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César Chávez

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  1. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in DF'ed for gluttony?   
    Cesar Chavez is Billy the Kid.  Strange how he keeps referring to James, perhaps CC has a similar problem. 
  2. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Witness in "Magadangate: A Governing Body member gets the gospels wrong!"   
    "Reviewing the 2020 Annual Meeting Part Three) For the first time on camera, a Governing Body member gets the Bible wrong merging two different stories about Jesus into one. And the for some reason, the holy spirit did not stop this error featuring as part of the most illustrious event in the Jehovah's Witness calendar."
  3. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Matthew9969 in DF'ed for gluttony?   
    In the jw case, it would be spiritual junk food:)
  4. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to xero in DF'ed for gluttony?   
    Perhaps some do dedicate to an organization. But the same can be said for a true believer anywhere. People are always making idols out of something, someone or even some idea.
    Whomever you obey, you worship. So if you find yourself obeying and internally transferring the authority to command away from Jehovah or Jesus or the Bible, then you're in dangerous territory.
  5. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Witness in DF'ed for gluttony?   
    I tuned into the annual meeting.🙂
    Obviously, from the looks of one of them, his obesity - yes - stems from too much alcohol.  
  6. Haha
    César Chávez reacted to TrueTomHarley in Creation-Evolution-Creative Days-Age of the Earth-Humanoid Fossils-Great Flood   
    Ooh—and that falsetto voice, calling “Oh Naannncy”?
    Dub mine in instead: “Oh Aalaaaan!)
    And @César Chávezthinks this is an unwholesome site! What is wrong with him?
  7. Sad
    César Chávez reacted to TrueTomHarley in A question I always ask of the evangelical sorts (political, religious, anti-religious, environmental, whatever the cause)   
    I like this question. It is a variation of “If you could solve any problem of the world, which one would it be?” It is given more import in that you ask it when people actually are trying to solve one of them. I like it a lot, as well as the logical followup: Given that we have only so much time, where do we get the most bang for our buck?
  8. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Witness in A "MODERN DAY VERSION OF IDOLATRY" (wt 90/11/1 p. 26)   
    Psalm 19 below, has been on my mind lately. The identity of God’s heavenly “handiwork” (Psalm 19:1) is explained in Eph 2:4-10; 1 Cor 3:9; Luke 10:20; Matt 26:64; Heb 12:1; Rev 12:12. 
    His handiwork encompasses the Temple/House of God, found in 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16; Eph 2:19-20. 
    These priests are to carry God’s laws eternally in their heart and on their mind. (Deut 6:6; Heb 10:16; Mal 2:7) Their loyalty is not to men and their decrees, but only to the Father, the Son and His laws in Christ. (Gal 1:10; James 1:25; Rev 5:13; Matt 5:17-20; Isa 2:1-3)
    Yet, the testimony being given now throughout the whole “earth”, is for God’s handiwork, his anointed priesthood, to turn back to His laws in Christ, and preserve their covenant with Him. (Mal 3:1-3; Heb 9:14,15; Rev 5:9,10) 
    They are to reject human decrees, authority, and dominance of the “man of lawlessness”/elder body, which presently they are subservient to in the organization. (Isa 58:1; 1 Tim 4:16; 2 Cor 10:4,5; Eph 6:17; Rev 2:14; 8:6; 14:6,7) (Matt 24:4,5,24,15,16; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-4) 
    The anointed “saints” are held captive to a Harlot/false prophet, her elder army, and their factitious teachings. They are “marked” with the laws of an idol covered with blasphemous names – the Wild Beast from the Sea of Revelation 13. (Isa 57:20; Jer 17:5; Col 2:8; Rev 13:1,2,5-7, 10-12,16,17) 
    Although “God” is on their lips, the spirit-directed “image” projected by the organization, is worshiped. (Rev 13:4,15) 
    Besides this exalted image emanating an apparent divine power and authority (Rev 13:5), the Beast/organization is also visible, a substitute for the invisible God. (Isa 40:18) The nation of Israel was likewise guilty of committing a similar sort of idolatry. 
    “After seeking advice, the king made two golden calves. He said to the people, ‘It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.’” 1 Kings 12:28
    Did Israel forget that YHWH brought His people out of Egypt? Did they forget the covenant that God had made with them?
    “The Lord made a covenant with Jacob’s descendants and commanded them, ‘Do not fear other gods; do not bow in worship to them; do not serve them; do not sacrifice to them. 36 Instead fear the Lord, who brought you up from the land of Egypt with great power and an outstretched arm. You are to bow down to Him, and you are to sacrifice to Him. 37 You are to be careful always to observe the statutes, the ordinances, the law, and the commandments He wrote for you; do not fear other gods. 38 Do not forget the covenant that I have made with you. Do not fear other gods, 39 but fear the Lord your God, and he will rescue you from all your enemies.”
    40 However, these nations would not listen but continued observing their former practices. 41 They feared the Lord but also served their idols. Still today, their children and grandchildren continue doing as their ancestors did.” 2 King 17:35-41
    It was a common practice to place one’s idol statue on the back of a pedestal depicting various animals - beasts, as in the case of the Semitic goddess Asherah. The golden calves that King Jeroboam stationed at Dan and Bethel, may have been pedestals for YHWH, imitating the practice of other idolatrous worship. (1 Kings 12:29,30) The calves became the visible symbol for God, representing the invisible YHWH. Thus, the calves and YHWH merged together as the “gods” who brought Israel out of Egypt. 
    JWs will not segregate the organization from God. They believe salvation cannot be found in the Father and Christ alone. (2 Sam 22:47; Ps 27:1; Luke 1:76,77; Matt 19:25,26; John 14:6) Although exalted of its own accord, this idolatrous Beast also seems to be the visible symbol, the pedestal that represents the invisible God. 
    Just as the calves Jeroboam set in place diverted attention away from Jerusalem and the center of worship, the organization has diverted attention away from “New Jerusalem”, where worship is in “spirit and truth”. (John 14:6; John 4:14,23,24; Acts 4:11,12; Gal 4:23-26,28; Rev 21:9,2; Eph 5:23; Rev 21:22) 
    Once again, God’s people have broken their covenant with Him through the powerful and wicked influence of the Beasts of Revelation. (Eph 2:12,13; Heb 8:6,7) (Dan 11:31,32; Mark 13:14; Rev 2:4,14,16,17; Rev 12:1,2,13,15-17;16:13-16) 
    It is much easier to give worship and have faith in what one sees and witnesses through its literal works, rather than what we cannot see; or to have faith in the “works” God and Jesus accomplish within our hearts. (1 Cor 2:14; Phil 3:18,19; Rom 1:25) (Matt 7:7,8; John 11:25; 14:1) 
    Jeroboam introduced calf worship for selfish reasons, to secure his northern kingdom of Israel, and its population to stay in place. (1 Kings 12:25-27) The governing leaders have done the same. They have “secured” their kingdom, and allow no other member of “Israel” to renounce the leadership or their idol. (Matt 24:48-51) All must bow down to the Beast and its leadership, or face certain “death”. (John 16:2; Rev 13:15) 
    So the Almighty God has a competing rival created by Satan, with the purpose to tear down and crush His handiwork, by leading them into idolatry. (Matt 7:15,20; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Thess 2:3,4;9-12; Rev 11:1-3; 1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Cor 6:16; 1 John 5:21) 
    Is there any other organization “like” the Wt. that promotes salvation, and claims to have the breath/spirit of God directing it? (Rev 13:15; notice John 20:22) 
    “People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” Rev 13:4
    There is no doubt that it is perceived by JWs as a necessary awe-inspiring “way” to receive eternal life. It is a form of idolatry that has its roots in ancient times, yet modernized and disguised so brilliantly, that only with the help of God and Christ can any of us who thirst for truth, “see” it for what it is. The Beast is the idol of the most devious, crafty development planned, to mislead God’s holy people and those with them…to their destruction. (Joel 2:12; John 8:12; Rev 3:18) (Rev 13:8; 14:9-12) 
    Who among the gods
    is like You, Lord?
    Who is like You—
    majestic in holiness,
    awesome in glory,
    working wonders? Exod 15:11
    “You shall not make anything to be with Me (“alongside Me”/”gods to share with Me”)—gods of silver or gods of gold you shall not make for yourselves.” Exod 20:23
    The organization boasts that it follows the laws of God through Jesus Christ, while slyly slipping in men’s laws and decisions. It declares that “God’s organization” has established these decrees through its governing leaders. (Mark 7:7,8; John 12:48,49) Truly, this is only to ensure the operating efficiency of an earthly organization; and for its captives to continue bearing the mark of the beast. (Matt 6:19; Rev 3:17,18; Prov 10:2) (Rom 6:16-18; Rev 13:16-18) 
    We must make certain that our service, obedience, and worship is to God alone. This is just as Jesus kept admonishing us (Matt 4:10; 22:36-38; Deut 10:12)...
    (2 Cor 13:5; 1 John 4:1; 1 Thess 5:21,22; 1 Tim 4:1; Rev 16:13-15; 13:15,8; 2 Thess 2:1-15)
    We must make certain, that everything we believe, obey, and practice, is sourced in God's word of Truth.
    Our minds, hearts, and deeds must be directed by and obedient to, God's Laws of Divine Truth.
    Only then are we marked as His slaves (1 John 2:17; Rom 6:18,22).  Pearl Doxsey
    Psalm 19
    "The heavens declare the glory of God;
    And the firmament shows His handiwork.
    2 Day unto day utters speech,
    And night unto night reveals knowledge.
    3 There is no speech nor language
    Where their voice is not heard.
    4 Their line (“sound, business”) has gone out through all the earth,
    And their words to the end of the world.
    In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun,
    5 Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
    And rejoices like a strong man to run its race.
    6 Its rising is from one end of heaven,
    And its circuit to the other end;
    And there is nothing hidden from its heat.
    7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting (“restoring”) the soul;
    The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
    8 The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
    The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
    9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
    The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
    10 More to be desired are they than gold,
    Yea, than much fine gold;
    Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
    11 Moreover by them Your servant is warned,
    And in keeping them there is great reward.
    12 Who can understand his errors?
    Cleanse me from secret faults.
    13 Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins;
    Let them not have dominion over me.
    Then I shall be blameless,
    And I shall be innocent of great transgression.
    14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    Be acceptable in Your sight,
    O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. "
    Symbolic Earth
    The Mark of Slavery

  9. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Witness in Is Zoom satanic and pagan?   
    I'm sure @Matthew9969 is bringing the subject up because of past teachings of the organization - basically, that the internet is a dangerous place, stay away from social platforms, etc.  Now as is the usual practice of hypocrisy,  the organization has embraced it, and the internet is the place to go for spiritual "food".  What is the distinction from all other religions?  A zoom meeting with a password?  Does that virtual meeting place become "Jehovah's House"?  
    Your scripture cannot apply in this case, but it does apply to those who bend to the fallacious rules and regulations of men, and not to those of God.   
    "To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure, but both their mind and conscience are defiled. 16 They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny him, because they are detestable and disobedient, and unfit for every good deed."  Titus 1:15,16
  10. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Matthew9969 in Is Zoom satanic and pagan?   
    Jw's are using zoom and other social platforms to communicate and hold worship services. So are satanist, paganist, other religions. How are jw's disassociating themselves from these satanic pagan communication platforms?
  11. Haha
  12. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    Huh,  It brings the money in. Frighten people into the congregation, then tell those people to 'support' the Org.  They send out Witnesses into the 'field' to tell people the doom story. "You must enter the JW Org to be saved".  
    YES You know that and I know that BUT it seems the GB and their helpers don't want to know that.  
    The difference being that the Leaders of the Watchtower / Org  'cry wolf'  around every ten years or so. Hence the previous cry has been forgotten and it is a different 'audience' listening to the 'new cry'.  
  13. Confused
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    Wasn't the Apostle Paul and/or some of the other Apostles, Tent makers ?
    So they too would have had two roles, one spiritual to serve God through Christ, one practical to earn the money they needed to live. 
  14. Haha
    César Chávez reacted to TrueTomHarley in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    THAT I can explain to you any day of the week with my eyes closed.
  15. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to JW Insider in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    Yes. But they stopped pointing to the end of the century back in the late 1980's as far as I remember. So in the 1990's one could only get this by implication, not from anything directly. So you didn't have a bunch of people actually getting closer to 1998, then 1999, who would start to say it must be by the year 2000 or 2001.
    And it wasn't the GB trying to get attention by continuing to "cry wolf" as you said above. That would be a sure way to get people to stop paying attention, just like it works out in the story of the boy who cried wolf. It more likely shows that the GB were so sure it was true that they were willing to risk revealing how sure they were, and therefore risk not being paid attention to. I think they would only do that if they thought it was important.
    On the other hand, I wish they didn't think that telling us how close we are to the end was so important. The point should always be how close we might be to the end so that we are prepared --not by thinking about signs and chronology-- but so that we are prepared by thinking about what sort of persons we ought to be. Development of true Christian character (i.e., love for God and neighbor) has always been much more important than trying to find visible signs upon which to hang our faith in the promises.
  16. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    I hope you have training about identifying child sexual abuse in the congregation too. 
  17. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    And they did so again to say 'before the end of the century. Before the year 2000. 
    This is nice to read as it proves that these things did happen. Thank you.  You were there and you give proof. 
    I'm seeing this pattern of JWs, either not believing the GB / Watchtower, or not obeying the GB / Watchtower. 
    Physically in, spiritually out.  I would imagine your children would ask many questions about the 1970's, and about your allowing them / encouraging them to go to college.  
  18. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    And you are pretending it doesn't happen in the Watchtower / JW Org Congregations.
    But it has been happening in the JW religion for over 50 years. 
  19. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to JW Insider in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    Many ex-JWs and opposers obsess over the fact that the Watchtower promoted these same expectations for the mid-1970's with a focus on the year 1975. My 3 children were all born in the period from the mid-to-late 80's, and I saw this same view beginning in my own children, matching that of the 11-year old "version" of the girl above.
    To those of us who had been Witnesses during the 1975 period, most of us probably thought it refreshing that there was no longer a specific set of years being pointed to any more, and we seemed "safe" from date-setting. But even young children picked up on the idea that all this "suffering" for the sake of the kingdom was only for a few short years, and there would never be a need to learn how to make a living in this system of things. It really did change their outlook on school and career and marriage and providing for one's family. "Jehovah will provide" became a catchphrase of sisters who assumed that brothers with good jobs would be coming into the truth in time to make good marriage mates if somehow the system lasted long enough for them to need a husband with "means." I dreaded that this kind of attitude would influence my own daughter.
    My own experiences with respect to 1975 might be considered sad to outsiders, but I don't look back at them with any remorse. I was baptized in 1967, and was still 15, almost 16, when I quit school in 1973 to begin f-t pioneering. I took to heart the Watchtower's counsel and advice that the system had only a few months after this 1975 period, not years. The commendations for selling houses and pioneering affected my family too. My father didn't believe in the 1975 hype, and even got in trouble (from the D.O.) after a circuit assembly talk, by adding that Jesus' words (about no one knowing the day or the hour) showed how we should also be balanced. That was rather unforgettable, but my father still sold our house and moved us into a rented house in 1974, so that my mother could begin f-t pioneering, too.
    My brother started an office-cleaning business in 1974 as many other pioneers had done. Only, he didn't pioneer himself but kept expanding the business with more accounts and ended up providing jobs for about 20 pioneers. He finally sold the business for about $20,000 to a full-time pioneer (in '77).  I'm sure that the number of new businesses across the country called "Pioneer Cleaning Services" shot up considerably in this period. A lot of people probably don't know that "Rug Doctor" was started this way, and my brother was good friends with the Witness founder. Their web site only says that it was started more than 43 years ago (implying before 1977) but it was actually started in 1974/5.
    In 1977, my Bethel roommate, my brother, and the daughter of one of the Rug Doctor partners were the only people I knew (at the time) who had been invited to Bethel without any full-time pioneering experience.
    They had all involved themselves either in learning computer science or electronics (programmable microprocessor controllers) in my brother's case. So after Bethel, I got a bachelor's degree in computer science. The congregation and the elders were very prejudiced against it, but as long as I kept full-time pioneering during college I got away with it.
    Times are a bit different again, and college is definitely no guarantee of a better job. It often brings unnecessary debt and stress. But I never discouraged college for my three children and, as things turned out, I'm currently glad I didn't. But there is still a lot of prejudice against pioneering in most congregations I know.
    My kids all had music, orchestra, and choir in high school, and kept their skills up for another few years in college. They would draw the line at national anthems, too, but rarely bowed out of any other songs or performances. So much music is permeated with religious or political foundations anyway that it would be impossible to completely separate from it without getting out of orchestra or choir altogether. I think that most Witnesses compromise and hardly realize it when they participate in American high school music classes especially.
  20. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Srecko Sostar in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    He (Jesus) has told us that the “generation” of 1914—the year that the sign began to be fulfilled—“will by no means pass away until all these things occur.” (Matthew 24:34) Some of that “generation” could survive until the end of the century. But there are many indications that “the end” is much closer than that! - https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1984165
    1) This kid girl told the truth. 
    2) Watchtower study magazine made false statement/prediction/prophecy/claim/doctrine.
    JW members refusing to play anthem but accepting to believe false doctrines. .... And despite such reality, yours and others JW people reality, you @Arauna ask me "trivial" question about different issue and dare to put me in a box you created for people like me. Funny, unnecessary and missed :))  
  21. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    @Srecko Sostar Has shown clearly how the Leaders of the Watchtower deliberately deceive the congregation over which they have complete control. Of course the Leaders of the Watchtower / JW org are to blame.  In the 1940s they predicted Armageddon. in the 1960s they again predicted Armageddon. And Srecko has shown that in the 1980s / 90s again the Leaders falsely predicted Armageddon. CRYING WOLF gets them attention, and frightens the congregation, which in turn keeps the congregation under the control of the Leaders.  And of course anyone that disagrees gets disfellowshipped for 'causing a division in the congregation'.  Being d/fed means losing everyone you know, being totally isolated. So, you cannot blame the congregants, they were just doing as they were told.  
    (As a side note, I had to Google BDSM, I had no idea what it meant. I kinda prove to myself that I am no part of this world)
  22. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Srecko Sostar in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    If research within the JW could be conducted that goes back at least 50 years, I am convinced that a large percentage of similar results would be found. All of them would have in common a collective state of mind due to which their view of the "near future" or the future in general, was influenced by the JW religious view of "tomorrow", and that all this "today and earthly" would fail. And that is why you should not put special effort into anything "material". That no plans should be made for the "earthly," but only for the "spiritual." This “spiritual” is, of course, exclusively within the ideology of the WTJWorg.
    There are capable and wealthy people among the JWs. There are those who came to the organization highly educated. There are those JW parents who have sent their children to college before and today. But a large number of members are "ordinary people", who accept "simple (unambiguous) doctrinal assumptions" regarding their position in the social life of the country of which they are citizens and regarding their own identity. For example, what is shown in one congress video / program - a child who has the gift to play the violin should be stopped to go "in the world" and achieve a career as a musician.
    Admittedly, I know personally two JWs, a father and a son, violinists, who had problems at work due to their refusal to play the anthem. It is interesting, on the other hand, that I have never heard of them refusing to play another piece of music, and we all, more or less know, that in some compositions or musical performances there are things depicting murders, adulteries, lies and other morally unacceptable things for some JW member. By that logic, a JW musician would often have to refuse to play in an orchestra.
    From all this and many other life situations, which you have also heard about, it is evident that an individual or a group of believers cannot be completely “pure within the unclean”. Not even within the "spiritual paradise" of congregation.
  23. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Isabella in As A Kid I Was Told Armageddon Was Near, So I Wouldn’t Need A Job. Now I’m A BDSM Model.   
    “I was told I’d stop aging and I’d be a teenager forever. I didn’t think I’d ever earn money for myself, have a bank account, own a home, fall in love, get married.”

    The author at age 11 in a 1988 school photo. “I was expecting the world to end in five years maximum,” she says.
    My teacher, having asked everyone who got 10 out of 10 right on the spelling test to put their hand up, went on to ask who got 9 out of 10. She proceeded from there, down to 4 out of 10. I put my hand up. I actually got 1 out of 10, but didn’t want to admit I didn’t study for the test. She wouldn’t have understood why.
    I was 9 years old and I wasn’t going to grow up. I didn’t need to learn to spell because I’d never need a job. It was 1986, my family were Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the JW governing body was confidently predicting that Armageddon would arrive by the mid-1990s. Everyone who survived that would live forever in Paradise on earth. We were promised this at each of the thrice-weekly meetings we attended. In Paradise, we’d build log cabins, make friends with wild animals and spend our time picking fruit with other Jehovah’s Witnesses. This was all lovingly illustrated for us in the Jehovah’s Witness literature.
    I tried to suppress the panic I felt whenever I perused the pictures. To me, it looked boring ― because it was going to last forever. I had many opportunities to consider forever, sitting on a plastic chair under fluorescent lights, during the interminable Jehovah’s Witness meetings. Forever meant that eventually, the whole world would be so familiar to me that there would be no wonders left. One day I would have had every possible conversation with every single person still alive on the planet. It gave me a feeling like vertigo. So I told myself to trust what I was learning because if everyone else wanted to live forever, it would surely somehow be marvelous, and a more-than-ample reward for all the activities we missed out on in the present-day world.
    There were plenty of those. No Christmas, no birthdays, no Easter. Technically, Jehovah’s Witnesses were allowed televisions, but we were warned frequently about “worldly influences” and my parents had elected not to have one. Higher education was frowned upon ― it was considered selfish not to use all your available time and energy trying to convert nonbelievers, so as to save their lives during Armageddon. Many young JWs left school as soon as legally allowed, took low-paying jobs, and spent all of their spare time and energy evangelizing, or “storing up treasures in heaven.” I banked on Armageddon coming quickly enough to save me from having to become a window cleaner. I was keen for it to arrive before I turned 16. This, the JW literature assured me, was almost certain.
    Read more: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bdsm-bondage-dominant-submissive-model_n_6019919ac5b653f644d7ade2
  24. Downvote
    César Chávez reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Constitutional petition filed against alternative military service law. Some folks are never happy.   
    The Apostle Paul was both a physical Jew and a Spiritual Jew.
    Philippians 3 :  from verse 4.  The Apostle Paul says about being a physical Jew : 
    If any other man thinks he has grounds for confidence in the flesh, I have more: 5  circumcised the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born from Hebrews; regarding law, a Pharisee;
    And he was Anointed by Jesus Christ as a spiritual Jew. 
  25. Like
    César Chávez reacted to Arauna in Constitutional petition filed against alternative military service law. Some folks are never happy.   
    These guys have forgotten what they used to know about the bible.  They remind me of an opposer who knew the principles of god very well and asked: Did god really say that you must not eat from every tree in the garden?? Like a troll he put a bad idea in her head. 
    The same machinations going on here... and sometimes it is open OCD-hostility.
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