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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. Then why jump to conclusions? Also I have the article posted on this thread. You have the ability to read it. Really? So you do not know the former Jehovah's Witnesses mentioned, granted how lively you were regarding them during the whole ARC situation. And I would have thought Witness knew, she did post the article. The Former Jehovah's Witnesses mentioned in the article, which clearly you and the others have not read is: Lara Kaput and Steven Unthank, both of whom are sex abuse survivors, both of which founded the website known as Saysorry.org. You guys were focused on ARC heavily, how in God's name did you miss this when you both had the article in front of you for a span of several days? Mind boggling. Well you have to care because if there are indeed inaccuracies, you can be wrong in nearly every statement as more and more information comes out. Centrism has nothing to do with Right-Center Bias, as for the Left, you have the whole Black Lives Matter nonsense going around. It is in connection with ACNC and The Redress, therefore, this is critical if you are to be deemed in correct. Right now, the information is muddled. That said, if both you and Witness really feel this way, why even make a thread concerning this article if you lack the interest? Is it because the more information that is coming out, it may not fit your favor? The claims, for which you yourself stated are not too far from the News Corp claims, which is deem to have inaccuracies, likewise to that Catholic Church claim, when going back to the public information from ARC, we see the truth. That being said, News Corp did make these claims, which is no different from the information you cited so far, which is a mirror image of information. Yes, but somehow you did not know the two important victims in the Jehovah's Witnesses faith in Australia, then again, you said you didn't really care for this small information, granted, they have a role in this as well. For if there is an importance, on your part, should not their names be known to you? Both Lara Kaput and Steven Unthank?Or do you, and the others recall the names and history of the victims within Jehovah's Witnesses only when it is convenient? Well, I need not say much here because the proof is in this thread alone. As a side note, I was asking you the names, likewise to Witness, as a test of discernment. That being said, child abuse, in all sense, is disgusting and and a fowl thing that is the plague of imperfect man, but you have to be wise about the situation at hand, be knowing and knowledgeable of what events take place, and, as stated to you before, better solutions, even to which ARC displayed, the same solutions to help children which you laughed at, twice. Regarding the faith community itself, as pointed out, a good percentage of them are not well equipped to handle child abuse, therefore, this is where the solutions come in, the same ones ARC presented, even told the Jehovah's Witnesses to better clarify, however, disgruntled members do not mention this, let alone what one victim within Jehovah's Witnesses was made aware regarding child abuse. Therefore, you have to care about what is factual true, and what is factual false because you can easily go about your own understanding of things and jump to conclusions. Granted you said nearly the same thing News Corp did (as well as presented), I suggest you look into it a bit more, after all, you did like the idea this article was brought up, why a change of attitude?
  2. @Witness The Far-Right is an ideology, therefore it is not an religious movement and or a faith, nor is it part of mainstream Christianity. Granted I spoke about them not being too keen on religion as a whole, for history proves as a testament to that. To equate the Far-Right as mainstream Christianity, is an ill minded assumption. Therefore the statement of which you responded to has no correlation: If you do not know how the Left and Right operates, granted both sides tend to get secondary information that are often not as credible, mainly if it is something that are not as favorable, it will not come to the glory of your own favor - let that sink in as the days pass. Nothing here said has anything to do with mainstream religion...... What does this have to do with The Far-Right? Which can be seen by you. But what made you think mainstream religion when we are dealing with a political ideology, with their own agenda? It does not make sense in regards to your claim, granted the article in question. That being said, to be brief, both the Far-Left and the Far-Right care very, very little about religion, hence they stem closely to the works of the world. For example, you have Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, BANM, Proud Boys, The Boogaloo, the list goes on, not of these groups maintain any religious focus - granted both sides are not too keen on anything pertaining to Jesus or his God, let alone Christianity regardless Trinitarian or not, same case with Islam. Sure you can say they adopt some things, however, not of them are affiliated with mainstream religion, but rather, the political system itself. And of course, you and I both know what this system is affiliated with, we both mentioned it in the past, and it has nothing to do with religion. Therefore regarding the Far-Right, to make a statement regarding mainstream Religion, does not hold any candle to the focus at hand. As I told you before, simply adding things will not do you any good.
  3. Yes, and the whole suicide thing, to over exaggerate that is insane, for that is something that lowkey angers me for a multitude of reasons. But what to expect when from those who are unaware of the situation of suicide. I have no issue with people speaking their peace, but they have to be accurate, not shift things to cater to their own thinking to push on to others.
  4. @Srecko Sostar You are missing the point. Need I remind you of what mainstream Christianity is? Just a few days ago, mainstream Christians were clowning you around for speaking the truth. Likewise, regarding this author however, she is not just mainstream, she claims being inspired when it is evident, even by the Bible itself, the ability to prophesying like that of an inspired prophet died out with Apostle John. That being said, you have to really be careful with whom you listen to; you can adhere to whatever ExJW you wish, but one of this level, is a danger. This is no different from the whole Together 2016 even that took place in Washington DC, and look how that turned out. @4Jah2me Billy The Kid and CC are not the same people, granted I had converse with Billy on several points. Moreover, past statements between the both of them are vastly different, in Billy's cast, he does a lot more citations inasmuch a way to even above CR, in some degree.
  5. Granted the article is ARC heavy, and information from everything pertaining to ARC, that statement of yours holds no water. The issue here is the accusation from News Corp itself and the whole Redress situation, however, the article is catering to the right, therefore, they are pressing the News Corp claims, i.e. the whole overseas thing, of which is deemed having inaccuracies. Thanks to Srecko here, some people can connect the dots. Moreover, are you aware of the former JWs mentioned in the article? Because somehow those linked it, have no idea who they are, as is their dealings with the police, which is mentioned in the article, to the point, they're blaming law enforcement and an authoritative entity, not just JWs. If you are unaware of the claims by News Corp, check out the copy of the article I cited, it is in the quotation. That being said, I do not understand as to why suddenly the article here is of anyone's interest, granted, Witness brought up the link, I merely had the article addressed in a small chunk here.
  6. She is of mainstream Christianity now, judging of what can be found in regards to her. When someone adheres to MSC, it can become a problem, even for former JWs who became part of it, as events throughout the US and UK have shown. Because there are some of mainstream Christianity who often add things that muddles what is true and what is not true. I would not say pretend, granted, since the early church it was stated that The End Times and Tribulations will evidently lead up to God's Day. Therefore, we are in the final days of the End Times, The Bible not only tells you this, as is with the Christ himself, and those after him, it also tells us, as Christians to be vigilant and always being well aware and awake concerning these things, i.e. the movements of those who have progressively been going on their conquest for peace and security, the whole 2016 situation, etc. Prophecy is what we see in Scripture, as is, what is to come. Granted they read this and did their study and research, I would not say given, but they came to an understanding of things. Like I said before, Jehovah's Witnesses, into Bible Students, into Restorationism, they are not prophets inspired, but are spirit led, granted if they truly seek the spirit, pray for it, etc. However, this author deems being inspired, which is a big red flag, for anyone who is well aware of the death of the last Apostle. Well if you have both Jehovah's Witnesses and former Jehovah's Witnesses having concerns, even being skeptical about this author to the point that they see something, which are known as questionable, I would not say balanced. However, to the faith's variation of apostates, it does not matter for them because they would use this information, even questionable items, for it has not stopped them in the past. Concerned, yes, but to over exaggerate things, even a strongly concerning issue, such as suicide, is indeed an issue, issues of which people are aware of, even the faith in question. This is coming from someone who has dealt with those who are suicidal and as well as commit suicide. Something of this matter should not be exaggerated, granted in her case, she deems it very high whereas in reality, this instance alone, is very low. She is free to speak her peace her, but to withhold and to shift, mainly pressing issues, does not sit well with anyone. She is of mainstream Christianity though, an Evangelist, whose ideology who sits well with those who are of the opposite Christology, not to mention the claims of being, not just Chosen, but also, inspired like that of Apostle John. Therefore, it can be problematic, especially during a time like this.
  7. @Srecko Sostar Can you please answer the question regarding the former Jehovah's Witnesses. Granted they have a role in this. That being said, I do not see as to how suddenly the article is now of no interest to you, since, were quite adamant from the start of this thread. You even considered Right-Center Bias as mostly factual, granted when it comes to anything pertaining to financial items and or religion, they are not so great, hence the history of right-center bias regarding religion in general - this involves Christianity, this even involves the faith in question, Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia. For, such media are mostly factual when it comes to, the next new song from a rapper, or the swimsuit worn by a celebrity vs. the latter in question and or anything similar. This is in connection to ARC, as is News Corp, who were the ones who made the claims (financial claims as pointed out above) As for deficit, some institutions try to hit a goal, they can succumb to a deficiency in whatever it is they are trying to accomplish, mainly when they need revenue to tackle a primary goal of some sort. Again, this involves revenue, hence why I mention donations, for these things are not rocket science. Also for that other remark, check the claims made by News Corp. After all, it is there, and it is rather questionable. I also pointed out as to when they began the claims, the date and year.
  8. As an update, there is more and more police standing down within the US. As of recent, The Far-Left, consisting of BLM, ANTIFA, etc. have toppled a statue of the 1st President of the United States, George Washington, which is now causing the Far-Right to react. 1619 was also written on the statue after prior to it's toppling. For the more the Far-Left do things, their opposition, The Far-Right are inching closer and closer, granted now, The Far-Right, some of their groups are primarily armed and ready for combat, when I say armed, I mean firearms and assault rifles armed. Civil Rights legislation has been revoked, I believe in California, this allows discrimination on race and background, even gender. We are also entering Soviet Union like territory, granted the actions of someone else, can indirectly effect you, i.e. get you fired, and or shame, etc. That being said, July 4th will be quite the day. Normally, as an onlooker, you already know how people celebrate this patriotic holiday. It will be vastly different with the tension that is constantly rising, and may come to the point whereas the Left and the Right, in present and online will be in heavy confrontation with each other. And as we know, the MSM continues the tomfoolery, nor do they condemn the actions of those they defend.
  9. @Srecko Sostar Regardless of the institution, a deficit is always something of concern, be it revenue, donations, etc. This is something that is minor, within large institutions, it is not something that is isolated. That being said, the focus here is ARC, News Corps claims within this article, as well as the former Jehovah's Witnesses that are involved. As the question stated: There is for good reason, again, as to why this is asked, it is not merely their involvement with the police or ARC.
  10. @Srecko Sostar Alright. But compared to the article and the information you cited, it has to line up. If you read the article (I mean read it, not just look at the title), Remember - News Corp has made some claims, even called Jehovah's Witnesses. The Jehovah's Witnesses themselves deemed New Corps to speak of inaccuracies. The fact you linked those 3 links, you just helped everyone to line things up with the article in question to see what is actually the correct information, which, to the article's credit, as some information that is different, hence the right-centered biasness of the article in question; most AU articles revolving around this story possibly by the same Journalist from the way I see it. Granted no one here is talking about apostasy, but rather, a right-centered bias article from a journalist, who, has some run-ins in the past, granted, most of her articles cater to The Right. That being said, I believe I address you a question, if you read the article, who are the former Jehovah's Witnesses mentioned in the article, as is with the website they are affiliated with? I have my reasons to asking both you and@Witness this. Also, are you aware of, in this article, that regarding one of these former Jehovah's Witnesses, why would both The AUSTRAC The Australian Federal Police (AFP) be branded as unhelpful, for, these authorities have even been blamed by said former Jehovah's Witnesses. I recall you had a statement about law enforcement, however, the person in question sees it differently, to add more fuel to the fire, even the Journalist had issue with law enforcement, namely, The Australian Federal Police (AFP). That being said, you just made the job a little bit more easier, granted, some of us actually have access to the full article, hence what I stated above. The next focus is now News Corp for the claims began with them.
  11. I was not referring to mainstream religion.... That being said, you have to be paying attention because when it comes to the Right-Centered bias, likewise with the Left, you are going to run into problems when you take an inconsistency as a truth, or something that is actually true as false. Also are you aware of the individuals by name in the article you have linked? They were mentioned in ARC - one of them mentioned church property, she is the obvious one because she was mentioned time and time again elsewhere. EDIT: An alleged 3rd individual now, which, as stated by said source, is more focused on ARC than the latter information. Are you also aware of this soul, granted it is in relation to ARC? As I had told John Butler again, this is a different situation - COCSA for it is a bit different compared to the norm CSA.
  12. NOTE: This investigative story was purposed by Natalie O'Brien, a senior reporter. This is probably, assuming, the same Natalie who had quite the confrontation with ABC, I will have to look into this out of curiosity. https://muckrack.com/natalie-obrien https://muckrack.com/natalie-obrien/articles The article in question is referring to News Corp’s attempt to expose the complexities of legal and financial entities in connection to the group, they deem it as obscure. They also added that the charity status may be revoked if it does not sign up to The National Redress Scheme. The special investigation sub-focus is a call back to the ARC situation in Australia regarding allegations, to which what ARC provided correct vs. the over exaggeration of those who think they know everything pertaining to ARC. The article also claims that Jehovah’s Witnesses are hiding money before the June 30th joining of the scheme. Again, as the article can be read, it speaks more and more about ARC regarding institutions, the churches of the Jehovah’s Witnesses are obviously among them, in addition, it states that there are 1,800 potential victims and more than 1,000 alleged pedophiles, as is with the number of those that confess to the crimes they committed themselves. The article continues to state that the number of pedophiles as well as victims outstrips [rapidly surpassing that of or has] that of the Catholic Church at an exponential rate, however, if anyone is aware of ARC, the percentage of pedophiles/victims within the churches of Jehovah’s Witnesses is minuscule compared to the Catholic Church, as well as others under the gaze of ARC during that time, so that is information here that is catering to the right (going back to ARC the evidence speaks for itself) It goes on to speak of financial compensation, the possibility of $132 million. Within the area alone, the article states that there are 68k (68,000) adherents to Jehovah’s Witnesses, did not state that they will sign up for the scheme or not. As pointed out, this is what was speculated in relation to the claims of News Corp. Back to News Corp again, they claim that the Jehovah’s Witnesses were rearranging finances and legal entities. News Corp also revealed this announcement since Nov. 2012, a claim made by them. The claims as followed: The position of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and or the organization itself (granted the article is focused on Australia) is that, as even pointed out by ARC, they abhor child sex abuse and that it will not protect any perpetrator and the key submissions made on behalf of the Watchtower itself was familial child sexual abuse, which is not (also not to be confused with) institutional sex abuse (again ARC gives us this evidence). The article continues, with a former member of Jehovah’s Witnesses in question, to which I will abbreviate: L.K., S.U, who are founders of a website (I assume Witness and Srecko are aware of them if they read the article and or recall the events of ARC). They attempted to contact AUSTRAC with no success, authorities, etc. They even failed to contact Australian Federal Police amid growing fears and an attempt to dodge obligation to victims. A member of AUSTRAC and a member of Australian Federal Police stated “They [We] do not confirm or deny specific activity the agencies may be undertaking.” The article continues to blame authorities now, stating that the authorities have let them down. Moreover, L.K is claiming that the Jehovah’s Witnesses, although not joining The Redress Scheme, that they are also saying they do not have enough money for any Redress, but the claim is that they have, and so forth - a mixed bag of potatoes chips right now. That being said, gather for now, and I thank Bible_Spy for getting the information for me, but clearly there is more, which isn’t easy for her to get. Again, granted this is right-centered bias catering to the right, I am seeing some inconsistencies, i.e. The misconception of ARC’s percentages regarding child abuse in religious institutions, for as I recall, the Jehovah’s Witnesses were very low, as is with others, compared to the Catholic Church there is no possibility of 68k in one area to surpass Catholics concerning the issue of child abuse, they are at, last I checked higher in the number of adherents - 5,439,268, which is a 5,371,268 difference. The faith in question are a minority. Looks like we would have to go back to ARC because New Corps is not only attempting to shed light on whatever second-handed sources they received, but, they are also throwing more and more ARC into the article.
  13. Just a heads up - Refkije Royal is of mainstream Christianity. There has already been people who has refuted her in general, as is with her book, and these refutations are not from JWs and ExJWs, but others. Granted the whole mainstream Christianity thing, that is, in her case, and what she proclaims as "teaching the living Christ' dwells in apostasy. We know that the last of the inspired prophets, John, has died, therefore, no one before him are inspired prophets, but Royal deems herself to be as such. The note points out that: The author is giving deep prophetic insight and revelation concerning this man made religion and cult that is holding people in bondage. Granted the scale of the faith in question, to state prophetic insight is a red flag, also, it is known that Restorationism is not Cultism; it is only deemed cultism by those who press this message, for this was pushed by mainstream Christianity before everyone adopted that notion. That said, you are free to agree/disagree with the faith in question, but you should be aware of a legitimate threat, not to them, but to you also. If I and others can see that, I do not see how some of these notions are ignored. Also the whole suicide thing and the like is not great in number when religion in general is counted and I would not be surprised if Textual Criticism was also of subject because that would not fair well on Royal's part, as is with most of MSC.
  14. I have my reasons for bringing brought up to study different religions granted I am of my own, more or less, often times to understand of whom I am preaching to, likewise to that of Apostle Paul, who preached to people he knew about in terms of practice and culture, which is mentioned in the Bible. My faith is based on Scripture, studying is an aspect, but it is God's Word that builds the faith, studying and interpretation is but tools. As for faith, I live it. Because of my faith, I, like many Christians pick up the mantle of those centuries ago when they were against falsehood, an example would be Bishop Irenaeus, as is with the Christian community who profess to study and learning, I originate from. As for the JWs, what you deem here is a misconception. Granted the ample evidence in question concerning serving God and to be saved, so to speak. Such subject have been discussed time and time again, likewise, people were invited to even discuss this matter a while back. There were some items taken out of context, but delving deeper, you have a conclusion, the truth of the matter. Granted, the view of serving God and to find Truth has always been the same with Restorationist since the Great Christian Awakenings (aka The Religious Revivals) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Awakening
  15. @Witness You are aware of mainstream Christendom correct? Granted their decline has only caused more trouble for those who do not follow them. It is not only about apostasy, it is about the misguided and willful ignorance that causes the masses to apply what they deem as right. Something of which since centuries we have been combating against, chosen or not.
  16. For celebrity gospel, lifestyle, etc. Majority of anything institution-wise, as the latter points out, I hope you do realize how religion is viewed by conservatives/liberals of any kind, mainly those who cater to the Left, as is those who cater to the Right. That being said, it will not end too well on your favor, especially granted the article in question that is presented. If you do not know how the Left and Right operates, granted both sides tend to get secondary information that are often not as credible, mainly if it is something that are not as favorable, it will not come to the glory of your own favor - let that sink in as the days pass. You already have an example with the protesting.... @Srecko Sostar @Witness Out of curiosity, are you both aware of the specific people mentioned in the article, as is with property details of the JW churches in said location? I ask this because for a reason, and granted I was able to recover 78% of the article/topic in question, which has some information that you may or may not know.
  17. I'd also like to add that the succession of these movements is crippling good police officers, granted, the movements are deeming all police as threats, good with the bad, therefore are all guilty. This opens doors for many, many problems, I believe code 12 [There is no one [available officer] to send to a call in] I think it was whereas police cannot even commit to an action. So any sort of crime, as in CSA is a high risk now should anyone of the household commits to it, grant. That is what happens when there is no order, and this defund the police narrative. @4Jah2me The question I proposed to you has an obvious answer. What protects the children is the parents/guardians who are morally upright. I bring this up because during this time, with the increased risk, that is where the protection comes from. That being said, we already have mischief makers and tomfoolery during the day whereas thieves, women raped in tents, CHOP Warlords who come out at night. The Left has caused this, while the right arm themselves. Out of the years that both sides have caused some damage, mainly the Left, this time around the one branch of the Left, BLM, has cranked things up to 11 this time around. Civil War is a possibility too, as of recent, one of my co-workers whom I've trained dubs herself as "The Supermodel with Guns", for she has recently bought firearms to protect herself, as said before, since before COVID-19, more and more people buying guns, even the inexperienced. To her created, she use to hunt as a child.
  18. There was a woman a while back I know who said if she lives through God's Day, and as years past from then, she wants to teach children about God, she even addressed if children within the new creation asks how life was like back then, she would explain to them, or have it written down. Mind you, this woman is disabled, and she really takes the promises of God's Kingdom quite seriously. She had a YouTube video a while back about it, but that will be tough to find, going back 2011-2012, but it was quite an interesting thought. That being said, that is like that of a historian, the position itself, mainly when it comes to teaching children and or those who lived before us, can you imagine explaining to Apostle Paul what an iPhone is, or what Air Jordan's were?
  19. @Srecko Sostar Srecko, are you sure you found the right address, so to speak? https://www.nationalredress.gov.au/about/about-website This is a Child Abuse and Neglect hotline website, I had this linked a while back when I told you there are solutions to helping children, making them aware, some of which are affiliated with CSA services and aid. Mainly if the help is truly needed. Likewise, the same solutions they have, I even addressed them to you - you simply laughed at them, I take it this time you agree with me. The link I am referring to is the one in the very beginning of the thread, cited by Witness.
  20. @Witness @Srecko Sostar @4Jah2me It is obviously the one you linked in your 1st post. This one: The information speaks for itself. Let's just hope for your sake that the information being handed over is actually credible, as @César Chávez pointed out because we know what the Far-Left is capable of (thanks to them even more children is at risk at a hellish level as of recent), and we also know those of the Far-Right and how they deem things. Moreover, it can boil down to a situation whereas the next move they make on this investigative story chess board will not be what one is to expect, especially for those who are beyond control and or angry. There is yet another issue that will cause quite the collateral damage, something I addressed in the past, and missed opportunity for you - which is in connection to CSA in institutions. That being said, there is another matter concerning JWs that is focused on too.
  21. @Kosonen The problem is they embrace the Trinity Doctrine. Granted Interfaith is also involved, that is quite the force to combat with the backing of higher powers. What we can do, as Christians is preach the truth, avoid the distractions of mainstream Christianity. Among all things, I have a strong disdain for the Trinity Doctrine, granted the centuries long battle of Non-Trinitarian vs Trinitarian is something that will commit others to defend what is true, that Jesus is indeed the Son of God, clear as day in Scripture. The good news is, granted it is the mainstream Christian faith, it is on a strong decline. But despite this, it does pose a problem, for their falsehood results in people not wanting to truly know God, even discourages them, mainly the coming generation. Reasons why mainstream Christianity is connected with higher powers because they reap benefit, hence Kairos, PEAK, Together, and a list of others who are among this Interfaith fold.
  22. Can't edit so I'll update. Even former members of the faith agrees with this wording, hence the root derives from stead, behalf, and a few other words, and some commentary reflects the same context. Strong's also match, therefore, valid.
  23. Just seeing now you have mentioned me here. Other than that, we always know about CSA, 24/7/365, granted us Truthers are aware of sexual and violent abuse done to a mate and or child, this is no different. They already know of this situation, granted, the notion of an Gangstalking season concerning religion, JW is also on that menu apparently. As for the subject matter this is an accusation, the faith community being accused of something, therefore further information is indeed needed. Even the notion points to alleged, therefore, more information is needed, as for the community I am of, they are already seeing the accusation through, likewise, to other things they are viewing. That being said, it should be known to you, the website that @Witness cited is right-centered bias, for that alone should speak volumes here, especially when it comes to conveyance. So anyone is capable of jumping to conclusions when such is deemed an accusation, which is no different from the accused regardless of whatever institution, and in this regard, it is quite the accusation, granted the second-handedness. They are aware of CSA, however, the problem is that pedophilia is damningly problematic, that is plagues any institution like that of a virus. Actions can be taken, however, it is a hit or miss, hence, solutions are needed to teach not just the children, but the adults as well. So far, no one proposes the as much as I do. Yes. Granted the source that is linked points to an accusation, and usually from right-centered bias websites, the push credibility by wording, as the website in question has a history. Are you a Jehovah's Witness? For those that are aware of things they are not easily fazed. Likewise, not all former Witnesses are fazed by this, due to the fact they themselves are an enemy to disgruntled former Witnesses, for there is ample evidence of that since the whole 2017 fiasco whereas former Jehovah's Witnesses were at odds with disgruntled former Witnesses, i.e. accusing JWs of stopping an event, when in realize, it was a former JW or Bible Student, a friend of Cedars, that stopped it, but he was sent death threats and fat shamed due to the fact he had a role in stopping the disgruntled ones, likewise, with people of the community who also stopped the disgruntled ones, branding them extremist, along with someone's angry boyfriend. That being said, it would not surprise anyone who will push an accusation as a truth out of the pool of hatred and disdainfulness. Likewise to 4Jah2me, a lot of Truthers are already aware, but as you pointed out, we are skeptical of second-hand sources; it is Info Wars all over again. What source is this? Also this is no surprise, granted some institutions, when it comes to revenue have a limit, a capacity, likewise to corporate having limits on branches, and or other outside of that spectrum. Not all of them are stubborn. Also granted the existence of two groups, one looking for peace, and one looking for security, this is something people are looking at with extreme vigilance. L.T.'s branches, it's very existence is a major, major red flag! For this entity can easily take anyone of any group, of any faith without notice if not careful. No man, woman or child is safe if they take the wrong step, for once this entity has you, it is not easy to get out, it is difficult, very difficult to escape.
  24. @Jack Ryan Normally you would have something to say at this point... Will this end up like the misconceptions you proposed in the Islam Club in regards to Muhammad and his wife, the Qu'ran, likewise with not being aware of Ehud? That being said, be it The Bible or the Qu'ran, does not matter if you agree with it or disagree with it, at least get the facts straight.
  25. @Arauna Well a portion of that is due to the economical mafia that runs things globally. Money is pushed to befit their agenda whereas money is taken out to weaken whatever it is they deem unnecessary and or a loose end.
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