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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Actually there are fossils in the remotest parts of the earth that are now totally uninhabitable areas. Some of the animals still have the green leaves in their bellies and there is evidence in many frozen deserts that this was a beautiful paradise some time in the past. To sustain such large animals the earth must have produced large plants and enough water for them to cool down in. The vast oil and coal fields are also proof of the abundance of animals and vegetative matter and trees which covered the earth at one stage I wish my brother and his friend in South Africa (both brothers) would write more on science. If I remember correctly his friend wrote his doctorate thesis on "water". I have heard them speak about the "heavy water" which is in the sea which has no current scientific explanation. Apparently it would not be a difficult thing for Jehovah to restore the water band. My brother did write a paper for his friends (he is a nerd in math and physics - he is the one that was a brilliant toxicologist before he went to prison) which proves that the detrimental radiation after the flood built up in the atmosphere very quickly and was the cause for the sudden drop in the age of people after the flood. He wrote a mathematic formula which proves the time period (he says that the bible is accurate when it comes to the time period) it took for mankind to degenerate. Yes - I agree there are no official papers to prove this but I think it is not improbable. The Organization have asked my brother a few times for interviews and to write his life story but he refuses. He developed the world wide official website on bloodless surgery.....for the bloodless society (for free) quite a few years back. He is a programmer as well and can fix any electronic device. His friend also wrote a "theory of everything" and my brother gave a copy to me. I have the paper somewhere and should study it in more detail. If I remember correctly, it brings all the electrical powers, gravitation, as well as magnetism together in one theory. The reasons that scientists today cannot fathom out the universe (all their theories are so diverse one cannot make sense of it) is because they refuse to acknowledge that Jehovah is the source of the dynamic energy. There are now physicists who have come up with a theory they call the " electrical universe" and they are also creationists. They say that there is no dark matter and their theory explains many of the phenomena / evidences which the current secular theories do not explain. We have an ozone layer at present and this does not mean that we cannot see into the vast universe. Similarly the water band protected us from the extreme radiation. It is a well-known fact that all our cancers and other immunity disorders come from a lack of Vitamin D. To get this vitamin D one has to spend at least 15 minutes in the sun every day. Even in Scandinavian countries they get skin cancer as a result of a lack of Vitamin D. What does this tell us? Man was made to work outside in the sun..... but not a harsh sun as we have now. There definitely were filters in the sky which filtered out the bad rays. The scriptures in the bible also state that there" had never been rain before " but a mist watered the earth. This indicates a much different earth before the flood than after. As I said before - the flood was a very violent event on the earth..... So my writing here is not a scientific statement - but it is speculation based on what we have in the bible and some of the evidence that is available on the earth.
  2. I do not agree that their calculations of the time period BUT I use their own evidence against them. Do you know why? The Cambrian explosion stands for the explosion of animals who suddenly appear in the ground fully created. In the layers of earth before the explosion of this great variety of animals there are no partially formed fossils to prove that they developed over a long period of time and there are no fossils that show the gradual development. This proves that animals did not evolve over millions of years. Especially the birds appear ready with wings for flight. The subject of the calculations of their years is another matter.
  3. There are no life forms in the evolutionary record which proves step by step development of feathers or flight etc. Cambrian explosion proves that. Fortunately nano-biotechnology has also proved the evolutionary theory to be a simplistic view of all life. Life is irreducibly complex and "connected" . With the word "connected" I mean this: the eye cannot see without the brain to interpret and why would that part of the brain to interpret develop if there were no eye. There is "foresight" in the development of both organs at the same time .... This proves design and intelligence. So everything is connected in the body. One does not need a biology degree to understand this. The evolutionists were winning the propaganda war a few years back - in schools and everywhere. It is pushed by the UN too - the 2030 agenda wants all children to accept the new morality and reject religion (Christianity). This is why we find pictures of "proven evolutionary frauds" still presented in school books as fact - current text books. Fortunately there is much more evidence available now to disprove the horrible book of Dawkins and other high priests of evolution. Dawkins turned so many people away from the bible.... but I am sad to say he no longer debates any Christians. He just goes on university forums where he an fellow evolutionists discuss the "plausible" side of evolution to his eager fans. I have seen a few debates where he bit the dust against people who are not even biologists. These philosophers managed to show him the logic and interconnectedness or morality with the god of the bible. Thanks for your input. I hope I did not create a "careless" impression by my choice of words. I am never surprised at the wonderful diversity and abundance Jehovah has created. Some dinosaurs could have been ground browsers like chickens, and others could have been water birds. Some could have been carrion eaters etc. I think - personal opinion - when one is right in the center of the group which needs to research and write about these things it can get a little distorted and panicky. I am not surprised - when the above "evidence" of bird evolution was presented without knowing it was a fraud..... they must have been consternated, flabbergasted and concerned - no matter how strong the faith....to present their readers with a logic answer. How do you counteract this kind of evidence? There is no logic to counteract it. One has to wait until the truth about this "evidence" comes out. It is always easier with hindsight to realize one should have waited - not when you are in a difficult situation. Trust in Jehovah is important and even anointed people can lack this at times. They are after all only people....prone to panic and prone to feel the heavy responsibility put on them. The older you are the more difficult too! To give guidance to many people is a large responsibility and when one is confronted with lies - not knowing it is a lie - can be difficult. This is why Jehovah says we must grow to maturity and in devotion but this only grows with experience ..... and time. Jehovah knows we are dust....
  4. You guys ain't seen nothing yet! Soon you will see what is real control.... there is benevolent control and satanic control... .... Any case I found a new tit-bit. On the JW app is says that the beast with the seven heads has a different kind of rulership than the Eighth king. Small difference but significant. One should therefore not expect this organization which now is gaining power over many kings to rule in the same way as the other 7 kings have in the past. The subversion which has been going on behind the scenes and the kind of agreements which has been made is giving it power to go ahead with its plans despite opposition from some iron-like elements in society. The insidiousness of the ideology is infiltrating everywhere and the unthinking populations are giving it full support because it is deceivingly presented as a good rule with all the right buzz words. The gender inclusions, the environmental sustainability - all wonderful things. ..... until you realize the other aspects of the plan.
  5. Truth is scarce and far between. Scientists are now hired to produce certain results. Look at the climate change debate still going on despite the fact that numerous coastlines are already under water. Yes - research has changed so much. So has journalism. Journalists cannot find work if they write against the "agenda" of the company. The good side of YouTube is that the creationists have a little voice time - where they were shut up before by the universities. One can now learn interesting things one did not think of before. The nasty side of Youtube is that the propaganda of satan is really everywhere. I search for interesting titbits and then research in other places.
  6. I think new Witnesses are afraid to do their own research until they have matured. The rate of maturity is different for everyone. When one is raising a family and struggling to make ends meet one will not be pottering about everywhere searching for more knowledge - they can scarcely keep up with preparing for meetings and family studies.... and if they are elders - to prepare for their talks. So in these circumstances it is easier to go to a reliable source where one need not take time to sift through garbage and propaganda to make a balanced decision.
  7. The flood and the water canopy before the flood also changed the atmosphere. Scientists do not compensate their calculations for this because they do not even recognize there was a canopy or a flood. Scientists compensate their calculations to fit in with recorded history...... especially in archeology and paleontology. Scientists usually send the sample for testing with a description of the "layer" of the earth the sample came from. When this is not done - then the same sample will have a date which can vary with millions of years. These days one can find anything on Youtube.... type in carbon dating debunked or carbon dating i is false and pick and choose to watch (some will be credible and some will not be). A few years back I watched one where they sent out the exact same sample to about eight different labs - the dating came back with thousands of years between them. Carbon dating is extremely accurate up to 400 years.
  8. Ha - ha - ha - you are making a joke - right? If you are not making an- over- the- top absurd -joke - then provide the evidence.... If you do not give the evidence then I do not waste my time to answer you.....
  9. No c14 is used in dating artifacts and fossils - not used ito determine 607 BCE
  10. I know one of the counter arguments to the preservation of blood vessels in fossils. There is a paper which indicates that iron in blood can preserve blood vessels... if I remember correctly. I looked at the arguments and it was so "scientific". They took blood and "centrifuged" out the iron and then in perfect laboratory conditions proved that high levels of iron can preserve these. The problem is that no-where in nature does one find a centrifuge and no-where in nature does one find large quantities of blood like that. It also does not explain the carbon 14 and the other proteins such as collagen.
  11. To me - I feel like I am in school if I cannot stray off subject sometimes. I am not writing a paper.... I am just in a discussion. The mind always seeks new ideas to explore... So, I am not here to provide people with my research... or to prove something. I just give them ideas to go and study for themselves. I always write from memory... things I have read.... It will take a lot of time to go find the proof where I read it. Unfortunately it will be a little harder to study the kind of fossil which loves tacos!
  12. To me - the bible cannot be separate and science cannot be separate. Where the bible does not give guidance we can see if a science idea fits - if it does not fit in with the bible (such as a ploy to negate intelligent design) then it should be rejected. Jehovah is after all the great scientist, father of logic and reality. I have no problem understanding that the earth and heavens were created and then lay fallow for a long time until it was ready to prepare for life. It obviously took some time for the earth to cool down and produce the water on the surface as well as the thick cloud of gasses above the surface. I think logic regarding the science we have available together with bible can explain a lot of things.
  13. The bone structure of the dinosaurs fall in two categories. Those of birds and those of reptiles. It has never bothered me that dinosaurs with hollow bones like birds may have had feathers and would have been beautifully colorful. Jehovah is a wonderful and generous creator. However, there have been hoaxes in the fossil bone record to try to prove how flight developed over millions of years - one in China comes to mind. The composition of the air before the flood must have been totally different for those large birds which flew, because our atmosphere now would not be able to carry them on thermal waves. They will drop out of the air because the effort to flap wings will exhaust them quick. Before the flood the atmosphere had more moisture and was warmer everywhere, The water band above the earth made the planet like a comfortable tropical hothouse (not too hot) which made the poles the same temperature as the rest of the earth. After the flood the poles froze and snow may even have formed immediately during the flood. I was fascinated when I visited natural history museums, especially with my roots in Africa. When in England I looked at the great variety of mammal-dinosaurs and many of them looked like the replicas of animals we have today - only much larger. They were not much different to existing animals today. This has stuck with me - and I have never seen scientists write about this. Even the crocodiles were 4 times larger than today. Sometimes one will see photos of the extremely large crocodiles .... but the other animals.... they are not mentioned in science journals. Animals adapt to their environment (Darwins finches adapted their beaks and when the food source changed they adapted back again - which is also never mentioned by evolutionists). Scientists call this 'makro evolution' which is a deceiving word for adaption to the environment. (Micro- evolution is the kind which brought the micro changes over millions of years - so they say - to bring about life and all the different new species. This has zero chance of happening if one studies the math). The flood was an extremely violent event which changed the entire surface of the earth and the atmosphere. The earth ripped open to bring forth the water under the earth; Teutonic plates moved and the initial surge of water into gullies and deep areas must have been more like constant tsunamis - surging into areas and rushing in on mountains and even cutting some off. New ground areas pushed up as the earth's plates pushed up against one another forming very deep areas in the ocean and forming new mountain ranges which were higher than ever before. Water surges caused water erosion on softer stone. Many volcanos also erupted under water etc. When the earth was filled with water - then the sedimentation would have started. Heavier animals would sink to the bottom - (All those which initially had not already been swept into gullies before - they found many massive graveyards of animals in USA and many other places on earth which are miles* miles long and wide) - but again - not much explanation in the news. Water is heavy (try to carry just one bucket of water) so it compacted the animals with sediment. The weight pressure of the water formed oil, coal and diamonds etc. - pressing out the oxygen. I have been looking into the "creationists theories for the flood and it is fascinating to see how the different "rogue" scientists who believe in the bible look at this.... and one can learn something from each one.....there is no doubt in my mind that the flood took place. The sedimentation record can be seen at the great canyon and other places on earth - with the lighter materials settling everywhere as the water moved - hence the shell particles on high mountains. and even on the lower layers. So after the flood - the earth was totally different. Food was not as large (plants must have been very large before the flood to feed large animals and even the dinosaurs) and not as abundant, no longer with large pools of water for large mammals and /or dinosaurs to move in or float on. No mist coming up from the earth. Large animals need water - look at elephants and hippos...... they need to cool down often. I have often thought that those mammal-dinosaurs which look similar to todays animals must have adapted after the flood to their new diet and new environment. Their size definitely changed somewhat although remaining to be the same species. I remember seeing a hippo which looked almost similar to today and the rhino looked like the indian rhino. Kinds of animals cannot change but adaption is everywhere. Polar bears are losing their habitat today and more and more are now breeding with grizzlies, which will bring the extinction of the polar. The forest elephant in South Africa is now extinct (last one died a while back) It was smaller and ate different food. Diet also has an effect on the human race and on animals. The black and white rhino eat different diets and their mouths have adapted. I am writing this now to show that one can read up on things to strengthen faith but one may not 'teach this as fact. One can use it as an idea of how things took place back then - but since the bible gives us much more detail about the 'purpose' of god one can say that the above info is all mere speculation. The GB is not in the business of speculation - so they stick to the purpose of Jehovah. However, I will encourage others to read more and find out how the bible may be much more scientific than science itself. Geologists officially refuse to consider the bible narrative and say that the very thin layers between the sedimental layers represent millions and millions of years - which is quite ludicrous when one sees the large layers of sediment before and after these thin layers. About the age of things - ah - that is another subject......
  14. Carbon 14 breaks down very quickly. Look it up on Wikipedia. Mr. Butler - do not be too humble my dear.... one does not need intelligence to understand it - one just needs to take a little time to do the research.... search and you shall find. Jehovah's spirit helps with the rest and an honest and unbiased spirit helps to find the truth. There are many kinds of scientists but I do not believe that evolution is a science - no scientific method to speak of and not much evidence (fossil record non-existent especially at the bottom (basis) of the evolutionary tree - also no evidence how birds developed. ... all conjecture. There are really too many unexplained miracles (miracle: a remarkable event or development that brings only positive consequences.) (The Cambrium explosion shows that all species suddenly appeared fully developed. Here is a definition of it Cambrian explosion - I quickly looked it up: "The Cambrian explosion or Cambrian radiation was the relatively short span event, occurring approximately 541 million years ago in the Cambrian period, during which most major animal phyla appeared, as indicated by the fossil record." (Of course these dates are totally manufactured dates.... similar to the so-called pictures of the progression of man.) Dating is also a subject that has not withstood the "science" test. There is a lot of data available in this to read. The foundation of our belief is Jehovah and Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of the first prophecy of a seed / king that would pay the ransom and then later rule to restore the original purpose of God. Additionally, how God worked throughout the ages to fulfill this prophecy and how he gave us a genealogy and a timeline to understand the progress of his plan. I did not know that evolution versus creation was the most important subject - as you indicated in your remark. For me the Bible is enough evidence that God exists and created everything and has a restoration plan - but evolution versus creation helps to provide the additional proof. Whether it is 7000 years or not does not change the fact that he created it all and we are now in the day of rest which is about 6000 years so far. According to Hebrews 4 there is another rest within the rest waiting - the 1000 years. I have seen quite a few videos where the high priest of Evolution - Mr R Dawkins said that something can come from nothing. I also have seen the audience laugh at this - which is quite right. I also have seen him say on two occasions that 'aliens' seeded our life...... that is the extent of the evolutionists brilliant philosophy. His book: the god delusion, has misled thousands of people and these people believe he is so smart. When one uses the magic word 'science" these days everyone thinks it is infallible. I have some of my own opinions but I do not go and preach my own personal opinions because I believe the kingdom message is the most important and this is what we must preach. There is no doubt in my mind that the faithful slave understands the kingdom government perfectly. Other Christian religions fail on this topic completely. Mr Butler, a person can make a lot of trouble for yourself if you go and preach your own message. Jehovah will correct all discrepancies in his own time. If you do not trust Jehovah to correct things then you cannot be a witness and serve alongside his other servants. ... and then you may lose your everlasting life. One cannot act in an immature way and act independently and insist you are right - it is disruptive and egotistical - anointed or not. I agree - the dynamic energy of Jehovah created the entire physical universe - Isaiah 40 says that the stars came forth by his dynamic energy (projected energy). So the physical universe did not come from nothing. If one can put this in a human scale - I always think of Jehovah bringing forth the entire physical universe (with all its galaxies) and with its beginning of time and the 3 dimensions of space and all the different forces such as gravity, weak and strong force, into existence by his dynamic energy as small as a single dust particle. (it may have been a singularity but then the explosion would have been totally controlled to bring forth the elements in the universe) "The big bang theory actually proved a 'beginning' so scientists quickly moved away from this and started playing with math and string theory to try to prove alternative universes (23 of them) to increase the 'chance' of life starting somewhere out there. One need not be a scientist to understand the creation - there are many books out there written for a lay person and many books that also show the 'science delusion". A very good one is The "devils" delusion by Dr Berlinsky which actually shows one the delusion people have about science. People always think scientists are not driven by ambition and ego and always follow the truth - where the facts lead. Think again. I do think there are some sciences which are more scientific than others but do not be mislead at what goes on behind the scenes and the reputations involved. To believe that one needs a science degree to understand creation is ludicrous - it is similar to the Pharisees which did not believe that Jesus or his disciples could understand the scriptures because they did not have higher education in the Mosaic law.
  15. I left this discussion last year because the fight over semantics was so stupid. Anyone who believes the universe came from nothing or believes that something comes from nothing - one cannot argue with people like that - not worth the effort. It is a totally unscientific statement and even if you say you are a scientist 1000 times, it does not make you a scientist who bases your conclusion on evidence if you really "believe" that statement. To say that a cell "appears" to be designed proves the simplicity of the mind or proves incomprehension or lack of study of the complexity of the cell itself. Nano-biotechnology has proven the complexity. IN any case there are now many papers which prove that collagen, blood vessels and more than 10 proteins have been found together with Carbon 14 in fossils. These samples have been taken on numerous different fossils and every time there is the same result (repeated tests) without contamination.... This proves the fossils are only thousands of years old and not millions.
  16. While climate change is undeniable - it has also become a tool for manipulating ground, water and food resources, minerals, population numbers, as well as transport and much more. . We are ruining the earth - as the bible predicted in Rev 11:18. However, Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 of the UN is a way to gain power over the people and control all their activities. NGOs are working in most countries under the name of "sustainable development" to get this done. Read up about this agenda 21 for the 21st century and you will see the parts of your country which in future will be inaccessable to humans. NGOs will be working to get people off some land too! I believe when UN has gained control by coming in through the back door , we will see the worst tribulation ever! Just making friends aware that all the agreements already signed by countries and the UN has put them under UN control and soon the UN will dictate its terms. Another fulfillment of bible prophecy......
  17. These officials at the UN are puppets who are pushing the UN Agenda 21 forward. Other countries kill their opponents (Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan) and nothing is said about this by the UN but they focus on USA to use any incident for a reason for intervention. They are looking for a cause to intervene in USA autonomy. The sovereignty of individual states is being broken down step by step to get more power over the nations. UN will eventually rule - it is prophesied - and Jehovah's people have known this all along....
  18. I listened again.  Thanks.  We often listen but do not follow the advice.  I recently sent money to a refugee  and a close friend (a sister) tried to talk me out of it because the "brother" may not be a strong brother or may not use the money for the purpose I sent it to him. Now that I call fleshly thinking.  I rather err on the side of showing love and mercy than the other side. 

    1. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      I agree. In the end it is always better to err on the side of love rather than judgement.




      Perhaps the Victims of Child Abuse within the JW Org should be shown Love  then. 

    3. Judith Sweeney

      Judith Sweeney

      Gracious...I thought the Seditionist left the room.   Tear Down John.  Don't you understand where there are humans involved, there will be error?

  19. That is it! You are another person with OCD. There is only one subject on your mind and you return to it in everything you say. ..... I have seen not one thing positive come from your mouth! My question is this: can a sweet fountain bring forth such bitter water - and only bitter water? (obsessive compulsive disorder)
  20. I hate NAZISM - the ideology - not the people. I preach to them and treat them with dignity. I hate islam ideology - not the people... I help those who listen to my message and love them more than myself. I avoid those who love the violence inherent in Islam. I do not fear islam - I know it is just an extremely violent part of Satan's system..... and only God can sort it out with justice. Humans will just add to the violence. By ignoring the ideology the EU/UN are fueling more killings which are happening daily- but nothing in the news - because these perpetrators are classified as having a mental disorder. The victims have no justice - the event is swept under the carpet. According to the new EU/UN laws there is no difference between the people and their ideology. Islamophobia - the hate for the ideology - is now a crime. I do see very friendly and kind people - while they have permission from friends to speak to me and their friends do not threaten them. That is when the hateful part of the ideology kicks in. The UN/EU do not see a difference because to them all religions are the same. Most Western officials working for UN and EU are secular, atheists. I know the difference between people and an ideology because I have seen the suffering it brings to many of the women. I fetch a woman for meetings every week - she has lost most of her family and extended family members. She talks all the time about this... I think she is suffering from Post traumatic stress. I keep my opinions to myself because it is not politically correct to say anything....these days... but the more I see the more I realize the absolute power this ideology wields on those who are born into it. Young babies can say: I will cut off your head!
  21. I have been working in Arabic speaking community. They all believe Israel is the DAJJAL- the anti-christ and must be destroyed. It is their Islam ideology. Christians from the middle east have all been influenced by the overwhelming islam hate- influence too! They usually volunteer information to talk about their hate. America supports Israel... Even if I did not see American footage - I did see British footage - I would believe any sponaneous outbreak of glee. I understand the Muslim hate for the West, "Rome (what it represents) and the Jews. It is in the ieology. ! I can quote the quran verses to support my claim if you want it written down here in these pages. (apologies - i really struggle to write on a tab) Their hate of America was there before the invasions. Tthe wars gave them a BETTER excuse to hate even more....All unbelievers must die and hypocrites - these are people who do not interpret the Quran correctly. Most Muslims do not know what is in their Quran - they just listen to their Imams and cannot distinguish if he is a fundamentalist or not.
  22. The archives in Russia have been opened up and two books have been produced by an authority on Stalin and Russia. This helps one to understand collectivism...... and why so many people died. This is a must watch - or read the books. Today one dare not say that 6 million Jews were not murdered because there are organizations which keep this memory alive and it is a crime to say this. Unfortunately, when rulers do the same to their own people there are no organizations to keep the victims fate alive or make it a crime to say that it did not happen.......especially under a suppressive regime. Communism has come in through the back door in the West during the last 40 years and many university professors now openly teach their students that it was not REAL communism under Stalin..... LOL. Some new candidates for congress seems to have swallowed the pill. What does this mean for the future? People no longer see a threat of this form of regime especially after Perestroika. It has given the UN opportunity to bring in propaganda for a similar kind of rule which is now embodied in " communalism" and a sustainable environment. The reason given is beautiful - the method to bring this about is deadly . Bible prophecy indicates that UN will rule for a short time - the image of the Beast..... so we trust bible prophecy. We can therefore analyze the UN ideology and get a good idea where it is leading to. The ideology is similar to Communism, so we can understand that they eventually will follow their ideology to the letter to get it installed (agenda 21) - similar to Stalin and his friends.... It is during this installation period that we will see the intensifying of the woes (birth pains) spoken of in the bible. By these environmental and migration ' agreements' which these nations have signed, their autonomies have been compromised and passed on to the UN - who now has jurisdiction over their borders and can interfere more aggressively with the treatment of people within those borders - if the cause suits their final outcome. Most members are already looking to the UN to arbitrate their problems (USA is now scoffed at), and a good indication is the daily criticism and regular decisions taken against Israel at the UN with the approval of most member nations. The Isolation of USA, who in the past has used to use its military to intervene, is now becoming more apparent. The withdrawal from Syria seems to have sealed it. Those nations which have signed up on these UN agreements can be taken to International Human Rights court (which is now a farce regarding human rights and has become a tool for the UN to push through, with deliberate focus, their own agenda 21). The agreements are 'supposed to be non-binding' but similar to EU history - the non-binding agreements became the norm. If the majority agree (democracy) then this norm becomes law and is accepted as law. EU history was the same. Non-binding agreements were made with most countries and the others (France) had to follow. Learn from history. UN is already dealing with the renegade nations. The interest rates and other factors (such as world currency) can be manipulated so that a heavily indebted nation can become unstable and see social upheaval. Social upheaval is already being fomented in USA by the donation of millions of dollars to front organizations. (Soros comes to mind. He is a proponent of UN ideas. CAIR and other Islamic front organizations are weakening the current laws so that child marriage, female mutilation and child marriage is accepted and not prosecuted - even if there are laws against it. Recent court cases makes the official laws of the country invalid. The racial and far-right far-left divide is becoming a powder keg. UN wants USA on board and will stop an nothing to get them included in the Compact. Their powers are already far-reaching in the NGOs who support them and are pushing through their ideas. USA is already saturated with these subversive organizations and it is a matter of time before the new morality and new ideology is accepted. Other nationalistic countries are being dealt with on an individual basis. So is this a political discussion? The fact that we do not vote is political...... and is already a factor in our persecution. Jesus was executed for his apolitical stance and for the preaching of another heavenly government. We are not pacifist but activists for Jehovah's kingdom - that is - if we preach about it. I am looking to the prophecies to have an idea of what will happen. Some of it is speculation and some of it is based on historical facts. When the bible says we will see the worst tribulation ever - I believe it. I think it 100 percent possible under these new proposals and they are very anxious to implement it more quickly. The pressure is on and this will bring mega human errors and an abuse of power. It is a direct fulfillment of Bible prophecy. I saw communism in Africa and have a very good idea of its affects. When they remove all other religions / ideologies to replace it with their ideology and their new moral standards, people may go along for a time. When they then call "peace and security" the power keg is ignited.
  23. The link between UN agenda 21 and the UN Migration Compact - communalism and communism. In a nutshell the UN migration Compact 2018 guarantees migrant rights. They are, amongst other things, to receive all material assistance in the land of destination as a right. Journalists will be ‘re-trained’ to only highlight the positive things about their migration. It is implied that those who complain about the cost of migration or any other problems (or report about negative migrant actions) could be taken to Human rights court because these migrants have their rights guaranteed. It is part of an equalization process. In Germany and UK dissenters are already getting respectively 2 years or 6 years (UK) prison sentences when they put anything which is construed as islamophobia on FB – even if you are a journalist. These countries are already Agenda 21 (and Sharia) compliant regarding several of their laws. Child marriages, female mutilation, are no longer followed up by police – it is their culture and a right. (I will not mention the gross injustices that are going on in Europe regarding this and the prison sentences citizens are receiving while being victims of extreme injustices.) The world has gone blind under Satan’s rule. Injustice does not matter - only the agenda. Under Agenda 21 the “New world order”, the sustainability of the environment has become more important than the collective human society. It plans to limit/remove property rights and people will all be housed in high rise buildings in cities with speed trains and other transport provided to lessen the impact of transport on the environment. They plan to minimize cars. Under communalism the collective is more important than individual rights. So what is morally acceptable collectively will be the norm. Food production will be centrally planned and rationed as well as water. All resources will be centrally managed including minerals, energy, etc. They plan to set large parts of the earth aside to become a wilderness with wild animals. No humans will be allowed into these areas. It actually sounds great but we know that we have seen several powerfully centralized governments before and we have seen the evidence of the deadly results. According to the Bible, all humans are wicked. It is our daily fight against wickedness which helps us to be better people…….. on condition that we acknowledge our sin and accept the fight within ourselves to improve according to righteous principals. We can become savages when bad conditions arrive if we do not practice righteousness. One only has to look at world history, full of human savagery and killing. As JWs we know that all forms of human rule will fail. The savagery of ‘cultured’ Germany during WW2 is just as wicked as the human savagery of ISIS or of tribal witchdoctors in Africa – cultures may vary but in the end it is the sin which brings forth satanic actions and consequences – suffering and death. To dominate/contol others is the foremost way our sin can manifest. My father always said ‘absolute capitalism exploits the poor’. People may look at you askew these days if one says that absolute capitalism is already thriving. Globalism has helped this ‘super capitalism’ in corporations (and supra rich bankers) to grow into the position where it is ruling the world behind the scenes, using its money for its own ends …..and it is already pushing the collectivist UN Agenda 21. It is about power dressed up as striving for the “equalization” of all peoples and the removal of borders to get it done. Capitalism and socialism in their extreme forms look very alike…. …… both bring forth a small ruling class with great power, enough to reveal the oppressive face of a small elite of humans ruling and deciding the fate of the masses. Google, FB and Twitter are global companies which are now going beyond all country borders and exercising their power. Additionally, they have evolved from being super capitalist to becoming a tool of Marxism, employing oppressive methods to silence critics of Islam, open borders, migrant rights etc. and promote the aims of agenda 21. GMO proponents Monsanto-Bayer undertake to ensure a supply of global food. How well they do this seemingly does not matter – they have the power to act as they wish. Many corporations are now vying for their future positions in this new world order. Let us go back to Marx and Engels’ communist manifesto to see the similarities. The manifesto states that the proletariat must use their ‘democratic’ power which basically means majority rule by the people/proletariat. (Wonderful idea – but we know it does not work). All property (only capitalists have property or means of production) must become the people’s. Everything material must become the people’s. All this must be controlled centrally by a group of people from the proletariat. This means all businesses (banks included) must be nationalized and controlled by the state. (Marx did not foresee how these proletariats would abuse their power to the degree they did). His dream was that rulers would become unnecessary if the people were educated to accept this form of rule. (Hence the killing of all educated classes as in Russia and China and the re-education of the masses). Read up how millions of Muslims are at present being sent for re-education in Chinese prisons. Families are being separated and the world says nothing. Unwanted Christians have the same fate. How did Marx plan to bring this beautiful ideology of his about when capitalists (with their imperialistic and capitalistic drive to conquer new markets) would resist this equalization dream? By revolution…. (Lenin went back to the Marxist idea of revolution and adapted it to Russia). Another aspect of the Marxist manifesto which most people overlook is the “international” nature of it. The intent was to spread this wonderful idea of the proletariat ruling to the entire globe! To foster revolutions everywhere. Down with all forms of evil capitalism! Subversion was a big part and parcel of the cold war. Sustainability of the land is also mentioned in the manifesto. Sustainable production and managing the resources of the earth…. Very nice – UN Agenda 21 comes to mind! (What is taking place now on the global scene is the final battle between globalists/’internationalists’ and the middle class trying to save their capitalism). The top 1% echelons of society (capitalists who are intent on ruling the proletariat) are totally determined to be part of the new world rule. They are all staking out their claims as we speak. They are putting motions in place to get things done on time according to Agenda 2030. I think they will go so far as to let economies fail to weaken autonomy of states such as USA. For Marx and Lenin – religion is poison because it can stop people from doing what the revolution requires to be done, including those who resist the worship of the state (Daniel 11)! Instead of reading scholarly books which give the opinions of Marxist scholars at universities (many scholars today love the ideas of Marxism and have in the last 40 years started to sanitize and whitewash its history), rather read the books of the Russian writer Aleksandr I Solzhenitsyn. He opened the eyes of the West about life behind the Iron curtain – what was really happening to the ordinary people of his country. His writings contributed to the fall of the dream of communism. He estimated the government ordered deaths to be at 60 million in totalitarian Russia. (Hitler of course hated communism because he believed the Jews to be behind it). Quote from Solzenitsyn: Wikipedia ” But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened." Worship of the state. (In current Russia it is perceived to be better than under Leninism because one is now allowed to worship at state approved churches (religion and nationalism are one idea). Stalin has been “restored” as the builder of the nation. Yes communism is alive and well! Chinese communism has set out to colonize Africa – a mixture of totalitarianism with capitalism as the bait. Ever wondered why the postmodern globalists love the ideas of Islam? Why do they rally together with hijab wearing women for freedom? Both communism and Islam have at the core of their ideas a globalist theme and equalization of all – the same final outcome…. And they hope that they will be the ones ruling. Islam wants a global caliphate – an earthly government under sharia law and Islam. An earthly human government controlled by people who bring peace to everyone – utopian……. It is in direct violation of the bible which says that no human can rule another successfully. Both ideologies always lead to conflict and death because it allows for much needed justified violence to bring about the change. Look at all Muslim countries and you will discover how easy the state religion lends itself to creating an extremely oppressive and unjust society. Look at the communist revolutions in South America and Africa – it led to extremely oppressive and brutal regimes. (Capitalism on the other hand was invasive and imperialistic as Marx rightly said. However, Capitalism gave more freedom in its own back yard – freedom of speech and property rights which gave some sense of justice) But the imperialism led to many unjust wars. In South Africa imminent war and a minority genocide awaiting people there is passed off as a white / black divide…… when in actual fact it is the divide between capitalism and collectivism – state control of ground and resources by the proletariat and an equalization of wealth (material things). Most of the native ethnic citizens are not religious at all or have a spiritistic religion. Look at their emblems…. They identify with communism as it was the ‘liberation theology’ of their leaders since the fight against the capitalist colonialization/imperialism started. Most terrorists were trained in Cuba or Soviet Russia or by Kaddafi in Libya. In the West, freedom of speech has given us an avenue for justice when all else fails. When freedom of speech is suppressed, injustices can prevail. Far-right (capitalistic) and far-left propaganda (communism) is ongoing – with a new twist. The new collectivist ideology looks like the old one but has been spruced up. This ideology tends to attract people (especially victimized groups who want to be “included and validated “ and those who see themselves as victims of the existing system which has been dominated by mainly imperialistic capitalist white men who often were religious patriarchs – the new post modern philosophy has infiltrated all universities and schools. This narrative fits in with the new sexual identity agenda, militant feminist agenda and even the islamophobia agenda – which is promoted by all the Islam and Marxist front organizations spreading the propaganda. They have already won the propaganda war. If one goes online and sees the many Black empowerment organizations - what they are discussing and the ideologies which have infiltrated them - then one realizes that subversion has been going on for a long time and people caught in its nets do not realize the principal agenda. Most of them have NO RELIGION – and have fallen for this new ideology which has replaced religion. They will commit atrocities with ease in the future. This battle is being fought by those who do not believe in God and think that the correcting of injustices - the “right and wrong” of material inequalities - will make everyone happy and bring peace to all. The UN has the objective of sustaining the earth and “ruling for the majority which have been oppressed”. We know that the only system which can work without oppressive rulers enforcing their idea of right and wrong, is a moral system where right and wrong is an ‘objective right and wrong’ which can only be directed consistently, accurately and fairly by Jehovah… and humans need to have these laws written on their willing hearts. They will refuse to rule/control any other human being.
  24. The UN Human Rights council is run by mostly the Arabs now. They vote each other in. Arabia I think is at present the head of this organization. Most countries on this council ALL have the worst records of human rights abuse - especially to women and children. They now have a blind eye to rape and child marriage, female genital mutilation and many more atrocities against women. If the majority countries accept these practices as normal it becomes internationally accepted. There is a law to this effect which they now often quote and it is accepted as the norm. I have forgotten the terminology - maybe someone can help me? The Human Rights court have made terrible decisions in the past two years - paving the way for the new migration agenda. Last week a case of child marriage was overturned...in the high court of Germany. The human rights court of a decade ago is there no longer - it is similar to Germany and France. It will now only prosecute those who speak against the Migration compact or publicize the detrimental results it may bring. The UN is seen as the savior - the "material equalizer of the world" and the old 'white' morality is a dictate of the past. Germans are held to existing german law - migrants are held to a different law. This is the new reality on the ground....in UK, Germany and France.... So yes - things which did not make sense before are now starting to fall in place....
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