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European Energy Crisis: Nord Stream 1 and 2 Pipelines Have Been Attacked

Mic Drop

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Or is it to enforce a globalist view of breaking free from oil as a power source

I don't know if you were distinguishing oil from natural gas, but the idea makes even less sense when it's realized that the timing of the explosions coincided with the opening of the Baltic pipelines which replace some of what Nord Stream was capable of supplying.

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Haven't seen much evidence for the validity of the second part of that question. The idea that the US would push for a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine has been public even for many years prior to

(Daniel 11:43) . . .And he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libʹy·ans and the E·thi·oʹpi·ans will be at his steps. I gues

That too (normally w/ some inflationary precautions, ha ha). But the day of reckoning over debt is put further off if there is more international interdependence on that same dollar. The Petro Dollar

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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

Also, Rice was not the only person to admit that Europe needs to be forced into a greater dependence on US energy. It's a well-known, and sometimes openly admitted goal of US war in the Middle-East to gain control over the energy resources. Trump admitted it openly at least once. The very reason that the US continues to occupy about a third of Syria has been to continue stealing control of its oil. The commission that looked into whether Assad (Syria) actually "gassed his own people" was actually debunked by the same people who would later be forced to change their story. Libya was building up better relations with the US, when Gaddafi started pushing for national control of the oil resources, and cooperation among African nations. It is not really a secret that this is why Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and others decided to murder him (and laughed about it).

(Daniel 11:43) . . .And he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libʹy·ans and the E·thi·oʹpi·ans will be at his steps.

I guess this assessment is a bit controversial...

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4 hours ago, ComfortMyPeople said:

(Daniel 11:43) . . .And he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libʹy·ans and the E·thi·oʹpi·ans will be at his steps.

I suspect that @Mic Drop, the original poster of this topic, didn't expect it to turn into a discussion about interpretation of Bible prophecy. But it might be interesting to bring this up elsewhere. If you'd like, I (or you) could start a new topic under one of the JW forums. I just noticed something in that Daniel passage for the first time today.

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4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

I suspect that @Mic Drop, the original poster of this topic, didn't expect it to turn into a discussion about interpretation of Bible prophecy. But it might be interesting to bring this up elsewhere. If you'd like, I (or you) could start a new topic under one of the JW forum 

Please, do it you for me!

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22 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Haven't seen much evidence for the validity of the second part of that question: [to enforce a globalist view of breaking free from oil as a power source]

Any scenario these days of the US govt working for the interests of non-renewable energy company seems a little hard to swallow. Aren’t they public enemies #1 for pumping up climate change?

Making trouble with Russia is always a thing, I agree. I recall Trump posing the question, “Wouldn’t it be nice if we actually got along with Russia?” Whereupon outside forces intervened to virtually ensure they would not.

22 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Several countries in Europe would not be ready to stand by the US-sponsored sanctions against Russia (because they don't want their citizens to be faced with cold this winter).

You would think so. But the world is so screwy today. And the notion of national leaders betraying the interests of the populace is widespread.

22 hours ago, JW Insider said:

don't know if you were distinguishing oil from natural gas

Yeah, I guess there was some mix-up as to that. My bad.


15 hours ago, JW Insider said:

suspect that @Mic Drop, the original poster of this topic, didn't expect it to turn into a discussion about interpretation of Bible prophecy

Well…he’s a big boy. He should know better. There are some topics you can’t let within 100 yards of a Bible person—all of them, really. Nonetheless, I’ll refrain from (maybe) commenting along that vein pending another thread.

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Any scenario these days of the US govt working for the interests of non-renewable energy company seems a little hard to swallow.

Most of the money supporting ALL DC-centered candidates still comes from Pharma, Wall Street, and "Oil". So I'm thinking it still goes in the direction of non-renewable. Look at the most recent relevant bill out Washington. It REQUIRES non-renewable energy expansion for every renewable initiative.

Also, look at the direction of economic rhetoric coming out of Washington. The undercurrent of the whole thing goes back to when Nixon took the US off the "Gold Standard." Gold wasn't stable enough while Russia and South Africa had an unpredictable influence on the percentage of the actual gold supply. So the US decided to get full veto power over Saudi Arabian oil distribution (and other major producers), and tried to force all major oil-buying countries to only pay (for oil) in U.S. dollars. This made the petro dollar the new "gold standard." But now Saudi Arabia has undermined that agreement by selling to countries without requiring U.S. dollars. The biggest concern economically is the fact that the US is losing control while China, Russia, India, etc, have flouted the Petro Dollar. Russia was in the middle of its own negotiations with Saudi Arabia when the piplelines were sabotaged.

To me this says that the US is still knee-deep in oil.

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9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

Most of the money supporting ALL DC-centered candidates still comes from Pharma, Wall Street, and "Oil".

Don’t forget Big Defense

9 hours ago, JW Insider said:

The undercurrent of the whole thing goes back to when Nixon took the US off the "Gold Standard." Gold wasn't stable enough while Russia and South Africa had an unpredictable influence on the percentage of the actual gold supply.

Are you sure it was for this reason? Or was it that once ‘money’ is backed by debt rather than gold, there is no limit to how much of the stuff can be printed, with any day of reckoning put far far off into the future (though perhaps not so far now).

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46 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Don’t forget Big Defense

True. They are on Wall Street, too. So is Pharma. They are all getting a "shot in the arm" from this situation. [Oh no! Is he talking about Stonewall Jackson, again?]

Boeing (NYSE:BA), $136.3 billion ; Raytheon Technologies (NYSE:RTX), $131.5 billion ; Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT), $100.0 billion ]

AbbVie (NYSE:ABBV) $56.2 billion (rev) $11.5 billion (earnings)
Bristol Myers Squibb (NYSE:BMY) $46.4 billion $7 billion
Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) $93.8 billion $20.9 billion
Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) $81.3 billion $22.4 billion
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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Or was it that once ‘money’ is backed by debt rather than gold, there is no limit to how much of the stuff can be printed, with any day of reckoning put far far off into the future (though perhaps not so far now).

That too (normally w/ some inflationary precautions, ha ha). But the day of reckoning over debt is put further off if there is more international interdependence on that same dollar. The Petro Dollar was only the largest tactic. Other tactics include military aid in $USD, foreign aid in $USD, IMF loans, and even putting military bases in as many countries as possible which forces the host country (Japan, for example) to deal with a lot of $USD alongside their own currency.

To keep it propped, other nations must give it its props.

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On 10/1/2022 at 2:00 AM, ComfortMyPeople said:

(Daniel 11:43) . . .And he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libʹy·ans and the E·thi·oʹpi·ans will be at his steps.

I guess this assessment is a bit controversial...

Yes it is but nevertheless extremely interesting…very very interesting so thanks for sharing 

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