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The nature has the best surviving - tricks !

Queen Esther

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 The  nature  has  the  best  surviving - tricks !   People  so  often  copy  from  plants  and  animals...

Yes,  Jehovah  has  the  BEST  idea's  bec. HE  was  creating  all  things !  An  elder  gave  us  a  nice similar  example  to  the  penguins  -  'We  and  the  Congregation'....   always  try  being  in  the  middle  of  ALL :x    then  we're  more  safer  and  warm  with  love  etc.  -  More  outside  we're  feeling  the  cold  of  the  bad  system...

NOT  nice  and  getting  in  danger :(

Look  here,  how  the  clever  penguins  that  doing :)

Emperor Penguins Huddle for Warmth :x

To survive frigid temperatures, emperor penguins all converge on the same central point and begin to form a huddle. As those on the outside take the brunt of the cold, those on the inside take tiny steps that move the huddle in waves. The pack continues to shift and rotate from the center, so no one is left permanently in the cold.

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The  nature  has  the  best  surviving - tricks !   People  so  often  copy  from  plants  and  animals... Yes,  Jehovah  has  the  BEST  idea's  bec. HE  was  creating  al

Again.... get  out  of  the  middle  for  your  colder  Brothers  -  okay??   OR  WE  MUST  PULL  YOU  OUT,  haha

Maybe  we  will  do....  YES !! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa

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It takes about 30 days for the fishing penguin to get back to where the brood is staying ..... walking on many kilometers of ice from the ocean. .... and he or she has no hands .... and vomits up the food for spouse and baby ..... the food has been inside the penguin for a month ... and is not fresh.

It's obviously nourishing food ... but starving penguins are not that fussy.

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Überlebensstrategien in der Kälte

Die normale Körpertemperatur des Menschen beträgt 37 Grad Celsius. Bei anderen Säugetier-Arten sind es ein paar Grad mehr oder weniger. In den eiskalten Polarregionen der Erde ist ein warmblütiger Organismus gegenüber seiner Umgebung einem Temperaturgefälle von bis zu 90 Grad Celsius ausgesetzt. Wie kommen Mensch und Tier mit solch extremen Unterschieden zurecht?

Darum geht's:

    Tiere bauen durch ihr Fell eine natürliche Wärmeisolation auf.
    Das Fell ist zudem extrem dicht.
    Bei Eisbär und Rentier sind die Haare innen hohl.
    Die Inuit tragen traditionelle Kleidung aus Tierfellen.

Bestens isoliert – ein Schneehase.png

Bestens  isoliert,  ein  Schneehase :)

Wärmekonservierung durch Luftpolster
Ein Schneehase in weißem Winterfell sitzt in verschneiter Landschaft.

Bestens isoliert – ein Schneehase

Ist es draußen kälter, als der Körper vertragen kann, muss so viel Wärme wie möglich konserviert werden. Als besonders wirkungsvoll hat sich die Strategie der "Wärmeisolation mittels Luftschicht", wie wir es zum Beispiel auch von der Thermoskanne kennen, bewährt

Luft ist ein schlechter Wärmeleiter und ideal, um eine Barriere gegen kalte Außentemperaturen zu bieten. Tiere können mit ihrem Feder- oder Haarkleid die Luft um ihren Körper isolieren und bauen eine natürliche Wärmeisolationsschicht um sich herum auf.
Mit hohlem Haar der Kälte trotzen

Tiere in den Polarregionen haben, neben einer dicken Fettschicht unter der Haut, ein extrem dichtes Fell. Im Vergleich zu den Tieren der mittleren Breitengrade finden sich im Fell von Polartieren drei bis viermal so viele Haare pro Quadratzentimeter. Im Fell des Rentiers oder des Eisbären gibt es noch eine zusätzliche Besonderheit: Die Haare sind innen hohl. Dadurch wird die isolierende Luftschicht noch besser am Körper festgehalten.

Wissenschaftler nehmen an, dass die Haare des Eisbärenfells, die eigentlich völlig farblos sind und nur wegen der Lichtbrechung weiß erscheinen, die Wärmestrahlen zusätzlich in ihrem Hohlraum einfangen. Dann leiten sie die Wärme weiter an die Haut, die beim Eisbären schwarz ist. Wegen ihrer dunklen Färbung kann die Eisbärenhaut die Wärme gut absorbieren.
Unschlagbare Inuit-Kleidung

Menschen benötigen Kleidung, um die Körperwärme zu konservieren. Für die Inuit, die Ureinwohner der Arktis, ist die passende Kleidung in der extremen Kälte überlebenswichtig. Während der Jagdsaison sind sie oft mehrere Tage lang ununterbrochen in der Eiseskälte unterwegs.

Für die Inuit ist wärmende Kleidung überlebenswichtig.jpg

Für die Inuit ist wärmende Kleidung überlebenswichtig !

Kleidung aus Tierfell gehört zum unverzichtbaren Bestandteil ihrer Alltagsgarderobe. Ein warmes und schweres Bärenfell ist für langes Verweilen in der Kälte geeignet, wenn sich der Jäger während des Lauerns auf Beute nicht bewegen sollte.

Robbenfell hingegen ist extrem wasserdicht. Damit können die Inuit sogar kurze Zeit im eiskalten Wasser überleben. Rentierfell ist warm und leicht. Es hat sich deshalb bei ausgedehnten Wanderungen jahrhundertelang bewährt.

Natürlich kleiden sich die Inuit heutzutage auch mit modernen Textilien. Aber immer noch kommen Kleidungsstücke aus Hightech-Kunstfaser, mit ihren dünnen, leichten und kälteresistenten Stoffen, nicht an die hervorragenden Eigenschaften der traditionellen Inuit-Kleidung heran.


A  beautiful  SNOW - FOX  :x

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    • try the: Bánh bèo Bánh ít ram
    • Definitely should try the Bond roll here when you get a chance: this is a mom and pop place that does a great job  
    • An interesting concept, bible discipline. I am struck by the prevalence of ignorance about spiritual discipline on "Reddit." While physical and mental disciplines receive attention, the profound impact of spiritual discipline on a person's physical and mental well-being is often overlooked. Is it possible to argue against the words of the Apostle Paul? When he penned those words in Hebrews 12, he was recognizing that there are moments when an individual must be "rebuked" in order to be corrected. Even Jesus himself established a precedent when he rebuked Peter and referred to him as Satan for failing to comprehend what Jesus had already revealed to the apostles. Did that imply that Jesus had an evil heart? Not at all, it was quite the opposite; Jesus had a loving heart. His need to correct Peter actually showcased his genuine love for him. If he hadn't cared, he would have let Peter persist in his mistaken ways, leading to a fate similar to Judas'. There is a clear emphasis on avoiding the apostate translation and its meaning, yet many seem to overlook the biblical foundation for the reasons NOT to follow the path of the fallen brethren or those with an apostate mentality. Those individuals have embraced the path of darkness, where the illuminating power of light cannot penetrate, to avoid receiving the righteous discipline based on God's Bible teachings. They are undoubtedly aware that this undeniable truth of life must be disregarded in order to uphold their baseless justifications for the unjust act of shunning. Can anyone truly "force" someone or stop them from rejecting a friend or family member? Such a notion would be absurd, considering the fact that we all have the power of free will. If a Witness decides to distance themselves from a family member or friend simply because they have come out as gay, who is anyone within the organization to question or challenge that personal sentiment? It is unfortunate that there are individuals, both within and outside the organization, who not only lack a proper understanding of the Bible but also dare to suggest that God's discipline is barbaric. We must remember that personal choices should be respected, and it is not for others to judge or condemn someone based on their sexual orientation but should be avoided under biblical grounds. No one should have the power to compel an individual to change their sexual orientation, nor should anyone be forced to accept someone for who they are. When it comes to a family's desire to shield their children from external influences, who has the right to challenge the parents' decision? And if a family's rejection of others is based on cultural factors rather than religious beliefs, who can impose religious judgment on them? Who should true followers of Christ follow? The words of God or those who believe they can change God's laws to fit their lives? How can we apply the inspired words of Paul from God to embrace the reality of God's discipline? On the contrary, how can nonconformists expect to persuade those with a "worldview" that their religious beliefs are unacceptable by ostracizing individuals, when God condemns homosexuality? This is precisely why the arguments put forth by ex-witnesses are lacking in their pursuit of justice. When they employ misguided tactics, justice remains elusive as their arguments are either weak or inconsistent with biblical standards. Therefore, it is crucial to also comprehend Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 9:27. The use of the word "shun" is being exaggerated and excessively condemned by those who reject biblical shunning as a form of punishment. Eph 5:3-14 NIV 3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. 4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. 5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person — such a man is an idolater — has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.  6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be partners with them.  8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible. The impact of the message becomes significantly stronger when we emphasize the importance of avoiding any association with unrighteousness and those who remain unrepentant. In fact, it becomes even more compelling when we witness how some individuals, who dismiss biblical shunning as a method of discipline, excessively criticize and condemn the use of the word "shun". Therefore, Jehovah's Witnesses do not shun people; instead, they choose to focus on the negative actions being committed, which is in accordance with biblical teachings. This should be construed as ex-Witness rhetoric. Now, let's consider why ex-Witnesses specifically target one particular religion. What justifications do they provide when other Christian denominations also adhere to the same principle grounded in the Bible? Chapter 1 - Preface Both must therefore test themselves: the one, if he is qualified to speak and leave behind him written records; the other, if he is in a right state to hear and read: as also some in the dispensation of the Eucharist, according to  custom enjoin that each one of the people individually should take his part. One's own conscience is best for choosing accurately or shunning. And its firm foundation is a right life, with suitable instruction. But the imitation of those who have already been proved, and who have led correct lives, is most excellent for the understanding and practice of the commandments. "So that whosoever shall eat the bread and drink the cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup."  It therefore follows, that every one of those who undertake to promote the good of their neighbours, ought to consider whether he has betaken himself to teaching rashly and out of rivalry to any; if his communication of the word is out of vainglory; if the the only reward he reaps is the salvation of those who hear, and if he speaks not in order to win favour: if so, he who speaks by writings escapes the reproach of mercenary motives. "For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know," says the apostle, "nor a cloak of covetousness. God is witness. Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome as the apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children."   (from Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 2) Divine promises 2. The manner of shunning, in the word escaping. There is a flying away required, and that quickly, as in the plague, or from a fire which hath almost burned us, or a flood that breaketh in upon us. We cannot soon enough escape from sin (Matt 3:7; Heb 6:18). No motion but flight becomes us in this case. Doctrine: That the great end and effect of the promises of the gospel is to make us partakers of the Divine nature. (from The Biblical Illustrator)  
    • Clearly, they are already demanding your exile. Yes! It's unfortunate that Pudgy spoiled a great discussion about science. I hope the discussion can continue without any more nonsensical interruptions. Just a suggestion since they are on your heels. Wow! You speak! It seems you have a lot to say! Now they are going to treat like, who do you think you are, mister big stuff! Are those aliens now going to imply that anyone who speaks out against the five or six key contributors to this site will be treated as though it is George just because those in opposition speak the language they hate to hear, the TRUTH? They are seeking individuals who will embrace their nonconformist values and appreciate what they can offer in shaping public opinion contrary to the established agenda of God and Christ. Their goal is to enhance their writing abilities and avoid squandering time on frivolous pursuits, mainly arguing about the truth they don't care for. They see it all as a mere game, even when leading people astray. They believe they have every right to and will face no biblical repercussions, or so they believe. They just want to have fun just like that Cyndi Lauper song. Be prepared to be belittled and ridiculed, all the while they claim to be angels. Haha! By the way, please refrain from using the same language as George. They appear to believe that when others use the same words, it means they are the same person, and they emphasize this as if no one else is allowed to use similar grammar. It seems they think only they have the right to use the same or similar writing styles. Quite amusing, isn't it? See, what I just placed in bold, now I'm George, lol! Now, let's leave this nice science thread for people that want to know more about science. I believe George left it at "Zero Distance."  
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      Hello, Darlene, I just love your name, I had a cousin named Darline, and had a classmate also named Darlene! It's a pleasure to know another Darlene! Especially a Spiritual Sister! There's some websites, Ministry Ideaz , JW Stuff.com, and Etsy that I use to order my yearly buttons for the Conventions! They always send me what I order, and their also Jehovah's Witnesses, that send us the merchandise we order!  You can check out these websites, and they might have what your looking for! I hope I have been helpful in assisting you, Darlene! Agape love, Shirley!😀
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