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5 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Improves Your Skin

Guest Nicole

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Guest Nicole


Bug Bites

If you’re scratching an itchy and swollen bug bite like no tomorrow, you need to apply some apple cider vinegar to the irritated area. The acid will nix the itch and help your bite heal faster and become reduced in size. Just make sure to do a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar before you apply.



Tired of spending tons of money on expensive toners with ingredients you can’t even pronounce? Save some cash and use apple cider vinegar instead. Mix equal parts vinegar and water, and feel free to add a drop of your favorite essential oil in there as well. This mixture will even out skin tone, balance skin pH, and fight breakouts at the same time.  



Suffering from a bad sunburn? Apple cider vinegar can be of service. While many people would assume that acidic vinegar would aggravate a burn, in fact it helps restore the pH balance in the skin —the key is to dilute the ACV with lots of water so that it’s not too intense when applied. Once the pH is balanced out, the sunburn will heal faster. 



The malic acid in apple cider vinegar has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Along with reducing existing bumps and helping skin heal itself, these powerful qualities will help fight future acne by keeping your skin clean and balanced.


Age Spots

Apple cider vinegar has alpha-hydroxy acid in it, a popular ingredient in a lot of skin-care products. This property helps the skin renew itself and stay firm and fresh. To get rid of age spots, apply the diluted vinegar-and-water mixture with a cotton pad and let it soak into your face. When first applying, leave it on for a minute or two so you can test how your skin reacts to it. If your skin reacts well, you can leave it on for longer. 


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