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Distracted Driving Awareness Month


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April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, sponsored by the National Safety Council and adopted by many states.

Unfortunately, a tragic example of distracted driving comes from Texas just last week.  A 20-year-old man was texting while driving, and a witness following the driver called 9-1-1 to report him.

Sadly, the police didn’t arrive in time to stop the driver from swerving over the centerline and colliding head on with a church van full of people.  Thirteen people died in that collision, the texting driver remains hospitalized.

You may notice posters on distracted driving in your offices.  Your local safety committee is helping spread the word on the hazards of distracted driving. 

Distracted driving is a serious issue for all of us whenever we get on the road, no matter where we are or how far we are from home.   It’s not just texting or answering your phone, anything that causes you to take your eyes off the road, your hands off the wheel, or your mind off the task of driving leads to distraction:

·         Eating and drinking

·         Combing your hair, applying make-up, and other grooming tasks

·         Reading, including maps

·         Using a navigation system

·         Watching a video

·         Adjusting the radio, CD or MP3 player.



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