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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 2 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    I was just remembering how easy it is to criticize, and how it made us feel superior that we could make fun of the beliefs of others. I also remember how it struck me that the Watchtower had been teaching this same thing for about HALF of it's existence (50 out of 100 years) when I first learned that Russell had defended another point of view from the Bible. According to you, if Russell had the spirit of Jah he would have understood it, too, but he never did. I don't judge him that harshly.

    No I never would have expected Russel to understand everything as some people do.  Jehovah gives information as we need it.    This is why I do not critisize them as some people here on this forum do.  


  2. 27 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    It seems that Moses jumped ahead of following God's instructions. It seems as if Moses was puttin

    It was disobedience. He was told to speak to the rock.  The previous time jehovah told him to hit the rock..... so he did as he did the previous time.





    Could not copy link-  apologies

    This idea that one can apostacize from another religion is ludicrous. One can only apostacise from the truth. There is only one truth - you either have it or you do not.  

    JWs do not teach immortality of the soul, hellfire, heavenly calling for everyone,  that kingdom is a condition of the heart, trinity,  hide jehovahs name.... and I can go on and on...... these are truths that others Christian denominations do not teach.

    But I do agree that we should not judge too fast or harshly when people have questions....  always show love.

  3. 5 hours ago, Tom Henry said:

    16Live in freedom, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil;

    I replied - see my first paragraph. I AGREED with you and then went on to give my opinion on some of the other thoughts I have seen here. 

    I am not writing a paper...... like some of the "scholars" here do in their replies.  On occasion I reply to a specific individual but mostly it is just opinion.

    3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    am not sure do they want to "Rule"...... or just to be in Paradise with him. :))

    So you acknowledge that the majority of Christians take the emblems without knowing they are to be priests and kings?  All going to heaven to judge whom?  

    Most of them have so little knowledge of the bible and its morals, they will not be able to distinguish right from wrong. This is the reason so many churches now voting for LGBTQ. What about the scriptures which show that a great crowd will live through armageddon?  What about Rev 20 which indicates there will be nations on the earth during the 1000 years?

    50 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    But I realized that Russell and Rutherford also believed that all Christians went to

    What is the point today? We have understood the scriptures, which refer to the nations on the earth for a 1000 years,  for 84 years.  So this proves that if these scholars had the Spirit of jah they would have understood it too!


  4. 1 hour ago, Anna said:

    going to hoard any money

    I think a person should put money away for certain projects. We know that most projects go over the projected budget because of inflation, unexpected problems, rising costs, etc.. So a discreet person that is busy with a large project will put away money where it can gather interest until it is needed.  The GB is often involved in large projects- they would not be smart to not factor this in.

    4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    think that here in the UK half of every congregation is old peopl

    Yes, less and less are looking to God for solutions. Wicca, Islam and atheism taking over....... but I suspect that many more honest-hearted people will find the truth when one world religion (Satans's moral standards)  is forced on all of us.

    How far Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 of the UN will get  one cannot tell........ but it will improve public transport exponentially. 

    "On every corner like gas stations" ...... or on every corner a "different designer church."  When I lived in USA it was a joke to me how many churches there were catering for the different groups of peoples and their desires.

  5. On 11/10/2019 at 7:21 AM, Tom Henry said:

    same way there are witnesses that condemn the way the Watchtower is running

    Agreed. It is easy to critisize, hard to build up. Many condemned Moses for the way he was doing things. Later God took some of his Spirit from  Moses and gave to others to help him.  So Moses had a lot of Spirit and approval from Jehovah. But,  it was in this time there was rebellions and murmurings against him and the people had expectations for someone better, more to their liking. 

    If the GB inspired fear and things were less transparent you would be more in awe of them but because they project themselves unhypocritically (what you see is what you get) - people endow themselves with the right to criticize just about everything about them, going as far as saying that they are not the nation jehovah is using to spearhead the preaching work.   Show me another people who has the infrastructure to fulfill jehovah's will regarding preaching in most countries and I may believe your pitiful criticisms.  These are ordinary men running an operation for their food and keep.  They feel priviledged by jehovah to do this assignment. 

    I have worked in corporations where CEOs get bonuses that are in the millions.  They make terrible mistakes and mess up the corporation ......and just before it collapses get even a higher CEO job at another BIGger corporation with more pay. Arrogant and stupid and very capable to make the same mistake over and over.  One of them had a driver and a big limo with so much airs very few people felt worthy to speak to him. The old corporation he worked for gets a new name, new ownership and a new CEO who brings in different measures to curb spending, diversify business etc.  YET people expect the GB to get it right the first time such as when the TV Broadcasts started etc. 

    Israel, as a nation was soooooo imperfect and jehovah used them. What I see here on this forum with certain individuals is a tremendous arrogance - their right to critisize.  Well, Satan gave himself the right to critisize the way jehovah chose to use his sovreignty. JAH was so gentle, that arrogant Satan used the gap to downsize Jah himself!.  

    The governing body knows that each individual has the right to personal opinion. They tolerate a lot of personal criticism.  People expect them to be an example in every respect - something which even Jesus could not do due to the wickedness of the religious leader's hearts. Jesus shone his light but it was not good enough for the religious leaders.  (We have some people here who feel they are "leaders" because they forget from which organization they learnt the truth of the kingdom in the first place). They were priviledged to see the inside workings  where imperfect GB are and now feel they saw it ALL so they know it ALL.  Familiarity does breed contempt - Jesus's own brothers did not accept him before his death.

    It is when our personal opinion is no longer in line with scriptures that we ourselves go beyond that which is written. Who will stop the arrogance - you yourself must do this. If your self-control is not sufficient you can become like Cain who had no self-control and caused the death of his own kin. Spiritual death and stumbling blocks are more serious.  People are only shunned in the congregation when they become rebellious in their sin.

    I have a lot of personal opinions - much too opinionated  - and I know it. I have never been spoken to about it and I am aware that as a woman I cannot stand out too much.  I am happy about it because my main focus is to preach.  If I am ever spoken to, I will definitely tone my opinions down.  I am fun.  The young women love to work with me because we always have fun. I am upbuilding, I am a confidante, I  bring my share and I have ample room to move in Jehovahs organization....... I even feel important and blessed.  But not in the way others want to feel important. 

    If one meditates about Jehovahs word and read a lot  - you are bound to come up with thoughts that are not found in the Insight Book.... or have not found it yet.  I have a good understanding of the truth and will never attend "clubs" for witnesses.  This is the only forum I share my thoughts.  I do not pretend to be a scholar because to me it is too "churchy-institutionalized". 

     I thank jehovah every day for his blessings and the insight I get from Him because I do not think that scholars have ever got it right.  The scholars in Jesus's day, in all the theological institutions in our day, do not even have a clue what the "sacret secret" is. Their guest is knowledge, not love. Their guest is ego, not love, their guest is to dominate other peoples minds with their own ideas - not love.  Yes, there were those among us who are like "rocks" in our love-feasts- and jehovah is busy with a cleansing work - cleaning out those who cause stumbling.  Did he not say he will start with his own people?


  6. 1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

    16 year old, UNTIL they get baptized. That is what I was referring to, 

    I presume you are quoting him correctly.  I do not agree with him...... but fortunately it is a personal choice what one does in your home and with your children. 

  7. 2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    It is no shame to be poor,

    Agreed. No shame to be working and providing for yourself. The person is taking responsibility as best he can. All work is honourable. 

    There is now a new phenomena: Children who are addicted to internet and  games. They still live with parents at age 34, refuse to work or look at a girl etc. No other interest in life than waste away in matrix style fantasy. Met a woman in field service with this problem.


  8. 11 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

    their parents according to Tony Morris. 

    Asking questions is a good thing - to establish if the person really understands what the bible teaches and their personal moral obligations.  ...... in other words understand the seriousness of their dedication (promise). ..... in laymens terms...... what they are getting into....... 

    Despite this process, some here on this forum did not understand their public promise they made and got themselves in an undesirable situation by brazen conduct and then rebellion and outside the JWs. THEN they turn around and critisize the GB and do not take any responsibility for their own actions - like Adam, it is always someone else's fault. Blame it on the seducing wife/lover, domineering elders or crazy, unqualified GB.  ...... 

    I think that parents should be smart and have the right to say something while the child is under 16 (the age one can take responsibility for driving a car), some children mature later.   Jesus asked deep questions at age 12 but one cannot put an age on something like this.  I know of an almost 90 year old anounted sister who got baptised at age 9 - still faithful with no ego or other problems.


  9. 6 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    minor in music)

    Just wanted to add - it is I interesting that many smart kids also are good in music. Music lights up many parts of the brain in scans.  It is also the last skill to die off in Alzheimers.

    I think that training in music teaches discipline and focus and this benefits children in other fields. All children should learn music for a while if possible.  It is remarkable that so many Jews learn music and many play in ensembles (it teaches people to listen to others and work together to produce something with esthetic value).  It is not surprising to me that they have a higher average IQ than other nations.

  10. 4 hours ago, Witness said:

    since their "record" shows them to be "false prophets". 

    We happen to disagree on that. What record I have seen from those who claim to be individual "teachers" of god's word is merely an emission of hate-filled rhetoric against JWs and no true positive teaching methods or message.  

    Most do not give any prophecy because they only criticize.  "Prophecy' about future also totally lacking because they spend time only criticizing JW timeline but their own timelines happen to prove that jehovah is NOT the perfect timekeeper we expect him to be. ....

  11. 4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    The "untrained" farm boys actually finished a home-made

    Thanks for that personal experience and viewpoint.  I have seen (especially in computer field) many brilliant kids. One of my nephews also played music while teaching  himself programming.  He is a firewall programmer (or something very saught after in protection field) without a degree.  

    I marvel sometimes at kids who turn out technical machines in poor countries (especially central Africa) where the intellectual and technical landscape is barren. They somehow find books and teach themselves.

    My best friend in Africa has a son who manufactures feeding machines for factories (including car factories). He designs and makes them.  I knew him as a boy.  She raised him and his 2 sisters alone and did not have money for secondary education.

    I wish all stories turn out like this but unfortunately we do know reality - not all people are innovative.  Some have to go to vocational school to learn how to do a job in order to become employable. 

    To be an entrepeneur one needs a skill (self-taught or acquired during secondary education) to provide something of value one can sell.

  12. On 11/5/2019 at 11:53 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    have heard that witnesses need to pass a 80 question exam by the elders

    Questions which determine if the person understands the basics are important....... the person must   understand what we believe and what their obligations are regarding moral obedience to jehovah. It is a loving  to make sure that the person understands.

    The reason I was searching for the truth was that I was affirmed in the Dutch Reformed Church at age 16.  We attended class for three months once a week. The day before baptism of the entire group the minister asked a question about the randsom.  A student answered incorrectly.  The answer was: Jesus.  This appalled me that students were allowed to be baptised without understanding this basic teaching. 

    Later I retracted my membership of the church. 


  13. Witness,  if you have the idea that God did plan for a financial system in this wicked world to exist and we should see  "unrighteous riches" as symbolic...... then go ahead and believe what you want.

    I believe that God allowed a financial system to exist after Adam and Eve sinned and it therefore is unrighteous. What we earn from it is also "unrighteous."  BUT we can serve God by means of our unrighteous riches by paying for things (petrol, our time we can use to gain unrighteous riches) etc.



  14. 8 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    dropouts who just read a lot of awake magazines?

    Definitely not dropouts...... one can keep learning without going to university.  One can get very talented people who have NO degree.......in science or art but still attain an extremely high level of competency.  

    We have many engineers who are in the truth and they DO read a lot of Awake magazines ...and also magazines pertaining to their secular jobs to remain up  to date.


    12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    the equivalent of a 4-year college education.

    Any subject that one has studied for 12 years is equal to a college education. The first two years of college education teaches one the basic terminology and mechanisms. The third and fourth year are more advanced. It is only at master and doctorate level  one can say one us a master at one facet of a subject. 

    Most witnesses know the basics of the bible in first year and after that start to build their knowledge. Bring me a doctor of theology that understands that Jesus is not God, that the soul of jesus died at his death, that keeping parts of the law such as sabbath and tithes are incorrect....... and I can go on and on........

    It depends on the individual JW to maintain the first two year skills given to them and improve on it by self-study  and preparing well for the meetings. 


  15. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    For education to be any good, you have to be able to do something with it. It


    3 hours ago, Witness said:


    Actually, those who still tout worldly education are not up to date with what is going on at universities- especially the fields in humanities.

    There are many 'generic' degrees that have no value except put the person in debt for life.  The new degrees in feminism, social studies etc. Is guaranteed to turn the student into a walking nutcase who believes that men can have periods and gender is not determined by x and y chromosomes. Touchy feely persons who are triggered by every politically incorrect utterance and bully others who do not think as they do. 

    Even the sciences and judicial system are now effected by this nonsense. There is a gynecologist in the news who is having her son of 7 years go though a sex change and the court has gone against the rational father. 

    An education is supposed to give one proper thinking skills...... to be objective and logic.  But throwing right and wrong away and replacing it with human philosophy is leading to disaster.

    At least bible reading helps one see realities and gives a moral compass....... something which is missing in the current scenario at colleges and universities.


  16. Thanks for your kind reaction Srecko.   When I know your name i am cannot say I know you. One has to have walked with that person for some time to know their qualities, what they like and do not like.

    Same with God.... we have to know more than his name..... when we have walked with him for some time and read his word we know his qualities and what he likes and does not like.  Even though we cannot see him - we can later on really love him from the heart because we understand and know who he really is.

    If someone tells you that your best friend stole something..... you can defend him and say he will never do that......because you know him well. In the same way we defend jehovah when people accuse him of bringing evil on them or does not care about them

  17. Knowing them - jehovah AND jesus.  How many religions do you know which openly preach Jehovahs name AND jesus.  

    Jews know the name of God and refuse to use the name, muslims made the God of the Quraish tribe their God, most Christian's pray only to Jesus and do not accept that his soul was in death 3 days - so do they "know" him? 

    I can go on and on..... I hope you get the drift. 

  18. 12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be impossible for them.”

    See below - important scripture!

    11 hours ago, Witness said:

    How do you ignore every aspect the WT uses to gain assets in the world

    We are reaching the point where human control over others will have no limit (as quoted scripture above indicates) and political and religion are close bedfellows - just like in Babylon when Nimrod merged false religion with hegemony.  They will dictate religion as part of state as they are  doing now in China.

    Individuals buy property, get business licenses (just like our organization). This means they are IN the world and have to make a living with "unrighteous riches" .  BUT they are no part of the world.  I have not seen a witness run for office, lobby against LGBT or abortion (even though they do not condone it), participate in demonstrations or vote. 

    We are without spot from the political system because we obey the laws as far as possible and do not oppose its mechanisms in activist way. We are also without spot in a moral way because we will NOT go to war or practice abortion or LGBT  - even if it has been legalized and legit in the world.

    To tyranize against GB because they conduct business is not taking into account that Jesus said we can use "unrighteous riches" for him. God did not originally plan for man to have a financial system..... so it is unrighteous.

    Remember the prophecy of the final situation where we will not be able to 'buy or sell' if we do not conform (morally- the good and bad values of jehovah) to this system and NOT give our worship/ moral obedience to the state. 

    Our test will be great because you will become persona non grata when your digital bank account with all your money is locked because you accept the ransom sacrifice of Jesus or do not practice LGBT.   I read of a trans that wanted to sleep with a married man and he called it a hate crime when declined....... this where the world us heading with a possibility of it becoming LGBTQP.  

    Those who are without moral spot of this world/society (issue of good and bad and choosing Jehovahs sovreignty against directives of state and wicked society - as Adam chose) will be persecuted. 


  19. 10 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    secret, no outsiders hear the testimony,

    If you would like the sordid details of how you seduced another man's wife to be a matter of public interest and your private shame to be bandied about, please do not think that everyone else would like it so. I think it is merciful in most cases that no one gets to know the sordid details

    If you would like your details of how you defrauded your brother of a few thousand pounds and showed no compassion to be publicly announced- then why did you do these things in secret in the first place and did not do it openly.....

    If you.... I can go on and on...... do you get the picture? 


    11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If people around believe in hell and you say how hell not existing, is that "new"?

    I think you need to study history - especially church history. Then you will understand how this fits in. Why argue about something you do not understand or do not have good knowledge of? 

  20. 22 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:


    You fail to see his hate for God and his poisonous attitude. It is hard to communicate realistically or objectively with such a person. Even worldly family members could not cope.......with the compulsive hate. 

    Some people think they are too smart to fail - he was one of them..... to my extreme sadness. 

    If person has an issue with God- it depends on the degree.... One can close yourself to access with God when it goes beyond a certain point.  I also see that people who do not really study much by themself  often leave jehovah because they are not sure or are easily deceived.  

    One is not smart to reject the name of jehovah, or jehovah himself. 

    Most people who leave jehovah like their own ideas more - they want independence to serve God in their own way.  


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