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  1. Haha
    Arauna got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    Then please cling to it and do not trust your own understanding - which is the main message I  see in your writing. You are always pushing your GB-hate and  a twisted understanding of the scriptures focused on your own ego/interpretation. This is the reason why, I think, you were seen as a danger to the congregation. I am not taken in by intelligent people who think they are anointed because they believe themselves to be privileged or special. I hope I did not offend you but I have seen this before!
    Daniel 11:  King of north and south keep pushing each other. And king of north invades ( I do not know if this is expanded kinetic war, financial flooding - or the communist ideology flooding the king of the south.... but is seems the centralized form of totalitarian government is flooding the west and the subversion is almost complete.)
    from verse 40 ; and then
    43 And he (king of the North) will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. And the Libʹy·ans and the E·thi·oʹpi·ans will be at his steps.
    44 “But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. 45 And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.
    I saw you were making predictions how USA will win the war etc.  That is in opposition to bible prophecy!
    The king of the North is already instrumental in taking the US Petro -dollar currency down.  BRICS has already been joined by many nations and the currency they use is gold-backed and "produce" as bartering collateral. So their trade network is growing. 
    King of North AND ITS ALLIES had a GDP growth in the past year together with its allies. Almost 80 percent of rare-earth minerals are mined by China and they are at present openly taking over the mines in South America (for batteries and electronics). 
    US has very little factories - they out-manufactured Russia during WW2 with its weapons - this time round they are behind in their weaponry. 
    (Egypt was the southern king in relation to Israel). 
    This is why I say that your understanding is your own - not coming from the bible.  I read what is given in Daniel 11 from verse 40 and ( I can also be mistaken) but it seems that what is in the bible is going into "exact" fulfillment.
    Both the King of the North and South will suddenly attack Jehovah's people and they will both come to their end.  I do not know if peace may unite them for a minute in human history before the end but it seems we are going forward to the end of the end, right now.
    Jehovah's people have their faults - just like Solomon, David and loyal kings had, and many of the early leaders of Israel.... but Jehovah used imperfect people.  Pure worship of Jehovah can only be served by those who love Jehovah and as a nation worship him in unity - despite their faults and sinful nature. We need to produce pure fruit.  Bitter fruit is not palatable.
    The nation of Jehovah today are NOT perfect but they guard the truth - the core teachings - such as the name of Jehovah, the human nature of Jesus; and the understanding of the kingdom and what it will do for the earth.... as well as the immortality of the soul.  These are basic teachings one can find in no other place on earth........and we preach these to everyone we meet. So you either leave your bitterness and serve Jehovah unitedly with his people or prepare to be disapproved.
    One must identify the slave: each individual needs to identify the slave that will give good, wholesome food to Jehovah's people.  That is their main function - to give food - not to arbitrate silly disputes and try to be perfect according to human standards.
  2. Like
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    The website bares the exact notions of the other group who caused problems for the people of the Borough on the East Coast, the group is referred to as TVAA, which, after a build up, failed in whatever it is they are doing, therefore, this website, proclaimed the very same thing they did, and it would be a repeated process, only this time, there is a political element involved. There will be bad actors, as usual, and you already have people angry at not JWs, but former JWs who caused various issues in the past, the irony is, any disgruntled EXJW will not tell you this.
    For instance, this build up to the 2017 event, planned in advance - https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/188275/since-some-were-asking-about-vast-apostate-army
    The thing is, this stuff isn't unknown to anyone. People are aware that in every institution and or group, be it religious or educational, even business/corporate, there are some who do bad things, abuse their power, all while in a position of authority, this goes with the issue of abuse, even pedophila.
    During a one-year period in the U.S., 16% of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized; and over the course of their lifetime, 28% of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized (https://victimsofcrime.org/child-sexual-abuse-statistics/)
    Even told @ApostaBabe Linda James that once everything opens up, things will be worse, and you have articles like this appearing - https://www.justice-firm.com/blog/the-prevalence-of-child-sexual-abuse-in-schools/
    Despite this, there are people within such communities and institutions who do speak truth and is against the bad, although some, are not equipped to deal with some situations and use whatever in their ability, what is known, to deal with it vs those who adhere to solutions in order to prevent abuse or suspects of abuse. This is why the majority, even those on the Conservative side, specifically seek to target the people who do bad, in a sense, pulling weeds out of the grass, so to speak.

    It will not be only EXJWs who will appear there unfortunately, there will be opportunist (as with all rallies and protests because there is something to gain and or commit - an agenda). EXJWs have influenced people who is neither JW or EXJW to join them, i.e. EXJWs claim all JWs are Anti-Gay, sparking some folks in the LGBTQ community to rally with them, when in reality, JWs and most Christians do not dislike the person because of homosexuality, it is the conduct itself that is detested, in addition to that, Christians would often times be prompted to speak of the Bible with such people (hence Commission), however, EXJWs preach that this should not be done at all. They even have the irreligious among them, which is worse.
    That said, seems the disgruntled EXJWs will not have much to stand on for some practices if there is a biblical connection, granted, for example, Expelling, otherwise known as Excommunication is not only within the core of Christianity, but also, practiced outside of religion, just recently we seen the MSM, all the way to members of congress, even practiced Expelling, therefore, this is something that disgruntled EXJWs will not really be able to beat, as it has failed back in 2017, it would fail here.
    This is a different case compared to the situation in the Bible, they are about to deal with not only the political paradigm, but the majority of folks, like Leftist, who advocate for something a watered down Christianity, which is what the Beast supports, and pedophile being normalized in today's society, not to mention people who actually harm children, of which the police will not tell you, is that there are such people who live close to schools and churches, as is releasing such people out into the general publication who can do anything and go anywhere, even fool religious people, such as JWs, in order to enter said community.

    A child abuse survivor out of one of the Bible Student community, who was attacked by EXJWs back in 2017, stated, the real fight should be against those in that paradigm who work with the beast, otherwise, the problems will continue to on. Sadly, he was attacked and forced to make another video to retract what he said, and later, he was forced to delete his videos because of the Apostates who came out of the JW community. It was bad to the point both JWs and non disgruntled EXJWs had to come to this man's defense, even the former EXJW himself, now turned Red Light District Adventurer, Llyod Evans.
    I was trying to find the videos for those who wanted critical information, but they are nowhere to be found.

    I said this to @Equivocation because among the JW churches disrupted, his one was of them
    There was also a cover up related to that event whereas some videos by disgruntled EXJWs, they wiped and or deleted after it was revealed of who stopped the park protest.
    Like I said, it will be like 2017 but a bit more concerning, problematic and complex.

    The US and the UK are under the UN banner, but they are not the core, it's head, which makes no sense because their opponents, such as China, and Russia, are under the UN too. Several of us, like @Arauna, @Kosonen, etc. and myself, spoke extensively about this, in my case and @Kosonen, we tend to track whatever the Beast and Babylon is doing, as of recently, the Beast has plans for children that will only embolden abusers and will not be favorable for anyone with or cares for children, in my case, Truthers are very knowing of protest and what the core of such lays on, some with foundations, some that has nothing, but thrive primarily on emotion.

    Babylon's attack will not start with JWs outright though (this goes for the Russia situation prior to the proxy war), as everyone knows, they, as do others, know that the Firstfruits still roam, the greatest of her attacks will come in full force soon, and during that time, it will be revealed who is for the Most High and who is not in relation to everyone who claims to be of God and his Christ. 2016 and other events reflects this, but it will be grander when that time comes where everyone will be involved.

    They have the right to protest, but is MUST be for the right reasons, as the abuse survivor mentioned.
    Abuse of power for nefarious means is NOT unknown to anyone in the general public.
    True Christians will not show up to this event (as is any event that is similar, i.e. Washington DC 2016), mainly if you factor in of
    [A] who they want to speak to and -
    [B] who supports them, i.e. no True Christian who stand side by side of advocates of the LGBTQ community to take down a faith of whom they agree/disagree with on some things.
    For example, Soldier of God, when he was alive, he knew about the upcoming protest in the Borough (TVAA showing up at JW churches, Warwick and a Public Park) and advised everyone some Christians faiths are like another tribe, and such tribe have their enemies, do not mingle with the enemies of other tribes are you'll become not only an enemy to their enemy, but to everyone else. Mind you, someone who is said to be chosen, now deceased, has stated this outside of bringing up awareness to anyone who listens. Moreover, EXJW have stated they want to burn down the Watchtower and shut down the JW faith entirely, which is very extreme, although it was said in 2017, it is said now, and the difference here is that they do not joke about harming or killing religious leaders in the faith, hence, which is probably why the abuse survivior stopped them.

    That being said, protests have two paths, legitimate change and there is the warpath aspect of it, I say this from experience because of the people I dealt with for several years now.

    This one will be just like Nov. 2017 without question, it is absolute certainty. There will be not only JWs against them, but former JWs that do not follow the disgruntled apostasy mindset of those with a warpath ideology in mind, as is any regular civilian who is a rational thinker, who, as of we recall form last time, compared disgruntled EXJWs to Extremist for not only the protest, but disrupting religious service, which they are known for. Example of a regular rational person vs a disgruntled EXJW in the screen below,

    The ironic thing about them weaponizing ARC is they will not tell you a key element in Case Study 29 (which the general public can read vs what is said online or by the MSM - https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-studies/case-study-29-jehovahs-witnesses).
    This seems to be the case with the website you linked, nor will they tell you the truth about the ARC investigation, for disgruntled EXJWs will tell you that the reported number of perpetrators is 1,006 who did the crimes related to child abuse and it had been hidden by the JW church as the claim goes, however, the reality is, the ARC investigation recorded that around 380+ of these have been reported to the police around the time abuse or suspect of abuse had occurred, and because of this, a percentage of the 380+ resulted in convictions of those who committed the crime. Therefore, the notion that this was hidden information, or that JWs did not cooperated and such cases were kept form justice, with lawful authority; all regarded as false.
    This is something @Srecko Sostar, @Witness and Butler did not understand at the time, and even today, the same case.
    As for other events, with what has been going on recently with both Babylon and the Beast, this protest will not do well. @Kosonen and I are correct when it comes to various protests, be it this, or political ones and or other, this goes for Truthers, who also deal with and often times are victims of so called Activists.
  3. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Space Merchant in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    Apologies for the swear word in headline but there are no other bad words in the body of the discussion....if I remember correctly.   This is an indication of where the world is going....... We have not seen half of what is coming! UN told governments to allow child sex!
    The following link shows that they are doing a new Treaty for the UN - and the USA is bringing in the Restrict act.  This discussion below shows the kind of people who run the WHO  
    Unfortunately, the changes to the WHO treaty of 2005 is receiving very little media attention and this is the one that has already been signed by all countries:- In May they will accept the changes to the old treaty.  The clauses for Human rights and human dignity has been taken out.
    More about it on this link: unfortunately these are not my favorite people but they do talk about it in detail:
    Together with this Restrict Act - we will go into a totalitarian system.  this guy understands what is coming! 
     rev 13: " And it was permitted to give breath* to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who refuse to worship the image of the wild beast.16  It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead,v 17  and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the namew of the wild beast or the number of its name.x 18  This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number,* and its number is 666.
    I hope these videos show you how bible prophecy will be fulfilled and educated what is going on.
  4. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in EXJWs Are Going to the U.S. Capitol   
    Apologies for the swear word in headline but there are no other bad words in the body of the discussion....if I remember correctly.   This is an indication of where the world is going....... We have not seen half of what is coming! UN told governments to allow child sex!
    The following link shows that they are doing a new Treaty for the UN - and the USA is bringing in the Restrict act.  This discussion below shows the kind of people who run the WHO  
    Unfortunately, the changes to the WHO treaty of 2005 is receiving very little media attention and this is the one that has already been signed by all countries:- In May they will accept the changes to the old treaty.  The clauses for Human rights and human dignity has been taken out.
    More about it on this link: unfortunately these are not my favorite people but they do talk about it in detail:
    Together with this Restrict Act - we will go into a totalitarian system.  this guy understands what is coming! 
     rev 13: " And it was permitted to give breath* to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who refuse to worship the image of the wild beast.16  It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead,v 17  and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the namew of the wild beast or the number of its name.x 18  This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number,* and its number is 666.
    I hope these videos show you how bible prophecy will be fulfilled and educated what is going on.
  5. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    And the propaganda machine for the lies go on. .... And a good scientist finds blood vessels in dinosaur bones (which shows they are not millions of years old) and this is hidden from the public..... not talked about..... cancelled.... until reproduction of the same experiment proves the point.  Then they try to refute it in a silly way that cannot happen in nature .... and they go on with the propaganda and money-making machine. 
  6. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    And the propaganda machine for the lies go on. .... And a good scientist finds blood vessels in dinosaur bones (which shows they are not millions of years old) and this is hidden from the public..... not talked about..... cancelled.... until reproduction of the same experiment proves the point.  Then they try to refute it in a silly way that cannot happen in nature .... and they go on with the propaganda and money-making machine. 
  7. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to John 12.24to28 in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    I can organize my closet in different ways. I can organize the clothes by color. Or I can organize them by type of clothing (blouses together, skirts together, etc.) Perhaps I might organize them by season, putting the winter clothes on one side and the summer clothes on the other side. There is more than one way to organize a closet.
    If I were to look into my closet and say that since my blue skirt is next to my blue blouse, they must have originated from the same piece of cloth, well, that's not necessarily true just because they're both blue.
    Carl Linnaeus organized creation in a list or chart in the way that made sense to him. It wasn't bad. But the list didn't mean that the creatures evolved into one another or had a "common ancestor". The list was just a tool to organize.
    When Moses wrote down the first chapter of the Bible, he organized it in a way that made sense to him. He talked about creatures that can fly, creatures that swim, and creatures that crawl. It was just another way of organizing information. Moses didn't mean that one type evolved into another type, or that all swimming creatures are more closely related to each other just because he grouped them together. He was just listing the information in a way that made sense.
    You can list bats with rodents if you want, because they look like rodents. But if you want you can list them with birds, because they also fly. You can make a different type of list and put them with other animals that are the same color if you want. Or you can make a list of animals that are approximately the same length and weight.
    Evolutionary theorists get so bogged down on the tool that was initially designed to help organize information - the "tree" or "chart" or "list" - and they turned it into a god. They worship the god of lists. And now there is a whole cult of list-worshippers who have their own cult myths (Darwin's theories and many others, it's kind of like Hindu religion with innumerable acceptable ways you can believe evolution) and "priests" (the evolutionary "scientists" and other "experts") and media propagating the cult of evolution. If you don't believe in the god of lists, you will be shunned or ridiculed by the evolutionary community. 
    Moses used the word we translate as "kinds." Different species of bears are still the same kind of animal. They are bears. The Bible is accurate and trustworthy. Praise Jehovah.
  8. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to John 12.24to28 in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    How evolutionary theory evolves...an illustrative short story:
    So you've got a bunch of guys in khaki shorts running around with a few tiny pieces of what they think might be old human bones. They only have a few little pieces, so they use artists to make up a good guess of what the rest of the skeleton would look like. Then they do a computer animation and add guesses on layers of muscle, skin, etc. The guy doing the computer art doesn't believe in God, and he's watched a lot of cave man movies since he was a kid, so he adds a ton of hair to this creation of his and makes him look kinda dumb. Another guy writes a book based on what he thinks it might have been like to be a cave man (even though this guy grew up in an apartment in the city). A third guy builds the exhibit in the museum based on the book. Now Hollywood comes in and starts making movies and cartoons and t-shirts with cave men based on the museum exhibit.
    They only had a handful of old bones. They don't even really know what creature the bones belonged to. Sometimes they make up a new creature. "It's a new humanoid." Pick a cool latin name. They just make up so much of it.
    Next you get tons of kids wanting to be in that field of study, because of the Hollywood movies. Colleges all over the country offer more and more courses in the field. All the professors and upper level grads need to keep publishing. "Publish or perish." Everybody becomes a new "expert". And it's all based on a handful of a few old bones.
    Regular, imperfect people who need to make money for a living write the articles for National Geographic and Smithsonian, the same as regular, imperfect people write articles for the Watchtower. Neither are inspired of God.
  9. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    What most evolutionists don't tell you is that the finches that Darwin studied changed their beaks to adapt to the only food source - and then turned back again when the other food source became available again. However, the finches never became eagles or any other bird - they remained finches.
  10. Thanks
    Arauna got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    Land bridges disappeared such as Doggerland. Apparently there were many islands between India, Indonesia and Australia, which formed a land bridge.
  11. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    Just read up about the Cambrian explosion and you will not believe in evolution.  This cambrian "explosion" is never talked about by evolutionists  because all animals suddenly appeared in one layer / strata of the earth.......the animals were not partially formed in any previous layers but suddenly appeared  ....fully formed.
    There are so many flaws in the logical thinking of evolution. One example is the development of Male and Female genders over millions of years..... while still proliferating?????  Different genuses often have different looking organs...... and all the different sex organs just magically by chance  know how to develop to compliment each other  and fit perfectly.  There was definitely some pre-knowledge and accounting in nature......(intelligence) involved....because half the chromosomes are with the Male and half with the female.... in mammals. Nature can obviously count. Lol. 
    Then the matter of DNA - which is an operating system - comprising of DNA -  4 letters-  and a new language which was developed which gives instructions. When computers came out (e.g.windows), they took some time to develop the computer language with 2 letters....working to straighten out all the problems. ... then they  systematically put each sentence of the operating system in sequence with "instructions".  If the instructions had one mistake the system crashed.  So:  Nature  developed an entire intricate language randomly by chance and then logically step by step developed and put in sequence the intricate and logical instructions in this fully developed language... for instance  to develop a baby. 
    This is like winning the lottery for millions of years one second after another - one would have to come to the conclusion that there is as outside source manipulating the lottery. ... 
    There are so many logical flaws in evolution that those who are blinded by it have never thought it through. 
    Another flaw:  the eye needs the brain to interpret what it sees.  Who "coordinated" the simultaneous growth of the two ifferent organs over millions of years in such a focussed way so that the two organs  would both have all the right parts and messages to work with each other so perfectly?
    The same can be said for many other organs which work together- this is proof if intelligent design..... not random chance over millions if years..... who did the "thinking" for nature....random selection is the jackpot. 
    If millions of years went by with a "nutricious soup" floating around - was there never ever a storm to disturb the "goldilocks conditions"?  How did the right chemicals stay together without a membrane?  The membrane of a cell itself is  intricate....keeping so many functional parts within its pocket and only letting select items through. How did this suddenly appear?  And how did nature know to divide the acidic and alkaline parts of the cell. How did it "know" to develop the transportation system,  and factories within the cell... the two kinds of DNA? 
    These are just a few questions one can ask someone who believes in evolution. 
    "Peer review" at universities is such a farce. A group of professors review  works for publication. Friends approve each others papers and cut out anyone who disagrees with their theories.
    One does not need a degree or smartness to understand these things.  That is why the bible says we must walk in humbleness / modesty with jehovah. He gives insight to the humble.
    Regarding the dating of things in the field of geology, anthropology, archeology, evolution etc.  This is also a farce as it is all manipulated.  But that is another subject on it's own.  
  12. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from John 12.24to28 in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    Just read up about the Cambrian explosion and you will not believe in evolution.  This cambrian "explosion" is never talked about by evolutionists  because all animals suddenly appeared in one layer / strata of the earth.......the animals were not partially formed in any previous layers but suddenly appeared  ....fully formed.
    There are so many flaws in the logical thinking of evolution. One example is the development of Male and Female genders over millions of years..... while still proliferating?????  Different genuses often have different looking organs...... and all the different sex organs just magically by chance  know how to develop to compliment each other  and fit perfectly.  There was definitely some pre-knowledge and accounting in nature......(intelligence) involved....because half the chromosomes are with the Male and half with the female.... in mammals. Nature can obviously count. Lol. 
    Then the matter of DNA - which is an operating system - comprising of DNA -  4 letters-  and a new language which was developed which gives instructions. When computers came out (e.g.windows), they took some time to develop the computer language with 2 letters....working to straighten out all the problems. ... then they  systematically put each sentence of the operating system in sequence with "instructions".  If the instructions had one mistake the system crashed.  So:  Nature  developed an entire intricate language randomly by chance and then logically step by step developed and put in sequence the intricate and logical instructions in this fully developed language... for instance  to develop a baby. 
    This is like winning the lottery for millions of years one second after another - one would have to come to the conclusion that there is as outside source manipulating the lottery. ... 
    There are so many logical flaws in evolution that those who are blinded by it have never thought it through. 
    Another flaw:  the eye needs the brain to interpret what it sees.  Who "coordinated" the simultaneous growth of the two ifferent organs over millions of years in such a focussed way so that the two organs  would both have all the right parts and messages to work with each other so perfectly?
    The same can be said for many other organs which work together- this is proof if intelligent design..... not random chance over millions if years..... who did the "thinking" for nature....random selection is the jackpot. 
    If millions of years went by with a "nutricious soup" floating around - was there never ever a storm to disturb the "goldilocks conditions"?  How did the right chemicals stay together without a membrane?  The membrane of a cell itself is  intricate....keeping so many functional parts within its pocket and only letting select items through. How did this suddenly appear?  And how did nature know to divide the acidic and alkaline parts of the cell. How did it "know" to develop the transportation system,  and factories within the cell... the two kinds of DNA? 
    These are just a few questions one can ask someone who believes in evolution. 
    "Peer review" at universities is such a farce. A group of professors review  works for publication. Friends approve each others papers and cut out anyone who disagrees with their theories.
    One does not need a degree or smartness to understand these things.  That is why the bible says we must walk in humbleness / modesty with jehovah. He gives insight to the humble.
    Regarding the dating of things in the field of geology, anthropology, archeology, evolution etc.  This is also a farce as it is all manipulated.  But that is another subject on it's own.  
  13. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Pudgy in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    Just read up about the Cambrian explosion and you will not believe in evolution.  This cambrian "explosion" is never talked about by evolutionists  because all animals suddenly appeared in one layer / strata of the earth.......the animals were not partially formed in any previous layers but suddenly appeared  ....fully formed.
    There are so many flaws in the logical thinking of evolution. One example is the development of Male and Female genders over millions of years..... while still proliferating?????  Different genuses often have different looking organs...... and all the different sex organs just magically by chance  know how to develop to compliment each other  and fit perfectly.  There was definitely some pre-knowledge and accounting in nature......(intelligence) involved....because half the chromosomes are with the Male and half with the female.... in mammals. Nature can obviously count. Lol. 
    Then the matter of DNA - which is an operating system - comprising of DNA -  4 letters-  and a new language which was developed which gives instructions. When computers came out (e.g.windows), they took some time to develop the computer language with 2 letters....working to straighten out all the problems. ... then they  systematically put each sentence of the operating system in sequence with "instructions".  If the instructions had one mistake the system crashed.  So:  Nature  developed an entire intricate language randomly by chance and then logically step by step developed and put in sequence the intricate and logical instructions in this fully developed language... for instance  to develop a baby. 
    This is like winning the lottery for millions of years one second after another - one would have to come to the conclusion that there is as outside source manipulating the lottery. ... 
    There are so many logical flaws in evolution that those who are blinded by it have never thought it through. 
    Another flaw:  the eye needs the brain to interpret what it sees.  Who "coordinated" the simultaneous growth of the two ifferent organs over millions of years in such a focussed way so that the two organs  would both have all the right parts and messages to work with each other so perfectly?
    The same can be said for many other organs which work together- this is proof if intelligent design..... not random chance over millions if years..... who did the "thinking" for nature....random selection is the jackpot. 
    If millions of years went by with a "nutricious soup" floating around - was there never ever a storm to disturb the "goldilocks conditions"?  How did the right chemicals stay together without a membrane?  The membrane of a cell itself is  intricate....keeping so many functional parts within its pocket and only letting select items through. How did this suddenly appear?  And how did nature know to divide the acidic and alkaline parts of the cell. How did it "know" to develop the transportation system,  and factories within the cell... the two kinds of DNA? 
    These are just a few questions one can ask someone who believes in evolution. 
    "Peer review" at universities is such a farce. A group of professors review  works for publication. Friends approve each others papers and cut out anyone who disagrees with their theories.
    One does not need a degree or smartness to understand these things.  That is why the bible says we must walk in humbleness / modesty with jehovah. He gives insight to the humble.
    Regarding the dating of things in the field of geology, anthropology, archeology, evolution etc.  This is also a farce as it is all manipulated.  But that is another subject on it's own.  
  14. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from ComfortMyPeople in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    Just read up about the Cambrian explosion and you will not believe in evolution.  This cambrian "explosion" is never talked about by evolutionists  because all animals suddenly appeared in one layer / strata of the earth.......the animals were not partially formed in any previous layers but suddenly appeared  ....fully formed.
    There are so many flaws in the logical thinking of evolution. One example is the development of Male and Female genders over millions of years..... while still proliferating?????  Different genuses often have different looking organs...... and all the different sex organs just magically by chance  know how to develop to compliment each other  and fit perfectly.  There was definitely some pre-knowledge and accounting in nature......(intelligence) involved....because half the chromosomes are with the Male and half with the female.... in mammals. Nature can obviously count. Lol. 
    Then the matter of DNA - which is an operating system - comprising of DNA -  4 letters-  and a new language which was developed which gives instructions. When computers came out (e.g.windows), they took some time to develop the computer language with 2 letters....working to straighten out all the problems. ... then they  systematically put each sentence of the operating system in sequence with "instructions".  If the instructions had one mistake the system crashed.  So:  Nature  developed an entire intricate language randomly by chance and then logically step by step developed and put in sequence the intricate and logical instructions in this fully developed language... for instance  to develop a baby. 
    This is like winning the lottery for millions of years one second after another - one would have to come to the conclusion that there is as outside source manipulating the lottery. ... 
    There are so many logical flaws in evolution that those who are blinded by it have never thought it through. 
    Another flaw:  the eye needs the brain to interpret what it sees.  Who "coordinated" the simultaneous growth of the two ifferent organs over millions of years in such a focussed way so that the two organs  would both have all the right parts and messages to work with each other so perfectly?
    The same can be said for many other organs which work together- this is proof if intelligent design..... not random chance over millions if years..... who did the "thinking" for nature....random selection is the jackpot. 
    If millions of years went by with a "nutricious soup" floating around - was there never ever a storm to disturb the "goldilocks conditions"?  How did the right chemicals stay together without a membrane?  The membrane of a cell itself is  intricate....keeping so many functional parts within its pocket and only letting select items through. How did this suddenly appear?  And how did nature know to divide the acidic and alkaline parts of the cell. How did it "know" to develop the transportation system,  and factories within the cell... the two kinds of DNA? 
    These are just a few questions one can ask someone who believes in evolution. 
    "Peer review" at universities is such a farce. A group of professors review  works for publication. Friends approve each others papers and cut out anyone who disagrees with their theories.
    One does not need a degree or smartness to understand these things.  That is why the bible says we must walk in humbleness / modesty with jehovah. He gives insight to the humble.
    Regarding the dating of things in the field of geology, anthropology, archeology, evolution etc.  This is also a farce as it is all manipulated.  But that is another subject on it's own.  
  15. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to The Librarian in 140 Million Year-Old Hammer?   
  16. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to John 12.24to28 in Let's Talk About Evolution!   
    I think it's funny how the platypus has proven to be a "monkey wrench" for all the taxonomy "scientists" - they can't really figure out where in the "tree/bush" the creature goes! (That's because there isn't really an evolutionary "tree/bush" but they haven't figured that out yet.)
    Jehovah is an engineer. He doesn't have to follow a man-made flowchart. 
  17. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Amidstheroses in 2023 Convention Program   
    Thank you - we have to attend in Athens. Going from Albania to Athens to get our sp. food in english.
  18. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Equivocation in Why did Jehovah create Jesus?   
    It has to do with the loving personality of Jehovah.  Love is sharing - Jehovah is so high and even though we are imperfect, he stoops down to listen to us- like we listen to toddlers.  Jehovah is a giver, not a taker.  Do your find pleasure is seeing young kids develop and grow and learn new things?
    It does not have anything to do with ability or power.  Jehovah has power but unlike imperfect men - he has shared positions with Jesus, the 144,000 and even gives the angels opportunity in heaven to give their ideas and carry them out. 
    Jehovah was not lonely - so did not create out of loneliness or because he wanted subjects.  His motivations are about joy and pleasure for all his creatures (within  moral boundaries).   It was humans who rejected the order Jehovah had instituted for society to work in a perfect way.  Jehovah equipped us with everything we need to function optimally and enjoy life.
  19. Like
    Arauna got a reaction from Amidstheroses in Why did Jehovah create Jesus?   
    It has to do with the loving personality of Jehovah.  Love is sharing - Jehovah is so high and even though we are imperfect, he stoops down to listen to us- like we listen to toddlers.  Jehovah is a giver, not a taker.  Do your find pleasure is seeing young kids develop and grow and learn new things?
    It does not have anything to do with ability or power.  Jehovah has power but unlike imperfect men - he has shared positions with Jesus, the 144,000 and even gives the angels opportunity in heaven to give their ideas and carry them out. 
    Jehovah was not lonely - so did not create out of loneliness or because he wanted subjects.  His motivations are about joy and pleasure for all his creatures (within  moral boundaries).   It was humans who rejected the order Jehovah had instituted for society to work in a perfect way.  Jehovah equipped us with everything we need to function optimally and enjoy life.
  20. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Amidstheroses in For All the Lazarus-es (Luke 16:19-31; John 11:1-31)   
    That was NOT the explanation we give for this dream and you know it - or you are misleading information.
    Instead a heart of a BEAST was given to the king for seven periods - which indicate that beastly worldly governments would rule until the government of jesus would be installed.
  21. Like
    Arauna reacted to Moise Racette in For All the Lazarus-es (Luke 16:19-31; John 11:1-31)   
    Indeed, not only do apostates not demonstrate it, but many witnesses here don't demonstrate it, since they have the same inclination as apostates. Sad really, how people can't see the value history has provided as proof.
    Not only is scripture obscured by many here, but history as well.
  22. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Moise Racette in Revelation 11 and 12   
    The poster was doing very well until the poster confused the sealing of the anointed. 1914 has nothing to do with that impact. Then again, there are several professed witnesses here that feel or are confused or plainly disregard 1914 as meaningful. Therefore, the true nature of 1914 escapes those here.
    However, this poster has failed in many arguments to produce evidence of the absolute stance the poster has on the matter, or anyone willing to support this poster.
    Since there was an actual recorded historical event on earth in 1914 that's undisputable, how does the poster know that war wasn't raging in the heavens as well?
  23. Haha
    Arauna reacted to Pudgy in Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?   
    A rubber mallet?
  24. Upvote
    Arauna reacted to Space Merchant in Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?   
    It reminds me of the China chimera situation, some people tend to play God, in this sense.
  25. Upvote
    Arauna got a reaction from Anna in Does the governing body wish for artificial intelligence?   
    The subject was not "imperfection" but the manner at looking at a subject - that it can be interpreted in 16 different ways = which is not possible when one assumes that there is a best way of doing something or the matter of "truth".  Truth is reality, unadulterated, unblemished, uncorrupted, and so on and on. Truth is not ten or 16 different opinions with all of them acceptable.
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