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Jehovah Is Our King!

Alternate presentation available

(Psalm 97:1)

  1. 1. Rejoice, give glory to Jehovah,

    For the heavens proclaim all his righteousness.

    Let us sing to our God joyful songs to his praise;

    Let us speak to all of his great acts.


    Let the heavens rejoice, Let the earth joyful be,

    For Jehovah has become our King!

    Let the heavens rejoice, Let the earth joyful be,

    For Jehovah has become our King!

  2. 2. His glory tell among the nations;

    For Jehovah to us is a God who saves.

    Yes, Jehovah is King; he deserves all the praise.

    So we bow before his mighty throne.


    Let the heavens rejoice, Let the earth joyful be,

    For Jehovah has become our King!

    Let the heavens rejoice, Let the earth joyful be,

    For Jehovah has become our King!

  3. 3. His righteous rule is now established.

    On his throne, he has placed his anointed Son.

    Let the gods of this world

    be brought down and be shamed,

    For the praise belongs to God alone.


    Let the heavens rejoice, Let the earth joyful be,

    For Jehovah has become our King!

    Let the heavens rejoice, Let the earth joyful be,

    For Jehovah has become our King!


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SONG 9 Jehovah Is Our King! Alternate presentation available (Psalm 97:1) 1. Rejoice, give glory to Jehovah, For the heavens

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