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Melinda Mills

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Everything posted by Melinda Mills

  1. “In effect, as many opposers are quick to point out, only the remnant become the mediator between Jesus and the "other sheep." It's problematic and forces the idea that the Greek Scriptures were only written to the remnant, and the only parts that can apply at least indirectly to the other sheep are those portions that the remnant will clarify for them”. JW Insider Agree above is problematic in context of 1 Tim 2:5. Think with had a discussion on this around June/July. Light will come.
  2. For JWInsider: Please note the article I quoted about bringing the many to righteousness since 1935 was from 2014.
  3. Understanding will increase – no need to be argumentative or dogmatic (1 Corinthians 13:12, 13) 12 For now we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror, but then it will be face-to-face. At present I know partially, but then I will know accurately, just as I am accurately known. 13 Now, however, these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love. (Proverbs 4:18) But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight. ==================== Both earthly and heavenly servants are righteous, but Jehovah can do what he wants with this things. As with household servants, some can be assigned to serve in the inner chambers, some can serve in the courtyard. (Isaiah 60:21) And all your people will be righteous; They will possess the land forever. They are the sprout that I planted, The work of my hands, for me to be beautified. (Matthew 20:14-16) 14 Take what is yours and go. I want to give to this last one the same as to you. 15 Do I not have the right to do what I want with my own things? Or is your eye envious because I am good?’ 16 In this way, the last ones will be first, and the first ones last.” Declared righteous as Friends of God (James 2:18-23) 18 Nevertheless, someone will say: “You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” 19 You believe that there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder. 20 But do you care to know, O empty man, that faith without works is useless? 21 Was not Abraham our father declared righteous by works after he offered up Isaac his son on the altar? 22 You see that his faith was active along with his works and his faith was perfected by his works, 23 and the scripture was fulfilled that says: “Abraham put faith in Jehovah, and it was counted to him as righteousness,” and he came to be called Jehovah’s friend. *** w14 2/15 pp. 11-12 Rejoice Over the Marriage of the Lamb! *** “THEY WILL BE BROUGHT WITH REJOICING” 14 Read Psalm 45:12, 14b, 15. The prophet Zechariah foretold that in the time of the end, people of the nations would gratefully associate themselves with the remnant of spiritual Israel. He wrote: “In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: ‘We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.’” (Zech. 8:23) At Psalm 45:12, these symbolic “ten men” are spoken of as “the daughter of Tyre” and “the wealthiest of men.” They come to the anointed remnant with gifts, ‘seeking their favor’ and spiritual help. Since 1935, millions of people have allowed the remnant to ‘bring them to righteousness.’ (Dan. 12:3) These loyal companions of the anointed Christians have purified their lives, becoming spiritual virgins. These “virgin companions” of the bride have dedicated themselves to Jehovah and have proved themselves to be faithful subjects of the Bridegroom-King. 15 The remnant of the bride class have been particularly grateful to these “virgin companions” for their zealous help in preaching “this good news of the Kingdom” throughout the inhabited earth. (Matt. 24:14) Not only do “the spirit and the bride keep on saying, ‘Come!’” but those hearing say, “Come!” (Rev. 22:17) Yes, the “other sheep” heard the members of the anointed bride class say “Come!” and have joined the bride in saying “Come!” to earth’s inhabitants.—John 10:16. 16 The anointed remnant love their companions and are happy to know that the Bridegroom’s Father, Jehovah, has granted these other sheep on earth the privilege of joining in the jubilation over the heavenly marriage of the Lamb. It was foretold that these “virgin companions” would be “brought with rejoicing and joy.” Yes, the other sheep, who hope to live forever on earth, will share in the universal rejoicing when the marriage of the Lamb takes place in heaven. Appropriately, the book of Revelation represents the members of the “great crowd” as “standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” They render Jehovah sacred service in the earthly courtyard of his spiritual temple.—Rev. 7:9, 15. “YOUR SONS WILL TAKE THE PLACE OF YOUR FOREFATHERS” 17 Read Psalm 45:16. “The virgin companions” of Christ’s heavenly bride will have further cause for rejoicing when they see the marriage become fruitful in the new world. The Bridegroom-King will turn his attention to the earth and will resurrect his earthly “forefathers,” who will become his earthly “sons.” (John 5:25-29; Heb. 11:35) From among these he will appoint “princes in all the earth.” Doubtless, Christ will appoint others from among faithful elders of today to take the lead in the new world.—Isa. 32:1. 18 During his Millennial Reign, Christ will become a father to others also. In fact, all earth’s inhabitants who receive everlasting life will gain it because they exercise faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. (John 3:16) He thus becomes their “Eternal Father.”—Isa. 9:6, 7. ======= Declared righteous as Sons of God – raised in perfection as spirit creatures (Romans 8:16, 17) The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 If, then, we are children, we are also heirs—heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ—provided we suffer together so that we may also be glorified together. (Romans 6:1-7) 6 What are we to say then? Should we continue in sin so that undeserved kindness may increase? 2 Certainly not! Seeing that we died with reference to sin, how can we keep living any longer in it? 3 Or do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 So we were buried with him through our baptism into his death, in order that just as Christ was raised up from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also should walk in a newness of life. 5 If we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we will certainly also be united with him in the likeness of his resurrection. *** w98 2/15 pp. 14-15 Jehovah Brings Many Sons to Glory *** The Witness of the Spirit 10 All 144,000 anointed Christians have had absolute evidence that they have God’s spirit. In this regard, Paul wrote: “You received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: ‘Abba, Father!’ The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children. If, then, we are children, we are also heirs: heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ, provided we suffer together that we may also be glorified together.” (Romans 8:15-17) Anointed Christians have a filial spirit toward their heavenly Father, a dominant sense of sonship. (Galatians 4:6, 7) They are absolutely certain that they have been begotten by God to spiritual sonship as joint heirs with Christ in the heavenly Kingdom. In this, Jehovah’s holy spirit plays a definite role. 11 Under the influence of God’s holy spirit, the spirit, or dominant attitude, of anointed ones impels them to respond in a positive way to what God’s Word says about the heavenly hope. For instance, when they read what the Scriptures say about Jehovah’s spiritual children, they spontaneously acknowledge that such words apply to them. (1 John 3:2) They know that they have been “baptized into Christ Jesus” and into his death. (Romans 6:3) Their firm conviction is that they are God’s spiritual sons, who will die and be resurrected to heavenly glory, as Jesus was. 12 Being begotten to spiritual sonship is not a cultivated desire. Spirit-begotten ones do not want to go to heaven because of distress over present hardships on earth. (Job 14:1) Rather, Jehovah’s spirit has engendered in truly anointed ones a hope and desire uncommon to humans in general. Such begotten ones know that everlasting life in human perfection on a paradise earth surrounded by a happy family and friends would be wonderful. However, such life is not the principal desire of their hearts. Anointed ones have such a strong heavenly hope that they willingly sacrifice all earthly prospects and attachments.—2 Peter 1:13, 14. ======= What passing over from death to life means (John 5:24) 24 Most truly I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes the One who sent me has everlasting life, and he does not come into judgment but has passed over from death to life. *** w08 4/15 p. 30 par. 8 Highlights From the Book of John *** 5:24, 25—Who are those ‘passing over from death to life’? Jesus is speaking about those who were once spiritually dead but who upon hearing his words put faith in him and discontinue walking in their sinful course. They ‘pass over from death to life’ in that the condemnation of death is lifted from them, and they are given the hope of everlasting life because of their faith in God.—1 Pet. 4:3-6. Review what we know *** it-1 pp. 605-606 Declare Righteous *** In the Christian Congregation. With the coming of God’s Son as the promised Redeemer, a new factor existed upon which God could base his dealings with his human servants. The followers of Jesus Christ who are called to be his spiritual brothers, with the prospect of being joint heirs with him in the heavenly Kingdom (Ro 8:17), are first declared righteous by God on the basis of their faith in Jesus Christ. (Ro 3:24, 28) This is a judicial act of Jehovah God; therefore before him as the Supreme Judge no one can “file accusation” against his chosen ones. (Ro 8:33, 34) Why does God take this action toward them? First, it is because Jehovah is perfect and holy (Isa 6:3); hence, in harmony with his holiness, those whom he accepts as his sons must be perfect. (De 32:4, 5) Jesus Christ, God’s chief Son, showed himself perfect, “loyal, guileless, undefiled, separated from the sinners.” (Heb 7:26) His followers, however, are taken from among the sons of Adam, who, because of sin, fathered an imperfect, sinful family. (Ro 5:12; 1Co 15:22) Thus, as John 1:12, 13 shows, Jesus’ followers were not, to begin with, sons of God. By his undeserved kindness, Jehovah God arranged a process of “adoption” through which he accepts such favored ones and brings them into a spiritual relationship as part of his family of sons. (Ro 8:15, 16; 1Jo 3:1) Consequently, God lays the basis for their entry into or their adoption to sonship by declaring them righteous through the merit of Christ’s ransom sacrifice in which they exercise faith, acquitting them of all guilt due to sin. (Ro 5:1, 2, 8-11; compare Joh 1:12.) They are, therefore, “counted,” or credited, as being completely righteous persons, all their sins being forgiven and not charged against them.—Ro 4:6-8; 8:1, 2; Heb 10:12, 14. This declaring of such Christians righteous, therefore, goes much farther than in the case of Abraham (and other pre-Christian servants of Jehovah), previously discussed. Indicating the scope of Abraham’s justification, the disciple James wrote: “The scripture was fulfilled which says: ‘Abraham put faith in Jehovah, and it was counted to him as righteousness,’ and he came to be called ‘Jehovah’s friend.’” (Jas 2:20-23) So, because of his faith, Abraham was declared righteous as a friend of God, not as a son of God because of being “born again” with heavenly life in view. (Joh 3:3) The Scriptural record makes clear that prior to Christ’s coming neither such sonship nor such a heavenly hope had been opened up to men.—Joh 1:12, 17, 18; 2Ti 1:10; 1Pe 1:3; 1Jo 3:1. It can be seen that, though enjoying the status of righteous persons before God, these Christians do not possess actual or literal perfection in the flesh. (1Jo 1:8; 2:1) In view of the prospect of heavenly life for these followers of Christ, such literal perfection in fleshly organism now is not actually needed. (1Co 15:42-44, 50; Heb 3:1; 1Pe 1:3, 4) However, by their being declared righteous, having righteousness “counted,” or credited, to them, God’s requirements of justice are satisfied, and he brings the adopted ones into the “new covenant” validated by the blood of Jesus Christ. (Lu 22:20; Mt 26:28) These adopted spiritual sons in the new covenant that is made with spiritual Israel are ‘baptized into Christ’s death,’ eventually dying a death like his.—Ro 6:3-5; Php 3:10, 11. Although Jehovah forgives their sins of fleshly weakness and imperfection, nevertheless, a conflict exists in these Christians, as illustrated in Paul’s letter to the Romans (7:21-25). It is between the law of their renewed mind (Ro 12:2; Eph 4:23), or “God’s law,” and “sin’s law” that is in their members. This is because their fleshly bodies are not perfected, even though they are counted righteous and their sins are forgiven. This conflict contributes to the test of their integrity toward God. They can win this conflict by the help of God’s spirit and with the assistance of their merciful High Priest, Christ Jesus. (Ro 7:25; Heb 2:17, 18) To win, however, they must constantly exercise faith in Christ’s ransom sacrifice and follow him, thus maintaining their righteousness in God’s eyes. (Compare Re 22:11.) Thereby they ‘make their calling and choosing sure’ for themselves. (2Pe 1:10; Ro 5:1, 9; 8:23-34; Tit 3:6, 7) If, on the other hand, they take up the practice of sin, falling away from the faith, they lose their favored standing before God as righteous persons because they “impale the Son of God afresh for themselves and expose him to public shame.” (Heb 6:4-8) Such ones face destruction. (Heb 10:26-31, 38, 39) Thus, Jesus spoke of the sin that has no forgiveness, and the apostle John distinguished between the sin that “does not incur death” and the sin that “does incur death.”—Mt 12:31, 32; 1Jo 5:16, 17. Jesus Christ, after maintaining his faithfulness until death, was “made alive in the spirit,” given immortality and incorruption. (1Pe 3:18; 1Co 15:42, 45; 1Ti 6:16) He was thus “declared [or pronounced] righteous in spirit” (1Ti 3:16; Ro 1:2-4) and sat down at the right hand of God in the heavens. (Heb 8:1; Php 2:9-11) The faithful footstep followers of Christ await a resurrection like his (Ro 6:5), looking forward to becoming recipients of “divine nature.”—2Pe 1:4. Other Righteous Ones. In one of Jesus’ illustrations, or parables, relating to the time of his coming in Kingdom glory, persons likened to sheep are designated as “righteous ones.” (Mt 25:31-46) It is notable, however, that in this illustration these “righteous ones” are presented as separate and distinct from those whom Christ calls “my brothers.” (Mt 25:34, 37, 40, 46; compare Heb 2:10, 11.) Because these sheeplike ones render assistance to Christ’s spiritual “brothers,” thus demonstrating faith in Christ himself, they are blessed by God and are called “righteous ones.” Like Abraham, they are accounted, or declared, righteous as friends of God. (Jas 2:23) This righteous standing will mean survival for them when the “goats” depart “into everlasting cutting-off.”—Mt 25:46. A parallel situation may be noted in the vision recorded at Revelation 7:3-17. Here, a “great crowd” of indefinite number are shown as distinct from the 144,000 ‘sealed ones.’ (Compare Eph 1:13, 14; 2Co 5:1.) That this “great crowd” enjoys a righteous standing before God is indicated by the fact that they are described as having “washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”—Re 7:14. The “great crowd,” who survive the “great tribulation,” are not yet declared righteous for life—that is, as worthy of the right to everlasting life on earth. They need to continue partaking of the “fountains of waters of life,” as guided by the Lamb, Christ Jesus. They will need to do this during the Millennial Reign of Christ. (Re 7:17; 22:1, 2) If they prove loyal to Jehovah through a final test at the end of the thousand years, they will have their names permanently retained in God’s book of life, Jehovah thus declaring, or acknowledging, that they finally are righteous in the complete sense.—Re 20:7, 8. (Underscoring, bold and large print – mine)
  4. See some islands and countries already being affected by climate change: http://www.businessinsider.com/islands-threatened-by-climate-change-2012-10/#kiribati-1
  5. You can look into the 2016 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, page 176, for the figures based on year 2015, then in a couple of months you will get the figures year 2016 in the 2017 yearbook. Last figure was 8.2 million. Headquarters would have to up-to-date figures now almost ready for print. But why would we need to get them before they are published?
  6. So from what I see for the Witnesses word changing and tune changing probably went on for some time. Apparently the original music was from Mozart and lyrics were from Havergal. Right now now I remember two tunes to this song. Just heard a third tune on Youtube.
  7. Those old songbooks are no longer around. Here is what I found on the Internet. When I was a small child lots of our songs had words in common with the best songs/the most truthful songs of Christendom. They evolved to being more truthful according the enlightened understanding of truth. So maybe one of the older versions of this song probably had those words, and I probably remembered it faintly. ====== Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of Thy love Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee Take my silver and my gold, not a mite would I withhold Take my intellect and use every power as You choose Here am I, all of me, take my life, it's all for Thee Take my will and make it Thine, it shall be no longer mine Take my heart, it is Thine own, it shall be Thy royal throne Take my love, my Lord I pour at Your feet, it's treasure store Take myself and I will be ever, only, all for Thee Songwriters Christopher Tomlin;Louie Giglio
  8. Have a faint recollection that the present wording was in one of the older songbooks, as this song was from our antiquity. Could someone check.
  9. Actually when I first saw your question I thought of the birth of the kingdom in heaven and I also thought about the great tribulation which Jesus said nothing would be like it in the future and nothing would have been like it in the past, but I still answered as I did. So as Pilate said, "What I have written I have written". The organization have also written lots of things that they no longer believe, or had to make adjustments on, so let's not start an Inquisition. Let's allow these things to digest. Just as we have no quarrel with the organization when they see something different and eventually all come to realize the truth of it, let others believe what they are convinced about. The early Christians took about 30 years to accept the truth surrounding the circumcision, for example, but God still used them. So be careful.
  10. Why are you posting this every couple of months. Saw it more than once. The heading is incorrect. It was not Pope Francis. This is what it said: "The Catholic Church raised a "cry of alarm", according to La Repubblica, because every year ten thousand thousand Catholics become Jehovah's Witnesses. The Jesuit Giusseppe De Rosa said that "from a religious point of view the most dangerous are Jehovah's Witneses. They come fully trained; they always have the Bible in their hand." In an editorial dealing specifically with Jehovah's Witnesses, the Jesuit magazine La Civilta Cattolica of February 18, 1984, wrote: "The first reason for the spread of the movement lies in the propaganda techniques [that is, in the preaching work]. The work on the one hand is painstaking, carried out from door to door by people who are scrupulously trained in this work and strongly convinced ... " etc etc Why are we so hungry for the plaudits of worldly men?
  11. From March 1987 Awake Magazine. Nothing to do with the present Pope.
  12. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/family-found-dead-apparent-murder-suicide-article-1.1582545 THIS IS OLD NEWS FROM 2014. WHY WOULD YOU BRING IT UP AGAIN. IT IS NO USE TO ANYONE AS AN EXAMPLE OF CHRISTIAN LIVING.
  13. *** w08 1/1 p. 13 Is God’s Kingdom in Your Heart? *** Our Readers Ask Is God’s Kingdom in Your Heart? Many today believe that the answer to the above question is yes. For example, The Catholic Encyclopedia asserts: “The kingdom of God means . . . the ruling of God in our hearts.” The clergy commonly teach this idea. Does the Bible really teach that God’s Kingdom resides in human hearts? Some think that Jesus himself first promoted the idea that God’s Kingdom lies within the hearts of humans. Jesus did say: “Look! The kingdom of God is in your midst.” (Luke 17:21) Some translations here say: “The kingdom of God is within you” or even “inside you.” Are those accurate renderings of Jesus’ expression? Did he really mean that God’s Kingdom is found in human hearts? First, consider what the human heart is. When referred to in the Bible, the figurative heart means the inner person, the source of a person’s thoughts, attitudes, and feelings. The idea that something as sublime as the Kingdom of God resides within the human heart—in the way it changes and ennobles people, for example—may sound appealing, but does it stand to reason? The Bible tells us: “The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate.” (Jeremiah 17:9) Jesus himself said: “From inside, out of the heart of men, injurious reasonings issue forth: fornications, thieveries, murders, adulteries, covetings, acts of wickedness.” (Mark 7:20-22) Consider: Cannot much of the misery that we see in the world today be traced back to the sinful hearts of humans? So how could God’s perfect Kingdom come from such a source? Really, the human heart could no more produce God’s Kingdom than a thistle could produce figs.—Matthew 7:16. Second, consider the audience Jesus was addressing when he spoke the words found at Luke 17:21. The preceding verse reads: “On being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he answered them.” (Luke 17:20) The Pharisees were Jesus’ enemies. Jesus stated that those hypocrites were not going to enter God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 23:13) Now if the Pharisees were not to enter God’s Kingdom, could the Kingdom be in their hearts? Impossible! What, then, did Jesus mean? In rendering these words of Jesus, a number of careful Bible translations use wording similar to that found in the New World Translation. Some say that the Kingdom is “among you” or “in the midst of you.” How was God’s Kingdom among those people at that time, including the Pharisees? Well, Jesus was the one whom Jehovah God appointed to be the King of the Kingdom. As the King-Designate, Jesus was right in the midst of those people. He taught about the Kingdom of God and even performed miracles, giving them a preview of what that Kingdom would accomplish. In a very real sense, then, the Kingdom was in their midst. Clearly, there is no Scriptural support for the notion that the Kingdom of God is in the hearts of humans. Rather, it is an actual government, one that will effect dramatic changes on the earth, just as the prophets foretold.—Isaiah 9:6, 7; Daniel 2:44.
  14. See the explanations below : *** it-2 p. 856 Sanctification *** Jesus Christ. Jehovah God selected his only-begotten Son and sent him to earth to do a special work in behalf of God’s name and to give his life as a ransom for humankind. But he was not received and respected by the Jewish nation as that sent one; rather, they denied his sonship and his position with his Father. He replied to them: “Do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and dispatched into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, I am God’s Son?”—Joh 10:36. The apostle Peter writes to Christians, telling them to “sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts.” He shows that one who does this will stay away from what is bad and will do good. The people of the nations hold in their hearts an awe and a fear of men and of other things. But the Christian should set Christ in the right place in his affections and motivations. This would mean recognizing Christ’s position as God’s Chief Agent of life, the Messianic King, God’s High Priest, and the one who gave his life as a ransom. He should also keep Christ’s example of good conduct before him and hold a good conscience in connection with his own conduct as a Christian. If a person, even a ruler, should harshly demand a reason for his hope, the Christian who thus sanctifies Christ in his heart will make a good defense, yet with a mild temper and deep respect.—1Pe 3:10-16. *** sg study 18 pp. 94-95 par. 15 Improving Your Answers *** There are occasions when we may be called on to make a defense before law courts or representatives of the law who have the authority to ask us what we believe and why we believe that way. “Sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts,” counsels the apostle. Be sure that deep in your heart you accord the Lord Jesus Christ the highest respect, a sacred position, one not to be desecrated. Then there will be no reason for anxiety. If we please the One anointed of God as King over all the earth, there is no reason to be perturbed about how men in high positions may react.
  15. I am very sorry to hear of her passing. She was a role model for most little girls growing up in the '60s. I myself very much admired her. It was a picture universally enjoyed by people of all ages. Sometimes I was taken back by the enthusiasm it brought out in older people. The Sound of Music will always be a great memory and hers will always be wrapped up in it.
  16. I agree that you need to read and study your Bible. When God executes anyone he is riding the cause of righteousness; he is not doing dirty work. He will also execute persons for saying shocking things about Him. See scripture below: (Jude 15) “ to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him.” (Job 34:12) 12 For a certainty, God does not act wickedly; The Almighty does not pervert justice. Please consider the following scriptures and the excerpt below. (Gen 2:16-17) 16 Jehovah God also gave this command to the man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. 17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will certainly die.” It is God’s work to execute sinners. He said he would in the above scripture. (Gen 3:1-5) 1Now the serpent was the most cautious of all the wild animals of the field that Jehovah God had made. So it said to the woman: “Did God really say that you must not eat from every tree of the garden?” 2 At this the woman said to the serpent: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden. 3 But God has said about the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden: ‘You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die.’” 4 At this the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die. 5 For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.” God is not doing Satan’s work. It is true that Satan has the means to cause death; however, Satan said in the beginning that mankind won’t die if they sinned. So how is it Satan’s work? When Adam and Eve’s lifespan came to an end (within God’s thousand-year day) it was God’s sentence of death, not Satan’s. When God executes the wicked he is doing His work as he is a God of justice and a God of truth. Everything he said he would do in the past came true. (Joshua 23:14) Everything he says he will do in the future will also come true. (Rev 21:5, 8) Righteous work – not dirty work When Jehovah commands his Son to destroy the wicked it will be for the cause of righteousness – not dirty work. (Psalms 45:3-7) 3 Strap your sword on your side, O mighty one, In your dignity and your splendor. 4 And in your splendor go on to victory; Ride in the cause of truth and humility and righteousness, And your right hand will accomplish awe-inspiring things. 5 Your arrows are sharp, making peoples fall before you; They pierce the hearts of the king’s enemies. 6 God is your throne forever and ever; The scepter of your kingdom is a scepter of uprightness. 7 You loved righteousness, and you hated wickedness. That is why God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of exultation more than your companions. (Isaiah 11:4, 5) He will judge the lowly with fairness, And with uprightness he will give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth And put the wicked to death with the breath of his lips. 5 Righteousness will be the belt around his waist, And faithfulness the belt of his hips. (Acts 17:30, 31) . . .True, God has overlooked the times of such ignorance; but now he is declaring to all people everywhere that they should repent. 31 Because he has set a day on which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed, and he has provided a guarantee to all men by resurrecting him from the dead.” (Rev 6:2) 2 And I saw, and look! a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went out conquering and to complete his conquest. *** it-1 pp. 488-489 Colors *** White is the color most often mentioned in the Scriptures. Besides its descriptive use, it also serves as a symbol of righteousness and spiritual cleanness. (Re 3:4; 7:9, 13, 14) The white horse, as portrayed at Revelation 6:2 and 19:11, symbolizes clean, righteous warfare under Jesus Christ’s direction (Revelation 19:11-16) 11 I saw heaven opened, and look! a white horse. And the one seated on it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness. 12 His eyes are a fiery flame, and on his head are many diadems. He has a name written that no one knows but he himself, 13 and he is clothed with an outer garment stained with blood, and he is called by the name The Word of God. 14 Also, the armies in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15 And out of his mouth protrudes a sharp, long sword with which to strike the nations, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. Moreover, he treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 On his outer garment, yes, on his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. *** w14 2/15 pp. 5-6 Hail Christ, the Glorious King! *** THE KING RIDES “IN THE CAUSE OF TRUTH” 11 Read Psalm 45:4. The Warrior-King does not wage a war of conquest in order to occupy territories and subjugate peoples. He wages a righteous war with noble objectives. He rides “in the cause of truth and humility and righteousness.” The greatest truth that must be defended is that of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty. Satan challenged the legitimacy of Jehovah’s rulership when he rebelled against Him. Since then, that fundamental truth has been disputed by both demons and humans. Now the time has come for Jehovah’s anointed King to ride forth to establish the truth of Jehovah’s sovereignty once and for all. 12 The King also rides ‘in the cause of humility.’ As God’s only-begotten Son, he himself has provided a sterling example of humility and loyal subjection to his Father’s sovereignty. (Isa. 50:4, 5; John 5:19) All loyal subjects of the King must follow his example and humbly submit to Jehovah’s sovereignty in all things. Only those who do so will be allowed to live in God’s promised new world.—Zech. 14:16, 17. 13 Christ also sallies forth ‘in the cause of righteousness.’ The righteousness that the King defends is “God’s righteousness”—Jehovah’s standards of what is right and what is wrong. (Rom. 3:21; Deut. 32:4) About the King Jesus Christ, Isaiah prophesied: “A king will reign for righteousness.” (Isa. 32:1) Jesus’ reign will usher in the promised “new heavens” and “new earth,” wherein “righteousness is to dwell.” (2 Pet. 3:13) Every inhabitant of that new world will be required to conform to Jehovah’s standards.—Isa. 11:1-5.
  17. Jehovah gave his son by sending him to earth to die as a ransom for mankind. See what the angels said about the event: (Luke 2:10-14) . . .. 11 For today there was born to you in David’s city a savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this is a sign for you: You will find an infant wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger.” 13 Suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God and saying: 14 “Glory in the heights above to God, and on earth peace among men of goodwill.” As we all know Jesus proved faithful unto death and provided the ranson for us. In doing this he carried out God's greatest act of love as quoted above in the Watchtower: "Such people stand to benefit from God’s greatest act of love, as we read at John 3:16: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (See Gal 4:4; John 1:29; Matt 20:28)
  18. *** w12 10/1 p. 8 Corruption Will End! *** .... Such people stand to benefit from God’s greatest act of love, as we read at John 3:16: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.” (Provided you are speaking of past events.)
  19. John 3:16. Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians. Jesus is a Jehovah's Witness - Rev 3:14.
  20. When one uses the term in everyday speech, one doesn't discriminate, so why would you ask that? If you say 'my grandmother's generation' you think of all people born around that time, and you don't usually think about religion. So you would see why Jesus did not think to qualify it.
  21. Another site said that they can weigh up 1000 lbs and that they found a weed that is considered to be a treat on the golf course, so they might weigh even more.It is going to be difficult to haul them. The hurricane is responsible for dropping them there.
  22. *** w02 6/15 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers *** Questions From Readers ... Any future prospect for the dead is in the hands of Jehovah, and no one is in a position to say whether the deceased will be resurrected or not.
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