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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    This right here is what I am talking about.



    I'm sure you won't like this, but please don't take it and read into what I am saying. This subject between you and I, has nothing to do with religion or beliefs, but rather our human nature and ability to accept those who are different from us. A hair style is nothing but hair, it does not speak to character, it does not speak of beliefs........its just hair. Now I can understand your position and experience, however it doesn't make it absolute in every circumstance.  


    When a person singles out others who have a different look and labels them in a derogatory way based only on looks, it is no different than straight racism based on the color of their skin.  Anyone can spin it this way and that, but those are the facts. 


    Now I kindly want you to understand the subject above. This is about JWs who cannot wear these hairstyles in field service...... and it is slyly called racism..... the new victim badge. 

    I grew up in a country in Africa where marjuana grows on every street corner - wild just about everywhere.  People smoke it all the time....... but Rastas use it as part of the religious experience and wear the gear and the hairstyles to identify themselves.  They WANT to be identified as Rasta.

    When I see a rasta I treat them no different than any other person even though I immediately recognize the visible signs (some people like the look and do not know what it represents).

    I had a bible study who was a Rasta. .... so I do not see it as a race but as an alternative lifestyle choice.

    To say that it is racist when a JW cannot wear this hairstyle in field service is misleading and untrue..... it has nothing to do with race but everything about projecting a lifestyle choice or another religion.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Allen_Smith said:

    far as I can tell no one here is a true JW, I’ve said it before. No one here speaks for the Watchtower. That is especially true for JWinsider. In order for that to happen, a JW would need to adhere and comply fully with scripture.

    This site is meant to give spiritually weak people the platform to speak out against the Watchtower. Those of us, or at least I never, thought I could convince anyone here about anything within what their tormented minds have already decided. I never cared for it. I know my group doesn’t care either.

    What they do care, is “sitting the record straight” about many deceptions, misleading, misguided, misrepresentation and plain false allegations about the Watchtower and Bible T

    I do identify myself as a Witness and proud of it.  I do preach as much as I can and beg Jehovah to keep me in his loving fold.

    I am a bit unconventional due to being raised in an African household to 2 very unconventional parents (who were not witnesses) but argued about ..... just about everything one possibly can argue about.

    In worldly training, my father paid for opera classes and I was destined to be a great star but I had to fight a hidden egotism for the rest of my life after falling from grace when I became a JW. 

    Life was not easy - my husband died unexpectedly and I had a daughter with cancer..... I can go on about the hard lessons I learnt in life after becoming a JW, the interesting jobs I held, the interesting countries I worked and lived in but my focus now is only to remain faithful - that is all.

    I am content and very comfortable serving  Jehovah...... that is why I just pop in now and then here.  I always have been interested in world events and history.... and very interested in proving the absolute reality of the bible. I also love science..... so I keep busy listening to debates while doing household chores.

    My thanks goes to jehovah for keeping me compus mentus and I hope to make him proud when the time comes that I am thrown in prison or have to prove my love for him - if I do not die from disease or other nasty coincidence before this.

    I agree with you - one cannot accomplish much here....... one can only sharpen your perception of other people's aberrations from truth.... and how deceitful people with a nice disposition can be....and how OCD persistence manifests in hardened apostates. 

    I have learnt something about myself here......too. . I am not as kind as I thought I was...... so I have some work to do........ to stay kind under lying and deceitful circumstances.... 


  3. Falon Gong gong - are not allowed to do it in their own home...... privately. 

    1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    My view on it is that I have not seen evidence which convinces me that is true. But I've not seen any evidence that convinces me that it's not true.


    I am listening to those who come from China... and Russia (Russians come to assemblies in Georgia), Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan etc..... people with feet on the ground.... and I know the communist history.....

    The Perestroika and the capitalist aberrations in China are OVER..... past tense.  Chinese imperialism is HERE and they mean business according to the state propaganda and the new level of surveillance on their citizens. Comply with the totalitarian government or feel the pain.

    (I can see when drone footage comes from Indonesia or not.  I am not as naive as you surmise.) I know Islam better than most people..... and I know its terrible dangers..... but injustice is something I hate - even if it is on my religious enemy. I can never condone separation of children from their parents for state re-education.

    Read the latest UN Migration compact 2018..... and you will see that media now ALL have guidelines to adhere to and most are silent on neo-communism. Journalists are re-trained to not write about certain subjects..... or become unemployable.

    The Pope and heads if abrahamic religions is signing a new compact in may 2020 - to unite these religions in purpose.  JESUS HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM IT.  A new religion and value system will soon also be here.

    The true conditions under Islam is not reported, the Christian murders in Africa and middle east is not reported, the take-over of African assets by Chinese is not reported..... even the harbours in USA that are run by Chinese and Russians are not reported - even when they have military connections to their motherland.

    I do not argue with people who believe the lame news media about the non-threatening stance of communism.  I have read how it has spread though philosophy into the west and is now infiltrated everywhere...... in a brilliant subversion move.... the old communist tactic.

    I also do not believe that majority rule (democracy) or capitalism is the answer to mankind"s problems.  Super- Capitalism looks like communism and it is busy importing a form of technocratic communism into the entire Western world. Junker and Van der Hoffstadt in EU meetings openly claim that China is the future model to follow.... .

    Human governments do not work.... and America is as rotten to the core in the upper echelons of society....as UK is. One just needs to look at the millions they are making in poor countries such as Ukraine and the elite collaborations with China,(sitting on company boards) and human trafficking- especially children.

    I am not so naive as to believe that both sides if the political isle in USA  still has honest people left.  Most are rotten to the core and corrupt - in it for influence and money...... not the benefit of the people.   The Epstein cover ups have proved that the judicial system is totally rotten. The few decent persons cannot fight against the tsunami  of injustice, cover-up and wickedness much longer.

    So, while I pull apart communism I also realize the wickedness and futility in the west.....

    That is why I am a JW - I realize that the world system from all sides is so corrupt that only jehovah can fix it.....

    The money powers behind this new oppressive government will be so powerful that the usual government methods of voting cannot fix it - jehovah will have to step in to remove the rulers of this world and their invisible coordinator.

  4. 9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    All want to do that, to be in control of

    I agree with you. ......

    Unfortunately, to want control other humans is morally wrong.  Most apostates here do not like any form of control over them  - even when it comes from God...... who actually is the only one who has the right to prescribe one set of principles for all. We are all meant to be equal under God. If every person sets their own rules there will never be peace and unity.

    When a human wants to control anything about another human - he is showing satanic qualities. We never should try to control anything which belongs to, or is part of another human.  Total freedom and equality under God - this is the goal.  This is respect for another human's free will to choose what they want.

    Unfortunately, some Witnesses are imperfect in their love and still tend to like to control others without respect for their free will.  Jehovah even allows those who oppose him to express their free will.

    In future in paradise, all people will willingly subject themselves to Jehovah and his standards in free will.  They will never try to tell another person  what to do because all will be totally free and equal under God.

    Society will then function perfectly because the law of love will prevail. No laws are necessary if one truly loves others.  One will not covet anything which is another's or take anything from them or dominate them in an way by being egotistical, selfish or greedy.

    Jehovah will step into mankind"s affairs when humans have reached a point of totalitarian domination - soon they will use our modern technology (our arrogant achievements) to dominate mankind in a most unjust way....... history of mankind (estranged from god) repeating itself. 

    By the way, I watch China and Russia (allies) as fulfillment of the prophecies in Daniel 11 :40 onward.   Soon we will see the worst domination on earth mankind has ever experienced...... if jehovah does not step in ...no flesh will be saved.   We have reached the apex of our tech achievements and like everything else .... our tendency to dominate (imperfection) will bring this dire situation about.

  5. 11 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    Singling out someone and making assumptions based on looks.

    You do not know anything about them. I lived in Africa and this movement comes from Africa.

    It has NOTHING to do with race but about the symbols of a false religion which smokes pot to be closer to God.......

    So get clued up...... The above headline tries to make it about race but shows ignorance of this movement and its practices.

    When I see ' white'  or black people with these hair styles (dreadlocks) I associate them with the Rasta movement...... and smoking pot.

  6. On 10/7/2018 at 12:07 AM, Jack Ryan said:

    someone has a mental disease aren't you supposed to forgive and help?

    There are some mental virusses that are incurable such as a penchant for gross  immorality and being a spokesperson for it. Once one has this self-appointed view of promoting and protecting amorality - there is no cure where there is no remorse. 



  7. Witness - I  give short comment and get out......I  do not spend hours on people when I see they are set in opposition to JWs or wrong interpretations ...or OCD - I cut loose..... don't really waste my time..... only if I have a few minutes..... not really involved here. 

    I do not take well to repeating same thing over and over and expect different results. ..... don't like OCD.

    Only have sympathy for genuine OCD anxieties.

  8. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    idea that Stalin intentionally starved people by the millions was a late invention that has been completely debunked. The problem is that it fits what the West has wanted to believe about Stalin. And as the Russian 

    Government came in and took ALL food - if that is not intentional then .... and IT HAS NOT BEEN DEBUNKED. 

    Stalin was evil and knew how to hide his operations. He killed everyone close to him so his operations did not become known. 

    China doing the same now - anyone in government who becomes too popular becomes a target. 

  9. 28 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    do you have evidence

    Yes, seen footage of eyes bound and hand bound muslims (hands behind their back) standing on knees for hours and beaten when they fall over -  in same way they used to execute at the back of the head under Mao se Tung.

    I have seen  testimonies of other Chinese who happened to belong to Falon  Gong exercise groups.... talking of the processing for body parts and immediate excecutions to harvest. Also the doctors who defect because they remove body parts from live humans and humans are kept alive on machines until all body parts have been harvested. 

    Also seen heartbreaking footage of women who at nine months of pregnancy are forcefully scooped up and their babies forcefully removed ( still need permission to have a second or third child , depending in your social status).  Interviews were with the husbands because these women cannot speak or function normally afterwards..... (I  do not know what they do to them but they are useless to society afterwards). Seen footage that was smuggled out because western journalists cannot roam freely - accompanied everywhere..... 

    I do not believe Chinese propaganda or their  protestations at UN - where they have been condemned for their practices (only because it is muslims), because I am familiar with the communist propaganda machine and how it operates.

    Photos of leaders going up everywhere - typical communist fashion as worship of the state is progressing like under Mao.  Reminds me of North Korea.  Regressing not progressing regarding individual freedoms.


    13 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    the entire Muslim world does NOT believe the Weeger propaganda.

    I preach to muslims and have studied Islam. When I speak to them I can immediately tell from which branch of Islam they come.

    The ideology of Islam is like the communistic manifesto of Marx/Engels and Zionism.  All three ideologies want to rule the world.....this is the final goal..... and will be ruthless to obtain it.

    While I understand the danger of Islam and understand the issues in China, i am not for one moment convinced that China is at all showing any compassion to the muslims.  They are just as ruthless in their methods as Islam. In fact, like fundamental muslims, they are returning to fundamental communism..... it is evident in all the new CCP moves.

    We all know the re-education which took place under Mao se Tung...... this re-education is cannot be compared to the re-education of muslim terrorists in Sweden or UK.  Lol

  11. 12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    surprised as you would be to find out there was no evidence for the mass murders that I had always believed in.

    Read a three volume biography called "stalin" by the worlds expert on stalin. First two of them already available on Amazon if I remember  correctly.

    Rewriting of history is now happening all over the world to suit the new global agenda.  Wikipedia is now edited by people who are so far left that people are maligned as far right for merely saying something negative about Islam..... and their applications to wikipedia to have the "label" corrected is ignored.

    Communalism is the neo-communism of our age..... and it will bring with it the deliberate starvation of millions.

    Time will tell if I am right.   But the wickedness of mankind has left me in no doubt that a socialist system promises the world an utopia but lends itself to abuse very quickly........ just as super capitalism spawns super rich people / corporations with power that cannot be stopped in its tracks..... once they have the power.

    The criminal oligarchs in Communism and corporations under super capitalism will / are working together to gain control of all food, water, land and the wealth of the earth.

    The bible was right after all ! There is no human hegemony/ ruling system which brings true justice and equality.  To break their combined power - God will have to step in....... and as Rev 16:14 -16  indicates.....  their propaganda is against God and they will stand up against Jehovah at Armageddon.

  12. 12 hours ago, Allen_Smith said:

    Couldn't agree with you more on your assessment

    Thanks for all the extra information you posted.  Autralia- large parts of Auckland bought up by Chinese.  Their influence is being felt in trade especially....... and their mafia-style intelligence in the city.

    China wants to control all rare earth minerals for batteries and cell phones etc.  They are on the make everywhere.   Russia also putting embargoes on nations who do not play their game.  Rep of Georgia now experiencing problems because some of its citizens dared to demonstrate against the Russian PMs visit.

    Foreigners as English teachers are no longer welcome in China (visas not renewed and no reasons given) because they will infuse ideas of freedom and democracy into the society. 

  13. 10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Some countries (not western democracies) suppress  freedom of speech

    Unfortunately the algorithms of Google, Twitter and FB are already silencing many people.  Many are no longer financed by Mastercard, patreon etc.  Geo engineering watch, judicial watch, jihad watch, UN watch etc. and programs similar to this receive no ratings and the technical terms do not automatically come up.

    People are being kept in the dark about the true goals of  UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030 and the suppression of the press as stipulated in a UN clause in UN Migration Compact 2018.

    No freedom of press any longer - IF people BELIEVE THIS then they are naive .  All  TV stations and press now have "guidelines" which reporters have to follow....... or no job.....  No longer good investigative reporting ..... most get their news from central organization such as Reuters etc.

    People are distracted all the time by petty local issues /blown up scandals  in the press which is typical subversive tactics.  They are even managing fox news...... no truth (real news) anywhere. 

  14. 16 minutes ago, Witness said:

    The “Gentile” elder body has “trampled”/ removed the holy priesthood, and abolished their “daily sacrifices” of praise. Dan 11:36  Instead, a counterfeit priesthood is on your podium, offering “spiritual sacrifices” on behalf of an orga

    Same old repetition.  The way you twist the meanings just leaves me gobsmacked.

  15. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    hashing it out—Arauna and JWI,

    I do not aspire to be a titan. Fortunately, I did not grow up in America and I remain quite open to any opinion not my own. 

    But those who stray from Jehovahs fold seem to lose some clarity in their evaluation of what is really wicked - irrespective of the degree of the wickedness. 


  16. 10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    As far as everything being watched in big cities, there is not nearly as much surveillance in Chinese citi

    That is the only statement that is almost correct - although that was not the subject I was talking about.

    Spoke to another Korean couple yesterday who just left China.  They say it is becoming  dangerous. (They all seem to land up in Rep.  Georgia on their way home or to figure out where to go next).

    China is changing fast...... and the same social credit score that is there and being improved daily as we speak is destined for America. Our big digital companies have become fascistic and helping the global elite get their tight grip on us plebs.

    For 20 years we have had free internet...... but like with all great technology combined with power - it has corrupted absolutely. We are now entering the final phase before Armageddon.  The most oppressive government the world has ever seen is on its way. When they (the global elite - communistic elite together with the super capitalist elite - exercise super control on all mankind and use digital technology and AI to do so.  G5 is dangerous and can also be weaponized - experiments on controlling minds already going on.

    Watched another video of a Chinese woman saying what is going on in Chinese prisons.   No group  activities in society allowed, especially with spiritual goals  - your body parts will be utilized by the government.

      They will use super surveillance to keep us all in check.  Soon you will not be able to buy or sell if your "politics" is not of the right brand - like is now being  imported into China.  And by politics, I mean that you will also have to be atheist OR comply with the new world religion and its new values, which includes LGBTQP ..... take note of the P.

    If you do not believe this...... then you are naive...... our world will openly be satanic.... it is no longer hidden but openly coming out and only those who are part of the wicked club will have protection....... for a while.

    Those who have not chosen the side if jehovah and ready to give up their life for His standards will become part of this craziness to survive...... just like most germans went along with Hitler or most Muslims go along with extremists when they take over a region. Their mode is merely to survive - not have any higher purpose.



    The central communistic party has been stepping up its actions against any popular individual or anyone not playing the CCP game. Like in Russia - a criminal elite has taken over..... and already being duplicated in USA.

  17. 10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    to too much Western European, American, and anti-Communist news outlets are apt to believe almost anything they read that is negative about China. My youngest son reads and speaks quite a lot of Chinese and besides going to college with persons from China, he was also invited to do a half-semester project in Physics in China before he graduated. He often speaks to friends who live in China, because he also reads about the same issues you brought up here.

    China is still a poor country, although it has been raising a higher percentage of people out of poverty at a faster rate than any modern country has ever done. (Based on U.S. standards of "poverty.") It is also a huge country with a lot of problems from local petty leaders, and many of their governmental processes are tried through experimentation: trial and error.

    One of the funniest claims is that Chinese people supposedly can't speak out against their government. His friends criticize their government constantly, and laugh at the idea that people in Western countries believe that this is not possible without repercussions. It's true that those who attempt to subvert the government and its programs are punished, just as is done in the United States. Try demonstrating in front of a judge, inside a courtroom, or inside the White House, or try threatening a police officer and see what happens here.

    I also have much older friends that just came from China and decided not to go back. Younger people are usually blind to injustice as long as they are living it up. 

    I also happen to have friends in Africa who is seeing the invasion of Chinese in all industry and rare earth minerals. I also read up about Australia- and they are afraid...... the CCP has changed in the last two years.... and changing fast.

    Ask Falun Gong members in China.  As a Chinese you are fine if you just believe in the state, work hard and have a good time.  China is changing rapidly.   South Africans in China are leaving as well as those who belong to western nations..... the CCP are bringing in too many restrictions - on everything.  They even watch your shopping. Buy too much wine and your social points go down.

    If you want to believe the wonderful propaganda coming out of China (typical communistic spin) then do so.  Those wonderful young people who tell your son it is now so wonderful in China most probably are afraid to lose their social credit score. ...... because evething is now automatically surveilled in the big cities. If they say anything negative- just a whiff of negativity regarding anything about governance- or a bad face on facial recognition..... and their credit score will go down.  Their freedom will be curbed. It is 1984 big brother becoming a reality...... soon coming to the west once digital currency is rolled out.

    I preach in English to Chinese visitors here and I am afraid for them..... because their phones are checked when they come from abroad.

    I know you like the Commie system - seen your  comments before when you played down the murders under communism - but there is a threat now that the west will inaugurate the same system once G5 is installed and the UN gets its way.   The UN and EU wants this same surveillance system in the west.

    The bible does not warn for nothing that the greatest tribulation ever will be here.  Communistic  system (or the neo-communistic "communalism" is at our doorstep) is known to starve those it wants to anihilate - Read the 3 volumes on Stalins life - not the new propaganda by western commie professors running the post modern philosophy classes at most universities in the west.

    The huawei war with China is not just because of them getting wealthier. They have become a threat to the west due to the technology they obtained from the west. 

    The propaganda in their schools are all about their hate for the west due to the opium wars and Japan is also in a precarious situation. My friend who just came back from China happened to be a music teacher. 

    The CCP wants control of all the wealth on earth...... not the land. Although they are not adverse to take mines, ports and land they need or want.  They have been doing the same with the silk road.

    I suggest you go and read up more about the changes in the CCP.  The country was wonderful until about two years ago.

    I also saw footage of the concentration camps and also read about the cruel organ harvesting ........ nothing there to commend them. ...... whether it is 10 thousand or one million - it is still terrible to separate parents from children.  Whether it was 20 million or 40 million under stalin - it is millions too many.....

    Foreigners in China and high skilled workers do not experience the pain and suffering of the average folk or those who are practicing a religion......

    Read Daniel 11 from verse 40. ..... China are almost in a position (together with their ally russia) to put an embargo on the movement of trade on the earth.  They have the ships and the ports. While USA has many ports in Asian seas directly pointed at China...... one will have to wait and see what transpires....... but I put my faith in the prophecies of the bible.   And I see a new imperialism in China and a absolute totalitarian state emerging.


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