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List of Algorithms Affecting Our Lives


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So I've been thinking more and more lately about how much of my life is already controlled or affected by algorithms. I've decided to make a list maybe you can help add to. Here goes:

  • Newsfeed on FB, Twitter etc...
  • Search "bubble' created (censored by Google)
  • Credit scores
  • Medical report "score" (used by insurance companies to determine care or lack of)
    • Organ transplant donor matches
    • Drug interaction warnings at the pharmacy
    • Da Vinci robotic surgeries
    • LASIK eye surgeries ... etc...
  • Insurance rates on home, auto, life etc....
  • What is available to me at the big box retailers (only merchandise that sells)
  • Airport runway queues (let's pilots know exactly when to depart the terminal for the runway)
  • Traffic light sequencing on major streets
  • Computer in the car controls many functions simultaneously. (not referring to self-driving cars soon to come)
  • Water quality
  • Sewage processing
  • Love matches online (1 out of 4 couples now meet this way)

and I'm sure there are hundreds more to go.... Can you add one below as a reply?



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