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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Unfortunately the algorithms of Google, Twitter and FB are already silencing many people. Many are no longer financed by Mastercard, patreon etc. Geo engineering watch, judicial watch, jihad watch, UN watch etc. and programs similar to this receive no ratings and the technical terms do not automatically come up. People are being kept in the dark about the true goals of UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030 and the suppression of the press as stipulated in a UN clause in UN Migration Compact 2018. No freedom of press any longer - IF people BELIEVE THIS then they are naive . All TV stations and press now have "guidelines" which reporters have to follow....... or no job..... No longer good investigative reporting ..... most get their news from central organization such as Reuters etc. People are distracted all the time by petty local issues /blown up scandals in the press which is typical subversive tactics. They are even managing fox news...... no truth (real news) anywhere.
  2. Same old repetition. The way you twist the meanings just leaves me gobsmacked.
  3. I do not aspire to be a titan. Fortunately, I did not grow up in America and I remain quite open to any opinion not my own. But those who stray from Jehovahs fold seem to lose some clarity in their evaluation of what is really wicked - irrespective of the degree of the wickedness.
  4. That is the only statement that is almost correct - although that was not the subject I was talking about. Spoke to another Korean couple yesterday who just left China. They say it is becoming dangerous. (They all seem to land up in Rep. Georgia on their way home or to figure out where to go next). China is changing fast...... and the same social credit score that is there and being improved daily as we speak is destined for America. Our big digital companies have become fascistic and helping the global elite get their tight grip on us plebs. For 20 years we have had free internet...... but like with all great technology combined with power - it has corrupted absolutely. We are now entering the final phase before Armageddon. The most oppressive government the world has ever seen is on its way. When they (the global elite - communistic elite together with the super capitalist elite - exercise super control on all mankind and use digital technology and AI to do so. G5 is dangerous and can also be weaponized - experiments on controlling minds already going on. Watched another video of a Chinese woman saying what is going on in Chinese prisons. No group activities in society allowed, especially with spiritual goals - your body parts will be utilized by the government. They will use super surveillance to keep us all in check. Soon you will not be able to buy or sell if your "politics" is not of the right brand - like is now being imported into China. And by politics, I mean that you will also have to be atheist OR comply with the new world religion and its new values, which includes LGBTQP ..... take note of the P. If you do not believe this...... then you are naive...... our world will openly be satanic.... it is no longer hidden but openly coming out and only those who are part of the wicked club will have protection....... for a while. Those who have not chosen the side if jehovah and ready to give up their life for His standards will become part of this craziness to survive...... just like most germans went along with Hitler or most Muslims go along with extremists when they take over a region. Their mode is merely to survive - not have any higher purpose. The central communistic party has been stepping up its actions against any popular individual or anyone not playing the CCP game. Like in Russia - a criminal elite has taken over..... and already being duplicated in USA.
  5. I also have much older friends that just came from China and decided not to go back. Younger people are usually blind to injustice as long as they are living it up. I also happen to have friends in Africa who is seeing the invasion of Chinese in all industry and rare earth minerals. I also read up about Australia- and they are afraid...... the CCP has changed in the last two years.... and changing fast. Ask Falun Gong members in China. As a Chinese you are fine if you just believe in the state, work hard and have a good time. China is changing rapidly. South Africans in China are leaving as well as those who belong to western nations..... the CCP are bringing in too many restrictions - on everything. They even watch your shopping. Buy too much wine and your social points go down. If you want to believe the wonderful propaganda coming out of China (typical communistic spin) then do so. Those wonderful young people who tell your son it is now so wonderful in China most probably are afraid to lose their social credit score. ...... because evething is now automatically surveilled in the big cities. If they say anything negative- just a whiff of negativity regarding anything about governance- or a bad face on facial recognition..... and their credit score will go down. Their freedom will be curbed. It is 1984 big brother becoming a reality...... soon coming to the west once digital currency is rolled out. I preach in English to Chinese visitors here and I am afraid for them..... because their phones are checked when they come from abroad. I know you like the Commie system - seen your comments before when you played down the murders under communism - but there is a threat now that the west will inaugurate the same system once G5 is installed and the UN gets its way. The UN and EU wants this same surveillance system in the west. The bible does not warn for nothing that the greatest tribulation ever will be here. Communistic system (or the neo-communistic "communalism" is at our doorstep) is known to starve those it wants to anihilate - Read the 3 volumes on Stalins life - not the new propaganda by western commie professors running the post modern philosophy classes at most universities in the west. The huawei war with China is not just because of them getting wealthier. They have become a threat to the west due to the technology they obtained from the west. The propaganda in their schools are all about their hate for the west due to the opium wars and Japan is also in a precarious situation. My friend who just came back from China happened to be a music teacher. The CCP wants control of all the wealth on earth...... not the land. Although they are not adverse to take mines, ports and land they need or want. They have been doing the same with the silk road. I suggest you go and read up more about the changes in the CCP. The country was wonderful until about two years ago. I also saw footage of the concentration camps and also read about the cruel organ harvesting ........ nothing there to commend them. ...... whether it is 10 thousand or one million - it is still terrible to separate parents from children. Whether it was 20 million or 40 million under stalin - it is millions too many..... Foreigners in China and high skilled workers do not experience the pain and suffering of the average folk or those who are practicing a religion...... Read Daniel 11 from verse 40. ..... China are almost in a position (together with their ally russia) to put an embargo on the movement of trade on the earth. They have the ships and the ports. While USA has many ports in Asian seas directly pointed at China...... one will have to wait and see what transpires....... but I put my faith in the prophecies of the bible. And I see a new imperialism in China and a absolute totalitarian state emerging.
  6. READ up about China: it gives behaviour points to it citizens. If they have the wrong friends, jaywalking, or say anything against the government - they cannot buy a train or plane ticket. It is getting so bad that foreigners are leaving the country in droves Big brother surveillance with weaponized G5 technology is the reason. They have 1 million muslims in concentration camps - separated from their children who are getting propaganda re-training every day. Most religions are now being persecuted in China clamping down on meetings. This weaponized surveillance with G5 us slowly being implemented in the entire West. (EU, Canada, USA, Australia etc) as well. If you do not already know it - the fact that you are a JW already makes you an enemy of the new surveillance state that is on its way. The UN is already ruling like an "image" or shadow underneath most of these governments because (176) countries has signed all the UN agreements which gives it power. ....... and next year the Pope is signing a new pact with Islam and Jewish religion - which cuts out Christ Jesus out of the future world religion. Do not worry to lose your access to internet. It is better you are not too active on it now because Google has already got a profile on every person in the west. What I am saying here is not far-fetched . Very ugly things waiting for the world and is being implemented under our noses. Leave these opposers of JWs to themselves and rather strengthen yourself for the tribulation which is around the corner. Do not take their insults personally..... or their retaliatory actions. ..... really not worth it. There are more important things to know about and prepare for now. Read Daniel 11:40 onward. Trade wars going on between king of north and south and Russia and China want to control the trade of the world......we do not have as long as we think. Google and Amazon are doing AI research
  7. I am glad you noticed this. People who have an ax to grind with JW org. cannot help themselves....... they show who they are...... repetitively..... It is actually useless to talk to them (to give the correct perspective) because they are hardened in their pattern of thinking when they have come this far. I may troll them for a moment now and then but remain totally uninvolved...... not worth the effort. One cannot think that one can defend the truth here or that one will find any reasonableness. One will not find any truth here - only human screwed up thoughts accompanied by narcissism and a degree of OCD. In regards to what I said above - do not think you can defend the truth on this website. Rather take this time to go read the bible - that is where you will find the truth dear brother. If you are emotional, you will just get frustrated here...... do not do this to yourself. Those who are so hardened against the truth are not interested in the truth - they still have a compulsive hate for the truth. When I see OCD symptoms, I do not really bother to put a convincing argument foreward because I do not waste my precious time. I have better things to do that will please Jehovah. ........Just a bit of sound advice. Been in the same situation before, got the T-shirt, done that. DO not repeat a useless exercise - LOL - AND EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS. There are no lost sheep here to have pity on..... they love the garbage (pigs food) they are eating in their "debauched" state. They have no thoughts of returning to the good food of their loving father. Until that happens - you are wasting your time.
  8. You have a one track OCD mind. Many organizations shun... but you only criticize JWs. I fully understand why you do not get the point - blinded by OCD..... that is why you spend most of your time here. Get a life!
  9. Press everywhere bias - and I doubt you ever look at any news to do with Africa........ most Americans are inward looking.
  10. My "spiritual insight" on this is that it is "much ado about old shoes"...... a useless exercise
  11. I know of high society schools and organizations where the shame is very serious and one can forget to ever associate with other members again. On internet now they dox you, they spread lies about you, and you can lose your job etc and your children are threatened - if a certain group do not like you or you said something they do not like. You are either in denial, very naive, or just desperate at winning a point. Get realistic. In your small world only JWs are "bad" because they dare to have standards you do not like.
  12. It is the bad schooling and the way they are taught to reason. UNESCO has given guidelines for about 30 years for schools and universities. This is why there currently are so many useless generic degrees at universities and such unscientific studies in gender studies etc.... all pushed by UN to forward their Agenda 21 goals. (I worked for an umbrella organization which restructured 15 technical universities to comply with UN regulations in Africa..... 24 years ago.... They ruined a perfectly good system while chancellors and vice-chancellors accepted all new guidelines - because the "holy" UN was giving instructions.) Most of the problems in society today can be traced back to the post modern progressive thinking in education for the past 30 years.
  13. Judging my knowledge on a few sentences? But the little I know is absolute truth...... and I have enough of Jehovahs spirit to be able to recognize the truth by His grace.
  14. I dont like it when people who only speak one or two languages expect others to speak their language perfectly. English is not my first language ..... I therefore will never expect another to write it perfectly.
  15. But in historical context any white person on the globe would have approved the picture because no-one white realized they were racist. Many whites (professors at universities) in 1950s still called island dwellers savages..... and other names- which we will not go into here. The world was dominated by whites - especially in Africa.
  16. Better stick to the old words for marital arrangement because the new sexual revolution is bringing in child marriage and 57 different gender arrangements... so I guess it is better to cling to the old fashion straws. ........
  17. They all had the same frame of mind - that is why I mentioned the overall racist frame of mind of everyone in USA. I do not think br Rutherford said to the artist he must draw a light guy.... he just did it automatically and it was approved.
  18. Wonderful to see! Thanks for bringing attention to this. Africa is so poor! Nice to see an equalizing of resources. Brothers in first world countries are now sharing kingdom halls (a few congregations use one hall) and kingdom halls were sold to help with funds for Africa and other poor areas around the globe.
  19. Maybe we should use - when they pegged, they popped their clogs, they expired, they were knackered..... I guess you would prefer these expressions rather than more the more gentle wording..... When searching for something to criticize, we can often grasp at straws.... lol
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