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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. Matt, this was brought up last year..... Paganism is paganism -PERIOD. Ever since then, more and more people stopped partaking in Thanksgiving, even more with the pandemic, so that tells you something. That being said, to dine with demons and charlatans for instant gratifications gets you nowhere, if all that food slows you down, being unable to recover and continue on to the path of the Kingdom.
  2. This isn't anything new... Since the whole Redress thing, JWs are still operating. Second, I recall claims the lot of you pointed out, which to this day is still unfounded, YET, some of the claims a subset of people are preaching as a truth, which proves it is more of a hate-a-raid thing going on instead of the focus on the ReDress itself. Elsewhere, some Aussies are not worried too much on this, but the actions of the police, as pointed out before. On the other side of the spectrum, you have children of violent abuse being ignored. That being said, not much of a win for anyone, just another measure, another door, abusers can pick the lock to because it seems the most people of world doesn't know how to teach their own people how to protect their kids properly. I'd also like to point out the CSA group I have been with for a couple months now, know this situation, and they agree with me despite them brining it up.
  3. Then if that is the case, do you have any information of an legitimate NGO Resolution and or Charter? If there is no Charter and or Resolution (something that majority of NGOs have) then the claim is nothing but a whistle in the wind, as you, have been corrected on this already. To resurrect the dead in terms of the current discussion, isn't good for anyone's health, unless you are trying to undermine newcomers on this platform. Everyone to this day know how the Guardian operates, which seems to be the case with recent events concerning the 2020 Presidential Election in the US That being said, people who know this stuff are right on this matter, people who aren't, tend to Frankenstein the matter. Now, to repeat myself from the last time; last year - Jehovah's Witnesses/The Watchtower was an NGO (registered without signature in the 1991 after being informed to gain access to library resources, having registered as a DPI NGO in 1992) with a DPI status only, let alone go into detail of the DPI NGO documents regarding any one registering as an DPI NGO. A DPI means Department of Public Information. There is also another meaning regarding other things, UNDPI which stands for United Nations Department of Public Information. It is a department of the Secretariat of the United Nations that is tasked with raising public awareness and support of the work of the United Nations through strategic communications campaigns, media and relationships with civil society groups, as it stands today, the information on this matter can be found on their own website: http://www.un.org/en/sections/departments/department-public-information/index.html In the United Nations' system, there are NGOs who are associated with ECOSOC which stands for and or means Economic and Social Council, and there are NGOs affiliated with, as already mentioned, the DPI, again, meaning Department of Public Information (DPI). In the history of the Jehovah's Witnesses affiliation with being an NGO, to which they were verified as to registering without a signature, for in the early 1990s, no signature was ever require in those days for the form that they used, for such was a simply fill in what is being asked of you. Furthermore, most people, even those who buy into conspiracy tend to quote and confuse what a DPI is to an ECOSOC, vice versa confuse the two when in reality, both of such are different - ECOSOC I will go over shortly in my other response. To be brief and simple - They do not know the difference in NGOs affiliated with DPI status and a ECOSOC status, which is [this status] in fact quite common with NGOs nowadays. As for other information because I know this is brought up to - Only registered representatives of participating States, Partners for Co-operation, OSCE Institutions, NGOs, think tanks or others can submit documents to the ODIHR Documents Distribution System for distribution during the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting. ODIHR bears no responsibility for the content of such documents received for distribution, and circulates them without altering their content. The distribution by the ODIHR Documents Distribution System of documents received does not imply any endorsement by ODIHR and is without prejudice to OSCE decisions, as set out in documents agreed by OSCE participating States. DPI NGO have representatives and they are able to send those who represent them to OSCE meetings. And regarding their history, it is in regards to Religious Rights, the freedom to practice faith and to profess it in the face of religious persecution and or discrimination. To quote myself because I did speak on this before: And finally this old quote: But seriously, the constant beating of a dead horse is getting old, mainly when the non religious can even see it, it is absurd....
  4. So can you provide a quote of them saying the world is going to be destroyed in 1975? If an ExJW risk his own channel to speak this truth, why not give a quote? As of recent, this ExJW is currently against other ExJWs the day he posted the video of whom they forced Youtube to shut him down.
  5. It is also a faith killer. As is with others, your faith community isn't immune to this either. The influence of Philosophy and the teaching of it begins in the educational system; they are teaching the children, and when they reach college/university, that is when it is in full force if the student allows it and or unknowingly accepts it.
  6. Most people do not listen, which proves my point many times. The virus is also at play to be used as a ploy of fear via MSM and pinning it on a political opponent. All one must do is to take extra precaution (Proverbs 22:3), and not be consumed by fear. The virus will ultimately be a tool used to suppress the people in someway shape or form, even breaking down people, regardless of who is in power, be it Biden or Trump, yet both sides continue to point at each other like children, and WHO and the CDC acting up as usual. If you want to hear something to ponder on, there has been people saying we may be wearing masks until 2022, and going to an event or even traveling will require you to be vaccinated first, in addition to that, as is done in France, we might be going back to a Paper Check type situation, and ultimately, if things continue to spiral out of control liking a downed UH-60 Blackhawk, we may be faced with The Irish Style Lockdowns. A build up to breaking one's humanity. More people will hunger, do things they would not normally do to get food and shelter, and a list of other things, some people will be vulnerable, in some cases to even attackers. That being said, this new normal is alleged to would be a melting pot of V for Vendetta, Gotham City, 1984 and a combination of dystopian authoritarianism future with a couple of colored sprinkles of communisms. So basically, something out of a book, video game and or movie coming to fruition, or if we have to take things Biblically, in comparison, like how things played out in Jerusalem when the Jews did not want to leave, and we all know how that ended.
  7. I am just seeing this now. Q Anon is an Extreme Far Right collective with an ideology that spawned alleged conspiracy theories. It was an idea started by a collective in 2016 into early 2017 due to the pedophilia rings intertwined with politics, it never started with one person, but as a group of people under the same name - "Q", however in 2017, it was eventually affiliated with a single person - Q Clearance Patriot, which is why some believe it began with one person. It is not a belief, but it is among their theories, they have a strong hatred against pedophilia within the Establishment itself only - This is regarding the 2016 into 2017 situation with, to keep it simple, "Children of any sex/race being part of a menu containing symbols" (as crazy as that sounds, and to this day, a lot of us, me included, are still looking into this), hence the events of 2016- early 2017. Long story short, anything affiliated with EXTREME Left or Right is vastly different from the Far/Alt Left/Right, granted the latter can progress into a level of extremism. Q Anon is all over the place, but notably mentioned to be in the US and the EU, majority of them being in the EU. If we are talking about beliefs, the core view is literally the opposite of the Extreme Left, this core view revolving around politics and government. Most people don't know much about Q Anon, but promote them and or advertise them anyways, at times, it results in consequence, i.e. Trump Supporters; The Far Right do NOT side with Q Anon, as for the Alt-Right, they are a mixed bag. That being said, you should NEVER, EVER, EVER take 4chan seriously. Also do not be so gullible with the MSM be it on the screen, internet, articles, etc. (again Alt Left/Right are the common types to write articles of certain things) 4Chan is the birth places of memes (i.e. the birth place a website that is known to popularize a pop tart cat running alongside a rainbow at night aka Nyan Cat), This: [It gets even weirder with the fire breathing unicorn with a rider being a militarized commando cat....] remember that, no one is 100% serious, and often times, majority of people there tend to jump on the bandwagon of something just to see how are it goes, this goes for the situation with Q Anon. Regarding the protest, no. The protesting done was mostly by the Far Left, there was only a small Far Right presence. Among the Extreme, that were found in majority of the protest was both BLM and Antifa, with Antifa being a sworn enemy of the Proud Boys, who, in turn, are Far Right and whenever the two meet, they fight, even among political protesters, who get caught in the cross fire. Granted 100% of MSM is on the Left, they will mostly defend the Left, and always attack the Right, something of which a member here did not fully understand the difference between the Left and the Right (Alts).
  8. But still, it is wise to remain vigilant at all times even if one is neutral. Because there are things taking place that is unknown to the majority, and it can hit hard. Remember, Satan is known to have dirty tactics. Some of these tactics can still hit you even while you are neutral; for as of now, these are just mild situations, nothing at a critical or grave level yet, unless you are an unfortunate soul.
  9. It isn't much of a rumor if we can see what is going on clearly, but if you are unware, if you are part of The Establishment, such behavior is not seen as a problem, especially, to most Leftist. As far as I know, JWs are not of the Left or the Right, they would not be in favor of pedophilia despite the fact that they are not properly trained to deal with the problem, this goes for The United States in general, as well as your country, the United Kingdom. That being said, the Left consider the pedophilia disorder as something that is OK, in fact, in the US, in some instances, an underaged girl who has sex without consent and or if raped must marry the one whom they had intercourse with; something I have to look into again because hearing that is so uncanny. It would pose an even bigger problem for religion as a whole, even JWs, because if pedophilia was promoted at this level, those with pedophilia urges will be going out of the woodworkers to flood even more religious as well as educational institutions and clubs, which will spawn more sex abuse cases, resulting in a community suffering even more. There has been a push for a couple years now for pedophilia to be a sexual orientation, as is with the opposite, when a grown man/woman can choose to identify as a "child", as is with men being able to go into a woman/girl restroom because they identify as a "woman/girl". In some cases, boys who consider themselves as girls have been causing problems even for athletic girls in sports, and so forth. Homosexuality has already been pushed into most media, in books, video games, etc. More this bubble burst, it will hit the EU harder before it hits the US, granted of how loose these things are overseas compared to here. That being said, among man's imperfections, among them is an ill view of sex. In addition to that, The Establishment cannot be hit with any form of justice from the courts, police or any form of internal investigation, ever, unless they want to get rid of loose ends of course or pin the blame on someone else. As for pedophiles who decide to enact their ill will on to children, as pointed out before, as is, with what child abuse prevention has stated but people seem to not listen (which seems to be the case as the pandemic exposed the mentality of the common person) is they prey on those who are NOT educated in these things, hence why, it is stated, child molesters deem such children as easy targets. The community I am not part of, who as fought such things for years now, the correct way, are strongly aware of that. Moreover, to their credit, they pointed me in the direction of YouTube, Facebook, Netflix, and other forms of media that these things can take place, ironically enough, this is the same community, believe it or not, that I was able to find 2 ExJws trying to defend a pedophilia in the streamer/evo community, as is one, who threaten a rival of mine on her Twitter, let that sink in; man's imperfections are deep. Even those who speak against it, as what I had mentioned, are of this folly, as is with those who do nothing about it, some of us are doing something though. You cannot combat an Elite unless you are willing to take a major risk, therefore, it is wise to go about things indirectly when it comes to dealing with them. That being said, ever wonder how silent the media is about so and so's son alleged misdeeds, yet, if it was some random abuser, they will speak about it?
  10. This is indeed the case, but there is a dark form of persecution that, although rare, some people are unfortunate to be involved with, which is not a normal form of persecution, in a sense, designed to break people, an extreme version of Winston in Room 101 meets Hugo Strange type of madness. Granted if we are to enter into the Tribulation End Times, I have a feeling this version of persecution will be at play at a larger scale. I say this because of what I have learned over the months regarding Christian persecution that isn't too PG to be put on news articles. What you mentioned is indeed something that can happened, but there can be an event that puts one on the path for the latter. At this point your faith needs to be as hard as a diamond. There will also be a time where even friends and family will turn on you, or friends of the family for that matter, something I know verily well. That being said, even during those times and what is to come, people who are truly God fearing, legitimate true worshippers deemed Christians, will be the ones to prosper through various levels of trials, the willingness to even preach about the gospel when Scripture will most likely be censored 100%, for Scripture bans in some schools is already a foreshadowing.
  11. What you have read into is simply the surface... Unknown to you is that there are graver acts of persecution going on that some people are unaware of, in some cases, in bloody fashion, especially during this pandemic. This results in men, women and children, who are unfortunate in these situations, suffer badly mentally and or physically. That said, keep a wild beast in captivity long enough to the point it goes mad, it will do far more damage to anyone or anything in it's surroundings.
  12. Wasn't this song played for a couple of dances before? Anyways, The only source that I cannot find anymore is the ExJW who was ran off of YouTube by the ExJW community (who got his whole channel deleted because of that one video despite 99% of his videos being strong criticism of JWs and what can be changed) who got his video deleted, likewise, with what was done to Mr. Cedars' friend. The irony here too is the claim is the JW said the world is to be destroyed in 1975, but no one can bring up a legitimate quote of this at all, in addition to that, every Christian knows that before the end, the preaching of the gospel is to cease 100%, yet, people were still preaching around that time. That being said, the sound of the mic dropping is far louder than Palpatine throwing the senate.
  13. You really need to be very careful with Atheism... The Scriptures is quite clear on being vigilant and careful around specific philosophies. Regarding Religion, it should be known of "how" original and pure Christianity came to be, hence, the religion of Christianity whereas as this faith, of which being, a follower of the Christ with the God given name, Christian. Unfortunately, sometime afterwards, there was some councils and different beliefs that broken Christianity into many denominations over time, those who seek truth try to piece all the information together, to find out the truth about who God is and who Jesus is. Granted the identity of who the Christ is sparked to major factions whereas as both have several denominations, with the core problem for both being of God and Christ, and who they are really, and so forth. So from then to present day, it is as if the councils have never ended, and the battle continues, only this time, you have the Muslims involved, although they differ, they do fit into one faction, it is quite the obvious one.
  14. Essentially some of the points I have made before. This is the same thing that a child aid group (which also deals with child abuse prevention and teaching), which explains a bit of my absence, I am a part of have been preaching, they want to deal with the problem itself, not destroy a community to tackle the problem because they know going about child abuse recklessly can result in ill consequence.
  15. I believe this was already debunked, granted, a UN Resolution in regards to an NGO was never found among them. If I remember correctly, you stated you did not know much about these things and wish to not know, but we are back at this again. This is all in regards to the United Nations' charter and Resolutions, which was presented several times, even with the UN as a source, but it was widely ignored. That being said, you are going about the same rambles of which you were corrected on before, with the UN being a legitimate source who noted everything in regards of charters and resolutions from the 1940s onward. It is unhealthy to continue with repetitive banter. @César Chávez If there is no UN charter and or a resolution, the claims of the JW faith being part of the UN is misinformation, to which ironically, the parrots, have been corrected on this before, with legitimate information. I don't see why feral soldiers on an empty battlefield continue to swing a worn sword aimlessly into the air in front of them as if their opponent is physically there. That said, the United Nations and those who are among the charter and are of the resolution will [forever] be an enemy, an adversary, granted in the past several weeks into the pandemic, some of us has seen what the the public are unware of. As I recall, assuming you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you are deemed an enemy by such. As I pointed out before the UN has always been, and still are, on a Conquest for Security while their religious faction seeks Peace.
  16. True. But granted with the 2012 and 2017 events that lead up to now, this excludes the election for the focus is on the things on the outside and never really talked about, is when one will be put to the test, with the pandemic being the cherry on top. That being said, it would be unwise for the common onlooker to be like that of a virgin who is looking for oil for their lamp when the groom is literally around the corner.
  17. Pretty much this, and the attacks are, ironically, only focused on Christian Minorites, i.e. US, UK backed forced handing a defenseless Christian village over to ISIS just because they wanted the land back in the past, being one example. Something I have pointed out many, many times. As what was said in the past, there are Christians who are not touched due to the fact they are already enticed by Babylon vs. the minorities, who don't ascribe or entertain the idea of siding with those who are against them. As what was said, there are grave things taking place as of recent and it is only going to escalate. There are now groups out there that are shifting their attention to minorities, that includes your faith community. So tread carefully.
  18. Chaos will erupt from either side no matter the victor, due to the fact both Trump and Biden are equally puppets, a Trojan Horse to a grander scheme. I brought this up to Rook a while back due to the multitude of groups other there, one in particular whom I have been keeping my eye on, The Boogaloo Boys, and a legitimate adversary of mine, her group being BAMN. These people want civil unrest regardless of the outcome while the MSM continues to spin people's minds. There is a bigger scheme beneath all of this and in the next few hours, on election night, the uptick in chaos will tick like a timebomb and explode, and it is going to be a few days of hell. It will not be pretty for anyone, granted among the chaos there are opportunists that will not only be looting, but wanting to push ill intent to others physically or mentally. The biggest test in all of this is evading the Mark of the Beast. For, in the last several weeks, the United Nations and Babylon has been making their own levels of progression during all of this.
  19. Yes. Something I have been telling Rook for sometime. But I do warn all of you, as I have done so with where I have been. The two factions will be going at it with each other, some areas there has already been a few sparks of violence, and the echoes of the 2017 slaying of Heyer. You know it is bad when your own enemies are trying to jump into the fray, even after their own has gotten out of jail. The chaos will not only be effecting US soil because there are other groups in the EU who are also ready. With this in mind, it should be already known to you to be cautious, and take every step wisely, especially during this pandemic.
  20. And it is only going to get worse, as was said months ago. The numbers are not too accurate either because of the whole situation with JHU. The baseline of control is ever so obvious and the virus itself is among the cards on the table. That ultimately being said, there are more tragic things, even grave things, taking place with this pandemic going around. The incoming lockdowns will be an even grater suffering for those who cannot handle it. Those with no safeguard, or refuge, etc.
  21. @Arauna This is the problem, Srecko speaks of equipping wisdom, however, he has not done anything since 2018 concerning child abuse. For anyone who lacks what child abuse is and how to stop it, educating is key. Even ARC stresses this, you have people like Srecko and 4Jah2me, who does not put the application. 4Jah2me whining about the bystander syndrome when he himself expresses it greatly when all this time he could have used social media as a platform to teach people, granted, he does favor social media.
  22. Exactly the same way? As I recall, you were refuted strongly in regards to child abuse. You should not even address the question, I even posed to you a while back: What is the most important sign that one has to look out for regarding a potential abuser [school setting - church setting - business setting - public space]? For someone who speaks of child abuse but does not know this, granted you take no action whatsoever, you fit the same bystander mentality as that of @4Jah2me. The Americans have an expression, all bark, but no bite, as they say. The ones that do bite are the ones to reduce the problem compared to those who merely bark. And here we see the man who laughed at helping children who cannot prove anything. Hypocrisy your claim is if it holds no merit. If you really think that, granted you laughed at helping children in the past, what have you been doing since it was addressed on how to help children? What have you been doing since 2018 to now regarding child abuse and a list of other things that has and or can commit harm to a child? It is not about having better wisdom, it is about passing wisdom, if the Bible verses concerning safeguarding children is not clear enough, but you laughed and ignored it, not one time either. In your own thread, I even told you, and I quote: For a guy who wants to have a say in child abuse, you tend to ignore anything pertaining to child abuse prevention in terms of educating the youth, as you have done before and as you have done now, Srecko. It is now 2020, and still you hold to this mentality whereas many of us have been doing much work since then concerning child abuse.
  23. And ignorance and being misinformed drags one into ruin, and can bring others down with him. Therefore, the claim fits the bill concerning you, bird man. The truth in that is the fact you did not know the sex abuse survivors in question, before I mentioned them by name. Another proof, as is with everything pertaining to Biblical Facts.
  24. Announcing does not fix the problem (as many, many examples in history points out, some examples as stated turn out badly and other times bloody), actions taken to prevent anymore forms of abuse to take place does, knowing the signs of someone who is an abuser, and or abused, granted a pedophile is deemed a threat if he acts upon his or her ill desire. An announcement, if need be, should it be made, should only take place after the pedophile who ends up abusing someone is dealt with. Yes, the pedophile who acts upon abusing someone, the police should be notified, however, there are many variables to that granted bystander syndrome can effect people, be it they are moved to go to the police, told to go to the police and or simply encouraged to go to the police because people tend not to get highly involved, some for reasons, hence not being well equipped to handle the situation. This is liken to internal investigate action done by any institution whereas you have the well versed vs. those who are not, depending on where in the community such abuse has been taking place. It is far more complex if the abuse takes place in the household of the victim because those within the institution cannot detect it, however, the only form of detection they have is the child in question. It is not a silly idea. Christians are to apply forgiveness of sin as the Christ have, but as stated before, abusers can exploit people in order to get to children. As pointed out in the past, abusers who are within the Jehovah's Witnesses, are, like many pedophiles who abuse children, tend to win over and exploit those within a community. They can express forgiveness to belittle people in order to access children and or that one specific victim, once the exploitation takes place. This is why in regards to helping children, you also have to know how the mind of a pedophile, which is borderline a cross between Sociopath and psychopath whereas if the pedophile is strongly wanting to enact ill action against a child and or anyone, even should they get violent, they have no remorse for their sins, thus going into the psychopathic spectrum, granted, pedophilia is indeed a disorder. That being said, if the abuser wins over them, and or anyone else, they can easily be accepted back into a community, hence the borderline Sociopath and psychopath notion they express to commit more sin. 4Jah2me - As for teaching children anything, my wife and I have put ourselves on 'lockdown' so no visitors and no visiting others. Being an 'old man' I don't go out much anyway so the only 'preaching' i do is online through Facebook pages, and it is surprising the good response I get. Space Merchant - That being said, social media, helping children here is a plus because abusers are more active on the internet vs. the institutions, granted the subtly, i.e. YouTube, Facebook, etc. If you can preach to people, you can teach people, including children online. Granted you are on Facebook, how about taking that approach? Help the cause by spreading solutions. Granted if you can do preaching, you can do the same in terms of the situation, raising awareness, reach one teach one, if JW children does concern you this much. You do express the bystander syndrome when it comes to the situation in question - You know about Child Abuse, but you do no form of action to combat child abuse. At least is better than being ignorant and or oblivious, however, the notion you express does not surpass those who know about child abuse and are able to take action, regardless, be it in person and or on social media, etc. The bystander syndrome effects everyone in mankind regardless of the situation (suicide, violence, racism, etc.) No, I simply told you to use your platform. You said you use facebook, you can fight child abuse in that way, I even told you this, do not get it twisted. That response, you even disliked it. That being said, you are, indeed a bystander concerning child abuse.
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