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Posts posted by SuziQ1513

  1. I'm in a relationship with a narcissistic mother who is 96yo,  I'm trying to find my balance in caring for her.    I'm the only family member that is caring for her, at least trying.  She undermines and demeans what I do on a regular basis.  Worse of all she gets into my head.  I'm a highly sensitive person/empath so I know what she's thinking without her saying so.   I ended up marrying twice (one covert and one overt narcissist)  always trying to reconcile with "mommy dearest" through my husbands (not knowing that's what I was doing of course).  It's taken me many years to figure this all out.    Beware, the world is full of these people.   

  2. Dear Mr Butler:

    It appears you have more than enough "suggestions" on how to handle the above problem.   Normally I wouldn't respond to a  "cheeky" ex-JW (your words not mine).   To give you some background, I am an American but I was married to an Englishman for 15yrs so I get the culture differences.  Also I don't always agree with JTR (but I do get in tongue-in-cheek delivery) BUT you would do well to take his point of view.   The main problem I see is your "trusted" friend who burdened you with this information about this boy.  This (in my opinion) would be gossip since you had no reason to know this information.   You have no idea how the Elders handled this situation, it could have been handled based on no outside parties being aware of the problem, thus privately and that's why it wasn't announced to the congregation.   The Elders could have talked to the police, the father could have talked to the police or social services and been given advice.   YOU don't know and that's the point - You have only been given the " secret" by your "trustworthy" friend.   This friend of yours has the burden, not you.  I would tell him/her he/she needs to go to the parent, Elders, police, social services or you will using him/her as your informant and then you decide the best course of whom to contact with your 2nd or 3rd hand information (well I ended up giving advice I wasn't going to).

    It's an unfortunate mess when gossip, it spreads like fire, people get burned whether its true or not.   We all want to protect our children, that's not the point I'm making (I'm a mother of 4 and grandmother of 5).    This boy could be a threat to the congregation or some intervention took place that will put him on the right path.  Who knows, outside of the parties involved.  It's regrettable that you are separated from the congregation so going to a trusted Elder is not an option, that would be the best way to just let them know you are aware of a situation via gossip ( I suppose you could write an anonymous letter).    Going to the police or social services may be the way to go BUT then again, it could open a can-of-worms that would be more harmful than good in the end.   Professionals are required to report these things, because they are just that, professionals.   I would chastise your friend for spreading this information and forbid him/her from gossiping to you again.  I'm sure you are aware of the seven things Jehovah hates, tread carefully.


    Your Ex-sister


  3. "Has the Governing Body of Jehovah's WItnesses Put Themselves in the Place Of Jesus Christ as Mediator Between God and Men?"

    The answer is NO.  Their blood cannot compensate for Adam's sin.   There are many men and women who give their life for others such as military, police, emergency workers and rescuers.    But none of their sacrificed lives can be laid on the alter before Jehovah to provide a ransom for mankind.   I do believe in the past there have been GB members that were full of themselves and became haughty but that's for Jehovah and Jesus to sort out.  Just as Moses, David and others who lead Israel were fallible so are the members of the GB.   To their benefit, they have helped unite 8+ million humans in serving Jehovah thru Christ's blood- today thats quite a feat!

  4. On 9/21/2018 at 2:03 PM, Jack Ryan said:

    We all know how much The Watchtower abhors "Higher Education" and that apparently Jehovah thinks it is a big waste of time. At least that is their official stance. It might come as a shock to you that this month they have started a campaign drive to actually RECRUIT JWs who have higher education, specifically those who have legal training.

    With all the law suits against them for creating an environment that is friendly to paedophiles, it is thus no wonder that they are in need of solicitors, especially those who are sympathetic towards the cult.

     Talk about hypocrisy!

    The original letter (in Spanish as it is from the Mexico branch) and survey form can be downloaded here (link valid for 7 days from the date of this post): https://we.tl/t-BPb0RzP1OB

    Here is my translation for those of you who don't speak Spanish:

    4th September 2018


    Subject: Jehovah's Witness Lawyers wishing to collaborate with the branch

    Dear brothers:

    A survey is attached for Jehovah's Witness lawyers wishing to collaborate voluntarily and altruistically in favour of Kingdom interests with regard to legal matters. Once the professional brother writes down the information requested in the survey, he should hand it over to the Congregation Service Committee so that they can complement it and make their recommendation.

    We share the following guidelines to help you identify brothers with the appropriate disposition and profile (Isaiah 6:8).

    1. They must be in a good spiritual condition, be exemplary in the ministry, in the family and in the congregation.
    2. It is preferred that they have experience in court and tribunal litigation or in dealings with government offices.
    3. They must be able to work as a team, follow direction, and have a diligent and helpful attitude.

    If there is someone in your congregation with the profile mentioned above, encourage them to make themselves available by filling out the attached form (LD-04) (Ps 110:3). The survey can be sent in PDF format from the Inbox of a congregation elder to the Legal Affairs Inbox or via email to consultaslegales.mx@jw.org. Explain to the brothers that after filling out the survey and giving it to the elders, they will not receive a letter in response. Rather, when a need arises, they will be contacted by the branch. If someone can no longer make themselves available, no longer meets the requirements, or moves congregation, the body of elders should make sure that they notify the Legal Department.


    On the other hand, if the circumstances of a publisher allow them to devote one or more specific days in the week to collaborate with the branch or if they could support the branch occasionally when urgent needs arise, encourage them to fill out an Application for Volunteers Program (A-19). In the letter dated 10th October 2016, under the subject "Bethel Advisers", you can find recommendations for this facet of sacred service. When someone completes the A-19 application and is a legal professional, they can also fill out the attorney survey.


    It is nice to be able to count on brothers who have the same attitude as the apostle Paul in defending the good news for the love of the Christ (Philippians 116). We trust that with your spiritual vision you can recommend valuable brothers.


    We send you our warm Christian love and best wishes.

    Your brothers,

    Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses


    On 9/21/2018 at 2:03 PM, Jack Ryan said:

    With all the law suits against them for creating an environment that is friendly to paedophiles, it is thus no wonder that they are in need of solicitors, especially those who are sympathetic towards the cult.


    Now now Mr Sarcasm this is an unfair statement.    Jehovah's organization doesn't create an environment for pedophiles, the pedophiles take advantage and target the innocent.   The problem is the 2 witness rule and pedophiles know it.  The sneaky creeps know how to isolate a victim, abuse then threaten followed by a protest of innocence.   It's ugly business all around.  My step-father of over 50 yrs turned out to be a pedo and I had no idea what he was doing to my son for years (he wasn't a JW).   The problem years ago was that even the police didn't know what to do when it's one person's word against another.  Now it's turning whereby anyone can accuse another with or without merit and the courts have to deal with it.   The WT organization is suffering;  some such suffering  is valid and some not.   The whole of the western world is suffering from this plague.    Satan has sexualized every aspect of our secular lives.   

    And regards to calling us a cult.... you need to look up the definition.    JW's are no more a cult than any law abiding citizen of any country, business or other types of human organizations that have a president, CEO or director.  

    PS:  Regarding higher education, I actually agree with some of what you said.  I do think it's hypocritical to discourage higher education then rely on those that sought that educational level.   The problem with higher education, is that it's been taken over by evolutionary doctrines.  

  5. It was fascinating watching the making of pretzels, but all I could think of was "No Gloves!! " 

    Regarding Mr Roger's religious affiliations, I always say the truth is the truth no matter who speaks it and a lie is still a lie no matter who speaks it.   But I personally like pretzel sticks more than the original design, easier to eat and less messy.  

  6. 5 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

    So I guess the devil’s lettuce isn’t tied to spiritism when a medical doctor writes a prescription? ?

    Point well taken, albeit sarcastically.   I've done some digging on this subject and found that CBD from hemp (less than 3% THC)  is legal in all 50 US states.    It comes from a different strain of cannabis sativa than marijuana which is higher in THC (the psycho active ingredient).   There is a lot and I mean a lot of confusion about this even in the medical field.   One big problem is it's illegal to grow cannabis  including  hemp in the US by federal law (9 states  allow it).  Some believe the regulation law of 1937  came about because of the competition with the forestry interests vs hemp growers when it came to making paper.  In 1970 all forms (4000 strains/varieties) of  Cannabis  (which included hemp and marijuana) was classified as a Schedule I drug.   So you could be in a state that legalized cannabis but if you use it, you are still breaking US federal law.  This could be different in another country.   France is the largest grower of hemp followed by China, Japan, etc.   

    Based on the letter you submitted for the BoE, it doesn't address anything about whether someone smokes marijuana verses eating it or taking it in another form.   It doesn't address why a person needs it.  I understand they could get into a lot of trouble if they interfered with a medical directive but given the how the laws are written so loosely (sarcasm accepted here) pretty much anyone could get a prescription from a doctor.  It's Satan's crazy world and the poor brothers have to navigate through this mess for the benefit of the congregation.  I would hope you would cut them some slack here and there.  

    BTW:   Do some research on hemp variety of cannabis,  it's definitely not the devils lettuce.  It's amazing how useful and practical hemp is, as well, as nutritious (I personally use hemp seed in my diet and plan on adding CBD oil to it).   Jehovah created it for our benefit.  Just be cautious of the country where the hemp is grown.

  7. A couple of years ago, I was witnessing to a Jewish couple from Israel.   They referred me to a Rabi on the internet regarding the "young woman vs virgin" debate.  The Rabi was mocking the interpretation of the NT using "virgin" when the original word in Hebrew meant young woman.  I did some research and took them the information (which I knew they probably wouldn't read), but I verbally explained that when the 70-72 Jews who translated Hebrew to Greek for the benefit of the Greek speaking Jews (Septuagint LXX), they had to take into consideration the difference in cultures.   The Hebrew culture would assume a young unmarried woman would be a virgin, especially if she was living in her father's household and under his protection.  But in a Greek environment, that assumption could not be made.  They seemed to accept that explanation.   

    I appreciate your (Sami) extensive research and logical conclusions.   Thank you.

  8. Hi Shirley,

    I'm not sure if you are still around given the sideline responses from the men who are prolific commenters but I thought I would respond since I'm a single sister over 50yo and can feel your pain.    

    As we are all aware, Jehovah created men and women to have companionship and have an intimate partner to share our deepest feelings with, find support when we "fall" and some to share our joys and happiness.   However, right from the "get go", that purpose was thwarted by Satan and human selfishness.   That said, I know that lonely feeling and desire for close companionship, intimacy and a sense of security.    My experience and observation is that marriage isn't necessarily the cure for the void one feels as a single person so caution is necessary.   My moto is:  Men are like parking places, the good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped (-:    Don't get me wrong, I do think there are good single men out there but they are rare.   Personally, I have accepted the fact that I won't find that "rare" one, however, I know sisters (over 50yo)  who have found good partners and seem happy (but not problem free).   My cynicism is obvious I know, but it helps me focus on outward things instead of inward feelings.  I have a full life as a servant of Jehovah and have many interests that fill the "quiet times".   I accept that statistically my chances of finding a compatible mate are slim to none (Satan has done a great job of culling the male gender through ions of wars causing an uneven number of males to females), therefore, I refuse to let feelings of loneliness consume me.   

    I hope I don't come across as lecturing you or seeming insensitive, but I  wanted you to get an idea of where I'm coming from.  I do understand your deep feelings and know we all cope in different ways.   As sisters, we can support each other by honestly sharing those feelings (which I'm glad you did), having a good cry and a good laugh ( I can be more humorous than I'm being right now).   So I would say, "Hang in there sis! "   - Agape - your sister in the Truth

  9. On 10/26/2017 at 11:31 AM, Anna said:

    , Nehemiah Gordon is a Karaite Rabbi (never heard of the Karaite Jews, very interesting)

    Hi Anna!   Just a friendly correction to the above statement.  Nehemiah Gordon is indeed a Karaite Jew (Kara means scripture) but not a Rabbi.  His father is an orthodox Rabbi but Karaites do not recognize the Rabbinical system.  They would be considered fundamentalist using scripture only and they do use God's name as required by scripture.  I have enjoyed listening to his point of view and have learned quite a lot from him and have read his book:  The Hebrew Yeshua vs the Greek Jesus.  He has a likable personality and remains quite neutral in discussions cautious of not promoting one religion over another.  He is well educated in the Hebrew language (both ancient and modern) but remains a humble man.   He was associated with an American pastor named Keith Johnson but I think they have gone their separate ways now (which is good).  Wishing you blessings - SuziQ1513

  10. When I was fairly new in the Truth ( 40+yrs ago), I lived in Salt Lake City, home of the LDS Church (Mormons).  I was raised a Mormon but left on my own in my early 20s.   Mormons always seem to have story about some "spiritual experience" (my family is no exception).  So when I became a JW, I wasn't too surprised when the friends talked about things having demonic attraction.  I heard of pictures that wouldn't burn when it was discovered it were possessed.  There was a husband to a pioneer sister (I'm sure he was a JW or not), but whenever they were invited to someone's house he would point out something was demon possessed in their home.  Friends were getting rid of things left and right I was told (this is purely hearsay and I didn't attend the same congregation).   I had a copy of book by Kahill Gibran, The Prophet, that my husband gave me as a gift.  I was told it was causing demonic activity in my apt when I was gone (JWs lived downstairs from us at the time and it was disclosed later they were involved in very bad behavior).   When I was studying, a sister told me my wind chime attracted demons.   I haven't heard of such things for many years now and I enjoy the soft sound of a wind chime and I miss the book I threw away.    I tend to try  reasoning on such things  and not be gullible.  But I do believe demons can be attracted to things and people, even attaching themselves (for lack of a better term).   I played the Ouji board when I was young and super natural experiences scared the life out of me.  From my experience in life, caution is the word I would use when it comes to buying some things.

  11. I still remember a dream I had as a very young child (I'd guess I was around 4 or 5 yo). I woke up in a panic.   It created great anxiety for years.  As an adult, I have reconciled the meaning (I can still see the images in my mind) and realize it was a way for my brain to process my inner emotions that I could not put into words.   Since the brain never sleeps and its attempting to create meaning and order to our experiences,  dreams can be useful to understand that process.  However,  I've had dreams where I wake up and go,  What the Heck!   I've had other dreams that scare the Heck out of me.   Years ago I took Melatonin to help me to sleep, but they caused terror nightmares.    Some other dreams I don't want to end since they are very pleasant.   

  12. On 9/10/2017 at 12:20 AM, ImStrugglingBad said:


    Dear Young Struggling Brother,  

    If I may, I will share my experience as a parent of a gay son.   My son was in his 20s when you admitted to me he was gay.  I remember it clearly.  I was in the kitchen and my son approached me saying he had something to tell me.   He is about 6'2 and I'm 5'7,  after straightforwardly saying: "I'm gay" he collapsed on my shoulders sobbing with his whole body.  I could tell this was a release of years of stress.  I held on while he went from sobbing to crying until he could pull himself erect again.  We were both crying and I assured him there was nothing that could extinguish my love for him.   Later in a quiet moment we talked about it.  I assured him that Jehovah and his family would love him but accepting behavior based on his "natural" desires would not be accepted.  He asked me; "so I can't be happy?"  I assured him he could but there are many who have restrictions on how they live their lives, me being one of them since I'm divorced.  I explained I can't go out and have a fling or date with just anyone even tho I'm free to do so.   I've been on a journey to understand why there are so many homosexual people.   Form follows function and it's clear from the human forms man and woman were engineered to be sexual mates.   I used to think it was a choice but seeing my son crying out, "I hate it" changed my thinking.   I don't understand.  I talked to a young photographer who told he was gay and said he doesn't understand it either.  I heard a Dr state it was a nutritional issue at a certain point when the embryo was developing,   We might not know until the new system what is causing this change (enviorment, nutrition, etc).  I know of 2 elders who are gay.   We older ones remember them growing up (they are brothers).  One left the truth and lived the gay lifestyle for a few years but returned to Jehovah and strengthened himself spiritually.  It's known by quite a few he is gay.   I continue to try to understand the mechanism but love the individuals.   

    My suggestion to you is your stress comes from hiding what you are.  John Bradshaw (author) had a saying,  "you are as sick as your secrets".    Tell Jehovah you need to talk to a mature person and to please bring them info your life.   It sounds like you are fairly young and going thru the period of your life when you sexuality is as its peak, as you age it will lessen.  But what you need is someone to listen and care and accept you as you are.   Also, keep in mind there are sisters in the truth that will never marry or have that intimacy you crave as well.   We need close companionship that gives us honest and loving feedback no mater our gender.  I will pray for you, my dear brother.  Please don't give up, the world is sugarcoated and can appear as a solution but it's not.   Keep your self-respect.   If you need to send a personal email, I will surely answer.

    Much love and concern,

    Your Sister in the Universal Family of Jehovah

  13. 46 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    OK ... what is "between the lines"?

    ----->                                            <---

    Oh my gosh, James!  Where do you find this stuff!!!    I'm laughing but somewhat worried at the same time.   Jw witness program for Mafia informants!   I can't stop laughing!!!!

  14. 9 hours ago, J.R. Ewing said:

    Dear, SuziQ1513

    With all sincerity, I have to ask why YOU! are here at this site knowing that deception exists? This post has more wind than Chicago and Wyoming with all of Canada put together.

    Perhaps you should direct your bitter insulting statement to one that is truly deserving of it. I can count many that fit your bill here. Perhaps reading the Watchtower literature will aid your confusion of 1975 as many witnesses were, with their own private expectation, and now draws modern criticism by many calling themselves witnesses but are liken to worldly views, making them NOT part of GODS plan for his new kingdom. Generally, I would expect troubling answers from young witnesses that weren't part of that generation. The Watchtower ended, having to explain the erred expectation that some witnesses perceived, NO  different from any other expectation perceived by enthusiastic people. I believe, some of that expectation can be found with some surrounding Jesus that wanted him to establish an earthly kingdom, even though, that was never his intent.

    So, perhaps it will make more sense, once you rely on GOD to aid your confusion, as it has not helped the regular commentators here, with their off-putting humor, such as the one rendered by you and reading past post, you appear to be one. I can understand "Pete" not having full control of his own, but, the truth is the truth.


    I would venture to say the same with the kind of response you advocate. My association first and foremost is the allegiance to GOD himself. The association I can proudly say is decades in service to GOD through the Watchtower. I can say with sincerity that I am a witness free of defamation and slander with no derogatory content toward the Watchtower. So, that "love" you speak of is lacking, simply by your own comment. However, you might ask one of your own JTR, what he is doing here since you asked me. I ex

    On August 12, 2017 at 3:33 PM, J.R. Ewing said:

      " GOD, love, Watchtower, JTR....it's called honesty." --- compilation

    pect the same sarcasm directed to him in your response to love. You should look for something further, it's called honesty.



    Dear Mr Ewing,

    Thank you for your reply.   I really don't want to go verbal fisticuffs, so let me apologize for sounding and acting less than loving.   To explain myself, I come to this site to learn and be challenged by other's insights and knowledge plus the bantering about of ideas.  I like to learn from a variety of sources.   I appreciate the intellectual contributions from JWI, Ann, Anna, Melinda,etc  and the kindness I feel from Bible Speaks, Queen Esther,etc.. JTR clarified his position (I did ask him the same question I asked you sometime ago), I "get" him now and he makes me laugh and shake my head and makes me spill my coffee on my keyboard at times.   He's a character but doesn't take himself so serious (see my post regarding "happy pants").  He's a grumpy but likable guy and he loves dogs (which says a lot). 

    That being said, I would love to know you and "get" where you are coming from.  You did explain your loyalties to GOD but I'm not sure which GOD ( the Jewish, Catholic, Mormon, etc) since you didn't use His name.  You mention the Watchtower, but I'm confused, are you for or against?  Is your position to draw people towards or away from the JW org using flaws in dating ( did I misinterpret what you were trying to do?). 

    To be honest, fighting over dating  ( like the unrelenting prairie winds)  gives me a headache, can't see the point when the fruits of the JW organization are beautifully evident.   Producing good fruit is what Jesus taught and learned from his Father, Jehovah.    So if I came across as irritated ( not bitter) I was but I do apologize for that.   I just wanted to know YOUR honest intentions (it's still not clear to me).   If I'm in the wrong place, show me where I should be to find greater treasures than I now have.

    May you have peace, joy and happiness in a world falling apart. Most sincerely -- SuziQ

  15. On August 12, 2017 at 3:33 PM, J.R. Ewing said:

    Would it be any different with thinking the things made up here, deserve the same sarcasm? but we both know, Right! A!

    Too bad this deception needs revision.

    Dear Mr Ewing:

    With all sincerity, I have to ask why are you here at this site if you think deception exists?    This post has more wind than Chicago and Wyoming put together.  Your bitterness is all too apparent and I have yet to see a suggestion as to where a sincere person might find an organization that has pure truth without contamination of human imperfection.   I believe Jesus (I'm not sure you believe he existed) was the only one who could claim he taught and acted purely.   Knowledge puffs up but love builds up and this can be seen clearly in our organization.    Case in point:.  Recent convention the fire alarm was accidentally pulled by a baby -- yes you read that correctly.  It was Friday during the last 10 mins of the last talk of the day.  3900 people calmly and curteously left the building in 5-6 mins.   While we waited outside, we enjoyed visiting, there was no bad attitudes, of course no one was smoking or swearing.   When we returned the talk was resumed and we finished with a song and prayer.  Can u believe it, 3900 people returned for 10 mins of a talk, song and prayer.  The Fire Marshall was amazed and wished he had a video of it because he stated it went perfectly.  The  next few days they had sisters sit by the alarms in the building to prevent another mishap (I was one of them).  Now I'm looking at this fire alarm and wondering how on earth could a baby pull it.    Well it's as high as I light switch and is a simple pull down action, it's bright red.  If someone was holding the baby in just the right position, it would be natural for them to reach for it.   I'm sure when they built the building they didn't anticipate a baby pulling the alarm but they had the best intentions since the alarm did work.  I'm sure next year there will be revisions to the alarms.  

    So what does this have to do with the windy topic (yes I'm aware I'm adding more wind)? I believe the  GB did not intend to deceive but we're making the best effort to understand scripture at the time.  I was around in 1973 and what I remember is they said "it would make sense if the end came " in 1975 not as it was a fact.  I became a JW, not because of a date,  because they deepened  my love for Jehovah, Jesus and his word.  Because of what they taught me, I'm a better person, I have wonderful fridends and a clear purpose to my life  

    So, please Sir, would you express to us your deepest love, who do you associate with and what brings you joy and purpose to your life..  I would very seriously like to know so I can evaluate if there is something better I should look at. 

    Yours truly

  16. On 8/9/2017 at 7:43 PM, J.R. Ewing said:

    In the matters of the heart, as you know, we are in accord, and meant NO disrespect, with the inclusion as you, yourself stated: “Look, it's not about me”.  I understand the offshoot humor your balance to the otherwise incorrigible, unreachable, and unrepentant can become cumbersome. This is a goal for those who enter this forum that doesn't understand the criticism of the Watchtower by “active Witnesses” and as you stated are “new and/or naïve” to bible understanding by a website that “boast” of being friendly toward witnesses, but have the inclination of hiding their true motives behind such “hatred” manifested by as you quoted, for being “disillusioned, perhaps over some injustice they have encountered”. There is NO justification to remain committed to change anyoneÂ’s doctrine (faith) for feeling slated.



    Romans 12:17-21New International Version (NIV)



    17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[a] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:



    “If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
        if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
    In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[b]



    21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.






    Romans 2:5-11New International Version (NIV)



    5 But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. 6 God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”[a]7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. 8 But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. 9 There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile; 10 but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 11 For God does not show favoritism.



    However, there is a bible based implication for those that believe, they have every “right” to think of justifying, their apostasy driven rhetoric, or defending someone’s apostasy.



    Hebrews 6:4-8English Standard Version (ESV)



    4 For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. 7 For land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. 8 But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed, and its end is to be burned.






    0ne only needs, remember the Proverbs.



    Proverbs 4:13-27New International Version (NIV)



    13 Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.14 Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers 15 Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn from it and go on your way.16 For they cannot rest until they do evil; they are robbed of sleep till they make someone stumble.17 They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.18 The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.19 But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble.20 My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words.21 Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart;22 for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.
    23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.24 Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.25 Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.26 Give careful thought to the[a] paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.27 Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.








    After all, what is the difference between this worldly illustration of apostasy, to the unintellectual displayed of apostasy, here?



    Awh, shucks!  I think you made all that up!   


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