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Why Is Armageddon Necessary? - THE ONLY ANSWER TO A WORLD OF PEACE FOREVER! ~ ?????

Bible Speaks

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Why Is Armageddon Necessary? - THE ONLY ANSWER TO A WORLD OF PEACE FOREVER! ~ ????

Do you find it hard to imagine that Jehovah, a “God of love,” would assign his Son, the “Prince of Peace,” to fight a war? (2 Corinthians 13:11; Isaiah 9:6) 


Understanding their motives will doubtless make matters clear. The book of Psalms describes Jesus as a mounted warrior. Why does he fight? Christ rides, the psalmist explains, “in the cause of truth and humility and righteousness.” He wages war because he loves righteousness and hates wickedness.—Psalm 45:4, 7


Likewise, the Bible describes Jehovah’s reaction to the injustice that he sees in the world today. “The LORD has seen this, and he is displeased that there is no justice,” writes the prophet Isaiah. “He will wear justice like a coat of armor and saving power like a helmet. He will clothe himself with the strong desire to set things right and to punish and avenge the wrongs that people suffer.”—Isaiah 59:15, 17, Today’s English Version.


As long as wicked people hold power, righteous people will not enjoy peace and security. (Proverbs 29:2; Ecclesiastes 8:9) Realistically, we cannot divorce corruption and wickedness from the people who practice them. Thus, lasting peace and justice come at a price—the removal of the wicked ones. “The wicked is a ransom for the righteous one,” Solomon wrote.—Proverbs 21:18.


Since God is the Judge, we can be sure that in every case the judgments against the wicked will be righteous. “Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?” asked Abraham. The answer, Abraham learned, is that Jehovah is always right! (Genesis 18:25) 


Furthermore, the Bible assures us that Jehovah finds no delight in destroying the wicked; he does so only as a last resort.


(Ezekiel 18:32) “‘For I do not take any delight in the death of someone dying,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. ‘So cause a turning back and keep living, O YOU people.’”


(2 Peter 3:9) Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance."


(Psalm 37:10) And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be."


(Proverbs 2:21-22) For the upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. 22 As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it."



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Why Is Armageddon Necessary? - THE ONLY ANSWER TO A WORLD OF PEACE FOREVER! ~ ???? Do you find it hard to imagine that Jehovah, a “God of love,” would assign his Son, the “Prince of Peace,” to fi

Thanks to Jehovah God we know the truth about Him

this is something to hang on to and to use out in service..... and even better, with informal witnessing, with those who don't truly understand what Armageddon is, seeing how they have been ''blinded'

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24 minutes ago, SHARON LEE MOYER said:

this is something to hang on to and to use out in service..... and even better, with informal witnessing, with those who don't truly understand what Armageddon is, seeing how they have been ''blinded'' by themselves, others, and Satan.    this is a big help, thanx Bible Speaks.

@SHARON LEE MOYER Soon the whole earth ? will know Jehovah! Let's help others before it is too late. Thank you for your support.


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Yes  Rosa,  we  all  knowing  the  Truth...  thanks  to  Jehovah  God    But  our  Sister  'Bible Speaks'  want  instruct  us  daily  again  and  again :)   She  loves  to  do  that,  seems  so  -  and  she  has  alot  time  for  that !  I  still  have  other  theocratic  doings,  together  with  my  sisters :x   A  big  preaching - work  we  have  world-wide  to  do...  Greetings  from  Germany,  Agape !

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