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Srecko Sostar

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Everything posted by Srecko Sostar

  1. If the GB want to show that they are aware of their "own limitations" (like S. Lett's Jesus), then, the JW’s should only have one 10 minute lecture (basically reading the Bible text) per week or month in the assembly and the rest of the time they should sing and laugh. And only one issue of WT magazine in a year. Preferable would be Awake with articles about animal and nature to praise Creator . :))
  2. Intelligence is not needed ? Perhaps education is less important,because someone else can read to uneducated people, BUT you need at least average IQ for understanding world around you and various/specific religious doctrines. :))
  3. It’s weird that you think that way. How many times in WTJWorg magazines is it discussed and explained why JWs don’t do this or that. Why some customs are rejected and some are not considered wrong. Eg. why not celebrate a birthday, new year, May 1st etc. Then historical examples from the Bible or "worldly" history are given of what happened during the two birthday celebrations and other events. The magazine then concludes that birthdays have a “pagan origin,” and that this is the main reason why JW’s don’t celebrate birthdays today. What has happened in distant history is becoming a moral principle, a doctrine for the 21st century. So, to today's JW's it is very important what the history of this or that is. Why is the history of a "mountain-like organization" not important to You, to them?
  4. No, Arauna. More important, crucially important to save life is - FLEE.
  5. I believe how we can make consensus about length of any or some particular generation. Surely none of the men that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob; because they have not wholly followed me ....... The Lord’s anger burned against Israel and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until the whole generation of those who had done evil in his sight was gone. Here we have Bible confirmation how ONE "generation" is 40 years in length, but interestingly in this 40 years generation period WERE people from 20 years of age and upward. Contrary! Younger (0 year -20 years) people were not a part of, they not CONSTITUTED this particular Generation that have to die in wilderness. Here we have situation how people of all ages lived in the same period of time, but were not part of same "generation". Here we have one group of people (who had done evil ), of various ages when all this was occurred. But Bible text called all of them who done evil- generation. Not because they somehow "overlapped" in sense of long period of time as TV preacher David Splane explained "Generation of 1914". No, this people in the wilderness, all of them contribute to "evil thing" in one short, particular moment of their life. And their joint activity made them to be ONE GENERATION, that must die in 40 years. In that context we have GENERATION of 40 years. In Noah's generation example is 3x40 = 120 years that God left to people of that period of time. That doesn't mean how every men and woman in Noah's time lived 120 years and then die in Flood. Bible reports speaking of people who lived hundreds of years as normal life span in those period of time. In Noah example, we don't see separation in terminology: These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. Gen 6 9. Here we have all people, young and old, good and bad to be under same wording - "His Generation". In this two examples we see how time length of some particular "generation" in some particular event is changeable and not depend of capacity of how long human life span is in that period of time. Also we see how quality and belongings of one group of people sometimes are separate from each other and sometimes are mixed, together. In this two Bible examples we see how ONLY ONE EVENT, for each period, of them is in focus. First is that the Israelites were afraid to enter the Promised Land. Second is Human that not listen to Noah. In Jesus prophecy about Last Days of Jerusalem, we see how all was happen and finished in relatively short period of time. If we "count" from From 33 AD to 70 AD (37 years), or even less period of time. Perhaps is more important when events (signs) started, when they primarily were, started happening, and not when Jesus did made prophecy (in 33 AD). Because Jesus said: So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. https://books.google.hr/books?id=sWv7YVmcpREC&pg=PA106&lpg=PA106&dq=generation+of+40+years+bible&source=bl&ots=JIV_yYY5i2&sig=ACfU3U3cNcNqdC8ZRbCbiriWGcWIh_8_wA&hl=hr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuhO7u-O7pAhUNr4sKHfWXBeUQ6AEwDnoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=generation of 40 years bible&f=false
  6. If you don't mind my different opinion. I would say how basic elements in message that JW's preaching; better new world, perfect life and health, no death, peace and security, Jesus and God etc. are something what almost all people want/wish. The system of repetition and persuasion of how to achieve all this, goes into our conscious and unconscious deep enough that we don’t feel the need to question anything that have source in new found religion. In fact, we self-censor ourselves and do not allow critical thinking. That is, the Organization has succeeded in instilling in its members the feeling that everything that is happening in terms of doctrine and technical implementation of learning does not even need to be re-examined. Only what comes from outside, the “worldly,” needs our utter caution and suspicion. Deception imbued with elements of good and even true, creates in us an inability to think differently. Our mind is dulled. The mind is no longer sharp to discern fraud that growing within ourselves and danger of our confidence in the Organization. “Danger comes from outside” and “I am sinful and can't trust myself” - these are thoughts that obscure view about possibility and about very good chance how "the truth" is much else other but not really truthful. Why we stay so long in this mode and state and sometimes refuse to see obvious? Why we convince ourselves how "this must be the truth" when "truth" is not truth any more but another interpretation? You and me and many similar to us are not in any intellectual shortcomings, but we were deceived.
  7. - obedient and submissive - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1989685 WTJWorg spreads teachings how members must doing exactly this before Elders and GB. Paul said; NO, you DON'T HAVE TO be OBEDIENT AND SUBMISSIVE to human leaders in "Jerusalem" or in your congregation!
  8. Now is come to be clear from where S. Lett borrow his words about final part of last days, or last days of last days, or ... :)) it doesn't matter. It seems how S. Lett reads very old WT publications and than get some ideas for new light, clarification and so on :))
  9. This is err premise. Sorry. What was built from the start (my start was in 1975) WT publication teaches how generation is 70-80 in length and is literally connected with the year 1914 as start point to be able to count when "signs" will culminate in Armageddon. Because of that JW's are/was put in "corner" with this. "Overlapping" invention is just try how to get out of the corner.
  10. I made comment on WT article that @4Jah2me put in his comment, and of course on many other WT article that making statements how Jesus gave task of feeding only to 1919 small group of people inside WT. Also, if we going into searching to whom specific words was addressed by Jesus, about feeding,i found only this specific verse that can be connected with "spiritual food". I must tell, also, how i am not reading Bible as many of you does regular or every day. This is from memory and than go to search where some verse is in the book. Because that, it can be how i missed some other verse which confirm other conclusion. In verses you offer it is notable how other people, not Jesus, encouraged fellow brothers and elders to be in service of helping/feeding people in congregations. Nothing wrong with that, of course. What is of concern is stubborn claims made by WT and GB how only few people inside JW Church are delegated/appointed, not by Peter or Paul, nor by Russel and Rutherford, but by JHVH and Jesus themselves, to be FDS Class. And much more - How no other individual, or group of people/elders, no one of Anointed as individual or group is/are allowed to do this feeding. I agree how you are right in conclusion how "this verse not say that ONLY Peter should feed", and i hope you will agree how Jesus or any Bible verse not say how ONLY governing body in NY HQ should feed, too. :)) Paul is example of individual, very much independent in actions and words. And he was not part of any sort of GB that is promoted today. @César Chávez put this interesting verse in comment: Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them 4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” - Act 6 1st century brothers and sisters (anointed or not) had spiritual ability to recognize who among Men are full of Spirit. I suppose how you need Spirit for doing this? Can we say they were "inspired"? At least for this particular moment and particular task? History repeats. WT study magazine and TV Broadcasting doing same thing to JW people today.....with some other methods and words: Trust in Us because Jesus also trust in Us. If Jesus trust in Us, shouldn't you do the same? Do not forget, Jesus not say that only (Peter) GB will feed people. GB ask people to trust ONLY to them because they claim how ONLY they have spiritual food to share. Where we are now?
  11. If i can recall what Jesus said, it would be this: He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him athe third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, byou know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed cmy sheep. This Bible verse (even in nwt translation too) confirm only one fact: Jesus delegated task, service, obligation about feeding to only one person, Peter.
  12. Can somebody who has read this book tell us, does Furuli give some thoughts about people who left WTJWorg?
  13. Question for JW members. What are GB anointed with? 1) With oil ? 2) With hands of another JW member ? 3) With holy spirit ?
  14. Personality is very strong "thing", and was shaped with many known and unknown elements we are not aware, sometimes, or not at all aware of them to the end of life. Maybe we could say about that thing like this. For example, someone who is hasty in words, after learning the “truth” of JW’s and Bible, become successful in softening this nature or it became somehow invisible to others. But that does not necessarily mean how a person changes his personality and deleted bad attribute, but he / she is just able to control more certain behavior. Another reason for this look on matter is Bible fact how imperfection inherited from first people is here. And it is not gone because you are JW or whatever else. This can be topic for conversation. Even people in Bible who was "inspired" to do some God's act was "inspired" for particular moment and deed. They are not people who "changed their personality" given by nature and build up by family, society, events, learning and experience. WTJWorg said how reading Bible, hard work to change bad aspirations/tendencies, good society and help of HS will bring you "new personality". But still, WTJWorg say another fact, we are still imperfect and err (i will add: purposely or not purposely) till the end of 1000 years Kingdom. Question still stay: What you manage to change, what you changed in fact, in meanwhile?? Nature is written in the blood and flesh much stronger than we think.
  15. Perhaps JTR was surrounded with "false friends" for much longer time before he joined this forum and had conversation with ex-JW's here. If you noticed i respected JTR choice of his decisions. It is in him only to "take side" or to balancing in intellectual and emotional turmoil. As you said, "his genuine friends distance themselves" and "his own kids deserted him". Also, JTR acted as "spiritual terrorist" (your description) on this forum. This "terrorist" issue remind me on @4Jah2me and @Arauna conversation about GB and them as "spiritual dictators". How different they are. JTR and GB.
  16. For me, to see GB members in the shop buying what ever he need or wish is normal thing. That fact not need to be of any specific interest for public. Just, to see such highly positioned individual (top manager in WTJWorg) without make up, neat hairstyle, clothes, clean fingers/hands with an expensive watch and ring, because of TV studio preparations, makes next, different picture and perception about person. In all that is normal how no one of us looks "perfect" in various situations and circumstances through a day. This short shop video about Mr. Morris is "perfect" for another reason. To see one of them in "normal" situation and say to yourself: "What, Hey, this is the guy who preparing my spiritual food ?" :))
  17. "Overlapping generation/s" solves all doubts and give solutions to all calculation possibilities about 500 years, more or less than 500. :))
  18. Which church to join would you recommend for someone who is "dull", not "sharp enough" ? Hypothetical question !
  19. Yes, i can recall one role model, where Jesus set example what is the best way how to shun people who are morally and spiritually "garbage". The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold, a gluttonous man and a winebibber, a friend of [a]publicans and sinners! And wisdom [b]is justified by her [c]works. It can be how His sharpness was not enough sharp ? :))
  20. In a biblical sense, who can understand will understand - Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Prov 27 17 Thanks for remind me about JTR.
  21. I also hesitate to put some of signs to JW people comments, even i was found some sentence in entire comment i agree with too. But why to show agreement on things that are generally normal and agreeable because they are normal to normal people. Yes, yes, Bible speak about: whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philipians 4 But if we just praise (sing up comments) each other we won't get far. :))) On other hand people like me must learn how not be partial because, for example, other people religion belongings. :)))
  22. Interesting words srecko. Any "aquired" demeanor is hypocritical. Thanks for accent on this word. I used it from @Anna comments, and perhaps not get deeper meaning of expression. It is not only about "behavior" as such. When you said "interesting wording" that send me a signal. I went on dictionary again: Definition of demeanor : behavior toward others : outward manner - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/demeanor outward manner - I get it. It is not just behavior as such, but two face, two side how individual present self: in general public and inside closed circle. To have such "insight" on others is more possible with people around us. It is little more difficult about people who writing articles in magazines about whom i don't know nothing. Only WHAT they write. Little more is possible to see on people who showing themselves on TV Broadcasting. We see faces and tone of voice. That is very helpful.
  23. Than few things are possible. TTH son is intelligent person. He is not lazy and/or preoccupied with playing. TTH is good teacher and know enough about what and how to transfer knowledge and skills to his children.
  24. May i ask, if some ordinary JW member come to position to see what is going on, or how act of those who lead will (do) cause damage.....,would be realistic to react, to tell why you disagree and to refuse be part of wrong "demeanor" of individual or of group or of organisation?
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