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“Afghan Girl” captured the world’s imagination when this photo appeared on the cover of National Geographic – 1984

Jack Ryan

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In a refugee camp along the Pakistan/Afghan border in 1984, the image of this woman was snapped by a National geographic photographer. The haunting image was so descriptive, emotional and powerful in the way it captured the feeling and plight of the refugees left without a home, it made its way onto the cover of the magazine. Seen by millions of people, it shed light on the situation abroad and let us connect with the feelings of this woman a world away. In 2002 the photographer returned to the region to find out the identity of this woman, hoping to finally hear her story. After weeks of searching a tip lead him to a house where he was greeted by the woman and her family. Her name is Sharbat Gula and the life she lived since the photograph has been one of hard times. Read more about her amazing story here: Wikipedia


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