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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Posts posted by James Thomas Rook Jr.

  1. Is this a "composite story", made up from fragments of real life experiences, or a "teaching story" made up completely from someone's imagination?

    If it is real, it should have a date, a place, details of the person, a name, and other details to corroborate it's authenticity.

    Where did this story come from?

    Years ago (circa 1969) there was a notice on Kingdom Hall bulletin boards, and I saw them in both Richmond, Virginia, and a year later in Hollywood, California, that astronomers had via "calculations" determined that the Sun had actually stood still for a day during the times of ancient Israel ... and Brothers picked up on it, and gave talks citing this reference ... everyone (but me) that I met in the Truth KNEW this to be true.

    It wasn't.

    Fairie Tales told by the easily deluded or fanciful need to be disregarded ..

    Fairie Tales told by genuine Fairies can be given more credence..

    In the 7th Grade I learned that "stories" need to have "Who, What, When, Where, How Much, and sometimes Why?" to be credible, otherwise we make ourselves into complete fools .... where the credibility gap is equaled by the gullibility fill.

    Choose !!!

    I know Bro. Elumbaugh who used to be in our Circuit, and his homespun humor often includes stories like this, which I enjoyed, as homespun stories .... but the average person does not understand this .. and it is NECESSARY .. IF ... Is this a "composite story", made up from fragments of real life experiences, or a "teaching story" made up completely from someone's imagination .. IT IS CLEARLY IDENTIFIED AS TO BEING A PARABLE.

    In practice, this is almost NEVER done.

    That is why it is presented here as fact ... and without backup .. that is extremely embarrassing to have to see.


    NOTE:  Eight days ago JW Insider responded to my posting on the Archive calendar board as follows:

    " There will be Witnesses who think it's true, and that it's about a JW.

    It's not, of course. It was once supposed to be about a soldier ("Robert the Bruce") in Scotland back in the 1300's. http://www.wrensworld.com/s... and that story ended: "Where God is, a spider's web is as a stone wall. Where God is not, a stone wall is as a spider's web."

    It was also attributed to a Midrash about King David a couple thousand years prior to that: http://www.azamra.org/Bible...

    "One Midrash tells that David was actually saved by a . . . web-spinning spider. . . . He discovered the benefits of spiders' webs when once forced to hide in a cave, over the entrance to which a spider spun a web, making those searching for David assume he could not have entered the cave."

    It's called a traditional Jewish tale here, too: http://www.beliefnet.com/lo...

    In 18th and 19th century book collecting expeditions I've picked up old books called "Ideas for Sermons" and have learned that a lot of Circuit Overseers have likely seen such books before I did.

    I remember the "Joshua" astronomy discovery, too. And it also made it onto our bulletin board. You weren't the only one to question it. But it stayed up long after it was questioned."


  2. If only ...  it was Caleb the Cartoon character that in order to chastize his sister ... banned her to "Coventry" and destroyed the entire family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and ripped her friends from her all by edict ... then perhaps that extreme activity, akin to chopping off a baby's head for pooping in it's diaper, would be cause for banning Caleb from Russia.

    Fortunately, cartoon characters only obey the scripts that are written for them according to the agendas in force.

    Unfortunately, cruel, clueless humans do the same.

    You do realize of course, that the REAL reason Jehovah's Witnesses were banned from Russia is their EXAMPLE of extreme cruelty toward EACH OTHER.

    If you can by edict destroy entire families and social groups to discipline ONE PERSON .. you can also be a real threat to the Russian Federation's cohesiveness. 

    All rational people understand this.







  3. That presumes that all Jehovah's Witnesses think exactly the same way, about the exact same things, which is the Society's goal .. but it never happens. The Society has NEVER been right about ANYTHING they predicted .. which is why "new light" is discovered AFTER the facts become evident.  I remember as a preteen boy accompanying my Mom to Assemblies where the "King of the North" and "Gog of Magog" were discussed with millions of words extending over 60 years of my lifetime, and NONE of it had any practical relevance to my or any other person's life, with the possible exception of keeping me too busy to get into trouble.

    We have seen so much "New Light" that no one has noticed the long trail of dead, corroded batteries trailing behind, from "light" that was actually darkness.

    It is no shame to say to any hypothesis "I am GUESSING ... I really have no idea whatsoever "  Sorta like the Pyramids found in Europe recently that are at least 25,000 years old.

    "Prophets" in modern times never have to work hard, miss any meals, or turn down "green handshakes".

    .My guess about Russia is  .... to paraphrase ... "STUFF HAPPENS!".


  4. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    This is why I did not patiently answer their arguments, as I seem to have been expected to do. This is why, should they intrude upon my posts, I do not address their arguments; I address their motives. They will howl about ad hominem attacks, but ad hominem attacks are clearly the way to go.


    When you CANNOT address arguments with facts, ad hominum attacks are clearly the way to go ... it's less work, and avoids having their facts (whoever "they" are ..) validated by a "unicorns eat rainbows and poop butterflies" response.

    Basically, it's like playing baseball, getting mad, and leaving the field.

    You LOSE, by default.



  5. .

    Well, it appears that the Russian Prosecution is grasping at straws on this "extremism" accusation, which is a catch-all for anything that they don't culturally like ... sort of like our term "brazen conduct", which shows up for the first time in the 2010 secret Elders Handbook, and three years later for the first time in ANY Bible translation in the 2013 New World Translation, for obvious reasons.

    The only time in my life I had heard the term "brazen" heard before was in a Western cowboy movie where the refined womenfolk of a frontier town were incensed that the saloon prostitutes when shopping dared to come on the "respectable" side of the street ... referring to them as "brazen hussys!"

    As far as "extremeism" goes ( whatever THAT means ...) Jehovah's Witnesses are the most pacifistic people on the Earth, and are no clear and present danger to ANY secular society or government ... and most of the secular world is fully aware of that.

    The prosecution tried to throw the blood issue up against the wall to see if it would stick, but from the pseudo-translation/summary it looks like ( to mix some metaphors..) the low down caper on that scam did not fly, for the reasons stated.

    My first GUESS is that the Russian Orthodox Church wants JWs out of the country, and wants to confiscate their assets. Putin THINKS of himself as a solid Christian, and a defender of his doctrines, and the Russian Orthodox Church's doctrines .. plus it would be fun to confiscate all their assets. He is a multi-billionaire many times over and can afford to play with the "pawns".

    My second GUESS, which was actually the first thing that came to mind, is that the Global reputation Jehovah's Witnesses have for within their own ranks, exhibiting extreme cruelty in the manner of disfellowshipping ... disciplining one person, and destroying entire family relationships between immediate families, and across generations and extended families, and across every person in his culture .. is akin to setting a disobedient baby on fire.

    It will be interesting to eventually get full and complete transcripts of this case after it fully plays out, and someone makes it available on the Internet.

    I hope that, since the Brotherhood has spent about $80,000,000 ( Eighty MILLION DOLLARS) on international postage, that the Society will be the ones to provide those transcripts to not only the Brotherhood, but the whole world.

    It is shameful when in order to get HARD NEWS, we have to go elsewhere.

    I thank everybody for making available what we have so far ...






  6. TTH:

    I AGREE WITH YOU... much of what Bethel does is truly remarkable ... and I thank Jehovah that he puts up with a LOT of what is NOT remarkable that has become gravenly institutionalized, and caused mountains of grief, and rivers of tears of the innocent who have not suppressed their abilities to think rationally.

    I glommed on a previous poster's expression about naive Witnesses thinking that "Unicorns eat rainbows and poop butterflies".

    I intend to use that a lot in further discussions.

    With tears, I Grok.

  7. .

    I think it is amazing that Jehovah's Witnesses, as a rule, are not JUST Neutral .. but also Pacifists ... BECAUSE JESUS WAS NOT, AND IS NOT NOW A PACIFIST !

    Remember, Jesus, in order to establish his Kingdom in the face of nations that don't want to lose THEIR Kingdoms, will execute most of the Earth's population that would be in rebellion against THEIR loss of sovereign power. For those in Rio Linda, that means kill them allllll ...almost.

    The Apostles were with Jesus for at least several years, and it was common practice back then for men to be armed at all times.

    You could tell the men who were NOT armed .. they were the ones who had been robbed of their money and clothing, and if they survived the robbery, were walking around naked, begging for bread. 

    In LUKE 22:36, Jesus, to forestall being executed on the spot by an illegal arresting party who were violating Jewish law by taking him during the night time, AT THE FIRST MEMORIAL told 'them" ( that means ALL his Apostles, for those in Rio Linda ...) to buy swords, but two APOSTLES already had their personal swords WITH THEM in the room AT THE MEMORIAL!

    Jesus then said "It is enough..", because  an armed battle was not anticipated ... Jesus knew that bullies and cowards, and criminal lawbreakers would back off when met with armed resistance, while breaking the law.

    It is a natural.... NATURAL right of every thing that lives to defend their lives, safety and interests IF they chose to do so, and if they can manage it.... from an amoeba poked in the side with a needle, to a whale shot in the side with a harpoon, to a man stuck in the side with a sword.

    Did you  think that Jesus never noticed his Apostles were carrying swords, and those that were Fishermen had not left their fishing knives in their boats at the water to be stolen?

    Common sense interpretation of scripture IN CONTEXT works a lot better than theology generated by lawyers.

    .... unless of course you LIKE being a professional victim.

    .PS: Those who live by the automobile, die by the automobile .. I personally know almost a dozen brothers and sisters who over the years were killed because they drove their 2,000 pound weapons of mass destruction, and they died .  Yet ... they CHOSE to drive their cars and trucks ... knowing that "STUFF HAPPENS" ( to paraphrase)..

    And fishermen, tent makers and doctors do NOT LIVE BY THE SWORD.  Soldiers "live by the sword...".






  8. 9 hours ago, Witness said:

    The Watchtower Society has used stocks, bonds and trusts as investment vehicles. One such trust was the H M Riley Trust, from the deceased estate of Henrietta Riley.

    This trust trades in a wide spread of bonds and shares in companies such as Exxon Mobil, Coca Cola, Proctor & Gamble, Phillip Morris (one of the world's largest cigarette manufacturers) and Cardinal Health (who supply medical equipment including for blood transfusions.)

    In 2007, Watchtower had an SEC filing for a $40 million dollar hedge fund through K2 STB Fund Ltd, located in the Cayman Islands. For a full description see watchtowerlies.org.


    When anyone makes money in the stock market ... that money DID NOT just fall out of the sky .... the 5% of people who GAMBLE in the stock market make money BECAUSE the money they make COMES FROM the 95% of people who gambled, and LOST.

      Everybody in the stock market, however.. is WILLING PARTICIPANT ... just like in a Lottery ... some win, and most lose .. BUT THERE ARE NO VICTIMS !  People voluntarily assume all kinds of risks.  The list is infinite!

    I have no problem at all with the Society gambling with hundreds of millions of dollars in the Stock Market with contributed money ... making investments that may or may not turn out well ... everything in life is a gamble ... I knew at least 10 Witnesses personally, who were killed in automobile accidents ... yet I still drive ... so do you!

    I just wish that we would not be disfellowshipped and have our families destroyed for buying a one dollar lottery ticket. 

    ... sigh ...

  9. 15 hours ago, derek1956 said:

    It`s not just one person who will suffer if the judge takes notice of the false witnesses !

    It`s at least 175,000+

    would you like that number on your conscience?


    The WTB&TS has more that that to account for with one incident alone ..... their 9-1/2 year contractural association as a NGO registered with the United Nations, which caused at least that many Jehovah's Witnesses in South America alone to abandon the publishing empire, after it was exposed like an atom bomb to the whole world circa 2001, in the UK newspaper "The Guardian".

    I can think of perhaps a dozen other instances, not only of malfeasance, but subsequent attempts of cover-up that were never even mentioned to the rank and file Congregations.

    .. rough estimate of perhaps 4 million Witness in a 25 year period, chased away.

    My wife's mother and my wife were Roman Catholic, and she and my wife were chased away from the RCs and left due to the pedophile priest scandals. They had a conscience ... so do most of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    People of integrity ACT on their consciences.

    And if the Russian Judge does make an adverse ruling ... IT WILL ALL BE OPEN AND OUT IN THE PUBLIC FOR ALL TO SEE.

    ... NOT HIDDEN AWAY IN A Kingdom Hall Filing cabinet in sealed envelope, with a copy in a sealed blue envelope at Warwick.



  10. How did you misquote my quote?

    Except for ellipses ( ...) a quote should not be edited !

    Unless clearly stated that it was edited or  paraphrased.

    ... and remember, as stated in the Watchtower about 25 or so years ago, the three muggers of Job were Elders,

    ( ... what follows is my opinion ...)

    Who after three days sitting in the dirt with him and talking ... had nothing to say worth recording in Scripture.  He was not upbuilt .. he was, as you say, mugged.

    NOBODY ever sat with someone for three days and actually said nothing .. unless their tongues had been cut out.


  11. 9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    She had latched onto the video that no Witness can watch with a dry eye, using a frame taken from thereof as her portrait photo,  in order to deceive Witnesses into thinking that she, too, was moved.


    Every post from you is TRULY amazing! 

    I am continually stunned at what you perceive the real world to be like.

    In that same light ( old or new light?) I am posting a photo of me when I was a younger man, that some upstart Scottish truck driver turned actor turned into a successful movie career, just to deceive Jehovah's Witnesses from Russia, but with love.


    When I was younger.jpg




    ..... think I should sue him?

    ... think I should sue him?

  12. Yes, it is a bit extreme ... but when you find it necessary to discipline one person, and you destroy him, his family, and extended family relationships .. it is cruel, viscous, and callous.

    It also creates an atmosphere of fear, internally, for fear that YOU MIGHT BE NEXT,.

    A boy that was baptized at age 8 who grows up and chooses another path based on his conscience at age 20 gets his family ripped apart ... something that DID NOT happen between Ruth and Naomi, who lived in a family of mixed religions before the husband died, and they immigrated to Israel.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are becoming known globally NOT as a people for His name ... but for their brazen, blatant cruelty and unreasonableness.   That is a FACT! 

    That is why with BILLIONS of hours spent witnessing last year, Europe's JW growth last year was utterly pathetic, and in some countries there was actually a LOSS.

    I personally was dragged into "Room 101" last year by three angry Elders who chewed me out for responding "Hello.." to someone who started a conversation with me. 

    After the initial shock and stunned disbelief that this crap NEVER ENDS .... I have decided since then that I am going to be pleasant with ANYONE who is pleasant with me. I will not discuss Theology with them, but I will be openly courteous and friendly with all.

    Remember, even Jesus sat down and ate with sinners and tax collectors who had rejected the old Jewish System, which was STILL supported by Jehovah God !

    The head-shot cartoon is a bit extreme, but for those who have deep love for their families, it is LESS CRUEL than current JW standard practices.

    .The head of the Australian Royal Commission was flabbergasted that the Australian Branch head, under specific questioning about that .... did not understand that elementary fact.

    Pogo .jpg

  13. Do Unicorns Actually Eat Rainbows And Poop Butterflies ?

    The Russian's major newspaper is "PRAVDA", which means in English "Truth", and most everything reported about the leadership and communist organizations that run the country is GOOD NEWS!    It is "FAKE NEWS", of course, as what is NOT stated is as important as what IS stated.

    The Russian News agency TASS, as well as The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society BOTH have heavily agendized news reporting ... that is to say ... they ONLY report news that puts them in a good light. 

    Neither will admit they "screwed up", neither ever apologizes for ANYTHING, and that's the way it is April 13, 2017.  "Reality 101".

    Go to JW.ORG, and read what the news is from Russia concerning Jehovah's Witnesses, for April 12, 2017 ... and then read the following from the TASS Russian News Agency.   You would think they are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT COURT CASES.


    Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’



    April 12, 19:53 UTC+3
    In its lawsuit to outlaw the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Justice Ministry pointed to various violations in the organization’s activities revealed during a surprise inspection

    MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. Russia’s Supreme Court has heard the testimony of four former members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses who said they had been subjected to ‘total control’ in that religious organization, with no possibility to receive higher education or start a family, TASS reports from the courtroom.

    Specifically, witness Natalia Koretskaya from St. Petersburg told the court she had been a member of that organization from 1995 to 2009 and had realized over this period that the organization’s members "were living under full and total control of the [Jehovah’s Witnesses] Administrative Center."

    "The heads of the Jehovah’s Witnesses formally watch canonical compliance with the norms but in real fact the talk is about total control of an individual’s personal life - his intimate life, education and work," witness Koretskaya said.


    In response to the court’s request to give the facts of such control, Koretskaya said she had been expelled from the religious organization and its members had been banned to communicate with her after she had started close but officially unregistered relationship with a man.


    "Therefore, a person turns out to be expelled into the outer world, in which he has already forgotten how to live over the years of his stay in the organization," Koretskaya said.


    The Justice Ministry’s second witness, Pavel Zverev, told the court he had become a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses at the age of 16 and had not received higher education on persuasion of the organization’s heads.

    "It is accepted in the organization that receiving higher education is useless if this is not in the organization’s interests. As a result of such persuasion, I remained without education and I’m suffering from that in my life," said Zverev who had worked as a volunteer for two years in the organization’s Administrative Center in the capacity of a cook.


    The other two witnesses also said they had suffered from the religious organization’s excessive control of their private life and from the ban to communicate with its other members after quitting it, as well as from depression and alcoholism.


    Thus, witness Nina Petrova from Volgograd said that on persuasion of her spiritual mentors she did not marry and did not start a family. "They convinced me that a family was not needed as the doomsday was close at hand. And when I realized that this was a delusion, it was late," Petrova said, adding that she had stayed in the organization for 28 years.


    For their part, representatives of the Jehovah’s Witnesses said the witnesses had been prepared in advance for their testimony in the court.

    "We see that the witnesses are giving testimony based on written materials, repeating the arguments of the so-called sectological literature. Some of them are mentioned in public sources as activists of the movements that are struggling with the Jehovah’s Witnesses," a lawyer for the defendants said.

    At its next hearing on April 19, the court is expected to study the written materials of the case and may hear the parties’ oral statements.

    Essence of the lawsuit

    In its lawsuit to outlaw the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Justice Ministry pointed to various violations in the organization’s activities revealed during a surprise inspection, including breaches of the Law on Counteracting Extremist Activities. The ministry has asked to recognize the organization and its 395 local branches as extremists, ban their activity and seize property.


    For its part, the organization’s press service told TASS that they were alarmed by the decision, since it could affect 175,000 active believers. The Jehovah’s Witnesses spokesman Ivan Bilenko said the organization was prepared to press for its rights in any courts.

    The Jehovah’s Witnesses is an international religious organization that supports offbeat views on the essence of the Christian faith and provides special interpretations of many commonly accepted notions. In Russia, it had 21 local organizations but three of them were eliminated for extremism.




    Now, do your homework ... compare the two accounts ... the April 12 account from JW.ORG's Russia reporting, and THIS one ... and know why to get to the truth of ANYTHING ... you have to read EVERYTHING.


    If you self-censor your information, you might as well do it with a bullet to the brain.






  14. Yesterday afternoon my wife and I were standing in line at a buffet restaurant, and I got into "lecture mode" to her, loud enough for the people ahead of us to overhear, about the theological ramifications of at Easter, getting the large hollow chocolate bunnies, and NOT eating the ears first.  I explained to her (for the benefit of the others in line...) that it was sacrilege and an obamanation ( yeah, I know...) to NOT eat the ears first, and an insult to start at the base. 

    She has a tablet with some Caleb and Sophia videos, as well as the others, which would have been a good transition to theological cartoon characters., and Corporate Totems.



  15. My original question had no discriminatory flavor to it.

    In Science Fiction, the term is "xenophobic", which locally refers to a hatred or dislike of people of other countries.

    Place Of Dreams Fulfilled.

    When I was a pre-teenager, about 1957 or so, the Russians awakened the world as if throwing ice water or sleeping planet by launching into space the Sputnik satellite, a small ball about the size of a basketball in orbit around the earth, and several times a day the satellite would travel over the United States of America with its beeping signals, very primitive by today’s standards, and you could stand out in your front yard and look into the night sky and see it pass overhead as a rapidly moving star.
    It’s hard to even explain nowadays the galvanizing effect this had on the nations in general and the United States in particular, but as an 11-year-old boy who somehow had picked up the desire to go to space this captured my imagination as much as it scared the imagination of military and political leaders around the world. At the time I had no geopolitical sense whatsoever so I was totally enthralled by what I saw in the night sky.
    It’s hard to even explain nowadays the shock effect that this obvious and apparent demonstration of Soviet superiority had on the world and specifically the United States. Overnight, it seemed, the educational system was ramped up to include science and mathematics beyond the imagination of what people had planned merely months before. The Soviet satellite, and the implications of Soviet superiority were the topic of every magazine, every newspaper and every mass media market that existed at that time… Extremely primitive by today’s standards.
    As usual, anything that captured the imagination of the American people, could be exploited to make a dollar off of it, and very soon in the exact same manner that the sport of baseball had baseball cards, there were space cards available in every store and outlet that I was aware of. You could buy a pack of space cards with a slab of bubblegum and there would be pictures of space stations, meteor strikes, what we thought the planets look like then, and everything even remotely related to space.

    If memory serves, it’s through these space cards that I became aware of the great observatory at Palomar Mountain, the Palomar Observatory, which took seven years to build as I later found out and was truly as magnificent piece of technology such as the world had never seen before.
    By the age of 13, I had become so enthralled with Palomar Mountain and Palomar Observatory that I hungrily absorbed any and all information I could find about it, and vowed that when I grew up I would make a pilgrimage to Palomar Mountain and feast my eyes on the giant eye that could see across the universe and unravel the secrets it contained. By understanding the universe, as an aside, it occurred to me that I could understand the mind of God, which is partially true.
    So with this in mind, I have provided the link below so that if you’re not familiar with Palomar Observatory, which is in Southern California, you can review the Wikipedia link, which will add a great deal to your understanding and appreciation of the poem “Infinity”, by Rosser Reeves.
    ………. About 1963 or so I discovered a old yellow science fiction book in the upper levels of my library at the high school I attended, and I believe I read all the science fiction that they had in the school at that time and in this old yellow science fiction book was this poem.
    I was so stunned by the magnificence and scope of the poem, that I have tried my entire life to commit fully to memory, and several times I did, but that was then, and this is now. I can still recite the poem pretty much from memory, if I have it written down before me so I can glance down and see what comes next.
    If you remember the old advertising slogan “… Melts in your mouth not in your hand”, that M&M candy company used to use on television, the same guy that invented that slogan, is the guy that wrote this poem.
    All of this having been said, with great pleasure I present to you as if it were my personal gift ……….. the poem, “Infinity”, by Rosser Reeves.
    INFINITY by Rosser Reeves

    The probing eye of Palomar peers skyward to reveal
    A billion molten, fiery stars in our galactic wheel...
    And shows that even this great disc
    Is but a firefly burning,
    Within a much more monstrous wheel,
    Slowly, slowly turning.

    May not this next celestial wheel
    Be but an atom's glow in some big molecule of stars
    In some huge flake of snow?
    For may not space flow on and on from door to opening door,
    Like seas that open into seas and never reach a shore?

    If in our atom's tiny flame a billion stars are whirled
    And millions of these lonely suns has each a captive world,
    Just follow to the trillionth power and on beyond to see,
    What must be true when ciphers link down to infinity.

    Somewhere red planets swing around a triple silver sun,
    And pale, pale rainbows interlock their arches one by one.
    Somewhere, dark girls upon their brows grow curving, scarlet horns,
    And ride in tinkling gardens on great golden unicorns.

    Somewhere rains of diamonds fall on foaming, milk-white seas,
    Where rockets follow streaming light from star to star with ease.
    And soft-eyed girls with honeyed lips swim up to sing and free
    Their water-weighted lashes from their native shining sea.

    Great blue-white giant blazing suns control a thousand spheres
    Where reptiles march in glistening ranks and fight with jeweled spears;
    Where lizards lounge on ivory thrones
    And keep to weave and spin, to clean their overlapping scales,
    A smooth-skinned race of men.

    Somewhere crustaceans think like Gods and muse eternal laws
    And write the music of the spheres with clicking bony claws.
    Or beetles, fish and furry things emerge as sentient breeds,
    Or, working with atomic fires are thinking centipedes.

    Or, coal-black spiders sway in webs
    Beneath chill alien moons,
    And finger gemlike instruments to strum immortal tunes.
    Or serpent-men on serpent worlds evolve to racial prime,
    And glide in fourth dimensions where
    The riddle solved is time.

    For if there is no end of worlds and nature keeps her laws,
    Who knows which life will win which world:
    The hands...the coils...the claws?
    So feathered things and crawling things
    And creeping things all go
    Their separate ways on separate worlds,
    Around, above, below.

    If God employs infinity His wonders to perform,
    And there's no end of endlessness,
    Can there, then, be a norm?
    Would God give souls to sentient beasts
    Or would they still be clods?
    If evolution is God's way,
    Whose image, then, is God's?

    An endlessness of worlds implies a world of every kind:
    Worlds where our past repeats itself until the end of time.
    Worlds where our future's far events enact themselves before;
    Where every closing portal means another opening door.

    So if there is infinity, if endlessness is true,
    Somewhere, Napoleon walks again the fields of Waterloo;
    And somewhere, always, in the depths of time's vast shoreless sea,
    Upon the ghastly Hill of Skulls,
    Christ hangs upon the tree.


    …. it appeared in "The Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction, Tenth Series" in 1961. The cover price is/was 45¢!!

    The editor's comment: "The author is chairman of the board of a large corporation, and we confess we find it intriguing and comforting to know that a man whose workday is devoted to the harsh realities of multi-million-dollar profit and loss has in him that good old-fashioned sense of wonder."

  16. Anna:

    Well said!

    Iron sharpens Iron.

    Soft Soap sharpens NOTHING!


    ... and JW Insider ...

    I have never made a claim to be a sheep .. I am a Sheepdog by nature .. and and I knew that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction ... but as a Barbarian interested in Justice, saw no, and see no philosophical objections to like minded men of lesser overriding restrictions ( Neutrality) killing those who order, support, or actually kill and tyrannize the innocent..

    The bombers came from the air base destroyed. Those bombs did not get dropped by storks.

    My heart cries out in anguish for those civilians murdered by suffocation. Less than to the point of death I have been there many, many times.

    I am enjoying watching the show!

    If military men want to fight each other, I just wish they would do it in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.




  17. .

    TTH ... just as you followed my trail to my Facebook account and found out I was dabbling in being a novelist ... you mentioned it, and I never have here ...I followed your trail to AVOID-JW.org, and actually COUNTED your postings.. I am a retired engineer, I EXPECT to be challenged on every word I say, and welcome it.

    And no, I have no websites whatsoever, beyond my Facebook account., whatever that is.



  18. The "Paradise" book was not a Corporate Totem, or in this case, two Corporate Totems .. Caleb and Sophia, FANTASY CARTOON CHARACTERS, that serve as examples.

    Sorta like Santa Clause ... not real ... but a fascinating lie, for children and the parents who tell the lies.

    Perhaps they will both abandon the Caleb and Sophia fantasies when they both grow up.

    How well has that idea worked for Christendom and Rudolph the red-Nosed Reindeer?

    Think about it.



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