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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. Religious WT leaders aka bible scholars aka elders, inside this Organization aka Congregation, have had all the time from 19th century until today for "careful study". They saw some things different than other churches, some stay same as in other churches. "Careful study" wasn't so careful, as you suggest for yourself or for GB. Religious doctrines form past to today are proof for wrong understanding despite all efforts and hours of "careful study". What about this? Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. - Rom 13 Where is said that elders are in higher status than governing authorities? Despite idea of .... in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God,[a] which he obtained with his own blood. Are you sure that every elder (or all of them in WT) is established and put in place by HS? Because you used this bible text too: ... And when they had appointed elders for them in every church .... Who appointed elders? They! .... is the answer in text. Or you suggest how this kind of HS power (to appointing other people into elders in the name of HS) is portable, transferable from man to man? But than you will come to stand before wall, again. WTJWorg and GB claims how no single man, woman or child in this Congregation is not inspired by HS. If you are not inspired why would you think how you can be guided by HS to appoint next elder? You made good conclusion how: But, is it possible to see deception because we have "careful study"???
  2. by Merriam-Webster: Definition of lackey (Entry 1 of 2) 1a: FOOTMAN sense 2, SERVANT b: someone who does menial tasks or runs errands for another 2: a servile follower : TOADY Definition of footman 1aarchaic : a traveler on foot : PEDESTRIAN b: INFANTRYMAN 2a: a servant in livery formerly attending a rider or required to run in front of his master's carriage b: a servant who serves at table, tends the door, and runs errands Definition of toady (Entry 1 of 2) : one who flatters in the hope of gaining favors : SYCOPHAN Definition of sycophant : a servile self-seeking flatterer
  3. Absolutely. WTJWorg study magazines and other publications with GB as Main Doctrinal Body who giving interpretations on Bible text forgetting reality: Between good and bad, between black and white is wide specter of details and variations. But they want only one picture about themselves to be visible and applicable on them. Positive and "imperfectly perfect"picture. Because of such illusion and wrong self perception they are not able to see how their policy and leadership contributes in fulfillment of second part (impossible to be part, as they say) about "evil slave". And here we came to second issue. No one appointed them to be in that role of "slave" - good or evil. They choose to be in that role by own free will.
  4. Yes, very interesting subject. We have to remind us how first Christians, or Jesus' followers, Jesus' disciples, put their life, didn't want to reject their faith in Jesus, because of Jesus, and not because of JHVH. First followers (not JHVH's followers but Jesus' followers) gave their lives because they did not want to deny their faith in Jesus. They did not want to give up the name of Jesus. The name JHVH was not the name they want to defend and protect. The name Jesus brings some controversy. Interestingly and contrary of what we generally might think and what we perhaps didn't say clearly enough with right wording, but: followers of JHVH name persecuted people who been followers of Jesus name. This giving specific dimension to issue and contribute to your reasoning and explanation about modern scene and how JHVH Organization operate in the Name of God (FDS, anointed individuals etc).
  5. OT speaking about giving testimony or about be witness for JHVH according to Isaiah. But NT speaking about bearing witness to Jesus. It seems how WTJWorg chooses OT model instead NT.
  6. Yes, i am also pretty sure how believers, of all kind, and here JW's particularly was and/or will find themselves in difficult situations ........ when invoking the name of God becomes the only, last hope, and when it becomes the only, final way to feel protected.
  7. One "catholic" translation of Bible came in 1969 (this was first Bible translation in communist ex-Yugoslavia), and this translation have god's name in form "Jahve" (first JW Bible in Croatian language brought form - Jehova) It is interesting how in preaching service (talking about past time, but seems it is same today) if person on door said Jahve, JW's are not willing to accept this as His name in full, but giving favor to form Jehova. When non JW using this form instead of "official" JW name for God it sounds in the ears of JW's as "wrong" pronunciation or as less "acceptable" pronunciation. And you can test this, just start using name Jahve in every day meetings and comments. Many elders will find need to talk with you about it :))))
  8. In Croatian (as in other languages), some city names (as well as other names) are spelled, written differently and pronounced differently from the original. For example, the capital of Austria is Wien (German) or Vienna (English), but in Croatian it is Beč. There is no possible way for non Croatian language reader to see some similarity and conclude it can be same town. As we all have experience with the name in this way, no matter what word you speak in any of the languages, German, English or Croatian for the Austrian capital, most people will be clear about what it is. Perhaps there is some problems or worry about 4 letters and pronounce and/or meaning of some particular pronounce. If 4 letters representing god's name and Him personally, perhaps the simplest way how not to use wrong pronounce is just simply spelling 4 letters when want to name God. Just opinion :))
  9. It seems how we are all "afflicted" with many things. Not only with Corona, religious doctrines, economy .... but also with pronunciation of letters and words :)))
  10. Yes, several verses. But several verses from one and same person. :))
  11. This is possible. What some of "Bible" writers, or should we say Jew's writers, saw, heard, dreamed or visualized in the past could have important and special meaning (only) for them and for events of their life (and, or, for people in their time). It is interesting to notice how main, fundamental and everlasting ideas we can evaluate, valorize, even today with the least possible misjudgments and theses, are moral lessons and messages in the records about what Jesus spoke. If i can recall correctly, only place, time when Jesus "prophesied" about future is about what will be with Jerusalem and Temple of his disciple time. And not about second or third fulfillment (literally or symbolically) in some future time. This multiple fulfillment was never mentioned in "inspired" writings. Only humans interpretations giving such outcome. About Revelation book prophesy. It is notable how we have only John's claim about his visions and dreams about various surreal pictures he described, and how Jesus told him that. Only one disciple and only one apostle of all of them received such messages. Only after Jesus death. While Jesus was alive, we see no records about such way of his speaking and giving special knowledge about life and future and Kingdom. Because that would and will be of greater strength. Many times we heard words: what was said by two or three witnesses that must be truth. We have only one witness, John, who said it is truth what he wrote. Jesus knew about this Jew law and standpoint (and he give same lesson in Mat 18). Why Jesus didn't spread Revelation through two or three witnesses to be in harmony with own teaching? Just as dilemma, from us who have less faith :)))
  12. Movie "Going to America" with Eddie Murphy, an extremely pampered African Prince travels to Queens, New York in looking for his future Queen wife. And no better place is Queens New York, because even name of the place is very promising for his searching :)) https://www.imdb.com/video/vi995605273?ref_=tt_pv_vi_aiv_1
  13. Maybe that WT ask for a global discount on a 8 plus million plane tickets (free tickets for minor children). In that case, maybe a one-way ticket would only be a dollar per person. And there is no need to sell the property, let everyone rent it and collect the rent, and let it all money sit on the branch account in Australia :)))
  14. According to news some JW's from Russia asking for asylum in Finland, Norway ... About 175,000 Jehovah's Witnesses are estimated to reside in the Russian Federation. Since the 2017 ban, it is thought that about 5,000 or so have left the country. - https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/close_to_90_of_russian_jehovahs_witnesses_applicants_refused_asylum_in_finland/10897023 “We look at every application case by case,” she said. “At the moment, the situation does not seem to be that every Jehovah’s Witness is under the threat of persecution, but we follow the situation closely. If everyone was being persecuted, then everyone would be granted asylum.” - https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/16/world/europe/putin-trump-russia-jehovahs-witness.html
  15. What makes me wonder after reading this two posts of yours is this: For all those who want to escape from dangerous places, primarily they need to have many important and detailed information about who is who in this fight, and where they are placed and where they will go. How they heard and collect such "classified" information? Also they needed political and military understanding of such information. If first Christians (ex-Jews) acted as Christians aka JW's today, who, according to WT publication, are as 1st Christians in 1st Century, that means they are not part of the World, and not interested in political and military things of this world. That would means, both of this Christians (in 1st century and JW's today) are not "able" to have, to get such kind of secular understanding of political movement and plans, because they are occupied exclusively with spiritual things and matters inside congregation. What WTJWorg and JW members doing is looking at the general "signs", such as wars, earthquakes, pestilence, shortage of food, crimes and similar. Some sort of going into political examinations and understanding and to giving political picture, analyze about who is "King of the North", who is "Gog of Magog" and similar shows lack of real knowledge and understanding, because interpretations was changed through history. In fact what sort of knowledge GB showed? Political? Religious? Or mixed? I am not saying how our looking to go deeper in understanding and our tries to get, to see more is not good, as you showed in your posts (that was good to read for me and helped me to wrote this comment), but want to say how (temporary) WTJWorg attitude "to not be part of the world" also it can mean: We are not voting and not take sides, but we are interested to understand political moves of "our enemies" to be able to escape bad things. Obviously, GB understanding of political moves in Russia didn't be of much use and "they didn't escape on time" from Russia territory to save life (from suffer and prison) and basic material things. 1st Christians done exactly this. Didn't want to be martyrs, or to suffer for religious rights and similar reasons.
  16. Of course, me too never did this. I heard this sort of communication between children (son and daughter) and parents in one JW family in my ex congregation. Very strange to hear ....... This children never been baptized and they are now about 25 of age.
  17. @Arauna , didn't took time to see videos you put. I think how G. Jackson gave some explanation on JWorg TV about "correct" and "wrong" pronunciation. But who can be sure does he know enough about it and what is his "agenda" :)) You gave explanation about two sort of reasons why pronunciation of name was not clearly known. Jew's tradition based on God's command to not using Divine Name in vain, and second is Roman's efforts to preventing any use of Divine Name. If Jews already not using Name in every day life nor in Temple, i am not sure what would be interest for Romans to prevent what was already not been practice in Jew's nation for very long time before Romans came on Israel territory. I am not sure that using of noun "Father" as way of conversation to God, is in same range as other titles. Because using of this word speaking about specific relation between two persons. Even word "God" is specific and i am not thinking of it as merely as title of person who is creator of life. Problem with such words coming when individual in India or Asia want to explain or convince some individual in Europe or Africa what God is his God and therefore God for each and everyone in this World. :))
  18. Freedom of feelings, freedom of speech. .... where is freedom of act ? If i get it correctly, you are asking for "God's authority", but think you don't have that kind of "the authority"? Wrong. God gave people "all authority" by giving humankind free will to do whatever they want, and not going into preventing or to stop any of our "free will ideas". Of course, we have to be aware of consequences. If someone want to "fight" against "stupidity" of particular individual here, than he/she must be ready to "fight" against "stupidity" of religious leaders in WTJWorg too.
  19. Perhaps to say "Father" or "Heavenly Father" would be best solution .... or "God", with large G letter In fact, this terminology is supported by Jesus' famous prayer as answer on his disciples question, asking; "teach us to pray."
  20. WTJworg "persecution" and "final of final days" is described in publications, videos and interpretations with picture of human enemies who will try to put all JW's to be inactive in worshiping God, to force them for compromise about worship and finally to "destroy" JW's if they refuse to obey secular governments. Of course we can put this corona virus events in that format too. But it seems how GB leaders don't think how secular commands about health issue have something with "persecution". Corona Virus is just "sign" for "final part of final part of last days". Perhaps some of them wondering will this be how devil will stop worldwide preaching service. And congregational meetings. This two things are big tools of how JW's is organized and how they operate. And this can put on test their loyalty and spiritual health. Because they are temporary cut off from normal and regular way of spiritual life and activity. Yes they using technology in this moment, but that is also "under devil influence" and situation can be changed in a second. Issue of "flee" is not reserved only for some future events, but is everyday question. Because spiritual "flee" from wrong doctrines and interpretations, from organized religion and other things too, is always very actual
  21. some suggestion: Sunday = not working day Monday = preparation for work day Tuesday = light work day Wednesday = work break day Thursday = task finishing day Friday = Celebrating the upcoming weekend day Saturday = Celebration break day .... about names for months go to Croatian calendar, normal meanings :)) https://www.mojevrijeme.hr/magazin/2014/09/kako-su-mjeseci-dobili-imena-listopad-mjesec-kada-pada-lisce/
  22. If we wanted to understand how voices, letters and words were created, and then how their meaning came about, we would have a difficult task. On the other hand, it is very simplistic to accept the appearance of a fully developed and clear language appearing with Adam and Eve. But things get even more complicated when we read the report that God initiated many fully developed languages during the time of Nimrod. It means that God is the source of the meaning of every vocabulary. The words and their origin, concept and meaning that have or have had to people before us or today sometimes changes. Asking a question or doubt as to whether it is permissible to use a particular word is not completely justified. It's similar to some "vulgar" word. Is "vulgar" word vulgar in itself? I don't think so. The social community has begun to find the word shameful and wants to put it out of use. You know that some people in their curses send an interlocutor with whom they disagree "go to that * thing *". What is "that thing"? Male or female sex organ. What would be the difference if we used a medical or lexical official term for a particular part of the body instead of a vulgar word? Would that even be vulgar swearing then? Does particular word have any "magic" meaning? Is there a word of "pagan" origin? Words serve to distinguish between different persons, things or phenomena. The wrong purpose of a particular word is another question. If I start using the word "car" for every house I see in town, it means that others will not understand me or say that I'm a lunatic. But if I gain enough supporters then in that group that word will have exactly that meaning.
  23. Old Israel have had longer history than 1st Congregation and WTJWorg together. All in all, it is notable to see how their God left to Israel people, how they would like to handle inside problems. About politics, about economy, about religious doctrines. God showed patient and wait to see, according to Bible. And when they failed to make changes, He made them to make changes. From some inside moves or from outside forces (other nations). Well, if JW's members stay inactive, despite facts how they see wrongs of own leaders, someone else will do the job.
  24. I see a little problem here. Is hierarchy, as concept, something what God want to exist? Second question is: what sort of hierarchy is good hierarchy? You gave examples about singers, sports, innovators and injustice. That what people doing is questionable, but it is not something what can be connected to issue of hierarchy in core, in fundamental meaning. Those examples is more about our standards, honesty, values about what is important and what contribute to better life. If people love stupid songs and want to listen them is more about trends or bad taste. All secular governments, from the first one, have hierarchy system. And as you emphasized, all are unrighteous. What makes me worried and sad is fact explained in Romans 13. Or Romans 13 are not "inspired word" but human word, and that is also possible. Because Romans 13 gives command to Christians to obey unrighteous system of secular governments. Not to ask questions about secular laws, not to put them on test, not to make efforts to change unrighteous laws, but to be in submission, to obey. JW church support this in full, with few exceptions when come to some doctrinal issues about army service, preaching, free speech and similar. In whole picture of "satanic world" and devil who is ruler of all hierarchical systems, according to Bible, it seems how God and devil support each other in this issue. God blame devil how he is cause of all evilness and injustice, but on other side God command Christians to obey devil's system in full or will be punished, and God will approve that punishing. Christian congregation also have hierarchical system. But is this system fully righteous? No, as you admitted too. But as in case of secular hierarchy, Christians are not called to change wrong things and laws in the world and inside congregation too. Because, WTJWorg elders said so. What Bible say about it ? What parts of Bible says you have license to change and fight against wrong things, and what parts of Bible say you have to be passive and wait? In what scenario? Under what circumstances? Is this about previous how all people are equal before God? Righteous and unrighteous are equal before God and Jesus? If Jesus gave life for all, who are that "all"? Does God's mercy and love is only for those who "accept"? What is JW's explanation how looks like this process of "accepting"? To be baptized as individual who recognizes WTJWorg as only saving organization? In this moments of Corona pandemic, we see how some people are in hierarchical position to give advice, recommendations, commands how to act. Is this hierarchy wrong? I don't thing it is. It is good to have people who know more and can lead people through this. Some people understand this situation and are cooperative, some other not want to listen. Even GB listen to this secular authorities and canceled activities that making JW's as JW's. You are not going door to door ministry despite understanding how this kind of worship is God's command, and is almost unique for JW church as activity that makes JW's recognizable over all false religions. Public meetings also. It seems how this is "devil world" after all, and how Kingdom's invisible ruling is less visible this days.
  25. I am hoping that you not suggest how organized directive to send millions of letters to Russia is God's wisdom and weakness in one package ? Prosecution and persecution of JW's and other religions in Russia have nothing with question, issue: whose worship of god is true worship, but, seems to me, only average scene of this world and Geo-political "games".
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