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Jack Ryan

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Posts posted by Jack Ryan

  1. Fernando Martínez Guerrero, del Comité de Enlace con los Hospitales de los Testigos de Jehová, ha dejado en la Biblioteca una colección de resúmenes de artículos científicos relacionados con el ahorro de sangre y las técnicas perioperatorias (Blood Conservation Techniques and Perioperative Planning). Este documento se divide en varias partes, que enlazo aquí para su consulta por todas aquellas personas interesadas en el tema:




    “Un grupo multidisciplinario de profesionales del Hospital de Torrevieja, compuesto por el Servicio de Anestesia, Farmacia, Hematología y Cirugía, dan forma a una Guía de Ahorro de Sangre con amplios beneficios para los pacientes y una importante disminución del consumo de recursos del Banco de Sangre.

    La transfusión de sangre se utiliza habitualmente como parte del tratamiento de la anemia; aunque cada vez más se restringe a pacientes determinados debido a su escasez, a lo que se añade que la transfusión es un acto terapéutico y, como tal, está sujeto a cierto nivel de riesgo.

    Por todo esto, desde el área quirúrgica del Hospital de Torrevieja, se diseña un Programa de Ahorro de Sangre mediante la utilización de diferentes estrategias que permiten evitar o disminuir el riesgo de sangrado y por consiguiente las transfusiones de sangre, con la corrección de la anemia y estados carenciales antes de la intervención, técnicas anestésicas y quirúrgicas o fármacos”.


  2. HLC member, Fernando Martínez Guerrero, has compiled a lot of articles on the following subjects:


    Part 1a: bctp1a.pdf (Preoperative Treatment)

    Part 1b: bctp1b.pdf (Preoperative Treatment)


    Part 2: bctp2.pdf  Interoperative Treatments 1

    Part 3: bctp3.pdf Interoperative Treatments 2

    Part 4: bctp4.pdf  Interoperative Treatments 3

    Part 5: bctp5.pdf Interoperative Treatments 4

    Part 6: bctp6.pdf Postoperative Treatments

    Part 7: bctp7.pdf  Blood Conservation Programs

    Part 8: bctp8.pdf Experiences

    Part 9:  bctp91.pdf Quick References



    Please note: - None of the above should be construed as medical advice from me, this forum or and other linking website. The examples are just notes from other cases. You should perform your own due diligence and consult your doctor before beginning any medical program.

  3. Dear Brothers:
    Beginning the week of September 19, 2016, the book God’s Kingdom Rules! will be con-sidered at the Congregation Bible Study. This publication will help us to appreciate our spiritual heritage as never before. Those who need a printed copy of the book should inform the literature servant this evening so that additional copies may be requested from the branch office if needed. Any who use digital publications are encouraged to download a copy from jw.org or the JW Li-brary app rather than request a printed book.
    Please accept an expression of our warm Christian love.
    Your brothers,
    PS to bodies of elders:
    Please arrange for this letter to be read to the congregation at the next midweek meeting. Thereafter, it should be posted on the information board. However, this postscript should neither be read to the congregation nor be posted on the information board.
    During a portion of a local needs part prior to September 19, 2016, build excitement for study of the book by considering the following information with the congregation.
    God’s Kingdom Rules! examines what God’s Kingdom has accomplished on earth in the 100 years following its birth in heaven in 1914, as well as what it will do in the future. The book is divided into seven sections, each covering a distinct aspect of the Kingdom’s accomplishments. This publication was prepared with us—Jehovah’s people—in mind. The purpose of the book is to strengthen our faith in the reality of the Kingdom and to motivate us to show our sup-port for it. How can you benefit personally? As you prepare for the study each week, take time to reflect on the material. Ask yourself, ‘How can I show my support for what the Kingdom has already done or will do in the future?’ Starting with the second chapter, each chapter has a box entitled “How Real Is the Kingdom to You?” Some of the questions in these boxes invite you to express what is in your heart.
    If the lesson begins in the middle of a chapter, the conductor may begin with a brief re-view of the previous lesson. If the lesson does not include the teaching box at the end of the chapter, the conductor may ask a question or two as a concluding review. Although all the numbered paragraphs should be read by the assigned reader, not all the supplemental material in charts and boxes needs to be read. However, the conductor should ensure that the principal points are highlighted.
    Be sure to encourage all to prepare well and to participate in the study.


  4. Bro. Walls developed the theme, "Keep Your Spritual Vision Open"
    Here's one of the talk's highlights:
    “If we don't acknowledge the things unseen, it could be damaging. Hence, if we recognize that we're part of vast organization both seen or unseen it gives us courage....Peel the ceiling, take the roof off this place and look up and see Jehovah. He is the One who's directing, He is the One who's encouraging us to see the reality.” — Bro. Ralph Walls




    Artjail collaborated with Academy Award winning Director Alex Gibney on his Ground breaking documentary "Going Clear". We completed 80 shots / sequences including the Main Titles and the Xenu sequence. Alex wanted to keep the look on par with America during the 1950's but with a Sci-Fi influence helping to create a tone of that is a little off center from the world we know. We utilized Adobe After Effects to augment stock footage while keeping the look nostalgic and filmic.
    Director: Alex Gibney
    Production Company: Jigsaw Productions
    Design / VFX Studio: Artjail
    Steve Mottershead- Creative Director
    Tamir Sapir- Creative Director
    Arthur Portnoy- Executive Producer
    Lisa Starace- Senior VFX Producer
    Melissa Fornabaio- VFX Producer
    Chris Monico- Motion Designer/CG Artist
    Hunter Hardesty- Motion Designer
    Jade Milan- Motion Designer
    Jie Yun Roe- Motion Designer
    Ben Vaccaro- Flame Artist
    Delano Samuels- VFX Assistant

  6. The following are real events that happened just recently, even though it may sound like sci-fi. Sorry for bad English, I'm not a native speaker :).
    TL;DR: Paweł Bugajski, a member of polish branch committee was questioned before court in a civil case regarding shunning practices. It didn't turn out well for him. Read on for the full story.
    The case is still ongoing so I can't say much, but get this: there is this brave polish woman, Danuta Kubik (her blog in Polish), who suffered a lot from the organization, because of elders who disfellowshipped her for "brazen conduct" (i.e. not obeying her husband, an alcoholic and wife batterer, and going with her problems to legal authorities) some 20 years ago. Since then people she cared about turned back on her which caused her much stress, especially that she truly believed in God and that the organization (JW) is his tool. After putting herself together and battling depression for years she fought for her rights and good name, first by writing numerous letters to the polish branch and then by going to courts (because of how the elders, one of them especially, treated her badly and coerced others against her). Because the polish justice system leaves much to wish for, this took some time. In the meantime, polish branch did something pretty unprecedented – they've agreed that some mistakes were made and that they're reverting the decision to disfellowship her. The following announcement was made in the congregation: "Danuta Kubik has never stopped being Jehovah's Witness". The damage was done though, so Danuta still sought justice. She just wanted a public apology from the elder who insisted on DF'ing her. But the response was: "we don't do public apologies in the organization".
    Some of the letters she received from the branch were signed by the chairman of the branch committee, Paweł Adam Bugajski. So when Danuta continued to seek justice in court, she picked him to testify and the court agreed that his deposition could be relevant. Fast forward to last Wednesday, a court hearing was held in Legnica, Silesia, Poland where Bugajski did indeed arrive, with a lawyer of course. He started testifying but his lawyer was objecting nearly every question on non-relevance basis, and the judge upheld the objections. He was evading questions and basically doing the same thing Jackson did in Australia. Suddenly one person from the audience stood up and went to the exit. Before she left, she cried out loud saying that she can't bear to hear this anymore. I'll quote her post on our forums after the fact:


    My name is Kate and I was present on Danuta's hearing. I don't know how it happened that I spoke up, I basically exploded on the court room. I don't regret it, even if I had to pay a fine [for disrupting the hearing]... My emotions were boiling inside me.... I remembered my judicial committee... fear... fear... fear..., and here I have this man, Bugajski, lying, lying and lying... I knew how disfellowshipping worked from my own experience. Unwritten laws on how others have to treat you. Suddenly I felt that I cannot bear this no more. I did burst into tears... stood up and approached the exit. And then I said: "I'm sorry, but I cannot stand to hear this anymore. I was a JW for 23 years. I was DF'd one and a half years ago. FOR ASKING QUESTIONS. Not for being sinful! Disfellowshipping caused so much stress for my daughter that she wanted to commit suicide. Similarly my husband. Now nobody from my family will speak to me. I don't have any contact with them. This organization ostracizes people and there's no law against them... I'm sorry, but I just cannot bear to hear more of these lies. And then I left.

    It's extraordinary, but the judge heard the whole thing and didn't fine that brave woman. What's more, he started to be more careful during the hearing, was asking questions himself and overruled all objections from Bugajski's lawyer. He caught him on evading or straight–up lies three times!
    The whole hearing took nearly two and a half hours (which is also unheard of, usually these things are a lot shorter). Bugajski entered the court proud and arrogant, but left it sweating and generally beaten up. Because of his long deposition the hearing was adjourned for another time, but we feel that we won this battle. The judge saw through him and noticed that there's something terribly wrong with this organization.
    But that's not all! After the hearing Bugajski and the defendant approached Danuta and asked if they can speak with them. Two of our fellow brothers who helped her through the case approached them immediately asked what they want. Reluctantly, they've said that they would want to set up a meeting with her to talk. She said that it's ok for her, as soon as those guys and her lawyer will be listening. Their reply: "Oh, no, you know the procedures, we cannot allow to have other people when we're talking to you". Can you imagine their arrogance! They just got a kick in the butt in the courtroom and here they are, trying to coerce her to another private conversation where they would try to wash her brain again with no witnesses. Of course, she refused that offer. And because two other people saw that scene, they will definitely use that in the future hearing.
    Overall I'm extremely happy about how this went and I'm positive that this could set a nice precedent for these kind of cases in Poland. Wish us luck on next hearings!

    - OHmyJW

  7. I was reading this week's study article on remaining loyal to Jah. Found an interesting contradiction on shunning. They cite two experiences. In one a JW shuns her mom and her example is posted as a positive one of someone doing the right thing. The second example however of a JW being shunned by his non-JW family is labeled as an injustice. Here's first one:


    (w_E_2016 February, parragraph 7)

    Forexample, a sister named Anne[1] received
    a telephone call from her disfellowshipped
    mother. The mother wanted to
    visit Anne because she felt pained by
    her isolation from the family. Anne was
    deeply distressed by the plea and promised
    to reply by letter. Before writing,
    she reviewed Bible principles. (1 Cor. 5:
    11; 2 John 9-11) Anne wrote and kindly
    reminded her mother that she had
    cut herself off from the family by her

    wrongdoing and unrepentant attitude.
    “The only way you can relieve your pain
    is by returning to Jehovah,”Anne wrote.

    So, the example above demonstrates the supposed loyal faith of a daughter that refused to talk to the woman that gave birth to her, raised her and surely sacrificed so much for her. This, the Watchtower claims, is an example of love and loyalty. Now let's see the second example cited in the same article in a latter paragraph:


    (w_E_2016 February, parragraph 17)

    In Japan, for example, Taro had
    from childhood centered his life on being
    loyal and obedient to his parents. He
    did not do so merely out of obligation.
    He really wanted to make his parents
    happy. So when they opposed his association
    with Jehovah’s Witnesses, he
    found it especially painful to tell them
    that he had decided to attend Christian
    meetings. Says Taro: “They were so angry
    that for years, I was forbidden to visit
    them at home. I prayed for courage to
    stick to my decision. Now their attitude
    has softened, and I can visit them regularly.”

    In this example, the non-JW family members were cruel, because they "opposed his association" and "forbid him to visit them for years". Yet, isn't this exactly what the JW daughter from the first experience was doing to her mother? only in reverse?

    - Sanchy

  8. Tough to build Jehovah's Witness sex-abuse case
    Without documents, says plaintiff, he can’t get justice
    By Dorian Hargrove, April 24, 2016
    On Friday, April 29, an attorney for Osbaldo Padron will ask a judge to impose severe sanctions on the Jehovah's Witness Church for refusing to turn over documents. The documents allegedly show the church was aware of sexual abuse committed over decades by a San Diego–based church leader on young boys, such as Padron.
    The request for sanctions is the latest development in a childhood sex-abuse scandal that has rocked the church in several countries in recent years. In San Diego, the case is the ninth against church leader Gonzalo Campos; seven settled out of court.
    In 2013, according to a 2014 article in the Union-Tribune, a judge ordered the Jehovah's Witness Church, also known as the Watchtower, to pay José Lopez $13.5 million for covering up sexual abuse he suffered at the hands Campos. In Lopez’s case, he was seven years old in 1986 when Campos sexually abused him in a bathroom during a Bible-study outing.
    Campos’s history of molestation of young boys went beyond the eight victims, according to Padron's 2013 lawsuit.
    In 1982, then–18-year-old Campos allegedly tried to have sex with his 12-year-old roommate. The boy fought back, hitting Campos multiple times with a bat. The boy told church leaders and they promised to investigate. Four years later, Campos was again accused of molesting children, including Lopez and the other seven people who later filed lawsuits.
    In 1987, Campos joined the Playa Pacific Spanish Congregation of the Jehovah's Witness Church. According to the lawsuit, leaders of the congregation were aware of the accusations against Campos. Despite this, he was continually promoted to a leadership role for the congregation.
    In 1994, several more complaints surfaced against Campos. In April of that year, an alleged victim’s parents wrote to church leaders asking for an investigation. Months later the letter was forwarded to church officials at Watchtower headquarters in New York. It was at that time that Campos was allegedly molesting then-seven-year-old Padron.
    Padron filed his lawsuit in September 2013. Since filing, says the recent request for sanctions, church officials and their attorneys have stonewalled in turning over documents, despite a March 2015 court order requiring them to do so.
    Among the documents requested is a March 14, 1997, "Body of Elders" letter that was sent to congregations throughout the world requesting detailed information on alleged sexual abuse by church leaders. The letter, and subsequent responses generated during the following years, would show that leaders at the New York headquarters and throughout the church were aware of childhood sex abuse by church elders. But the church has refused to comply. And even when doing so they have turned over heavily redacted documents.
    "...Watchtower produced documents that redacted the names of victims, elders, perpetrators, congregations (as well as the addresses and contact information of the congregation), towns where abuse occurred, law enforcement agencies that investigated claims, and other material," reads a newly filed court document. "The redactions are so extreme that Plaintiff cannot make use of them. Plaintiff submitted a sampling of these redacted documents to the discovery referee and this Court, who each agreed that the redactions are so broad as to undermine Plaintiff's ability to use them.
    "This court determined the requested documents were relevant, unprivileged, and that production would not be overly burdensome. This court also specifically addressed third party privacy, stating: ‘all personal, identifying information pertaining to any third party/victim should be redacted from the documents to address any privacy concerns.’”
    In a court motion, Padron's attorney, Irwin Zalkin, says the court must get tough with the church and issue terminating sanctions compelling church leaders and their attorneys to follow orders. If granted, terminating sanctions would impose fines on the church for each day it fails to turn over the documents. If the documents are still not produced after a reasonable amount of time, the judge could order dismissal of the case and render judgment against the Watchtower, the Playa Pacific Spanish Congregation, and Campos.
    The motion, as well as a request from the Playa Pacific Spanish Congregation for summary judgement, will be heard in department 75 at 9 a.m. on Friday, inside the San Diego Superior Court building downtown.


    Osbaldo Padron is also being represented by Irwin Zalkin.

    Case Number: 37-2013-00067529-CU-PO-CTL

    9:00 a.m. 2016-04-29

    330 West Broadway ,San Diego,CA,92101




  9. Is it inappropriate for a true christian to watch Superman or allow his children to play with Superman action figures?

    You can replace Superman in the above question with almost any other superhero such as Batman.

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