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Do Jesus’ Sayings Influence Your Prayers? – ??♀️??

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Do Jesus’ Sayings Influence Your Prayers?


Never Pray as the Hypocrites Do ????

Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray 

‘Keep On Asking, Seeking, Knocking' ? 


Continue to Benefit From Jesus’ Sayings “When Jesus finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching.”—MATT. 7:28.


WE OUGHT to accept the sayings of God’s only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and apply them in our life. He certainly spoke like no other man. People were amazed at the way he taught in the Sermon on the Mount!—Read Matthew 7:28, 29.


Jehovah’s Son did not teach as the scribes, who based their wordy speeches on the teachings of imperfect humans. Christ taught “as a person having authority” because what he spoke came from God. (John 12:50) So let's see how Jesus’ further sayings in the Sermon on the Mount can and should influence our prayers.



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Do Jesus’ Sayings Influence Your Prayers? ??????????? Never Pray as the Hypocrites Do ???? Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray  ‘Keep On Asking, Seeking, Knocking' ?  ??????????

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