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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Everything posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. ...from Popeye. to the Genie in Aladdin, and everything on both sides and in the middle ... he was an inspiration to me ... and he had the courage to take his own life, while he was still Robin Williams.
  2. If the Governing Body is not continually tested to determine that what they say ... and require of us ... is what they do, then we have elevated them in our own minds to the status of God. About God.... I agree with you 100 %, Queen Esther ... and I would give God full credit as Universal Sovereign. All others... pay CASH! To do otherwise makes them IDOLS .... and we all remember the Prime Directive ... the 1st and second Commandments, of the Ten Commandments.
  4. This is exactly right ---No one knows --- but I have a super strong magnet glued to the side of the military grade green laser on top of my 5 shot revolver, and can in an instant clip a flashlight to the side. It takes 30 pounds of pull and a twisting motion to get the flashlight off. I keep it in my right front pocket .... and it does not harm me a bit .... although it does wipe the magnetic strips off my debit card, from time to time.... and sometimes when I pass a metal filing cabinet, or walking past a car, my trousers will jump out and attach themselves to the metal, and I have to stop and disengage. This is several BILLION times more powerful than the Earth's magnetic field, and affects flesh not at all. I seriously doubt when the magnetic poles flip, those wearing steel toed shoes are going to be rotated instantly 180 degrees. It flips slowly, and has been doing so for at least hundreds of years at various locations all over the Earth ... which screws up compasses (compai?) and before GPS was a navigation problem in the South Atlantic Ocean. It WILL flip ... and has so thousands if not millions of times in the past, as sedimentary fossil evidence indicates. It used to be said that if you did not read the newspapers, you were uninformed. In today's environment, if you DO read the newspapers ... you are MISinformed.
  5. COINCIDENCE! Coincidence ...... serendipitous implies a set of events that may be coincidental, but more related to "blind luck" AND that the outcome is is pleasant, welcome, or has some element of happiness. Like in Arthur C. Clark's essays in "The View From Serendip", referring to his life experiences and friends and thought processes ... all having a happy and pleasant and beneficial and fortuitous outcome. He referred to his adopted country of Sri Lanka as "Serendip", and immigrated there, and was very happy there. The Video you posted is in itself malignant evil ... and takes coincidences and imputes evil motives because some things look like other things, and the author of the video was ALREADY conversant and deeply familiar with the evils he TRIES to use as rational comparisons. What we have here with this malignant, slanderous video is a PERFECT example of .... Just because all prostitutes wear shoes ....... does NOT mean that everyone that wears shoes are prostitutes. So.... is the Comedian Steve Martin EVIL because he uses Egyptian symbology in his comedy?  There IS a hidden reference of him offering the Ronco 76 Super Bass-O-Matic Blender to the saxophone playing sarcophagus encased King Tut, I will admit that, but you would have to check that out yourself on Youtube. The Dan Akyroid version is the best explanation. Grok?
  6. It is my job ... just like the Bereans, who the Bible refer to a "more noble than the Thessolonicians...." because they checked what they were being told to see if it is true, to test EVERYTHING ... to see if it really is true. It is improbable that you have field service experience with all seven of the Governing Body members ... but it MIGHT be true. (?) Would you, John Houston ... please tell us of your personal experience in field service with all seven of the Governing Body members. I have assumed because Bro. Cook was just appointed to the GB last week, that you did not mean to include him. I would be interested in hearing your story.
  7. Having worked on a Bethel Project in Peru at the Lima Branch Office, I am very pleased to see that they are expanding and planning for the NEXT HUNDRED YEARS. Getting out of Brooklyn was the best idea I heard of for a LOOOOng time .... as the bridges and their approaches will be battlegrounds for people trying to steal incoming food shipments due to natural disaster, civil war, insurrection, or economic collapse.. In any war ... the forgotten weapon is always ....food.
  8. ... and yes, I did hear the CO2, and it's an ice bucket and tongs .... but where is the humor in THAT?
  9. This is a VERY real problem .... as many people will describe these death camps as "Polish Death Camps". They were NOT POLISH DEATH CAMPS. They were NAZI death camps ... GERMAN Death Camps ... in Nazi military occupied Poland. The Polish fought the Nazi Panzer Tanks with horse drawn cannon .... and were subjugated when they lost. There is a difference. The REAL solution is educated people ... not laws.
  10. From the Captain's sleeve insignia and the markings on the aircraft, I deduce this is an aircraft of the Russian Federation. Not understanding the concept of CO2 fire extinguishers, I am glad somebody had a chewing tobacco spit cup, a set of baby bottle tongs, and a handy bottle of Russian Spring Water. ... very good things to have when your mobile electronic seat cabbage cooker catches on fire. I wonder if in Russia they have Ronco Bass-O-Matics?    I does, apparently, take some practice ....  Â
  11. This is the question. Especially with what you KNOW... I have given you the key to the "Rosetta Stone" already. You have the key. In order to understand my perspective fully, * which you do NOT, at the present time .... you have merely projected how YOU see it onto me ... you MUST see the movie "Hacksaw Ridge, at least twice. It was easier for me to understand myself after I saw it ... because during the Vietnam War I was ALSO a Conscientious Objector. As you watch the movie ... ask yourself ... why would this man suffer so much, never ending malicious abuse at the hands of those who were supposed to be his "Brothers in Arms", and from the military "Governing Bodies" ... and while watching ...... visualize me in the protagonist's role. Before I saw the movie, I did what I did, and do what I do, without an understanding ... only a palpable resolution that my perspective was correct. Now I know WHY! ....make sure you see the movie looking for MOTIVE. Mel Gibson is a HELLUVA Director .... same with his movie PATRIOT. You have to use the key you were given. ...sometimes they are found in the most unlikely of places.
  12. I never said the were lazy, or anything. I just asked five very SPECIFIC questions. Hopefully someone knows some portion of five very SPECIFIC answers.
  13. Hmmmmmm ... that brings up an interesting question. We know from the historical records that "Judge" Rutherford did not engage in the door-to door work. We know from the historical records that Nathan H. Knoor did not engage in the door-to-door work. ( I hope my memory is correct ... I do not have references ... ) It seems that these really ARE "Rare Photos". How many hours per month do the GB spend in local congregational activities, and in the door-to-door work? Also ... are they also required to take vows of poverty like the other Bethelites are required to take .... and if there are exceptions.... what are they ? And WHY? I used to work for the U.S. Department of Energy at locations where billboards on the side of the road said "Feed a Shredder ... Starve a Spy", and the inside joke was when we needed information about something "I would tell you ... but then I would have to KILL you." Have we become like THAT ... where EVERYTHING is a "military secret"?
  14. All of what you say is WHY I follow at a safe distance. I EXPECT nothing from anybody, and am seldom disappointed.
  15. Hmmmm... I KNEW 18 minutes and 39 seconds had some significance .... that was how many minutes were missing from the Richard Nixon "Watergate" Oval office tape recordings ... and GET THIS! !!! .... It was also the length of the long version of Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant Massacre" (pronounced Masa-creee). Coincidence? I think NOT! Â
  16. It seems quite interesting that NOBODY ... and I mean NOBODY seems to "get" specifically WHY these brothers apparently chose the music from the movie "Footloose" It's been staring me in the face since the original posting ... and I JUST got it! WHOAAAAA! You will have to see the movie to "get it". ...as they used to say during the "Hippie Years" ... "... far out, Dude!".
  17. I think I heard that James "Mad Dog" Mattis ( "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet") is aware of this.
  18. I understand they even have a catchy name for the project .... SKYNET Â Â Â
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