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Queen Esther

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    Queen Esther reacted to Doryseeker in my text went away, sorry ;-( TOMORROW LITTLE MORE - BUT THIS YEAR IS NO CONVENTION -   
    Field ministry ceased and Corona increases world wide. Seems it could be the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Roll on Jehovah's Kingdom.
  3. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from T.B. (Twyla) in Hello my sister, i have not head from you long sice. I hope you are wel. Hope to hear   
  4. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Manuel Boyet Enicola in Do you have the print out for the regional convention   
    How about the badge card?
  5. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Heidemarie Berger in To the Librarian / Admin..... PS. The new Login was me, with my new iPhone 11 - All o   
    Hallo Esther, 
    Ich werde dich auch vermissen es war immer sehr ermunternd die schönen Fotos Videointerviews und Worte aus der Bibel zur Ermunterung. Danke für alles wir haben dich lieb.
  6. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Carmen Erwin in To the Librarian / Admin..... PS. The new Login was me, with my new iPhone 11 - All o   
    I can’t wait to meet in the new system 💕
  7. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Scherryl in To the Librarian / Admin..... PS. The new Login was me, with my new iPhone 11 - All o   
    I miss you too!!! And Money Honey...., or was it Honey Money. I can't remember. But I miss you and her zeal for Jehovah..., Stay well thou! There are more with Us then them!
  8. Like
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    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Bonjours ma "Queen Esther " On dirait que le site est pourri par les apostats..... Qu   
    @JOHN BUTLER you will first need to join the particular club you are wanting to participate in....
    See an example when you click on the top site logo

  10. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in My dear sweet Sister, it has warmed my heart to see your name. We all have been going   
    So gooooood to here from you!!!!  Yes, write me when you can.  I will be here. Love ❤️ you and miss you 😘🌺😘
  11. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to JOHN BUTLER in Bonjours ma "Queen Esther " On dirait que le site est pourri par les apostats..... Qu   
    @admin  Sorry to intrude and be totally off topic BUT ADMIN, have i been locked out from commenting on JW Issues or is there a problem with this site / forum ? 
    @Administatorheere I'm in England and cannot comment on any other JW topics at all. This is the only way i can find to communicate to the forum.
    Any advice please ? Or am i not allowed on here anymore  ? 
  12. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Hello my dear friends After a serious time and one week in a hospital.... I'm back by   
    Oh my!!  This is the first time I have seen this news. What happened?
    Are you doing better since?
  13. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from The Librarian in Hello my dear friends After a serious time and one week in a hospital.... I'm back by   
    Thanks to you all   I'm very thankful to be back ! 
    I had some problems with the Internet this year by Camping and  to same time suddenly big health problems. I needed the help from a hospital here.  But I not accepted 2 special investigations, bec. I was not in the right JW hospital...  too dangerous for me. Also not accepted 3 weeks in a Reha - Clinic, NO   I wanted go back to Camping again and my Comp.technic,  haha
    Living more healthy now should be enough !
    Many greetings to you, I missed you, yes❤️
  14. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Joan Kennedy in Hello my dear friends After a serious time and one week in a hospital.... I'm back by   
    Thanks to you all   I'm very thankful to be back ! 
    I had some problems with the Internet this year by Camping and  to same time suddenly big health problems. I needed the help from a hospital here.  But I not accepted 2 special investigations, bec. I was not in the right JW hospital...  too dangerous for me. Also not accepted 3 weeks in a Reha - Clinic, NO   I wanted go back to Camping again and my Comp.technic,  haha
    Living more healthy now should be enough !
    Many greetings to you, I missed you, yes❤️
  15. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to JW Insider in Hello my dear friends After a serious time and one week in a hospital.... I'm back by   
    So sorry you were having health trouble. Certainly hope all is better. Much love back at you.
  16. Thanks
  17. Thanks
  18. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in LETTRE À JEHOVAH Au cher Dieu , Mon désir intime est de me laisser guider par votre P   
    Pour  Brother @Eric Ouellet
    Oh comment magnifiquement écrit, est venu à moi
    les larmes, voilà comment j'ai été saisi, mon cher frère.
    C'est une lettre très spéciale et je l'ai copiée.
    Merci pour le joli cadeau, j'apprécie!
    Beaucoup de salutations de votre soeur d'Allemagne, Agape ❤  Merci....
  19. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Elisabeth Dolewka in misette je dois venir a lyon le 15 juin si tu y habites peut tu m envoyer un plan de   
    ok merci beaucoup car tu vois je vais voir une naturopathe pour essayer de trouver une solution pour mes soucis de santé.en tout cas merci pour le travail que tu fais et que tu partages avec d'autres tes recherches.

  20. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Raquel Segovia in Si una hermana tiene un esposo opositor a la verdad...¿ Esta bien que la hermana no l   
    Me gustó mucho, querida hermana Raquel ❤
    Espero que Jehová te ayude mucho y te bendiga por los tuyos
    mucho trabajo de servicio El amor es fuerte y Jehová te llevará,
    en días pesados. Te envío mucha fuerza y amor   Agape!
  21. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Raquel Segovia in Si una hermana tiene un esposo opositor a la verdad...¿ Esta bien que la hermana no l   
    Muchas gracias por sus animadoras palabras hermana Queen Esther.....estoy muy feliz de mi servicio como precursora ....no es facil mi situación pero pongo en primer lugar mi ministerio. ...intento estar en paz en mi matrimonio aunque a veces nada alcanza.   Sé en manos de quien está. ..mmuchas bendiciones. .y gracias por su tiempo ??
  22. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Regina Blake in Weekly meeting for 02/12-20/2018   
    Hello  my dear Sister! Praying that you’re well! I’m so sorry to keep bothering you , But either my brewers are Re-directing me or due to my health problems I’m easily confused!  Would you please send me the weekly lesson for the 02/26-/03-4th of 2018.
    Thanks for your Love and patience’s 
  23. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in Some biblical names, words and places can be difficult to pronounce. The attachment i   
    Thank you for the appreciation you always have for those who contribute to this up building website. Down here I have not yet received 'Reading from the scriptures daily', but can offer the method to obtain this.
    Being new as to navigating here, can you please transfer the attachment to the proper place.
    Scriptures Daily.docx
  24. Thanks
    You can double check this post of mine from awhile back:
  25. Like
    There is no such thing as getting out of the world completely. Even Bethel offices have their “leakers”. 
    All we can do is follow the Lord. 
    He preached and lived among the sinners.  
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