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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. READ up about  China: it gives behaviour points to it citizens.  If they have the wrong friends, jaywalking, or say anything against the government - they cannot buy a train or plane ticket. It is getting so bad that foreigners are leaving the country in droves  Big brother surveillance with weaponized  G5 technology is the reason. They have 1 million muslims in concentration camps - separated from their children who are getting propaganda re-training every day. Most religions are now being persecuted in China clamping down on meetings.

    This weaponized surveillance with G5 us slowly being implemented in the entire West. (EU, Canada, USA, Australia etc) as well.  If you do not already know it - the fact that you are a JW already makes you an enemy of the new surveillance state that is on its way.

    The UN is already ruling like an "image" or shadow underneath most of these governments because (176) countries has signed all the UN agreements which gives it power. ....... and next year the Pope is signing a new pact with Islam and Jewish religion - which cuts out Christ Jesus out of the future world religion.

    Do not worry to lose your access to internet.  It is better you are not too active on it now because Google has already got a profile on every person in the west. 

    What I am saying here is not far-fetched .  Very ugly things waiting for the world and is being implemented under our noses.  Leave these opposers of JWs to themselves and rather strengthen yourself for the tribulation which is around the corner.

    Do not take their insults personally..... or their retaliatory actions. ..... really not worth it. There are more important things to know about and prepare for now.

    Read Daniel 11:40 onward.  Trade wars going on between king of north and south and Russia and China want to control the trade of the world......we do not have as long as we think.




    Google and Amazon are doing AI research 

  2. 10 hours ago, Witness said:

    individuals baptized in the early 80's and before, wakes up to their own captivity under the rules of men (Col 2:20-23); and persistently rejects the organization today, should that be termed a gross sin, requiring shunning or disfellowshipping? 

    Do God's rules ever change?  Or, is it men changing their rules; who operate an organization,and devise new and  improved  'hard and fast rules' necessary to keep the flock penned in, for their apparent 'safety'?  

    Stay in Jehovah’s organization! It’s the only way of life that brings happiness.”  W 10/6/15 pg 9,10

    Here is God's rule through Christ:

    Therefore Jesus said again, “Very trul

    OCD untruths - not worth answering.

  3. 15 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    compulsive, and they cannot stop being who he/her/they are....

    I am glad you noticed this.  People who have an ax to grind with JW org. cannot help themselves....... they show who they are...... repetitively.....

    It is actually useless to talk to them (to give the correct perspective) because they are hardened in their pattern of thinking when they have come this far.

    I may troll them for a moment now and then but remain totally uninvolved...... not worth the effort.  One cannot think that one can defend the truth here or that one will find any reasonableness.  One will not find any truth here - only human screwed up thoughts accompanied by narcissism and a degree of OCD.

    3 hours ago, Foreigner said:

    it’s responding to outsider

    In regards to what I said above - do not think you can defend the truth on this website. Rather take this time to go read the bible - that is where you will find the truth dear brother.  If you are emotional, you will just get frustrated here...... do not do this to yourself.

    Those who are so hardened against the truth are not interested in the truth - they still have a compulsive hate for the truth. When I see OCD symptoms, I do not really bother to put a convincing argument foreward because I do not waste my precious time.  I have better things to do that will please Jehovah.  ........Just a bit of sound advice.  Been in the same situation before, got the T-shirt, done that.  DO not repeat a useless exercise - LOL - AND EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS.

    There are no lost sheep here to have pity on..... they love the garbage (pigs food) they are eating in their "debauched" state.  They have no thoughts of returning to the good food of their loving father. Until that happens - you are wasting your time.



  4. On 10/8/2019 at 11:28 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    can't wait to see picks of starving children being fed by the 

    Press everywhere bias - and I doubt you ever look at any news to do with Africa........ most Americans are inward looking.

  5. On 10/3/2019 at 10:30 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    but majority of them will not treat him as JW's doing with theirs ex-members.

    I know of high society schools and organizations where the shame is very serious and one can forget to ever associate with other members again.

    On internet now they dox you, they spread lies about you, and you can lose your job etc  and your children are threatened -  if a certain group do not like you or you said something they do not like.

    You are either in denial, very naive, or just desperate at winning a point. Get realistic.  In your small world only JWs are "bad" because they dare to have standards you do not like.


  6. 8 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Still, such is the adolescent thinking of our time

    It is the bad schooling and the way they are taught to reason.  UNESCO  has given guidelines for about 30 years for schools and universities.

    This is why there currently are so many useless generic degrees at universities and such unscientific studies in gender studies etc.... all pushed by UN to forward their Agenda 21 goals.

    (I worked for an umbrella organization which restructured 15 technical universities to comply with UN regulations in Africa..... 24 years ago.... 

    They ruined a perfectly good system while chancellors and vice-chancellors accepted all new guidelines - because the "holy" UN was giving instructions.)

    Most of the problems in society today can be traced back to the post modern progressive thinking in education for the past 30 years. 

  7. On 10/3/2019 at 10:24 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    If that is all you know, then you know very little.

    Judging my knowledge on a few sentences?    But the little I know is absolute truth...... and I have enough of Jehovahs spirit to be able to recognize the truth by His grace. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Anna said:


    I dont like it when people who only speak one or two languages expect others to speak their language perfectly. 

    English is not my first language ..... I therefore will never expect another to write it perfectly.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Anna said:

    you say, he approved it 🙂

    But in historical context any white person on the globe would have approved the picture because no-one white realized they were racist. 

    Many whites (professors at universities)  in 1950s still called island dwellers savages..... and other names- which we will not go into here. The world was dominated by whites - especially in Africa.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Anna said:

    It was up to Br. Rutherford, he called the shots at the time.

    They all had the same frame of mind - that is why I mentioned the overall racist frame of mind of everyone in USA.  I do not think br Rutherford said to the artist he must draw a light guy.... he just did it automatically and it was approved.

  11. Wonderful to see! Thanks for bringing attention to this. 

    Africa is so poor! Nice to see an equalizing of resources.  Brothers in first world countries are now sharing kingdom halls (a few congregations use one hall) and kingdom halls were sold to help with funds for Africa and other poor areas around the globe.

  12. Ye

    5 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

    Your soul going to heaven is pagan but the GB will benefit from that pagan teaching.

    Yes, muslims believe that if you die in jihad you immediately go to heaven with 72 virgins and you can intercede for family members.

    Vikings believe in Valhalla- where you go after dying a valiant death in battle and also having access to beautiful women.

    To compare these pagan teachings to the bible is ludicrous..... not logical.   Atheist thinking.

  13. "Targeted " in the headline is the wrong word.  It gives the impression they were targeted by a crime....

    China has one million muslims in concentration camps at present - separating children from parents for communistic "re-education".

    They are using body parts of "Falun Gong"  members for CCP members and the rich, they are closing Christian churches and much more!

    No justice in China.  Read up what they are doing - you will get a massive shock. Ignorant people write these kind of reports above...... Most foreigners are leaving China at present and will never go back because the freedom is being curbed and ones life is not worth much when you land up in the judicial system. 

    To give people a chance to learn about God is not "targeting" them.... they are being targeted in their own country if they happen to be a thinking individual who does not worship only the state.

  14. Ah- 1944.  The world was a different place then.

    In most African countries there were oppressive white colonists living lives of the white elite. America had black soldiers fighting for the country without having equal rights when they returned home....... so the whole society had blinkers on..... so why expect more from the JW artist who drew the picture?

    Again, a case of taking something out of historical context and applying 21st century values retroactively. 

  15. 14 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    On the inside bottom of the lid was an image of Jesus, which forensic scientists used computer image enhancement to turn into a modern day photograph, shown below.

    Mary, Jesus' mother, was not represented.


    I take all of this with a pinch of salt. 

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