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Posts posted by derek1956

  1. Witness the anointed are HUMBLE you  are not, The anointed do not get involved with people who slay their master, you however come on this web site a back apostates who slander Jehovah`s name, You also slander that name, you quote scripture no application, YOU ARE NOT ANOINTED GET IN THROUGH YOUR HEAD. The anointed don`t tell social media that they are anointed either.

  2. The Governing Body never ever said that 1975 was the end of this world, All that is written in the publications  is that it was 6,000 years since Adam`s creation, and people read that as a sign in their own minds that because of 6,000 years and Jesus would reign for 1,000 years that would make 7,000 years and it would be Jehovah ruling after that. No where in what the publications says, So stop living in a fantasy world world, 1975 was a great year because it cleansed the organization of people who was serving with a date in mind and not in the faith and looking to what the Bible says the sign would be for the last days. Oh by the way I`m very happy it didn1t come because I was not in the truth in 1975.

  3. You judge yourself you don`t need anyone to judge you

    we did a discussion on Jehovah`s name and what it means for us today and You never use that name in anything you say but you do use rev somebody by name But not the most awe inspiring name at all JEHOVAH



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