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Everything posted by TrueTomHarley

  1. I caught some flak on Facebook over the post, similar to yours, as though I was suggesting any black screen is a PIMO. I wasn’t. One person confessed to a certain form of social phobia but was very much in the program, saying how much better Zoom was than the old phone lines. To him, I said, “It all works. Lots of reasons to prefer Zoom. I didn’t mean this to be a judgmental post. I just agree that among the constant black screen no-shows there are probably some who have tired of the whole program but don’t want others to think so. I didn’t mean to suggest it was anyone’s duty to figure out who was who.” Another thought it not good to be suspicious of one’s brothers. I replied, “This is well-stated, [in both cases, I addressed them by name]. Suspicion was not what I meant to encourage. ‘Open to the possibility’ was more my point. And even when the latter is the case, that doesn’t mean a person won’t benefit from a hand of friendship. Thanks for commenting as you have.” Two persons didn’t know what PIMO was, which I don’t think is very healthy—a little like the Russian Supreme Court refusing to look at what everyone else had seen, video-recorded evidence of incriminating material being planted by authorities. Of course, that is not to blame those friends. You’ll never hear the term PIMO at the Kingdom Hall or via the literature. It hampers people to be so uninformed about what large swaths of others are up to. I think some were confused by the question itself. I took it off Quora, a social media site which has (I think) taken to generating many ridiculous questions about JWs (though, this wasn’t one of them) through AI, (sigh—which some brothers appear to take as though sincere questions from interested persons) Yeah, I know the feeling. The trouble is, you almost can’t, since we are primed to overreact. I see you don’t keep up with modern science. I believe several genders have been discovered in which they do just that. Hey, this is pretty good. And isn’t that Many Miles 8 rows back, 4th from the left? I hope the brothers don’t harrumph too much over it. It’s not like they could endorse it, but it is possible to say, ‘You know, there’s a place to learn more about this Jehovah.’ What to one person is not being swept along by the fads and vagaries of men is to another just being a bunch of fuddy-daddies.
  2. Q: How much credit do PIMO Jehovah’s Witnesses owe to Zoom for freeing them from attending boring meetings at the Kingdom Hall? Probably quite a bit, though simply fading would accomplish the same goal, minus the certain element of hypocrisy. Fading works fine for those who wish to leave. As long as one doesn’t go publicly reviling, robbing banks, or killing people, one is fine. A consistent blackened screen without any participation always suggests to me PIMO as a possibility, save for obvious cases of infirmity, distance, hardship, etc. Nor is anyone fooled in the long run. Witnesses bond so readily with their fellow believers, even from around the world, because 2/3 of what they have in common is their spirituality/love of God. Begin to indicate that 2/3 is not very important to you, and in time relationships, even friendships, will shift. I mean, I don’t think those meetings are boring at all, but if I did, I not only wouldn’t go but I also wouldn’t use Zoom in an attempt to deceive others into thinking I was. I like to think I have some backbone.
  3. Now if Tucker had asked Putin whether Moscow girls really do make him sing and shout, then we’d have something to hang our hats on.
  4. So that you can select from this small group of faiths the one comprised of true followers of Christ. If a religious group is not hated, it is disqualified from consideration, since the Bible repeatedly says that true Christians will be hated. For example: If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, for this reason the world hates you. (John 15:19)
  5. Oh, yeah. Put me in the lineup. Great use of time, that will be.
  6. I don’t really believe it simply on the basis of character. It is not something I can picture him doing.
  7. I dunno. He looks like a Bond villain about to order a nuclear strike.
  8. You’re daft! It’s not the same picture at all! (assuming you mean the article, ‘Who is Leading God’s People Today,’ in the February 2017 Watchtower, which would have been studied around the dates you say.) The seven members photographed then are with entirely difference facial positions. The seating order is the same, that’s all. If you do not mean that article, the you are going to have to be more specific as to what you do mean. The dates you mention, 4/29-5/5, do not correspond to anything on the Meeting Workbooks. Until you are more specific, I’m going to assume you have hung out with liars too long and have uncritically lapped up what they fed you, surprising for one who, though ever hair-trigger ready to lambaste the GB, makes a big fuss over precision Yeah, that would settle it, but I still think you’re nuts. Even were AM photoshopped out, that is your conspiratorially-minded evidence that it is hoped Witnesses will forget he ever existed? No more so than Bro Cook appearing in the 2024 picture but not the 2017 might be taken for trying to make us think that he always existed.
  9. Not that I would challenge you on this, but it would be better if you would point to the previous publication. Yes I see the 2024 one with the two new brothers. Where is the previous one you claim was photoshopped over? Unless you can point to it, you can easily be portrayed as the dupe with the mind of a goldfish.
  10. Okay. We’ll allow the poor soul to continue. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to stop him any more than you could stop onset of the Great Day.
  11. Buuaacck buck buck suawaaack, cluck, cluck. It’s a way of earning the respect you crave. It is not as though you are not plenty nasty to him.
  12. Come, come, George. I showed you how not to be a coward. Show a little backbone, won’t you?
  13. Yeah, I think my vagus nerve when haywire for a time. Call it a nervous breakdown, of which the best way to describe it is to being stuck in that ‘fight or flight’ moment of unease for 4 straight years, during which there was not a night I slept more than 4 hours. During that time, my blog disappeared; you know I am ill if my blog disappears. I credit the truth for overcoming this breakdown—not the truth in itself or I would not have succumbed in the first place, but for providing the solid foundation upon which to recover. The disorder runs in the family, and my mother and grandmother both fared worse than me, having never recovered once struck. Now why go public with this, which I have not done yet in anything more than hints? [Almost] no man has ever had greater love than this: that he should bear his soul for his buddy @George88. Several times in the past, George has said things like: “While I do not feel the need to disclose the specifics, as there may be individuals here who lack empathy and would make light of my experiences while showing sympathy towards others like a coward would, the impact of these experiences has nonetheless been truly traumatic.” I suggest you come out with them. You do not lesson yourself when you do that. You gain the upper hand. Just like how Paul came to say that he would not lead off with his strengths; he would rather lead off with his weaknesses, because in serving through those the Lord was glorified. People may be more magnanimous than you suppose. If anyone makes light of your experiences, they reveal more about themselves than about you. This is because, apart from Alphonse, who does seem to like you, you give nothing of yourself. Worse, there is usually a tone of ‘rebuke from superiority’ in your comments, which brings out the best in no one. Giving of oneself is necessary to establish the human connection so that ones may feel inclined to bond with you. You don’t do it. You should. It would aid you to get past this problem you perceive, like Rodney Dangerfield, of getting no respect. So I am showing you the way. Got any specifics more debilitating than mine? Out with them. It may help smooth relations with your fellows online, and possibly everywhere else. Moreover, in so baring my previous woes, I am expressing the confidence that you will not try to use such against me. If I am wrong in that, then I will offer you another lesson in how to cope with ill talk. But I am confident the need for this will not arise. You may feel as privileged, George, as the woman at the well—excepting only that she learned for the first time that her companion was the Messiah, whereas you have learned for the first time that your companion is a fellow yo-yo with prior issues. When you return from enormous personal trial, it is a little like being raised from the dead. You know a little of how Job felt. It only benefits you going forward.
  14. Is that all you get from those passages? However, should I befriend people that insult me? Now, now—not so prickly, if you please. It is not so much an insult as it is a request for clarification. Have you ever befriended anybody online? Even fine Xero you appear to find fault with.
  15. He may yet be vindicated. Search phrases such as ‘after heart transplant changes in personality.’ A lot comes up, most of it quite recent.
  16. It will help if I can have a clue as to what you are talking about. Is Xero on your naughty list, too?
  17. I’ve often thought that, too. It is why I’ve in the past made my own little witticism, as though G .K Chesterton himself: It is hard to direct a large group of people. One says, ‘Thanks for the new rule!’ whereas his neighbor says, ‘Huh? Did you say something?’
  18. In France it could be known as the Day the Beardstile fell. Maybe if they are doused with water they will melt away like the wicked witch, leaving the rest of us frrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Then you would not be so sad and could instead be happy. Next thing you know, my spiritual life will have come round full circle, back to ‘Be good so you can go to heaven when you die and meet the Man Upstairs.’
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