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Do You Feel a Pain of Heart? ?

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Do You Feel a Pain of Heart?

Are You Depressed? Discouraged? Feel like Nobody Cares? It is Human to be Depressed in this world. What Can we do to Help? This was Very Encouraging to Me! -
Positive in Outlook
Reference to the word “heart” connects the next three proverbs of Solomon. Describing the effect of our emotions on our countenance, the wise king says: “A joyful heart has a good effect on the countenance, but because of the pain of the heart there is a stricken spirit.”—(Proverbs 15:13)

What can cause pain of heart? “Anxious care in the heart of a man is what will cause it to bow down [with sadness],” states the Bible. (Proverbs 12:25) 

How can we prevent negative aspects of life from crushing our spirit? Rather than constantly dwelling on circumstances over which we may have very little control, we can reflect on the rich spiritual blessings that Jehovah has bestowed upon us now and on what he will do for us in the future. This will bring us closer to him. Yes, drawing near to “the happy God” is bound to bring joy to our sad heart.—1 Timothy 1:11

Moreover, the message of the Bible is an excellent source of comfort and delight. The psalmist pronounced happy the man whose “delight is in the law of Jehovah, and in his law he reads in an undertone day and night.” (Psalm 1:1, 2) 

The next proverb states an excellent benefit of having a positive outlook. The king of Israel says: “All the days of the afflicted one are bad; but the one that is good at heart has a feast constantly.” (Proverbs 15:15) 

Life has its blessings and calamities, joys and tears. If we dwell only on the negative, sorrow will take over our thoughts, and all our days will be gloomy. 

However, if we allow personal blessings and our God-given hope to dominate our thinking, the affliction-causing aspects of life will fade into the background and we will experience inner joy. A positive outlook makes it possible for us to enjoy “a feast constantly.”

By all means, then, let us have high regard for discipline. May we let it affect not only our emotions, speech, and actions but also our outlook.


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Do You Feel a Pain of Heart? Are You Depressed? Discouraged? Feel like Nobody Cares? It is Human to be Depressed in this world. What Can we do to Help? This was Very Encouraging to Me! - Positi

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