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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. I remember during the Jimmy Carter years the gas shortages. You could fill up your tank if your license plate ended in an odd number, on an odd numbered day, and if your license plate ended in an even number on an even numbered day. If you had "out of state" license plates you could fill up at any time, but not in your home state. To me, this entire discussion is like that. For 20 years I worked around the East Coat of the US, and kept Texas license plates on my truck. I had the original 23 gallon gas tank, and in the bed of my truck, two auxiliary 50 gallon gas tanks, with a three way valve on the floor by my left hand. It is my considered opinion that NO ONE has the correct understanding of all these conjectural timelines. But then again ... some people never get their dandruff cured ... because they like to scratch it.
  2. ..probably a dozen or more. I do not malign and ridicule theocratic headship. They seem to be doing quite well without my help in shooting themselves in the foot. ... both feet.
  3. You gave a reply without a solid, irrefutable example to back it up. Do you have one? Of the billions of experiences attributed to divine intervention, in modern times ... do you have at least ONE solid example?
  4. To the best of my knowledge and belief , based on actual provable facts ( and not flights of fantasy) in modern times Jehovah has not interfered in the lives of ANY Nation, or ANY individual. He did not save anyone involved in World War I .. or World War II ..... not as a political nation, not as a religious group, and not as individuals. ...and that's the fact, Jack! Of course you can disprove my statement with just ONE solid example to the contrary. I look forward to your correcting me. .... all it takes is just ONE example to the contrary.
  5. It's not that the people back then were so barbaric ... it's just that we today are so pansy-ass wimpy.
  6. It is my understanding that Brother Mickey Spillane was that kinda guy. I can imagine him being buried with his 1911 .45 caliber pistol in the coffin with him ... just in case when he is resurrected, some Elder wants to play Whack-A-Mole.
  7. VERY simple solution. Take the battery out of your cell phone, and carry a flashlight. Time to solve problem .... less than 60 seconds.
  8. César Chávez: You are either certifiably insane, or a Democrat Congresswierdo. ...merely my opinion, however. I believe you would stand in quicksand and deny it, even as you drowned.
  9. Reminds me of when I was a teenager, still living at my parent's home, and I decided to toughen myself up, I would sleep on an Indian Fakir bed of plywood with about a thousand and fifty nails sticking up, but turning over made me wet the bed, and the nails got rusty. and the screaming kept my mother awake. WHOAAA! .... and talk about trying to get fitted sheets! ....ever try to get twin size fitted sheets with 1,050 correctly spaced buttonholes?
  10. This is a very good thing ... or in hardware stores they would still be selling chariot wheels, and galley oars. The only constant in the Universe is constant change .... and in this case it is making EVERYTHING we buy actually findable, accessible, and cheaper.
  11. Question: "If a son is not to pay for the sins of the father, why did we have to suffer for the original sin? Wouldn't that be making everyone pay for the sin of one man?" It's really quite simple ... Adam and Eve could not pass onto their children genetic attributes that they themselves did not possess. It is not God who gave all future generations a severely limited lifespan ... it was their parents. Actions have consequences.
  12. ....... as it turns out, the reason the internal clock was mis-set is that the distances should have been in meters per second, but 'twas set for furlongs per fortnight.
  13. I know we are diverging from the tangent to transition spiral, so just for yuks, I typed into Google "minus 8 pi alpha", and looky what I found! It looked VERY familiar, so I followed the link and VIOLA! ( pronounced WA-LAH!), and here is what popped up. The whole thing is a .jpg, so you can click on it to either download and frame for your wall, or enlarge to read it better, and wallow in it's intrinsic wisdom, like a pig in mud.
  14. Based on data from the Snow Chickens of America, I thought Penguins had flippers.
  15. In line with the pertinence of what TTH added to the thread, I might mention that my Grandfather, Sinclair Rook, who lived in San Diego, provided security for both Beth Sarim, and Beth Shan, near San Diego ... and provided the design for Rutherford's bomb shelter that was built at Beth Shan, outside of the main building, as well as the kennels and guard dogs that kept both residences secure from Japanese incursion, Mexican riff-raff, and albino assassin Catholic agents of the Jesuits. Color film was invented about that time, and fortunately, we have contemporary pictures of Rutherford's Bomb Shelter, and an old color photo of the rented guard dogs.
  16. In this particular case, that is probably a well founded belief ...... that is why with all its warts and open sores, I continue to support Jehovah's Witnesses, and am glad to be one. I defend the Truth .... but I do not defend drivel .... I just understand it oozes out of warts and open sores.of ALL people.
  17. When I was involved in a more dangerous occupation than sitting at a keyboard, I used to wear custom Military Dog Tags on a chain around my neck, the bottom two lines read: NO BLOOD OR BLOOD FRACTIONS Nobody who might administer blood checks your car keys. ... but they are taught to highly respect military dog tags.
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