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Everything posted by Evacuated

  1. This rumour of GB morning worship instruction is passing round everywhere. This is just like the emails pretending to be from banks, phishing for personal details. Our Governing Body does not communicate worldwide on serious matters by third party source via email, social media, or any other random channel. We have our instruction on how to conduct this campaign here: https://www.jw.org/en/news/releases/by-region/russia/jw-mobilize-global-response-to-threat-of-ban/ This is also the source for information on progress with this vital campaign. ANYTHING else, including the postings on this site, is unauthorised at best. I will leave you to decide what it is at worst. Compare the Apostle Paul's words at 2 Thess 2:1-2 where he says "we ask you  not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be alarmed either by an inspired statement or by a spoken message or by a letter appearing to be from us"
  2. How do you apply Titus 3:10? "A man whose opinions are not those of the church, after a first and second protest, is to be kept out of your society;" Bible in Basic English "Warn anyone who tries to get believers to take sides and separate into their own little groups. Warn him more than once. After that, have nothing to do with him." New International Readers Version
  3. The horrible expression "brown nose" is reserved for those who are described as "obsequious". Equally horrible, that word is defined in part as servile, ingratiating, unctuous, sycophantic, fawning. I agree that we do not have to demonstrate that level of behaviour in dealing with political leaders, Russian or otherwise. But we are advised by the apostles (who had dealings with men alongside whom Russian politicians wilt) to show respect for those who currently excercise power. With the example of Saul, later Paul, we can appreciate the Bible's counsel to avoid judging others. Not a suitable subject for a letter to the Russian authorities regarding our brothers, BUT................... It puts me in mind of what occurred in Nazi Germany. I believe officers in prison camps would allow Jehovah's Witness prisoners to wet shave them....because they knew they could trust the brothers not to harm them, such was the brothers respect for Jehovah's requirements at that time. Well, can you imagine any "Guatanamo Bay" type military officer allowing an ISIS militant to shave them with a cut-throat razor today without at least a qualm of misgiving???? Who really are the extremists?
  4. Depends. Maybe it was important to Jehovah. Anyway, at the moment you are right in saying but we will know for sure in the resurrection won't we?
  5. Wish I could speak Spanish as I cannot really fathom the Google translate (?) version. I am sure we will get the full, lurid details and more soon if there is any truth in the matter.
  6. I actually felt a bit sorry for Mr Stewart this time round. Seems like he's blunting his teeth a bit on this bone!
  7. There is no precise way yet to conclusively determine what was actually in Paul's mind in his use of Deut.21:22-23 relating to instrument used in Jesus murder. The analysis in the posting is interesting, and I particularly like the connection with the account regarding Haman's experience in the book of Esther. If anything, the information presented persuades me more to the single stake view, particularly when I consider the active interest Jehovah must have taken in all the events surrounding the sacrificial death of His son Jesus. The idea (if true) that the word for stake had slipped in meaning due to custom and practice of the time, and that this would render a single pole method of execution as unusual (although not impossible), rather piques my interest. If anything, it would certainly have drawn even more attention to the event at the time, even if the detail is not specifically recorded in any extant source. I am also inclined to think that an ancient definition of the word would be more appropriate in view of Paul's reference to Deuteronomy. However, we just cannot be sure, and for that reason I am happy to accept for now the current view we as Jehovahs Witnesses hold "the Bible does not describe the instrument of Jesus’ death, so no one can know its shape with absolute certainty." https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/did-jesus-die-on-cross/ Of course, the matter will be clarified in the future, but it is obviously more important for us now to focus on the meaning, rather than the implement, of Jesus' death.
  8. It does appear as a problem to me in that "two" is not adequate as a definition. It is not clear what form their evidence takes, whether direct or circumstantial. Citing Deut.22:22-27 is relevant but inconclusive as there is no description of its application in fact that I know of. Seems to have been addressed in the response letter you linked at page 8. 2:8c "if the elders and branch office determine that a child is in danger, the elders are directed to call law enforcement authorities, even if such reporting is not mandated by law." The question seems to be prompted by Mr Stewart's exasperation in the midst of a rather muddy discussion looking at your linked reference. Excuse me feeling a tad dubious about "society's" commitment here in the light of the unfolding extent of this ever burgeoning problem. However, I did notice the ARC invitation to Watchtower Australia to participate and contribute to improving matters. There are obviously well motivated individuals indicating their genuine concern in the area of child protection, and a number of specialists providing invaluable insights into understanding and handling the problem. However, as noted elsewhere in the postings, the continued mud-slinging and jibe trading that seems to accompany discussions on this subject, (not limited to this forum), are an impediment to any joint approach in dealing wih this criminal activity.
  9. Do you need two witnesses to report a missing person in your neck of the woods (or swamp)? Better example please!
  10. Actually, with respect it probably did matter in this case. Additionally, Jehovah can ensure that events take place His way, regardless of tradition, normal practice, or any other influence one cares to imagine. If someone could sensibly explain what Paul had in mind when he wrote at Gal. 3:13: "Christ purchased us, releasing us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse instead of us, because it is written: “Accursed is every man hung upon a stake" " it might be interesting. Only, make it real, please. I don't want to spend the rest of my life crossing and uncrossing Taus!
  11. You will have to think of a better example because reporting Bro. Jack as a missing person would open the investigation regardless of any ambiguity over "who dunnit?"
  12. Definition of witness is the problem - procedural inadequacy Definite error of judgement this - evidence of naivety. Pressure definitely exists, but probably sensible, clear, consistent legislation and enforcement would be a better instrument for change. And wouldn't it be helpful if outside "consultants" could be relied upon to have children's interests at heart? (I'll cite UK examples in view of the impending investigations). http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-39305042 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-39234390 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/real_story/4595158.stm
  13. Actually, it is not known on the basis of current evidence. So it is really a hiding to nothing or, more graphically, like flogging a dead horse to try and prove definitively what the instrument was on the basis of current evidence. Heroic attempts however, and ingenious argument all round!!
  14. I have indicated a like for your post because I appreciate your research, not because I like the subject matter.
  15. I would say always rather than often. This is how they progress to the abusive action without detection. I am hard pushed to think of a reason why I should not consider these perpertrators to be the most devious, dangerous, and pathetically evil criminals on the planet. This is not a fair assessment. This is not about culture and belief with JWs. This is about procedural inadequacy due to naivety. You should know better @Ann O'Maly.
  16. The basic problem here is a confusion on all sides about how to explain/understand the difference between a person's action when they formally disassociate or renounce their dedication to Jehovah as opposed to a decision to stop attending Christian meetings and participation in field service.
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