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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Sorry - broad strokes like that is not acceptable to me. Our core teachings are absolutely solid! no argument about that. The few mistakes due to over zealousness or some human fault is zoomed into by critical people with superior feelings and used as a pulverizer to trash everything! Don't agree with you. I was also around in 1975 and it was not as bad as you-all make it out to be. Jesus always spoke the truth and the pharisees /(super apostles) found fault with him.
  2. Thinking - you will have to try to get used to the American humor. I do not understand it myself. I often tramp in it. LOL
  3. Yes, if one preaches with kindness you are bound to find listeners and agreement..... but John said himself that "revilers" will not inherit the Kingdom.
  4. Jesus was accused of sedition because he preached about a kingdom not being of this world. This reminds me of the jab. They do not speak against the jab. Soon the governments will become more adamant especially when they want to barcode everyone in some way and jab you every year. Each individual will have to make their own decision as to what they will do...... no more holding of hands...and leading the toddlers along.. We must learn to think and please Jehovah because we want to! I read an old JW publication in which it explains this very well. It refers to Psalm 45 where Jehovah will prepare a body for Jesus and he laid it upon the Altar of Jehovah - in the greater temple sanctuary. This altar stands for the "will of Jehovah". Jesus came to do the will of Jehovah even right to his death. So, do we do the bidding of men to stay out of trouble and worship the beast? Or do we do the will of Jehovah and stay faithful only to Him. There is a difference to fighting for 'freedom' in a political way and only staying calmly and peacefully faithful to Jehovah because Jehovah recognizes our right to choose to serve him. Like Jeus we could be called seditious at this point. The Mosaic LAW given to the Israelites guarantees freedom of choice and a freedom to own your own property - no one should covet it and take any property of yours away. So it is in the law of Jehovah. BUT one must be cautious to politicize this freedom and stand up against government. It should only be a religious choice. Especially when the government starts to take away your property, and fine you, and even put you in jail, because you refuse to vote or obey mandates which takes away a choice. We all will be facing these choices soon! Be careful not to politicize your choices.
  5. Space Merchant thank you for your graciousness- appreciated.
  6. This is a lie - Christendom is always taking sides in wars for their states or countries. Most of their people take sides in every conflict. On the other hand we do NOT take sides and you will NEVER see us meeting heads of states in official church regalia. We do not even take part in discussions on TV. The Pope represents a state and even has his own diplomats. And owns one of the richest banks in the world....... the previous Pope abdicated quickly when he was going to be held accountable for the bank's money laundering. He never leaves the Vatican because he can be taken into custody. So you have not thought through your statement clearly.
  7. Just remember both sides are part of the wild beast! And they do act like beasts - bloody and with cunning.
  8. Orthodox are killing orthodox Christians. Hopefully many people start to see this connection. The Nazis are ones who want to keep the country separate with nationalism.
  9. What is gather is that the GB warned brothers to leave Ukraine and it seems there are no longer safe corridors to leave. One should leave as early as possible. If America warns its citizens it is because they fear harassment or even worse from Russian citizens and the government. Our brothers may leave and spill over the borders a.s.a.p to get away from the persecution. America is not yet in the war and does not intend to join officially (only supplying arms) - but then consider, they did not intend to enter any of the previous world wars. Alliances are being made - smaller countries are being forced to say on which side they are on. Depopulation agenda....and so much suffering.
  10. God of Magog is NOT the King of the North - it is the total coalition of nations who will turn against Jehovah. This above scenario may happen now but on other hand it may take some time and then Russia will out with all its forces when Jehovah feels the time is right (messages from east and north). We are inching closer! I think they will make announcements to the globe....to create peace and security. They want to WHO in control of the UN and get all nations to sign.
  11. Russia assisted Armenia in the war against Azerbaijan - it was over in one week. The drones Azerbaijan received from Turkey decimated the army equipment of the Armenians received from Russia. I see now that Ukraine has Turkish and American drones - which can actually fly higher than those of Turkey.
  12. As I said before, it is a financial war and the poor Ukrainian people is the pawn. This is a documentary about the change of currency and what ensues before this happens ..... By the way - they call it Nazi but I understand it to be nationalistic to extreme like in Germany....
  13. I have not watched them - but if they are about a crazy world -then it could be some reality check
  14. Some more conjecture from my side. The American dollar is sure to fall and they need a reason for it. This war could provide the opportunity. (This war could become another Afghanistan for Russia... linger on... until they make a treaty with UN fanfare). There are two poles to what is happening in the world. King of North and South. They push until the END it seems BUT king of North and its allies will control the wealth. 42 And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not escape. 43 And he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable* things of Egypt “But reports out of the east* and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. 45 And he will plant his royal* tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration;*r and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him. ( These reports are from Jehovah and Jesus at the right time when the South has progressed enough to prove that it is the debased DRAGON the bible says it is. In the West they will bring in their new money system - which is also a surveillance system ... thousands of satellites are being put in the heavens above as we speak. Those who do not obey the new system will be put in prison? Does this sound crazy? I do not think so. That kind of power can go to a person's head. So as we do not take sides in this war - we are aware of what is coming and should prepare for it.
  15. These bureaucrats are not the ones who benefit - they are just willing foot-soldiers who benefit because they are obedient to the dictates of those who are in control of all the money / corporations - who have formed a coalition with the UN. (The get their good salaries and stability). As we speak WHO is becoming the most important body in the UN and America has signed to give them total control..... I have not seen if other countries have joined. If you see something, let me know.
  16. I just saw this - It is an interesting perspective https://greatgameindia.com/ukraine-crisis-germany/
  17. On one of the islands during the gulag period there was NO food. People first ate young children and then the soft parts of women. Family ties were totally forgotten... Humans who do not believe in god become savages. The German people still walk around with psychological wounds because of what happened in Germany duting WW2. What they do not realize is that whole of mankind is badly flawed and it is only by God's grace that people can resist and show self-restraint to not go along with the crowd who have the power to do these things.
  18. They are not accountable to Jehovah's standards of justice and morality. They initiate secret wars, do gross experiments on citizens without their knowledge, stage false flags, use propaganda to sway the masses against each other.... unimaginable financial corruption, treason, purgery, etc. and this has been in so-called democratic countries. We are not even talking of the deaths in countries where organ harvesting and other terrifying atrocities take place. The US surgeon general has now asked for all names of people who spoke against the "sleever" on social media - asking it from tech companies. They will start to watch people. The new kind of rule coming to this world is to terrify people into submission and obedience. Hence, in the end, many will succumb to worshipping the image of the beast and the beast itself.
  19. Both of you said the same to each other but which one has a record of bad behaviour? I would be able to listen to you much more if you were not so consumed with anger by the smallest triviality and go on to revile anyone who does not agree with you or dares to point out that you are being rude. We all have personal flaws - that is obvious - but your lashing out makes it very hard for me personally to take you seriously because any communication with you becomes a very unpleasant experience. Do you know the science experiment with mice? When a big mouse plays with smaller ones, and he wins all the time and does not let them win now and then..... then they avoid him..... they no longer want to play with him. There is a lot one can learn from a mouse- brain.
  20. Interesting..... I will watch out for this development in India in the news reports. I do know that Putin has already informed PM Mohdi that some of the Indian students, who were studying in Ukraine, have been collected and are being used as human shields. Apparently they have 5 universities which specialize in foreign students... from Africa and India. I would like to add that since JWs do not take up arms or defend themselves they most probably will be termed as having ' bystander effect'. The reason being that Jehovah says : 13 Then Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah that he will perform for you today. Because we follow the instruction in the bible and carry no arms the coalition of nations will come up against the people of God because it seems as if they have no protection and can be plundered. Ezekiel 38: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “On that day when my people Israel are dwelling in security, will you not know it?q 15 You will come from your place, from the remotest parts of the north,r you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly, a vast army. I will bring my judgment against him* with pestilencey and bloodshed; and I will rain down a torrential downpour and hailstonesz and firea and sulfurb on him and on his troops and on the many peoples with him.c 23 And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’
  21. This country has been linked to the dollar exchange rate since the 1970's but the dollar is also failing due to the fact that Saudi Arabia has made a deal with.... wait for it... Russia. They are now bargaining on being protected by Russia.... no longer USA. What puts USA in a further bad spot is the fact that they are importing some of the fuel from Russia - which is going to skyrocket fuel prices in USA. Biden , in accord with Agenda 2030 has not given permission for new fuel lines and has closed down some in USA.
  22. It is all about the great financial reset: the future one world government of the UN and WEF. The dollar is on the verge of collapse and with a "Russian" cyber attack it will be plausible reason to blame Russia for its woes and when people are suffering financially they will be ready for any new suggestion to stave off the pain. The central banks of Europe are apparently not doing well and when Germany is cut off from Russian energy supply, their industry sector will suffer and it may start the Euro downward spiral. Russia has its own equivalent of SWIFT which it uses with China and Iran. This war was instigated by the globalists because they want the money system to collapse. (This does not mean that Russia itself is not a bad player - all politics is ruthless and does not care who it hurts in the process as the wars in the middle east has proven). Russia has sold its dollars and is still invested in Euro and about 2,000 tons of gold. China apparently has double that amount of gold but is not letting on. It seems the new exchange currency may become the yuan. Economic downturn will lead to suggestions of the UN to broker the peace and introduce a new monetary system. We know UN will rule for only one hour and in this hour it will force all to get its mark and worship it and will not tolerate dissent. I think it is in this time it will turn against religions - only a uninformed guess.
  23. Speculating on prophecy in peace is better that to continually pull other people apart and looking for unchristian spats. I usually ignore you now but thought I must just tell you that you are looking for spats all the time - a genuine troll!
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