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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. ... sounds familiar to idea that GB will be appointed Over All Jesus' Belongings, that means, at least, over All Things on Earth (things= material and spiritual + humankind)
  2. Until now, as SM and i had conversations, he never said his clear position to this question. I don't know what stops him to tell us to Whom He Belong? :)) He is man of integrity and don't want to lie, but in the same time not want to tell the truth... perhaps he is silent on this because of that reason.
  3. If we take in consideration that Paul has been in Higher Education Program of those time and societies (thanks to God, GB members of those time were not burdened themselves about Education Issue):)) as such was more familiar to Legal Questions,he can acted as "Lawyer" in some matters.
  4. What motivated WT Society as Publisher of religious publications to go with declaration, statement: "We are not inspired?" Who asked Them .... Who forced Them .... to take Public Position on this Issue? Who want to know are They Inspired or Not? :))
  5.  But nothing here shows a claim of inspiration. No utterance of them claiming to be inspired, in fact, no history of any Restorationist claiming to be inspired. Therefore, your claim is an absolute absurdity. .....No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. ... What this sentence expressed? It expressed Idea how All what was written in publications is given by God to the authors of these articles. After many years later, the same Publisher, WT Society, claim how All what was written in publication is not Perfect Food and have Errors because Inspiration, Guiding, Teaching, Leading not coming from God. Well, please, WHAT Was and Is Expressed in The Watchtower and other publications? :)))) Man's Opinion or God's Opinion?
  6. Does this statement is applicable to JW's too... because they claim how they are only true religion, and how God and Jesus supporting, guiding, empowering, leading, teaching (only) them, and how WT Society with all other Legal Entities that this Society established is His Earthly Organization and His Possession among all other Nations and Religions?? Don't need to answer !! :)) Because you defending every religion doctrine you find fit to your understanding of Bible and your models of acceptable (i don't think that you are wrong in some of your understanding). And by that you support "interfaith" (something that is blasphemy to WTJWORG), because many religions have some "Common, General, Universal Truths". Otherwise, you would join WTJWORG and become a member of Only One True Religion. :)))
  7. In this description we see how this movement (at least in the beginning) is not cult - like in comparison to some WTJWORG quotes and in comparison to list on page 1 made by @Outta Here .
  8. Tell us the names of those JW's who misunderstood, and we shall try to check that :))))
  9. Here is where absurdities can be found, among other places: "The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. God feeds his own people, and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will. Those who oppose The Watchtower are not capable of discerning the truth that God is giving to the children of his organization, and this is the very strongest proof that such opposers are not of God's organization." Watchtower 1931 Nov 1 p.327 Dear friend SM, Why you are defending WTJWORG when you are not part of them? I represent my opinions as mine, right or wrong or semi-right and semi-wrong. :)) You joined to opinions that are your's or from someone else. Where we going with this? To mental gymnastic :))
  10. Our friend @Space Merchant The roots of the Unitarian movement lie mainly in the reformation of the 16th century. At that time people in many countries across Europe began to claim the right to read and interpret the bible for themselves, to have a direct relationship with God without the mediation of priest or church, and to set their own conscience against the claims of religious institutions. - source https://www.unitarian.org.uk/pages/history
  11. First time mentioned "formal education" was when you spoke about Jesus and rabies. That was about Religious formal education. And you gave final idea how JW's don't need formal religious education, because they are like Jesus. After we came to "general education" about all stuffs, including knowledge about some Bible Issues, language, historic events, anthropology and similar. And now you gave statement how, you didn't deny formal education, but you came to experiential conclusions. -It is waste of every-bodies time. -Many of your posts are supported and explained by quoting "worldly sources" of people who get Higher Education because of profit, fame and because they wasted own time. -And while living in own misery of unsatisfied life they wrote books which supports JW's Doctrinal Standpoints. :)))
  12. Yes Tom, we can go with this sentence on next road too. It is amazing how living in this evil world is so good sometimes..... because JHVH had been successful in accomplished few good things through secular people and their evil systems, despite what He has/had to work with. :))
  13. I suppose how every Truth, of every Kind, is Perfect Thing. The Truth is impossible to be something else but Perfect. By this kind of logic everyone who tell/told the Truth about something was showed sort of Perfection in particular Moment for particular Issue. .....Why? Because you don't need to have perfect body or perfect mind to tell The Truth! Other problem with our Truths is what @JW Insider has told before: We can believe or/and assure ourselves in something as it is The Truth. :)) But i think, here is more about our Interpretations on this or that, reality or fiction, which come to be, after procedures and mechanisms in Personal or Institutional authorizations, Sort of Normative or Doctrines. And as such some of this various Things in one and same Structure can be Truths and Lies. Exactly this amalgam of such two opposite things that can be/existing in one single Entity (person or organization of any kind) make that person or organization Imperfect. As result, of this Truth, Watchtower IS Imperfect because Truths and Lies Living Together inside Organization/Society.
  14. On 6/18/2019 at 12:01 AM, BillyTheKid46 said: This is why Jesus never became a formal rabbi with scholarly works. He didn’t need to, just like we don’t need to. It is fine, as you said @BillyTheKid46 that JW's rejects Formal Religious Education. I am little surprised how in own comments you looking for supports of sources that belong to Formal Education of this World and Religions. :))
  15. @Anna In my opinion, based on fact that no where in WTJWORG print or digital way, GJ appearance before ARC was NOT possible to see (to read about) on JWTV Broadcasting, to empowered your reasoning, claim before JW people on that other website. By that they consider you sort of "apostate" or at least person who spread false gossip. But this was good experience for you. You, as JW are not "inspired". Bro GJ as GB of JW's is not "inspired" too. So, how than, that his words have more value than Your's ?! :))
  16. Some societies in the World made better "progress" than others in many ways. As for WTJWORG, after splitting of Yugoslavia every new state formed own Betel. In Croatia, i guess it was and in other former YU republics, western countries send their brothers to these new Betel's to organized work according to "new", "western" standards. Because JW work, JW society, JW organization in free capitalist countries was much better than in ex communist republics of YU. :))) Many domestic brothers asking, why they send brothers from Germany, Austria, Italy to "Teach Us" how to preaching, organized Betel, and other stuffs. Of course, Balkans people have to learn something from German brother about discipline and hard work, from Italian we can learn about other stuffs too, like more freedom in emotions and cordiality, in fashion :)))). But in Croatia we also have North and South, and diversity in people's characteristics. Yes, this part of Europe is perhaps 100 years late about many things western countries have. But if One Spirit Guiding God's People does it mean making Uniformity of diversity? And one curiosity at the end. One German brother, in Croatia Betel, high position, said many years ago how we don't need make prayer if food not cost more than 1 DM (Deutsche Mark), all that is more of 1 DM need our prayers. :))) Well, Western Spirit want to teach Balkans Spirit how things have to be. Very Inspirational :)))
  17. This is good one. In both ways; funny and serious. First; Is it possible that this advice from Bible, praying for kings of the world, will bring needed change? Second: Is it possible to believe in next Bible verse: And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.
  18. Everyone who "educate" other people need to take responsibility for the world (mini Universe of Organization) that is created. Agree with you..... And not to send message how "collective" is responsible for wrong understanding of error instruction :)))
  19. ... after I was read @JW Insider fine comments i recalled how Bible say that God can make stone to preach instead human. With JW's idea how it is necessary that some Organization MUST exist today, because God have Organization in Heaven, why not than on Earth with two and half main Organizations: JW Old Nation, Apostles Congregation and of course WTJWORG as only legal successor in line with previous two. But IF really Stones will preach, I wonder How Would God go to Organize Stones ?! By size, by heaviness, by types, by value ....etc. :)) i know .... this is paradox. But to continue with sort of paradox is if we want to take to much literally this verse about body parts. For example, Hand was and will be Always A Hand. But in JW congregation, or somewhere else in Some Other Sort of Organization, sometimes A Hand come to be A Head. Let say, Ministerial Servant Pioneer is Encouraged to be A Elder, not necessary A Pioneer Elder. :)) Perhaps he can go to Betel and come to have more Responsibilities .... and so on. So in this Kind of Body aka Organization, in WTJWORG or in Congregation, Body Part Illustrations Need another Perspective. Because A Leg will never be a Hand will never be A Head. ... harmoniously joined together and made to cooperate ... What is this? I will go on with Illustrations of Body. In 1. Corr 12 - Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. Here we have Idea that is somehow in contradiction with Organization who want Uniformity and Mirrors in which "separate classes" aka "particular body parts" have to look the same. Auxiliary pioneers need this much hours, Special pioneers different count of hours, member of congregation need to have average number of hours that is in congregation ... and so on ... and so on .... Around The Whole Globe. Is this proof of Harmony or proof of Uniformity?? A) Hours are proof of Uniformity and this is not Gift of Spirit. B) Love is proof of Harmony and It is Gift of Spirit. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, But in Organization we have classes: Publishers, Ministerial Servants, Pioneers, Elders .... or we can call this Functions ? :)) But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it,25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. Who have grater honor in the Body? GB, Elders or Sofia ? :)) Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles?30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues[d]? Do all interpret? 31 Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. What is this greater gifts? To prophesies? Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit,especially prophecy Maybe. But i guess person have to be Inspired by Spirit to be able to do this. GB claim; We are not inspired! So as @Witness very well said; We must admit that it is an abnormal relationship of a spirit inspired organization (“spirit-directed”), to be led by uninspired leaders. John 3:21; 1 John 1:6; Rev 13:11,12,15 (in her topic GERRIT LOSCH - "DO YOU TRUST ME?") There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them..... All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.....For we were all baptized by[c] one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Inspired or not Inspired ... question is now .....what is better to be? PS apologize for long post :))
  20. Like to ask, what is, according to you "standard education" in 140 year history of WT Society? What, how much of those "standards" that people have to learned before to be called as suitable for "everlasting life", was been rejected and still now this same project/process continue despite all those big claims in the past and still now, how that all before and today is "God's Truth" ?? Please do not compare "worldly education system" that JW's think is based on satan manipulation, with "theocratic education system" that is based on GB uninspired errors or still perhaps - Inspired Errors !!
  21. You, however, continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe, knowing from what persons you learned them - nwt Well now, JW's have a little problem in carrying out this advice, recommendations. How so? Because during the life time of each JW generation, it has changed more than one teaching, or interpretation of that teaching. If JW member want to stay, to stick with "Bible teachings" from some past period of time, he will be spiritually retarded, has not kept pace with the carriage :)))) For JW members this Bible verse is almost impossible to follow, even in some Basic Doctrines of small or big importance. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28. This can only be seen in retrospect. Of course, how else but in retrospective, for many of us. :)) ...all things work together for good to those who love God,.. In freedom of thinking and interpretation of this Inspired Words, I would like to say how for some of us, this sort of good can be our living WTJWORG because maybe we are called according to His purpose to get out. An example of this, questioning the oath you swore loyalty by baptism before God. I hope that you know difference between Oath i gave in 1977 and Oath other people gave from June 1985. ??!!
  22. The things that you mentioned are more about the content of the doctrines. @Outta Here made specific list about methods of influence on people or on a group of people that is/can be used in variation of intensity and models.
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