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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. I seem to be the only one to feel that a person who made a lot of money in his life should try to do more for Jah - not use all his energies he has left in furthering his career.  I bet he does not have enough money to keep his BIG house going! But sell it - I do not think so..... 

    Any case - I stated my case - not because I am jealous but because I think of all the young talent out there who make Jehovah the first thing in their life and let all the opportunities go.  I did this and I am not sorry ..... but I do not like it when these people are held up as an example!  This happens in sports, music and many other fields.

    Of course, those who put Jehovah fist receive blessings from Jehovah but sometimes a person will see another person, who should know better, taking all the opportunities coming their way to be in the limelight.... and like psalm 37 says - it is deceptive - because it seems as if it is going better with those who do not put Jehovah first.

  2. 3 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:

    God has no future tense, he is the future tense.

    But the verb form does not refer to God himself - He is the carrier of the name - so it means that he causes all else to become!... in the verb form.   He cannot become himself!   However, he is in control of all future events and creation and can assist people to "become" what he wants them to become.


    3 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:

    meaning "to be". 

    It is inaccurate to say it means "to be" or "I am" - this is a very simplified translation as I explained above!  The original King James is not accurate,  It is the causative form of the verb...... sometimes also translated as "I shall prove to be".

    He causes to be is the verb form.  The noun form - he was, he is and in future will be!

  3. 3 hours ago, Mankeptforunnaturalporpoises said:

    If only he’d given it all up and become a window cleaner.

    In USA one gets quite a good pension, especially if you were born there.  So he could have retired and do more in service - that would be a good example. But I am also concerned that everyone here sees him as an excellent example!  So many young people will follow his example!

  4. Lovely

    35 minutes ago, Peter Carroll said:

    not a fantazy

    Lovely! I saw this item in the news quite a while back.  Lions teach their children to hunt.  Predator mammals are usually taught by parents to hunt. 

    I have seen videos of lionesses protecting the baby of their prey when the male lions want to hunt it.  Of course they eventually die from malnutrition and weakness and are eaten.

  5. 8 hours ago, Mankeptforunnaturalporpoises said:

    I bet you’re  fun at parties.

    I am - I love dancing and usually get everyone to dance.  I usually entertain everyone.  I am not stuck up - which I assume you think I am because I stick up for principles.  I love Jehovah and people...... 

  6. 16 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:

    since it is speaking of a future event.

    He causes to become. Jehovah is the cause of everything that exists. In a way you are right because Jehovah is the beginning of everything.  Jehovah is the only one who has existed forever in the past. So he is the creator of everything - so everything has a future until He decides it no longer exists. 

    Additionally, He can also cause any person, by his Spirit, to become whatever He needs the person to do. A good example is Cyrus the Great: two hundred years before he was born Jehovah already named him and said the he would free the Jews from Babylon. He - a pagan -  is called the anointed of Jehovah, to do what Jehovah wanted him to do. After he completed this task for Jehovah He kept on waging war (most probably without Jehovah's guidance.)..... and eventually was beheaded by a Amazonian queen.

    There is no way the despotic Babylonian king would have allowed a remnant of Israel to return to Juda.  Cyrus, by Jehovah's Spirit (he was anointed for this specific job), was a humanitarian and allowed them to return by his decree.  His life story is very interesting...... how the Persian empire almost rose up overnight!

  7. 12 minutes ago, Chioke Lin said:

    Now, how about the confusion between YHWH-Y'sua and YHWH-Jah, if we only use, he causes to become?

    All nouns usually have three consonants and one can turn the noun into a verb as well. 

    In Arabic -kitaab is "book" and the three consonant letters are:  k - t- b 

    aktub is - write (a verb)  and the three consonants are k-t-b

    With Jehovah's name in Hebrew is the same - the letters have an associated verb. 

  8. Jeho-ram, Jeho-saphat, Jehoaikim, jehoi-ada; jeho-nadab; Jehonathan; Jehorab; Jeho-shua; 


    These are all names which have the name of Jeho-vah in them.

    Jah - is the short version of Jehovah's name such as in  - Hallelujah

    Then one also has names with the Jah in it - 

    Jah-aziel; and many other. 


    So the Israelite names should give you a good idea of the pronunciation of God's name!



  9. 3 hours ago, Chioke Lin said:


    I enjoy your postings and your answers to the hate-crew.    I will just add that most biblical scholars do not care for the bible at all.  They are "scholars" with egos who want to get their name out there in the big world by any means.  Modern scholarship is farcical because of "peer review" practices - which is prone to friends approving work of friends.  One need to look no further than the current gender debacles in behavioral "science" in the present day - which does not even acknowledge the existence of Y and X chromosomes!  In my experience, many of the biblical scholars have done more harm to the bible's reputation and  the truth, than the other way around, by promoting theories based on conjecture, rather than sound reasoning.

    Back to the subject:  When I was learning Arabic - which is a closely related Semitic language to Hebrew and, and some say, more closely related to the ancient Akkadian (the old Linga franca of the entire world which later morphed into Aramaic), I learnt about the  "causative verbs".   It was then that I realized that "I am that I am"  was not an accurate translation of the Hebrew.  In Semitic languages all the verbs already imply that a person exists.  They do not say - I am - as separate words, as in English - except in special circumstances. "Ana" means I am.

    This was when I realized that the translation of "He causes to become" is a more  accurate translation of this verse and is a causative verb.

  10. 7 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    very is not new and has been commented on at

    Thank you dear! The JW article puts it in a slightly later time but is very well balanced.  It also incorporates some of the information (link)  presented by Mr. LIN. Whenever there is a dispute about anything I always find that the GB is spot on and gives the best explanation!  I am impressed.  Detractors take note!  This article indicates the research which goes into each article.... and the commentary cannot be faulted. 

  11. 12 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Arauna seems to think these early hieroglyphs are not being represented properly.  

    This archeologist in the video gave the reading of it as he learnt it.  NO scholar knows the true pronunciation of hieroglyphs before 500 BCE.  They are using the Hellenistic  pronunciation of it which was deciphered off of the Rosetta Stone. Rosetta stone dates from 2nd century BCE.

    There are usually BIG changes in languages over 1200 years.  (1500 BCE to 200 BCE).  Look at the English pronunciation today and compare it to the pronunciation of Shakespearian English in Elizabethan era (only 400 years ago).  

  12. 4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    singing the talk

    Lol. If he was in my congregation I would say nothing. His choices are his own.  I would listen to him at a get-together for sure.... although the smoothness in his voice is no longer there. 3 hours of it may be a bit much for me. 

    But I said what I said because I come here to share an opinion which I may not Express any where else....

    I know many young JW kids who were practicing singing during this lock-down. One used to be my street -work partner.  She wrote a Russian song (She is Abghasian), she is in her early 30s but looks 20 and is stunningly beautiful, is sweet, very spiritual and puts Jehovah first. Well, she wrote the music... paid an arranger and sent me the recording.... which I absolutely love! 

    She put it on internet.... and she keeps busy... she is now busy with the second one. low-key busy with her art. 

    I know we are too close to Armageddon for her to build a career and she knows this.... I have told her to be cautious....discussed her art and ambitions.. I believe I am doing the right thing before Jehovah to caution her. 

    I myself will maybe sing about once a month...  for friends... that's it.

    But I see the danger signals with another young singer. He has a deep baritone/bass..... my favourite voice..... His voice is magnificent.... He will be a fantastic opera buffa singer... he has agility, power and also has developed his higher ranges on his own by singing a lot!  Obsessed with singing..... so he would be an excellent candidate for this world because he has drive! .... so excellent material ... but he is very poor. Cannot afford fancy expensive classes and lives away from the capital city to get a teacher worth his salt. 

    So I see him on Facebook putting up badly chosen pop songs with bad words, songs that are not bringing out the beauty in his voice... and he never talks about spiritual things.... just focussed on getting a few half-baked gigs. Time is running out on all of us..... he should focus more on spiritual things and he will be able to crow for eternity.

    I speak to young people who I see are ambitious..... and I say it is not the time NOW!  

    To be honest.... I do not think any of them will get the chance to show their metal....... new lockdowns will plague them and frustrate them.  A singer just likes to sing..... like birds do it naturally. We are living in a very unnatural world now.... not the right time and place.

    Older ones should mentor younger ones to be the best they can be under these new circumstances. 

    I lost another brilliant friend of mine. Plays the piano- most difficult pieces and accompanies himself while singing. Lovely strong classical voice. Teaches at a university....... but became apostate. He was like a son to me..,,, he used to play for me and we used to have sing-song together. I have not seen him for ten years.  

    Football, singing and a few of these professions take their toll on the young ones.  ..... that is all I wanted to say.  

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