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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. .

    Bible Speaks:

    First of all I have been on the Archive for somewhere around 5 years and more, and made over 6,400 comments, and you must have just discovered my postings.  My outrageous sense of humor is certainly an acquired taste... if EVER adjusted for. 

    Some people enjoy my satirical, biting comments some don't ..... but I try to give insight in to how people work, and WHY people do things ... of COURSE based on my particular life experiences and observations.

    With some people, having similar perspectives and life experiences as my own, they will INSTANTLY get what I was trying to say with this post, REALIZE it's only a joke, laugh, and move on and have a nice day.

    Other people will have reactions from mild entertainment, to understanding NOTHING .. the worst being the convening of a witch hunt.

    ..and as far a something upsetting me .... in the case of Global Thermonuclear War, I plan to get a lawn chair, and a case of beer, and sit out in the middle of my street, and watch the show!




  2. You would have to go to YouTube, and see the WHOLE movie to understand.

    Different people look at the SAME things ... and see something completely different... this is especially true across cultures.

    During WWI the Allied Forces and the Germans had been engaged in brutal trench warfare for a year, back and forth ... and trading insults across the combat lines.

    The Germans yelled across the open field "Woodrow Wilson is a (insert many expletives here... ) no good bastard!"

    And the American Expeditionary forces yelled back, "Yes, he IS!"

    It is a LONG tradition of really free people to Lampoon authority.

    Nothing is more insidious and evil, than the petty tyranny of the "politically correct".



  3. Anna:

    In the REAL world, divorced from agenda driven fantasy, there is a rule that can never be violated.

    It's called the "Holy Rule of Design", and it ESPECIALLY applies to Bible translation ... that is why the best Bible Translation in the World ( 1962-2012 NWT) took ten years to make, even though labor was almost free.

    Good + Fast = Expensive

    Choose good and fast and we will postpone every other job, cancel all appointments and stay up 25-hours a day just to get your job done. But, don't expect it to be cheap. This supposes EXTREMELY qualified people, young, strong and motivated .. AND EDUCATED.

    Good + Cheap = Slow

    Choose good and cheap and we will do a great job for a discounted price, but in the case of the PRE- 2013 paraphrased "Silver Sword" , the 1962-2012 NWT 2013 it took ten years and the quality was MAGNIFICENT! (Read Jason Bedunn's unbiased "Truth in Translation", available on Amazon for a full explanation WHY).

    Fast + Cheap = Inferior

    Choose fast and cheap and expect AN INFERIOR job delivered on time. You truly get what you pay and in the case of translating 880 different items on a schedule is a nightmare.

    Translation is NOT a science ..it is an art, and in the case of translating a paraphrased Bible (2013 NWT) into paraphrased magazines and literature, and even other bibles, also paraphrased ... something has to GIVE.  And that something is QUALITY. 

    In a culture (ours) where we hang on every nuance,  and discuss everything to death ... extracting truth from something that has been paraphrased across languages to OTHER paraphrases across languages , by people OTHER than people who are talented and well educated in BOTH languages is almost impossible ... and still retain the nuances and accurate idiomatic expressions of the original.

    The PERFECT real life example example of this is the 2013 NWT, which uses the word "Brazen" at least twice.  Be a sport ... REALLY look it up. Nowhere in the Bible is the word brazen used in ANY translation, before the "Silver Sword" ... not even the NWT..

    If you look it up in Benjamin Wilson's "Emphatic Diaglott", which the Society bought and publishes, , or the "Kingdom Interlinear"  Translation, and look up the same scriptures, NOTHING even remotely close is there.  (As an an extremely IMPORTANT aside, The Super Secret 2010 Elders Handbook which 95% of all JWs do not even knows exist, and sisters are not permitted to read, and no one is to make copies ( but which was instantly available all over the Internet), mentioned that "brazen conduct" was a disfellowshipping offense, whatever THAT means, and they needed to PUT that word in the 2013 NWT .... Copies of the 2010 Handbook were given to the Government of Finland, and Australia for their reference,... but YOU can't read it, unless you are an elder ... but that is a whole other very, VERY  sad discussion ....).

    I could go on for perhaps 20 pages about this, but I just got out of the Hospital this afternoon, and I tire easily ... fortunately I had highly qualified, highly educated, experienced doctors taking care of me. It was fast, and it was good ... but it was NOT cheap.  What made it GOOD was HIGHLY qualified experts ... because without REAL EXPERIENCED experts, you may as well hammer with a rock.

    .I hope you have enough real life experiences to discern what reality is ... because the Universe will judge us impartially, and without mercy if we are wrong.




    .Pick any TWO.

    The Universe will not allow you to have all three..


  4. .

    All of the discussions above are rational, reasonable, and make common sense .... on both sides ... and THIS is why the Russians, who are VERY VERY family oriented ... are about to expel all Jehovah's Witnesses from their lands .... because even by standards made common by the old Soviet Union ... what we do is petulent, cruel, unreasonable, unfair, and makes no sense whatsoever IN THE WAY IT IS DOGMATICALLY APPLIED.

    It creates hatred born of self-defense, and destroys families !

    The accusation they make against us is "Extremism".

    And just like the Pharisees of old who HAD the law, and mis-applied it ... the shoe fits.

    If we are expelled from the Russian Federation, it will be BECAUSE WE DESERVE IT.




  5. .

    ... and of course, Bill's other brother, Yoda Layhee Woo, who did the music for the Movie "Mars Attacks", shares Bill's opinion that those who can find their way around a first aid kit are not necessarily qualified medics, and even highly qualified battlefield medics are not qualified thoracic surgeons.

    With that in mind, I do not do my own dental work, even tough in an emergency, a rock and an ice skate might work, if I survived it.

    If a highly qualified expert in ANY field taught you everything he knows ... you would still be woefully deficient ... as he cannot teach you what he does NOT know .... and it is true with you, me, and EVERYONE ... what you do NOT know ... but think you DO know ... can waste your life or get you killed.

    ! Dog Eyes.jpg

  6. .

    Dr. William Woo, Professor Exaltus at Bulldog U,  has a very influential and virtually omnipresent brother, Pitching Woo, who people in Japan think is a Chinese baseball player, but who is actually responsible for the procreation of the great majority of new devotees.

    Asked how this continuous process is actually effected he reportedly replied ... "..inuendo.".

    I would actually provide hard facts for these assertions, but I can't seem to find the Extra Bold 24 point typeface icons, and I have to get back to my TARDIS.


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  7. .

    I think this could be a good "Class Project" !

    Everybody that reads your question give their interpretation, and let's see what everybody comes up with!

    As an example, the guy with the megaphone could have removed the electronics and D sized batteries, and turned it into a funnel, so facing it into the wind, he can, in the manner of John the Baptist who ate locusts, be collecting high protein insects to eat ...

    That's what immediately came to MY mind, but the artist may have had something else in mind ....

    .Your turn !


  8. Everyone is familiar with the "Ten Commandments", but that was only half of the total "Ten Commandments and Other Suggestions", which were on the tablets that Moses Destroyed.

    11. Don't track mud across the tent floor.

    12. Don't eat with a hunting knife as a fork

    13. Never run with scissors

    14. Don't let your babies chew on the sacred scrolls.

    15. Never swim less than an hour after eating.

    16. Don't eat yellow snow.

    18. Before great danger, say "Here, hold my beer!"

    19. Leave the comedy to the Professionals

    20. Never bring a big stick to a sword fight.

    These were recovered from Caves in Israel, from carefully preserved Polaroid photographs in a large clay screw top Mason Jar.



  9. You have COMPLETELY, and TOTALLY  misunderstood everything I have said. and then asked me a question made on a FALSE premise, much like the classic "Do you STILL BEAT your wife?" example.


    " If all the highly specialized and wonderfully cooperative and phenomenally briliant people that you so admire and imagine you're one of succeeded in going to the moon, they should have stayed there. I notice you made no reference to the translation resources on JWBroadcasting that I pointed to that would have furthered any discussion. 

    Since you plainly loathe everything JW, why are you here?

    Tom "


    There was a discussion ALREADY going on, between you and me, and rather than logically and reasonably SHOW HOW 880 languages can be accurately translated with the resources we have available, your reply was based on theories NOT in evidence .... and then the insult (paraphrased) "OH YEAH ... wellllll ... uh... they should go to the moon and STAY THERE!"

    Of course, there is no way for you to recover from your false assertion that  Earth's general population cannot cooperate, given the SPECIFIC classic examples I gave, showing blatantly that you are WRONG!

    I am a retired Engineer and I have worked on projects that used tens of thousands of people for over 20 years to accomplish things those not familiar with such things cannot even imagine, so it is clear we, you and I, see the Universe through COMPLETELY different colored glasses.... and have a reallllly good feel for how many people it takes to produce precision documents ... I personally spent over 50 YEARS ...  50 years doing exactly that.

    Since you have declined to address my specific points with a rational rebuttal .. it appears that you are totally flummoxed in the same manner as  Tinkerbell attempting to use her magic wand to dust Peter Pan with Pixie dust, and finds out she forgot to refill it the night before, watching Peter and Wendy go out the window of her home, and  "SPLAT!" on the cobblestone streets of London below





    ... by the way Tom, your comment .....

    " ... Since you plainly loathe everything JW, why are you here?

    Tom "

    .... is what is known as an "Ad Hominem" attack  ( Instead of addressing an issue, or issues, attention is diverted to attacking the man.) ... when one is losing an argument the classic attempt is to divert to disparaging the character of the other person, by accusing them of anything that  might induce an emotional, visceral reaction, to intimidate the other person, or an audience.


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  10. I agree with the tone, and I remember when the New World Translation came out circa 1962 after literally DECADES of work, and for a year or so in the Ministry School we studied WHY it was better than then available translations ... however, in the intervening half century, education and critical analysis has been unremittingly discouraged at the level that would produce a new generation of scholars and people such as Freddy Franz.

    I disagree with your statement

      "The thousands of highly specialized and talented people you keep referring to are all outside, where their combined efforts don't amount to squat because they don't know how to cooperate."

    ... and submit as evidence that July 20, 1969 after 8 years of groundbreaking work by hundreds of thousands of scientists, administrators, politicians, technicians, construction workers, machinists, and countless other types .... mankind crossed 240.000 miles of hard vacuum and landed on our Moon, and returned home safely. 

    Examples of cooperation at this scale are endless, and legion.

    Several years ago I had the piping reworked and replaced around my heart, and they cut me open, made the repairs and put me back together with no blood ... but " ...Cooperation, love, humility, coupled with reasonable intelligence, will trump your qualities every time. " would have killed me. Manny the heart surgeon and used car salesman had those qualities, and it scared the HELL out of me, and I went to a hospital in an ambulance with 6 very busy people trying to keep me alive to someone I have never met, even now, who COULD do a precision job without blood.

    There is a "saying" among Engineers ... "..if it cannot be expressed in numbers, it is NOT fact, it is opinion ... and even carefully considered and thoughtful opinions .... mine ... yours .... and everybody elses', we are certainly entitled to ... and (to paraphrase...), " ... opinions are like bodily orifices ... everyone is entitled to at least five.".

    That having been said, translating ANYTHING into 880 different languages can be done at a rudimentary level, or with high precision.

    The difference between Pi being 3.14, and 3.14159... (expanded),  is the difference between getting to where you want to go, and ending up lost in space, or buried in a cornfield.

    ... and now, speaking about skills and coordination, and competency ... for something completely different ... depending on your level of perception ....





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  11. There is a VERY simple test that even a 5th Grader can do ........


    Name ONE TIME, the society has ever been right about ANYTHING they prophesied, that is not opinion based.

    Name ONE TYPOLOGY (type/antitype comparison) not exactly explained by the Bible, that the Society has made over the years that proved true.





  12. Inasmuch as honestly translating the Bible from one language to another requires specialized training, a high degree of education and written and verbal proficiency in BOTH languages, and being an advanced art as much as an applied science, especially when translating nuances interlinked with historical context and idiomatic expressions, and combinations ......

    Where did they get the thousands of highly specialized and talented people to do all this?

    " I’m critical of those who don’t; when your car needs repair, do you take it to the shop that has equipped itself with every modern tool? Or do you go to the shop content to operate with hammer, vice grips, WD-40, and duct tape? "

    Good tools are critically important ... but the MOST important tool is a highly qualified, trained, experienced, intelligent, and creative highly motivated, extremely competent "Renaissance Man" type mechanic who has the analytical skills of a Sherlock Holmes

    Where did they get the Thousands of highly specialized and talented people to do all this?

      Rodney Dangerfield in one of his movies was a multi-millionaire who went back to college, and hired students to do all his thesis papers, and homework for him.  A student handed him a stack of papers about three inches high, and he, weighing it in his hands, said something like " You call this a term paper?  Add about two pounds!"

    .Where did they get the THOUSANDS of highly specialized and talented people to do all this?

    In 50 years of observation from Norway, to Peru, and the Congo, and all over the United States ... I have only POSSIBLY met three, among the Brotherhood, and I am NOT one of them.




  13. Hya JW Insider ... !

    Like the Doctor said of the man who had been hit by a Concrete Mixing Truck ...  "He's as well as can be expected."

    A year ago my Elders severely castigated me for my comments on the Archive, and to do the best I could, I left The Archive, intending to stay away forever if they would be placated, but I asked them for a list of things I needed to do to gain their approval

    ... perhaps something written on an index card ... as I refuse to be interrogated in "Room 101" anymore on fishing expeditions, and they flat REFUSED to give me anything in writing. 

    It's been a year since I left, more or less, and our meetings changed to Saturdays, so Today I endured another public talk .. something about "Youth" ... and the WT Study ... and this is what I learned ..... The Worship of Jehovah God requires a LOT of endurance .... SUPERHUMAN endurance ... like one might need when stuck in the 7th Grade for a half century.

    Since after a year or so, I have not received ANY credit whatsoever for offering to do anything they would tell me do, including cut off my Freedom of Speech ... I gave up .... AND HERE I AM!




  14. Why make the distinction?

    Because MOST tablecloths are white, and that is a fact ... at least based on my observations ..... so if you are trying to paint a mental picture of a table cloth in context of a grassy picnic area ... it might be helpful to mention it was a red and white CHECKERBOARD tablecloth... if it was.

    A new word has impinged itself into the common vocabulary .... "Snowflake" ... a person who is so ready to take offense at any perceived breach of established liberal agenda protocol that anything that does not fit that agenda is a cause for umbrage and offense .... and with that heat ... the "Snowflake" melts down.  

    On college campi now there are "safe spaces" where no one is allowed to mention Trump won the election, and the Snowflakes are given coloring books, and Play-Doh, to soothe their savaged hearts.

    Today's agenda of "political correctness" is what people USED to call "craven cowardice".



  15. There are probably easier ways to get a copy of this movie from YouTube, but I download a LOT of movies from YouTube to my hard drive, and here is a way you can download THIS movie and say, perhaps a set of 50 in a set at one time, if they are already in a playlist, as they often are .... use the FREE Software "YTD Video Downloader"  Many colleges put entire lecture series in Groups for their students, and others, and you can get a free non-credit college education, and have it on your hard drive for easy review.

    Remember, the price of ignorance has ALWAYS been death and destitution, and it is administered by a Universe that is completely impartial.


    And now, as they used to say on Monty Python ... "something completely different...", depending on how sharp your perception is ....

    VATICAN CITY—Quickly scanning the alley to make sure no one would see him with the scraps he had placed on a spare offering plate, Pope Francis reportedly stepped out the back door of St. Peter’s Basilica late Wednesday night and slipped leftovers to the false god Moloch. “I know I should be forsaking him, but what am I supposed to do, let the poor thing starve?” said the pontiff, cooing in Aramaic as he fed uneaten portions of chicken casserole to the bull-headed Canaanite god of child sacrifice. “Maybe it’s heretical of me, but just look at the guy—he’s nothing but skin and bones and horns. If I don’t take care of him, who will?” Reached for comment, the heathen idol Moloch expressed appreciation for the leftovers, but confirmed he could only be fully satiated by consuming the flesh of a living man-child set forth in offering upon a burning pyre.

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  16. .


    I have been a contributor to JW-Archive.ORG for somewhere around five years now, and made somewhere around 6,360 comments, and although I think it is important that the Truth be fought for, and deception and error exposed, especially when there are cover stories to keep it hidden, there is a time to lay down the "rifle" and rest ... especially when there are those who are emboldened enough to carry on the fight.

    I am completely worn out.

    The Elders in the Congregation I attend,  have made it quite clear to me they consider my fight for Justice and Truth inconsistent with current policy, and do not view Freedom of Speech the same way that I do .... as a way to SOLVE problems ... and carve a pathway to true Freedom and Justice, and real and consistent Truth.

    If memory serves, in Shakespeare's play "Henry V" the King of England went among his men at night in disguise to find out what his men were thinking the night before a big battle in France, and as he stood in the dark listening to them around the campfire, he overheard one soldier say (paraphrased) " If what we do is wrong, the King will have to answer before God, our obligation is to obey the King..."

    I am stuck.

     I feel it is my obligation to obey the Elders and the Governing Body, as to the best of my knowledge and belief, Jehovah's Witnesses are the "only game in town", even when I do not personally approve of MANY things that are  going on, or agree with MANY points of the operational philosophy, including the restriction of the exercise of Freedom of Speech.

    Besides .... if 6,360 comments are not enough to make necessary points ... nothing in this "System of Things" ever will.

    I would like to leave the Archive with a parting observation which I believe to be as much true as ANYTHING is:  Fight for what is TRUE ....  and everything else will take care of itself.

    Iron sharpens iron .... politically correctness sharpens NOTHING! .....  and creates a nation of cowards.

    Only with actual unvarnished Truth can you actually achieve REAL Justice ....... only with REAL Justice will you ever ACTUALLY be able to exercise REAL  Love.

    Please, stick close to Jehovah's Witnesses, and put up with the silly crap, and the blatant, brazen error ... they are the ONLY GAME IN TOWN !  Such things are NORMAL among humans .... and always have been.  It was true when God ONLY dealt with the Jews .... and it is true now.

    ONLY by doing so can we someday have TRUE Freedom, as the Sons and Daughters of Jehovah God.

    I wish you strength, and courage, and resolve, and that through Justice you may continue in brotherly love, and the approval of God and his Christ.

    James Thomas Rook, Jr. (JTR)
    Tom Rook "

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