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Joan Kennedy

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  1. Upvote
    Joan Kennedy reacted to The Librarian in Dear Librarian I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him.Isn't this animal cruelty? How he can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is   
    I would consider that animal cruelty.... however... remember that the cheeseburger I just ate was from a cow that was just minding his own business and chewing his cud not even a few days ago.
    Korea and other countries actually have dog markets where dog is a delicacy.
    As the world gets poorer, more desperate and hungry I think we shall see a lot more of this.
  2. Thanks
    Joan Kennedy reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Meeting Workbook week of October 11-17, and October 18-24,2021   
    Here is the Meeting Workbook week of October 11-17 and October 18-24,2021. TB
    Watchtower added info. October 11-17, 2021.doc Watchtower added info. October 11-17, 2021.pdf Watchtower October 11-17, 2021.doc Watchtower October 11-17, 2021.pdf Watchtower October 18-24, 2021.doc Watchtower October 18-24, 2021.pdf Additional Highlights -October 11-17, 2021.doc Additional Highlights -October 11-17, 2021.pdf Additional Highlights -October 18-24, 2021.doc Additional Highlights -October 18-24, 2021.pdf CBS October 11-17, 2021.doc CBS October 11-17, 2021.pdf CBS October 18-24, 2021.doc CBS October 18-24, 2021.pdf Meeting Workbook week of October 11-17, 2021.doc Meeting Workbook week of October 11-17, 2021.pdf Meeting Workbook week of October 18-24, 2021.doc Meeting Workbook week of October 18-24, 2021.pdf
  3. Thanks
    Joan Kennedy reacted to derek1956 in Meeting Workbook weeks of September 27–October 3 and October 4-10, 2021   
    Thank You for your good works
  4. Thanks
    Joan Kennedy reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Meeting Workbook weeks of September 27–October 3 and October 4-10, 2021   
    Here is the Meeting material for weeks of September 27–October 3 and October 4-10, 2021. TB
    Meeting Workbook week of October 4-10, 2021.pdf Meeting Workbook week of September 27–October 3, 2021.doc Meeting Workbook week of September 27–October 3, 2021.pdf Watchtower October 4-10, 2021.doc Watchtower October 4-10, 2021.pdf Watchtower September 27, 2021–October 3, 2021.doc Watchtower September 27, 2021–October 3, 2021.pdf Additional Highlights -October 4-10, 2021.doc Additional Highlights -October 4-10, 2021.pdf Additional Highlights -September 27–October 3, 2021.doc Additional Highlights -September 27–October 3, 2021.pdf CBS September 27–October 3, 2021.doc CBS September 27–October 3, 2021.pdf CBS October 4-10, 2021.doc CBS October 4-10, 2021.pdf Meeting Workbook week of October 4-10, 2021.doc
  5. Thanks
    Joan Kennedy reacted to derek1956 in Weekly materials for September 13-19 and September 20-26, 2021   
    Thank You for your good work
  6. Thanks
    Joan Kennedy reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Weekly materials for September 13-19 and September 20-26, 2021   
    Here is the material for weeks of September 13-19 and September 20-26, 2021. TB
    Meeting Workbook week of September 13-19, 2021.doc Meeting Workbook week of September 13-19, 2021.pdf Watchtower September 13-19, 2021.doc Watchtower September 13-19, 2021.pdf Additional Highlights -September 13-19, 2021.doc Additional Highlights -September 13-19, 2021.pdf CBS September 13-19, 2021.doc CBS September 13-19, 2021.pdf Meeting Workbook week of September 20-26, 2021.doc CBS September 20-26, 2021.pdf CBS September 20-26, 2021.doc Additional Highlights -September 20-26, 2021.pdf Additional Highlights -September 20-26, 2021.doc Watchtower September 20-26, 2021.pdf Watchtower September 20-26, 2021.doc Meeting Workbook week of September 20-26, 2021.pdf
  7. Thanks
    Joan Kennedy reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Material for weeks of August 30–September 5 and September 6-12, 2021   
    Here is the material for weeks of August 30–September 5 and September 6-12, 2021.   TB
    CBS August 30–September 5, 2021.pdf Meeting Workbook week of August 30–September 5, 2021.doc Meeting Workbook week of August 30–September 5, 2021.pdf Watchtower August 30, 2021–September 5, 2021.doc Watchtower August 30, 2021–September 5, 2021.pdf Additional Highlights -August 30–September 5, 2021.doc Additional Highlights -August 30–September 5, 2021.pdf CBS August 30–September 5, 2021.doc Meeting Workbook week of September 6-12, 2021.pdf Meeting Workbook week of September 6-12, 2021.doc CBS September 6-12, 2021.pdf CBS September 6-12, 2021.doc Additional Highlights -September 6-12, 2021.pdf Additional Highlights -September 6-12, 2021.doc Watchtower September 6-12, 2021.pdf Watchtower September 6-12, 2021.doc
  8. Downvote
    Joan Kennedy reacted to Witness in Vaccine time   
    Did someone say it is a personal choice to get the vaccine?  Not really; that is, if one wants to retain "privileges".  
    Can't open the file here.   This was a letter to "All Special Full-Time Servants at Bethel and in the Field" dated 8/6/2021
    After stating that the getting the vaccine is a personal choice, it ends by saying, "In view of the above, we have asked the Health Care Department (HCD) to contact you to learn your current vaccination status.  If for some medical reason you are unable to be vaccinated, please inform the HCD accordingly.  They may be able to provide assistance".
  9. Downvote
    Joan Kennedy reacted to Witness in Vaccine time   
  10. Downvote
    Joan Kennedy reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
    That was informative. Thanks for the link!
  11. Upvote
    Joan Kennedy reacted to TheWorldNewsOrg in 50 years ago today. August 15, 1971. This Announcement was made to remove the U.S. from hard money to fiat currency.   
    Watch him shake his head at 1:05 as he says "Your dollar will be worth just as much tomorrow as it is today" In poker it is called a tell, in the real world it is called a lie.
  12. Like
    Joan Kennedy reacted to Toni in Material for August 16-22 and August 23-29, 2021   
    Thank you so much!!!  Agape
  13. Like
    Joan Kennedy reacted to derek1956 in Material for August 16-22 and August 23-29, 2021   
    May Jehovah bless you
  14. Thanks
    Joan Kennedy reacted to T.B. (Twyla) in Material for August 16-22 and August 23-29, 2021   
    Here is the material for weeks of August 16-22 and August 23-29, 2021. TB
    Meeting Workbook week of August 16-22, 2021.doc Meeting Workbook week of August 16-22, 2021.pdf Watchtower August 16-22, 2021.doc Watchtower August 16-22, 2021.pdf Additional Highlights -August 16-22, 2021.doc Additional Highlights -August 16-22, 2021.pdf CBS August 16-22, 2021.doc CBS August 16-22, 2021.pdf CBS August 23-29, 2021.pdf CBS August 23-29, 2021.doc Additional Highlights -August 23-29, 2021.pdf Additional Highlights -August 23-29, 2021.doc Watchtower August 23-29, 2021.pdf Watchtower August 23-29, 2021.doc Meeting Workbook week of August 23-29, 2021.pdf Meeting Workbook week of August 23-29, 2021.doc
  15. Haha
    Joan Kennedy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Vaccine time   
    But if you exclude him that way you’ll miss out on his hysterical anti-JW tirades!
  16. Thanks
    Joan Kennedy reacted to xero in Health PSA - Colchicine can kill you   
    FYI - If you ever have a loved one get hospitalized for some cardiac situation and the cardiologist prescribes colchicine to reduce fluid buildup around the pericardium, be aware of side effects the doctor's themselves may not be aware of.
    Colchicine has been used for hundreds of years for gout and recently has been used to reduce cardiac inflammation. It may also do other things if the patient stays on it too long.
    In my case my wife was on it for a few months, but in that time and unbeknownst to me because of her polymyalgia rheumatica situation I didn't realize it was damaging her nerves, her muscles and her brain. She lost thirty pounds in this time, couldn't eat, would vomit, became weak and incontinent, was in deep muscle pain and neither the rheumatologist nor the primary care physician made the connection. In fact it was ignored when I mentioned it to her primary care physician.
    So rather than watch my wife die, I took her off the colchicine and to deal with the pain I gave her 500 mg of acetominophen w/600 mg of N-Acetyl-Cysteine (3 x a Day) (an amino acid given to counter the potential liver damage from the acetominophen). I suspected the colchicine was the culprit. True the symptoms didn't come on quickly, but colchicine can build up in a person's system. She couldn't sit up in bed, I had to help her get on and off the commode and wipe her. I had to shower her. She didn't know at times what day of the week it was.
    After a week and a half off the colchicine, the muscle pain went away, but the extreme weakness and all the other things associated w/colchicine poisoning existed.  I googled and tried to pack in every possible supplement associated w/assisting people w/alzheimers or traumatic brain injury or nerve damage.
    Alpha-GPC, CDP-choline, Co-Q10, NAD+, Vinpocetine, Phenylpiracetam, Noopept, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, L-Carnosine, Fish Oil, Sulbuitamine (just to list a few). I shelled all these and packed them into a protein shake (w/creatine, and hmb) and argued w/her to drink at least this once a day. I used red light therapy on her head as well.
    It's three months now and she's back to better than normal. (Although as soon as she really started to improve dramatically, her hair started to fall out - apparently hair will go dormant under stress and when the stress is gone, it sheds....right now she has "zombie-hair" but we can see it's growing back in.
    She's not taking everything that I packed into her shake every day now, but now I can actually leave the house w/o worry. Before this I couldn't leave 20 minutes w/o worrying that I'd find her on the bathroom floor.
    Anyway, just know that no one is as interested in your health or the health of your loved ones as you are. You're ultimately responsible. Doctors aren't necessarily geniuses.
  17. Thanks
    Joan Kennedy reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion   
    Don’t persecute them! a certain foe with no use for Witnesses urged Russia. You’ll just feed into their “persecution complex.”
    Well—sure. The best way to feed a “persecution complex” is to persecute whoever has it. On the other hand—which came first: the chicken or the egg?  If there really is persecution, who says it is a persecution complex? Isn’t reality the word he is searching for?
    In December 2020, there came an United States Commission on International Religious Freedom report—it is a bipartisan commission, and thus not a product of any one political administration—entitled: “The Global Persecution of Jehovah’s Witness.” Religious scholar Massino Introvigne digests it and issues the obvious byline: “Jehovah’s Witnesses: The World’s Most Persecuted Religion.” 
    The report serves to erase all doubt, even among Witnesses themselves, that theirs is the most persecuted religion today. It is not that other faiths do not suffer persecution from place to place—they certainly do—at times more brutal than that of the Witnesses. It is that no matter where you go, the Witnesses face it in one form or another. The USCIRF focuses on nine different nations—they are all assigned subheadings: Eritrea, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Singapore, and South Korea, but makes clear that these are just the tip of the iceberg, which does “not include the many other countries where the faith is banned or faces official harassment. The situation is ultimately even bleaker than our survey might indicate.”
    Those many verses about persecution?
    “You will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.” (Matthew 24:9)
    “All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted.” (2 Tim 3:12)
    If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you..  If you were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own....Bear in mind the word I said to you, A slave is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also.” (John 15:18-20)
    and others? They are fulfilled upon the group whose members approach persons one-on-one to speak “about God and bearing witness to Jesus.” (Revelation 1:9) There were repercussions when John did it—exile to the island of Patmos. There are repercussions today. In Russia, it has been exile to Siberia.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses are pacifists—why shouldn’t non-pacifists earn the ‘extremist’ label? They’re industrious. Why shouldn’t those who leach off society top the list? They’re obedient to government authority. Why shouldn’t the disobedient be ‘extremist?’ They live, work, and school in the community; they visit their neighbors with Bible thoughts. Why shouldn’t the reclusive and secretive hermits take top ‘extremist’ honors? Even those who dislike them will describe them individually as “very nice people.” Why shouldn’t those not nice win first ‘extremist’ prize? The easiest gig a cop will ever pull is to be assigned traffic control outside the Regional Convention. Everyone smiles at him or nods a greeting. No one calls him a pig. Why doesn’t a group where people do call him a pig take top ‘extremist’ honors?
    It is crazy, so contrary to what anyone would expect, yet it is the way things are. So crazy is it, yet so exactly fulfilling Bible expectations, that it all but screams: Here they are! Here are the people hated for doing good—exactly as the Bible said would be the case! The top dishonor of ‘most persecuted’ becomes the top honor of ‘identifying the people taken from the nations for God’s name.’ (Acts 15:14) It is why I ended a chapter in I Don’t Know Why We Persecute Jehovah’s Witnesses: Searching for the Why with: “When searching the field of religion, look for the group that is individually praised but collectively maligned.”
    As for suffering under persecution, Jehovah’s Witnesses will be fortified with: “What merit is there in it if, when you are sinning and being slapped, you endure it? But if, when you are doing good and you suffer, you endure it, this is a thing agreeable with God.” (1 Peter 2:20-21) “Look! We pronounce happy those who have endured”—the James 5:11 verse is woven into the current circuit assembly program. As is Proverbs 27:11: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.” It is the Devil taunting God, as he did with Job, that a person will serve God only when the going is easy.
    If you peer into the pants of this or that king to tell of his soiled underwear, you can expect him to get mad. But what if you treat him with respect while you simply go about your innocuous business? Won’t he leave you alone? You would certainly think so, is the gist of Introvigne’s parting remark, but—alas—it is not so:
    “What the Jehovah’s Witnesses defend is the right to live differently, in this world, yet part of a kingdom ‘not of this world,’ as Jesus says in John 18:36. Are our societies prepared to tolerate those who live in a way different from the majority’s, as long as they are peaceful, honest, and law-abiding citizens? That the answer is ‘no’ in an increasing number of countries proves that our world is becoming a dangerous environment for religious liberty.”
    (Original post here)
  18. Thanks
    Joan Kennedy reacted to BroRando in Don't give up, You have a reason to keep on living...   
    Do you feel like you can't go on?
    There are times when we have felt that today would be our last, thinking tomorrow would never come. Anxieties of Life can weigh heavy on our Mental Health. Would you believe that you can find the Answers in the Bible to WHY you feel the way you do?
    Please read the following scriptures. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Did you notice the first verse reads, '...in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here'? This allotment of time is a Conclusion of a System of things. This time period of distress pangs is known as the Last Days. It's not the end of the world, but rather the end of wickedness that permeates the world of mankind, righteous and unrighteous alike. This time period will soon come to an end. These anxieties you feel today will evaporate and dissolve for those who become survivors of the Last Days. Notice the instruction of what to do in 2 Timothy 3:2-5? It says, '...and from these turn away.'   The scriptures provide a roadmap for certain ones to escape the time of distress. "During that time {Jesus Christ} will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time..." But notice the ending of this verse. "And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book." (Daniel 12:1)   Remember, "Bad associations spoil useful habits." (1 Corinthians 15:33) "Now, O Israel, what is Jehovah your God asking of you? Only this: to fear Jehovah your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul," (Deut 10:12) "At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance was written before him for those fearing Jehovah and for those meditating on his Name." (Malachi 3:16)   The Bible tells us, "Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted; He saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Pslams 34:18) Also, we have a helper in the His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ whom states, "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you." (Mat 11:28)   Would you like to be a Survivor of the Last Days? Accept a Free Bible Study from God's Chosen People
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  19. Downvote
    Joan Kennedy reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Vaccine time   
    I thought I'd just repeat this for anyone that thinks they are 'showing love' to others be taking that drug. 
    The vaccine does not protect anyone, does not stop a person catching, carrying, passing on, the virus, so it proves to be just an experiment on people .  
    Many older folk here in England are dying even after having the vaccine. 
  20. Haha
    Joan Kennedy got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Vaccine time   
    Personal decision:  love of neighbor (and self)  moved me (86) to get the first shot of moderna on February 5 along with my husband (89) and the second shot on March 5.  Spent one whole year watching the deaths climb to horrible levels. Researched the risks/benefits, pros/cons, and we decided we would rather be alive than dead.  No adverse reactions beside itchy arm for my husband and sore arm for me which was relieved by warm compress.   This was with the second shot.   Looking forward to being able to conduct my studies on a person to person, eye to eye level whenever we are given the ok by the GB. Also want hugs from my brothers and sisters when we are able to return to the KH. 
    4Jah2me will not be getting a hug fro me nor be invited to my house (personal decision)
  21. Haha
    Joan Kennedy reacted to Kick_Faceinator in Vaccine time   
    I got it. Randomly I’ll hear Bill Gates whisper sweet nothings in my ear telling me to buy more Microsoft products, it’s a weird side effect, but on the plus side I grew an extra set of limbs making me much more productive at work. I’m hoping I’ll be a candidate for employee of the month now.
  22. Upvote
    Joan Kennedy reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
    Two young and fit guys I know got it and it was terrible for both of them. One was out of work for a month and the other several weeks and he said he got panic attacks and said "it was the worst thing I've ever gotten".
    I thought I'd rather deal w/side effects than that and since my wife has autoimmune issues I didn't want to be the vector bringing it home.
  23. Like
    Joan Kennedy got a reaction from xero in Vaccine time   
    Personal decision:  love of neighbor (and self)  moved me (86) to get the first shot of moderna on February 5 along with my husband (89) and the second shot on March 5.  Spent one whole year watching the deaths climb to horrible levels. Researched the risks/benefits, pros/cons, and we decided we would rather be alive than dead.  No adverse reactions beside itchy arm for my husband and sore arm for me which was relieved by warm compress.   This was with the second shot.   Looking forward to being able to conduct my studies on a person to person, eye to eye level whenever we are given the ok by the GB. Also want hugs from my brothers and sisters when we are able to return to the KH. 
    4Jah2me will not be getting a hug fro me nor be invited to my house (personal decision)
  24. Like
    Joan Kennedy reacted to xero in Vaccine time   
    Me too. J&J last Saturday. I have felt sleepier all week. I've gone for a few runs and it's not making me more tired. I just feel sleepier than I usually do.
  25. Like
    Joan Kennedy reacted to Matthew9969 in Vaccine time   
    So who here has gotten the vaccine shot? And how did you react?
    Myself I got the Jand J shot a week ago and I feel fine.
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