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Posts posted by xero

  1. 2 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Please clarify so I can answer you!   Name the things you do not accept........  I want to test your understanding of the bible......

    We assume there were ALWAYS angels blocking the way to the garden and that the garden was ever present for people to go and gawk at the entrance until the flood.

    We don't know how long the garden was there, nor how long the angels were posted. Jehovah may have allowed a natural disaster to flatten the garden and all that was in it for all we know. The bible doesn't say. 

    We DO know it was removed by the flood at the very least.

    We don't know what led Cain and Abel to come up w/the idea of sacrifice. The bible implies but doesn't state how they came up w/the idea.

    Was it their idea? Was it suggested to them by Adam and Eve? Was it suggested by an angelic messenger? We don't know, and the bible is silent there.

    Regardless (or irregardless :) )  of how the idea came to them, we also don't know how it became manifest that any sacrifice was acceptable or not, nor why it would be that it could be so infuriating for a sacrifice not to be accepted.

    If it was simply divinely burned up, like in the case of Elijah and the Baal prophets, then what you have is Cain getting all worked up because his veggies didn't get roasted, but the animal meat Abel provided DID get roasted.

    What made it acceptable or not? We speculate, and perhaps rightly, but perhaps not. Perhaps there was nothing wrong with it (Cain's) and it was simply a test to see how Cain would react. We don't know.

    We DO know that he was counseled about doing good and watching out for sin.

    No law at this point, so what constituted sin? We don't know, but we can speculate. Was it simply listening to the inner conscience or were there verbal instructions given which we don't know about?

    What was the mark of Cain and why would he be so worked up over the idea that people might kill him? Ostensibly at this time there weren't people about who didn't know him. 

    Right away at Genesis 3:15 there is a discussion of two seed. The serpent's (Nachash) and the woman's. Why are we already discussing the serpent's seed? Did they already exist in some form metaphorically or in reality? We know even Eve was speculating later it seems by saying "I have produced a man with the aid of Jehovah" on Cains' birth and later with Seth after Abel is murdered by referring to the seed replacement in Gen 4:25. Seems she imagined something which turned out not to be the case, but still imagined she was the "woman".

    Then too there is the enigma as to this rapid technological advancement and we see this all in Cain's lineage, not Seths. Why? No explanation. Did the sons of the true god head on down and teach humans all these things? We don't know, and the bible doesn't say. We can speculate, but we don't know.

    What was the "Calling on the name of Jehovah"? (Genesis 4:26) Lots of speculation here. Who is right? I don't know.

    Also...were the Nephilim infertile themselves? We don't know. Hybrids are usually, but not always.

    What else transpired?

    I would imagine a lot of idolatry and that much of the myths and legends surrounding these pagan nations post deluge are recollections of what actually took place prior to the deluge. But I have to imagine, because the Bible is silent as to these details.

    Population growth estimates suggest between 750 million and 4 billion alive at the flood. These are speculative estimates, but that's a lot of people and living as long as these did live, a lot could have transpired.

    Also, we assume, but don't know that every Nephil was male. It may have been, but we don't know. Also we don't know if other chimeric creatures may have been created which needed to be destroyed.


  2. What I'm getting at is that even in @arauna's reply there is a tremendous amount of speculation. We can only know what's written, and what is written is pretty sparse. We don't know whether the garden remained to exist until the flood. We don't know why these came up w/the idea that Jehovah would want some stuff in the form of an offering. That in itself seems to show a retarded conception of God, like somehow you could ever "give" or need to "give" him anything. In the context there are assumptions that people would know what "Doing good" was, or what "Sin" was.  We don't know how it was that these assumed an offering was accepted. We don't know whether these had an audible or visual representation of Jehovah or both. I'm quite familiar w/the standard speculations, because that's what these are w/o biblical confirmation as to the details. I'm just pointing out how we easily make a lot of assumptions because we're not there and not involved. Perhaps we imagine ourselves as in a superior position, and perhaps we are w/regard to knowledge, but we don't "know". 


  3. There's a lot in the way of implicit communication, but not so much explicit. 

    1,656 years....a lot of time for things to happen...we have the seed prophesy, we have Cain and Abel engaging in sacrifice for some reason....nothing in the way of what led to this reasoning, we can only speculate....Enoch apparently has a lot to say which is upsetting to some....angels forsaking their dwelling place...Nephils running around...violence filling the earth....people "calling on the name of Jehovah" and finally Noah being told to build the ark and to get in it....plus no one in Seth's line does anything technologically interesting...

    The first 6 chapters are the most enigmatic of the whole of the Bible.....IMHO

    If you don't speculate, you'd have a 1,656 year gap....

    Imagine that you're living then. What do you know, and how do you know it?

  4. 3 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    I thought that in 1945 the International  courts that were convened in Nuremberg Germany by Allied Forces firmly established the fact that it is illegal and immoral to force someone to take any medical treatment that they object to.

    They actually took some German soldiers, medical personnel out and hung them by the neck until dead because they did this.

    The argument given is that it's voluntary given that your job, etc. is a privilege, not a right.

  5. The other thing about these vaccines which could be an issue, but which it's verboten to wonder about or discuss is the question as to whether all these vaccines are generating mutations or the question as to whether we are creating the problem of vaccine dependency...think of the numbers of people who have peanut allergies today or asthma because these weren't naturally exposed to environmental toxins while growing up. Now they have to carry epi pens with them or they might die from certain environmental hazards we all dealt w/easily.

  6. Just now, Pudgy said:

    Do they mention the nephilim with the hunchback named Boofus?

    What's interesting is all the speculations w/regard to motivations and the like as well as things that were possibly going on at the time. Take for example the bible's clearly pointing out how no one in the line leading to Noah ever did anything interesting, like build cities, make interesting technological improvements or the like. Only Cains line. Total silence as to why. In Noah primeval they turn the normal humans into people who either collaborated w/the sons of god who forsook their proper dwelling place and became slaves to these or hid out in the hills as rebels against them and for Jehovah. Too, the picture is that the remoteness of Jehovah was the same as the remoteness we feel and most felt insofar as they didn't get any miraculous signage of Jehovah's presence and perhaps felt as abandoned as many may feel at times. The accounts of the first six chapters is pretty sparse on details, so I'm enjoying the speculation. The author has the sons of god using humans to create these "Nephil" creatures which are abominations and giving birth to them kills the humans, but the sons of god blind them into thinking this is some sort of sacred service instead of the horror that it really is.

  7. Just now, Space Merchant said:

    Because what he said just recently contradicts due to what he addressed to you.

    The thing is, anyone can be of any community, leave it even, sometimes return to it, however, it is hypocritical to use one problem and pretend it isn't somewhere else. Although Facebook is problematic in many cases, it does not prevent someone to leave unless they choose to, therefore I didn't see why he danced around a simple question.

    That being said, I mentioned Bojo (Boris Johnson) for a reason. Granted animal cruelty, and children was brought up, Boris Johnson made a dark and unsettling joke to children about, feeding the people to animals. Now there is no question of what is to come to the United Kingdom in the coming months. This also all connected to the United Nations because the focus is on Climate Change; they released a bizarre video recently after Bojo's remark. Hence the remark in question a outlandish, concerning the fact he was focusing on animals regarding climate change. That in of itself, is borderline cruelty.

    Climate change is a joke. It's like complaining about plate tectonics. It's all about controlling economies and power. Weather is not climate change, but every time someone gets hot, cold, wet or dry windy or whatever, we're all supposed to nod sagely and intone "climate change at work".

  8. 7 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Dogs are ALWAYS looking for food.  I should know.

    You are presuming actions and motives without any understanding or facts.

    Biddies be stirrin' the pot like an unthinking but jealous bot.

  9. 2 hours ago, Isabella said:

    Dear @The Librarian

    I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him. Isn't this animal cruelty? How this JW can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is not taking care of his domestic animal? Prov. 12:10.

    Mt. 18:15-17

  10. Just now, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

      Zechariah 8: 22 & 23

    And many peoples and mighty nations will come to seek Jehovah of armies in Jerusalem and to beg for the favor of Jehovah.’23  “This is what Jehovah of armies says, ‘In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: “We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.” " 

    Was this a one time happening, or is it prophecy ?  If it is prophecy then the JEW must be Spiritual and not just one person. And if God is with the JEW = Spiritual Jews = Anointed, then are those Anointed inspired or just guided by God ?


    Acts 2 : 17 & 18

    17  ‘“And in the last days,” God says, “I will pour out some of my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams, 18  and even on my male slaves and on my female slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

    We know this was fulfilled at that time as mentioned in Acts, but is it still a prophecy for our time ? 

    It says 'in the Last Days', and we are lving in the Last Days.  

    It says God will 'pour out some of His spirit'. Is that to inspire or to guide those mentioned ? 

    Surely they would need to be inspired to be able to prophesy ?  The scripture must mean TRUE prophecy so it would need TRUE inspiration. But when ? 

    Prophesying is simply telling forth God's mind on a matter. Every time you say something is wrong or right and say here's what the Bible, God's Word says, you're prophesying. In my opinion the scriptures don't restrict being a "Jew" on the inside is something restricted to some people who think of themselves as being anointed or not, but allowing one's self to be "circumcised" and "led" by God's word and spirit. Of course these latter are individual claims the judge of which is Jesus as he has been appointed as judge to determine the truth of the matter. It's up to each individual to "work out his own faith with fear and trembling". Being a busybody in the business of others is the business of the presumptuous. If you think someone is wrong about something, don't listen to them. If you think a group is off track and some other group has it better, then go join up w/them. Don't think you can go it alone w/o becoming a caricature of your own individual defects, however because that's what becomes of the isolationist. It's good for you to stick around w/people w/whom you are not in complete agreement. How do you suppose Iron can sharpen Iron w/o friction?

  11. On 10/13/2021 at 8:09 AM, Witness said:

    No, not in the same way God used Cyrus.  

    “Thus says the Lord to His anointed,
    To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held—
    To subdue nations before him
    And loose the armor of kings,
    To open before him the double doors,
    So that the gates will not be shut:
    2 ‘I will go before you
    And make the crooked places straight;
    I will break in pieces the gates of bronze
    And cut the bars of iron.
    I will give you the treasures of darkness
    And hidden riches of secret places,
    That you may know that I, the Lord,
    Who call you by your name,

    Am the God of Israel.  Isa 45


    I swear, you simply have to be either asbergers or autistic because analogies appear to be impossible for you to understand.

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