/3 3:3.
  3. Well done, good and faithful slave!—Matt. 25:21. In the four illustrations recorded at Matthew 24:45 to 25:46, Jesus highlights traits that would distinguish his true followers in these last days. In the illustration involving the faithful slave, Jesus highlights the need for the small group of anointed ones entrusted with feeding his domestics during the last days to be faithful and discreet. In the parable of the virgins, Jesus stresses that all his anointed followers would need to be prepared and to be vigilant, knowing that Jesus is coming but not knowing the day or the hour. In the parable of the talents, Jesus shows that the anointed would need to be diligent in carrying out their Christian responsibilities. Jesus directs the final illustration, the parable of the sheep and the goats, to those with an earthly hope. He emphasizes that they would have to be loyal and give full support to Jesus’ anointed brothers on earth. w15 3/15 3:3
  4. Wohlgetan, du guter und treuer Sklave! (Mat. 25:21) n allen vier Gleichnissen aus Matthäus 24:45 bis 25:46 betont Jesus Erkennungsmerkmale seiner treuen Nachfolger in den letzten Tagen. In dem Gleichnis von dem treuen Sklaven unterstreicht Jesus ein Erfordernis für die kleine Gruppe der Gesalbten, die seine Hausknechte in den letzten Tagen mit Speise versorgen soll: das Erfordernis, treu und verständig zu sein. In dem Gleichnis von den Jungfrauen betont Jesus das Erfordernis für alle seine gesalbten Nachfolger, vorbereitet und wachsam zu sein. Er wird kommen, das wissen sie; sie kennen aber weder Tag noch Stunde. In dem Gleichnis von den Talenten legt Jesus den Gesalbten nahe, ihren christlichen Verpflichtungen fleißig nachzukommen. Das letzte Gleichnis, das von den Schafen und Ziegenböcken, richtet Jesus an diejenigen, die die Aussicht auf ewiges Leben auf der Erde haben. Wie er betont, müssen sie loyal sein und seine gesalbten Brüder auf der Erde voll und ganz unterstützen. w15 15. 3. 3:3
  5. Muito bem, escravo bom e fiel! — Mat. 25:21. Nas quatro ilustrações registradas em Mateus 24:45 a 25:46, Jesus destacou características que identificariam seus seguidores verdadeiros nestes últimos dias. Na ilustração sobre o escravo fiel — o pequeno grupo de ungidos encarregado de alimentar os domésticos nos últimos dias —, Jesus deixou claro que esse grupo precisaria ser fiel e discreto, ou prudente. Na parábola das virgens, Jesus enfatizou que todos os seus seguidores ungidos teriam de estar preparados e vigilantes, pois, embora soubessem que ele viria, não saberiam nem o dia nem a hora. Na parábola dos talentos, Jesus mostrou que os ungidos precisariam ser diligentes ao cumprir suas responsabilidades cristãs. Na última ilustração, a parábola das ovelhas e dos cabritos, Jesus se referiu aos que têm esperança terrestre. Ele destacou que estes teriam de ser leais e dar total apoio aos irmãos ungidos de Cristo na Terra. w15 15/3 3:3
  6. WOW, thats a perfect Librarian answer ! *Booaah* very very good ;-)
  7. PS. But we can see her in the *NW* - healthy, smiling, laughing and happy ;o) JEHOVAH CAN MAKE THAT !
  8. Phelicity and her mother Veronica, who is in the U.S. while her daughter receives treatment. Phelicity's last, potentially life-saving operation in the U.S. was not successful, but she remains positive 'Our little darling's journey is coming to an end': The heartbreaking story of a young girl's dying wish to return home to Australia from an intensive care unit in the U.S. Phelicity Sneesby, 13, is in the U.S., dying from a congenital heart disease But the Ballina, NSW teen wants to come home to be with her family She was in the U.S. for potentially life-saving, but unsuccessful treatment A special flight home will cost US$150,000, which her parents don't have But kind strangers have raised more than the required money. A dying 13-year-old's 'final wish' is nothing more than to return to her home from the hospital where she is being treated. But for Phelicity Sneesby, who is suffering from a congenital heart defect, getting home is easier said than done - she is being treated at a specialist unit in the U.S., and home is Ballina, in New South Wales. Phelicity, whose father Ben says 'knows she is probably coming home to die', just wants to swim in a pool with her sisters and have a meal with her family, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. ;-)) But until thousands of generous strangers stepped in, the US$150,000 cost of a special medical flight home looked unmanageable for the family. She and her family have been travelling back and forth between NSW and the U.S. for most of her life so she could have the best treatment for hypoplastic left heart syndrome, which she was born with. It affects blood flow, meaning she essentially only has half a heart. The teen, who has had 28 operations so far, has also developed a condition that depletes protein from her intestines and affects her immune system - meaning she has little time left. Her latest trip to the U.S. was for potentially life-saving surgery, but to no avail. Her dad, Ben, has already returned home to Australia in a bid to return to work and help the family pay its bills. Her mother, Veronica, stayed by Phelicity's bedside in the cardiac intensive care unit at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Ohio. She wrote on the Go Fund Me page to tell the more than 2,600 people who had donated that 'You are all making me cry right now....thank you'. Once they get her back to Australia, they intend to admit her to hospital in Brisbane, hoping she will get better, the Sydney Morning Herald reported. If her condition does not improve, however, they will bring her home again. 'You can't live like that,' Mr Sneesby said. But the family remains positive. Her father told the Sydney Morning Herald that despite it all, she was 'one of the most positive people' he had ever met'. 'Our little darling's journey is coming to an end,' he wrote on his Facebook page on Thursday. 'For years we have done everything possible to keep her alive, but there is nothing left to do.' Getting Phelicity home was not so easy, as she required a special medical flight worth US$150,000 (about AU$212,00) -money her family does not have. Mr Sneesby said the family was 'mortgaged up to the hilt', the Sydney Morning Herald reported. But a Go Fund Me campaign was set up by a family friend on Tuesday. In what is perhaps a silver lining in an otherwise sad story, in less than five days, the campaign raised more than the required amount. That means Phelicity should be able to come home ! I SO WISHED, A NEW HEART WERE A SOLUTION.... BUT ALL SEEMS MORE DIFFICULT :-(( I not wanted post the sad pic's of her in Hospital ! *******************************************************************************************************************************************
  9. CUANTO GOZO Tiene El Pueblo Del DIOS Verdadero!! Para Los Siervos De Jehová No Hay Excusas Ni Pretextos Para Servirle Con CORAZÒN COMPLETO. ACELERAMOS EL PASO Porque El Dia De JEHOVÁ Se Acerca!! Sean ANIMOSOS, Y Sea Fuerte Su Corazón, Todos Ustedes Los Que Esperan A Su DIOS JEHOVÁ. Sal.31:24 JW.ORG Querido Hno.Reciba Nuestro Amor AGAPE
  10. I found that : Jesus had promised to be with his followers in their meeting together (Mt 18:20), and he also assured them that he would be ‘with them’ in their discipling work “all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Mt 28:19, 20) The pa·rou·siʹa of Matthew 24:3 and related texts, of course, must signify something beyond this. It clearly relates to a special presence, one involving and affecting all earth’s inhabitants and inseparably connected with Jesus’ expression of full authority as King anointed by God.
  12. Thats right ! - I just was thinking.... but all the others between 80 and over 90 already in Heaven.... But I thought, Samuel Herd was still little younger... But alot JW looking younger, hahaha ;o)
  13. Hahahahahahaha..... why men sometimes SO complicated - and often SO easy to understand ? Thats really a phenomenon....... But women, I believe, its similar in different points... ;o) We're all so imperfect, grrrrrr.
  14. JW.ORG... THE WORLD'S MOST TRANSLATED WEBSITE ! JW.ORG has the most languages ! Just now its *791*
  15. Les foules étaient frappées de sa manière d’enseigner (Mat. 7:28). Lorsque Jésus prêchait, son bon jugement lui permettait de choisir des « paroles pleines de charme », qui étonnaient ses auditeurs (Luc 4:22). Il laissait souvent parler la Parole de Dieu : il lisait ou citait les passages qui appuyaient précisément ses dires, ou y faisait référence (Mat. 4:4, 7, 10 ; 12:1-5 ; Luc 4:16-21). Jésus expliquait aussi les Écritures d’une façon qui touchait le cœur. Après sa résurrection, lorsqu’il parlait avec deux disciples sur la route d’Emmaüs, « il leur interpréta dans toutes les Écritures les choses qui le concernaient ». Les disciples ont dit ensuite : « Notre cœur ne brûlait-il pas [...] lorsqu’il nous ouvrait pleinement les Écritures ? » (Luc 24:27, 32). Jésus était « doux de caractère », tant dans ses pensées que dans son état d’esprit (Mat. 11:29). Malgré les faiblesses de ses disciples, il a toujours été patient avec eux (Marc 14:34-38 ; Luc 22:24-27). Il restait calme même quand il était victime d’injustices (1 Pierre 2:23). w15 15/2 2:11, 12.
  16. Die Volksmengen waren über seine Art zu lehren höchst erstaunt (Mat. 7:28) Beim Predigen der guten Botschaft ließ Jesus gutes Urteilsvermögen erkennen. Kein Wunder, dass seine Zuhörer über seine „gewinnenden Worte“ erstaunt waren (Luk. 4:22). Oft ließ er Gottes Wort für sich sprechen: Er las, zitierte oder bezog sich auf passende Schrifttexte, um seine Aussagen zu stützen (Mat. 4:4, 7, 10; 12:1-5; Luk. 4:16-21). Jesus erklärte die Schriften auch so, dass er die Herzen seiner Zuhörer bewegte. Als er nach seiner Auferweckung auf dem Weg nach Emmaus mit zwei Jüngern sprach, „legte er ihnen in allen Schriften die Dinge aus, die ihn betrafen“. Später sagten die Jünger: „Brannte nicht unser Herz, . . . als er uns die Schriften völlig erschloss?“ (Luk. 24:27, 32). Wie war Jesu eingestellt? Er war „mild gesinnt“ (Mat. 11:29). Mit seinen Jüngern war er trotz ihrer Fehler immer geduldig (Mar. 14:34-38; Luk. 22:24-27). Sogar wenn er ungerecht behandelt wurde, blieb er ruhig (1. Pet. 2:23). w15 15. 2. 2:11, 12
  17. The crowds were astounded at his way of teaching.—Matt. 7:28. Jesus used good judgment when he preached the good news, choosing “gracious words” that amazed his listeners. (Luke 4:22) He often let God’s Word speak for him—reading, quoting, or referring to just the right scriptures to make his point. (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10; 12:1-5; Luke 4:16-21) Jesus also explained the Scriptures, doing so in ways that moved the hearts of his listeners. After his resurrection, when speaking to two disciples on their way to Emmaus, he “interpreted to them things pertaining to himself in all the Scriptures.” The disciples later said: “Were not our hearts burning within us . . . as he was fully opening up the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:27, 32) Jesus was “mild-tempered” in his spirit and attitude. (Matt. 11:29) He was always patient with his disciples despite their failings. (Mark 14:34-38; Luke 22:24-27) He remained calm even when he was treated unjustly.—1 Pet. 2:23. w15 2/15 2:11, 12
  18. As multidões ficaram assombradas com o seu modo de ensinar. — Mat. 7:28. Ao pregar as boas novas, Jesus falava de modo bondoso, usando “palavras cativantes”, o que deixava seus ouvintes maravilhados. (Luc. 4:22) Ele costumava deixar que a Palavra de Deus falasse por ele. Ele lia, citava ou mencionava os textos mais adequados para apoiar seu argumento. (Mat. 4:4, 7, 10; 12:1-5; Luc. 4:16-21) Jesus também explicava as Escrituras, e fazia isso de uma maneira que tocava o coração de seus ouvintes. Após sua ressurreição, enquanto falava com dois discípulos que estavam a caminho de Emaús, ele “interpretou-lhes em todas as Escrituras as coisas referentes a si mesmo”. Quando Jesus ‘lhes abriu plenamente as Escrituras’, isso tocou o coração deles. (Luc. 24:27, 32) Jesus era “de temperamento brando” no seu espírito e atitude. (Mat. 11:29) Ele sempre tinha paciência com seus discípulos, apesar das falhas deles. (Mar. 14:34-38; Luc. 22:24-27) Ele mantinha a calma mesmo quando era tratado de modo injusto. — 1 Ped. 2:23. w15 15/2 2:11, 12
  19. PS. The word for experiences is ERFAHRUNGEN - I forgot it yesterday, sorry....
  20. Tears in my eyes...? bec. so nice Video ! DANKE❤️
  21. Also I read and informed by TV... training our mind / brain, seems very useful too, to delay the terrible Alzheimer’s disease. But the fish - pic is looking very fresh and tasty. I'm sure, tmw. I will buy fish ! ;-)
  22. Erweist euch als dankbar. Ermahnt einander weiterhin mit Psalmen, Lobpreisungen Gottes, geisterfüllten Liedern (Kol. 3:15, 16) Wir können von dem Apostel Paulus viel über Dankbarkeit lernen. Offensichtlich dachte er über den Segen Gottes nach, denn er bedankte sich immer wieder von Herzen. Paulus war sich nur allzu bewusst, dass er „ein Lästerer und ein Verfolger und ein unverschämter Mensch“ gewesen war. Doch trotz seiner Vergangenheit hatten Gott und Christus ihm Barmherzigkeit erwiesen und ihm eine Dienstaufgabe übertragen. Dafür war er sehr dankbar (1. Tim. 1:12-14). Auch seine Mitchristen waren für Paulus sehr wertvoll, weshalb er Jehova oft für ihre guten Eigenschaften und ihren treuen Dienst dankte (Phil. 1:3-5, 7; 1. Thes. 1:2, 3). Selbst in schwierigen Zeiten bedankte er sich bei Jehova für die Hilfe, die er genau im richtigen Moment von seinen Glaubensbrüdern bekam (Apg. 28:15; 2. Kor. 7:5-7). Es überrascht daher nicht, dass gerade Paulus Christen mit den oben zitierten Worten aufforderte, dankbar zu sein und einander zu ermuntern. w15 15. 1. 1:5
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